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HarmlessRabbit 05-08-2004 02:52 PM


Originally posted by matthew330
Let me ask you something harmless...how the hell is he gonna retract something that he hasn't responded to yet?
Um, you retract things that you say with a response. That's exactly my point. Let me spell it out for you.

Rush said:

"I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You heard of need to blow some steam off?"

"This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we are going to really hammer them because they had a good time."
You said:

He was referring to those initial pictures, and he was not at all defending them, he was putting them into perspective, which by the way wouldn't even be necessary if it weren't for certain peoples almost sadistic glee exploiting this news.
So, given that you said his comments above were out-of-context and referred to the initial pictures, I'm giving Rush the opportunity to defend himself. Rush should come out with a follow-on statement saying that he is now convinced that the torture at the prison was *not* just people having a "good time".

Still waiting.

So, are you implying that I get sadistic glee out of being horrified that our troops committed rape, sodomy, necrophilia, and torture in a prison where Saddam did the same? Do you really think that this isn't a big deal? This is terrible. Bush has set back middle-east relations 50 years.

gondath 05-08-2004 05:56 PM

I find it hilarious that the best defense the soldiers involved can come up with is we were told to do it. They haven't apologized or admitted any wrongdoing. Either the military has done far too good a job at indocrinating its soldiers to follow orders, or else these people are the bottom of the moral barrel.

matthew330 05-08-2004 06:48 PM

"Um.." I would bet you spend a large part of your day thinking this. Go back, read, get a clue. With that said i'll take pan's advice and leave this alone.

matthew330 05-08-2004 06:50 PM

don't bother with a snappy remark to bait me back in either, I'll do it for you. Congratulations hopeless. I'm signing off, with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair....talent on loan from God. Sianorra.

HarmlessRabbit 05-08-2004 10:15 PM


Originally posted by matthew330
don't bother with a snappy remark to bait me back in either, I'll do it for you. Congratulations hopeless. I'm signing off, with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair....talent on loan from God. Sianorra.
I guess when you can't refute the facts of the matter, quitting is a pretty good defense. :)

I'll leave you with Rush's latest comments from May 6 (after the revelations of brutal torture came out, after his comments about "initiation")


LIMBAUGH: All right, so we're at war with these people. And they're in a prison where they're being softened up for interrogation. And we hear that the most humiliating thing you can do is make one Arab male disrobe in front of another. Sounds to me like it's pretty thoughtful. Sounds to me in the context of war this is pretty good intimidation -- and especially if you put a woman in front of them and then spread those pictures around the Arab world. And we're sitting here, "Oh my God, they're gonna hate us! Oh no! What are they gonna think of us?" I think maybe the other perspective needs to be at least considered. Maybe they're gonna think we are serious. Maybe they're gonna think we mean it this time. Maybe they're gonna think we're not gonna kowtow to them. Maybe the people who ordered this are pretty smart. Maybe the people who executed this pulled off a brilliant maneuver. Nobody got hurt. Nobody got physically injured. But boy there was a lot of humiliation of people who are trying to kill us -- in ways they hold dear. Sounds pretty effective to me if you look at us in the right context.

LIMBAUGH: The thing though that continually amazes -- here we have these pictures of homoeroticism that look like standard good old American pornography, the Britney Spears or Madonna concerts or whatever, and yet the Libs upset about the mistreatment of these prisoners thought nothing of sitting back while mass graves were being filled with three to 500,000 Iraqis during the Saddam Hussein regime.
This guy is an inhuman animal. You can continue to defend him if you want, but if you want to just quit this thread and salvage some honor, I certainly understand.

analog 05-09-2004 01:52 AM

Wow. Usual suspects, heated topic, thread slaughter.

Great trolling/flaming there towards the end. I'll remember that next time someone whines about leniency.

The thing about Rush is, no matter whether you like him or hate him, you're still listening, or you're still talking about him. You're still helping him either way. I don't know why people don't understand that.

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