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If Bush is re-elected
What would you do?
Ontario is nice in November.....isn't it?
weep for now... but canada is looking better everyday..
My faith in humanity will go from 0 to -1
Bitch for another four years and wonder if the Dems will be able to beat whoever the Republicans put up in '08.
Cement in stone my belief that the Tilted Politics board is inhabited by liberals. Follow the mass departure. Then I remember that youth and liberal thinking go hand in hand.
Thank the conservative Americans for saving America from the sweet talking, no backbone, elvis wannabe, bullshit artist. Even the poll is trolling and capable of generating flames. **I know I should have hit the back button, but this is henious** |
Celebrate the fact that we'll have a real president in office again, instead of, well, John Kerry.
Talk about flaming....geez. I dont troll, but thanx. |
start campaining for what i want in 08
powell in office i think that would be a good setup for the next election to bad he says he won't do it |
Makes Baby Jesus Cry The Atlantic fleet trolls less. |
1, 4, and 5. But you missed 6 - Stay and fight.
But this is a massive troll, on that I do agree with the conservatives. |
To anyone who answers 3 I say good riddance, the country is better off without you.
If Bush wins again the US will become Germany in the 1930's.
:D |
You may not like Bush, he may be a bad President but there is nothing behind the statement that Bush is similar to Hitler or that the current state of the US is close to Germany.
All that shows is that you are.. just making a joke :), comments lately have been thrown around by Bush bashers and it doesnt surprise me to see the comparison seriously thrown out there. |
User although I agree you, I think you missed the smiley. I could be wrong though and misinterpreted the smiley.
However, in the event that President Bush gets a second term, I will most likely bitch and moan a little while I tie one on, and then start looking for ways to curb the damage Bush's second term will do to America. But I am an American, and proud of it, and would never leave this country - that is a defeatist, cowardly and vicerally unpatriotic stance. In the last week I have agreed with one2time and Mojo_PeiPei - what is going on!!!!!!:) |
That's a little over the top. I see what you might be getting at though. Another stolen election by the Bush Bund would have a certain resemblance in method to the early rise of the Nazi party in Germany. However, let us give the current occupant of the whitehouse some things: a ideologically identical media arm (in Faux News, Rush, NY Post, and the Freep), and the endorsement of some terrorist groups (Operation Rescue, al-Qaeda) does not give Son of Bush either the reality or even the intention of an SA, even if sometime the shirts do look a little brownish, that's just seeing the world through crap colored glasses. George W. Bush is not Adolph Hitler. Incompetent does equal Evil. Mentally Challenged is not Psychotic. Bloody Minded does not have to equal bloody handed, and there is not even the hint of a shade of a whiff of an inkling of genocide here. Also, while there are certain similarities, there are every bit as many differences: The US does not have a national inferiority or persecution complex as Germany had after being defeated in WWI. We haven't lost a major war ever, and, unless there's a successful Indian uprising or Mexican invasion, we will never have land that we have colonized taken from us. We have living space to spare. You can carry the price of all your groceries in cash in your wallet - it doesn't take a wheelbarrow (though that could change if Bush is re-elected. Flip side of that is, if he screws it up royally, his party gets voted out of office and we see a new New Deal.) as it did in interwar Germany. We have a 200 year old tradition of mildy corrupt but stunningly well constructed democracy, not an infant democracy with a constitution that virtually doomed it to an early end. GW may - is say <i>may</i> - be a racist. It would be hard to prove, but I suppose it is possible. What he is not is a white supremacist. Republicans, with the possible exception of Tom Delay, are not the KKK, and that's (other than neo-nazis) the closest thing we have to Nazis in this country. Finally, all Nazis are fascists, but most fascists are not Nazis. Mussolini said that fascism ought to be called corporatism, since it implied a very close union of business and government. GW may be verging on that, but that's no argument for Naziism, though it is the single best argument to challenge every last return in his favor that came from a Deibold machine this fall. Quote:
Kind of like calling the NEA a terrorist group. I see where he was coming from (hyperbole and frustration), and there are points of similarity, but none of identity. 2 year old wants juice. Gotta git. Interesting thread. |
If President Bush is re-elected we will have continuity in our war effort. Yes that is important, especially to our soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen.
If President Bush is re-elected we will have continuity in our economic arena. Yes, things appear to be getting better. Yes, we need tax reform and medical coverage but we are not ready for them or we would have them. I definately do not agree with some of his methods. The presidency is like a computer, faulty information in = faulty decisions out or shit in = shit out. I do understand that he is only acting on the information given to him, the facts as they are known at that time and supporting the people that elected him (that is the American way BTW). IMO - America is going to get sucked into a huge event in the next 1-5 years. I suggest a strong national defense, huge war chest and some loyal support for our leadership. Lessons on citizenship from the Viet Nam war should be ingrained in our hearts and minds by now. |
:D |
Weep. Openly. But i'll still follow my own path and dance naked on the roof anyway. bwaha! i spite you all!
I'm not as worried about Bush as I am of Ashcroft. There also seems to be some almost nixon like things coming out now about Bush in these 9/11 hearings. This is what i fear in a Bush win. Not saying kerry's the ideal choice but still a better option in my eyes.
Life is good in the Sonoran Desert. |
I'll save my comments about our "President" for some other time. |
Wow such choices!
The people that are moving to Canada please take that Baldwin freak with you, because seems he forgot to leave the last time. If and thats a big IF Kerry is elected you might want to a. lock up your wallet b. build some kind of bomb shelter c. then you can break out the bong, and peace and love beads. This country can not go through another pussifacation that we recieved from the previous administration. And yes this poll is a huge flame baiting troll. |
Don't worry, both threads are being watched to see if they get out of hand.
I'll whine, I'll bitch. And I'll check the phone for bugs, then I'll whine again, then meet with some people who doesn't like Bush and whine and bitch with them. :D And hope that his 2nd term, he will do better than his first one. Or else its off to the way of Ol' Yeller he goes. :D
If he gets in again I'll feel sorry for everybody...not just the citizens of the US. |
Canada is full up, unless you are a skilled tradesman, refugee, have family here who is willing to sponsor you, 1 to 2 bachelors degrees and a job offer, fluent in both english and french and a PhD in an area we are short of, have half a million CND to invest/start a business with (that's 7$ US btw), or similarly qualified in other ways.
How can Canada be full? You people don't even use the top half of your country, do you? And what about the Yukon, who lives there? :D
Canada doesn't let people move up north for the same reason other nations have "cruel and unusual punishment" laws. =)
More seriously, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/skilled/ is the "skilled worker" assessment website, and http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/skilled/assess/index.html is a self-assessment tool. Wow, the pass mark is down to a 67: last I checked it was a 75. Looks like you can get in easier than I thought. =) (they probably change the pass mark regularly to keep a regular stream of skilled workers immigrating) |
apparently dancing naked on the rooftops is the only choice available for a supporter of the current administration.
there is a good chance we'll see this poll show up on a CBS broadcast. |
No Baldwhining!
Damnit people! This is our country! If you really despise the man, don't run away - get out there and do something about it. If there's marital law, there'll be a ton of people in Michigan and Idaho who'd love another finger on the trigger. But that's more extreme than I suspect will be necessary. There are Republicans in office because Republican voters are motivated and get out there and work and organize and give money. We really do have the government we deserve if people don't do that (and I am guilty of it too.) |
Turn on SNL and watch some more rather hilarious skits about Dubya. Honestly guys, who gives the best material to SNL about poking fun at the Presidency, Dubya or Kerry??? Exactly, do you want to go four laughless years because we have a stick in the mud for a POTUS???? :D
I am determined to jack this thread, as it is not going anywhere. I'm taking the skills test to see how I do, and I'm confused. What is a one-year bachelor's degree? And why is there no option for a four year degree? Did they never expect Americans to come north or something? Explain this thing to me! Also, what is with the page that asks for you age and has as answers: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21-49, 50, 51, 52, 53, over 53. What the HELL? 72! And that's with no actual reason(read: job) to move to Canada, nor any ability to speak French! |
what about the thank you note option? |
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