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Old 01-29-2004, 07:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
jcookc6's Avatar
Location: Venice, Florida
Liberal viewpoint on the web?

Could someone point me in the direction of Liberal Websites. It is easy to find Conservative Websites, they are all over the place. Drudge, National Review Online, etc. The only real Kennedy Liberal on line is Jimmy Breslin and he is making fun of Kerry.
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Old 01-29-2004, 07:42 PM   #2 (permalink)
Cracking the Whip
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very VERY left == www.democraticunderground.com

to the point that if you disagree with them, they ban you.

But you might love it there.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – C. S. Lewis

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Old 01-29-2004, 07:46 PM   #3 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
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Location: Grantville, Pa
Some of my favorite places, the big ones.

Daily Kos


Kevin Drum

Joshua Micha Marshall Contributing Writer for the Washington Monthly and a columnist for The Hill


The Daily Howler

Center for American progress

Those are some of my favorites. Kos and Atrios are two of the top three weblogs in the world, along with Conservative Glenn Reynolds.
Drum and Marshall are also Bloggers who have made a name for themselves outside of the blogs.
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Old 01-29-2004, 07:49 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Venice, Florida
Thanks, has some links on it. I see what you mean, they don't look like they have a sense of humor. It looks like pure hate.
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Old 01-29-2004, 07:56 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: San Jose, CA
http://buzzflash.com is just as trollish as drudgereport, but i like to read it just for laughs.

http://www.michaelmoore.com/index_real.php Michael Moore isn't my favorite person, but he has good links and links off to a lot of good websites.
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Old 01-29-2004, 08:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: College
Here are a few more that you might like.


Center left political/philosophy blog, written by a recent harvard grad.


The American Prospect's weblog. Matt Yglesias is a writer there, among others. Good quality stuff.


A scholarly, progressive group blog. It's a newcomer on the scene, but has quickly developed a strong following due to its strong content.

And, a couple of good conservative blogs that you must read in order to have a balanced view of the world. If you only ingest stuff you agree with, you never get any kind of bullshit check, cause you know there's just as much liberal bullshit as there is conservative bullshit.


Instapundit. Glenn Reynolds. The godfather of conservative blogs. He's more of a libertarian republican than a texas/southern republican, which is actually typical of republican bloggers. He updates at an insane pace.

and finally,


The volokh conspiracy, a conservative group blog run mostly by lawyers and academics. Very content rich. Frequently updated.

That's all I got. You can find out about other sites from the ones listed here. I'm a fan of blogs as a source of political arugments and news. You still have to hit up WaPo and the Times, but blogs are good about commenting on a story from a certain point of view, but also giving you the link so you can read it for yourself.
"Erections lasting more than 4 hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention."
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Old 01-29-2004, 09:29 PM   #7 (permalink)
Huzzah for Welcome Week, Much beer shall I imbibe.
Location: UCSB
It is kind of funny, I'm rather liberal in a lot of my thought, but I deeply disagree with a lot of those sites. They all seem to be driven by unsupported beliefs and political "buzz words". Then again, at both ends of the spectrum it seems like the arguments are simply ad homs and not attempting to fix problems with America.
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect.

Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum:
"Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt."
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Old 01-29-2004, 11:04 PM   #8 (permalink)
Meat Popsicle
Location: Left Coast
Originally posted by nanofever
It is kind of funny, I'm rather liberal in a lot of my thought, but I deeply disagree with a lot of those sites. They all seem to be driven by unsupported beliefs and political "buzz words". Then again, at both ends of the spectrum it seems like the arguments are simply ad homs and not attempting to fix problems with America.
This link might be more your style.
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Old 01-29-2004, 11:14 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: College
Political stuff is always going to be personal, devoid of facts, and polarized. The question is, are you willing to put up with it? The thing is, the disputes aren't about solving problems in america, but rather about how we'll go about it. It's sometimes the case that each side has a proposal that will work, but the policy isn't the battleground. The politics is. It's a fact of life that you just have to accept the politics if you care about the policy.

I'm sure GWB would rather spend his time winning wars, revamping our education system, and cutting taxes instead of sparring with senators and running for office. But, we live in a republic, not a dictatorship.

You might be more clear if you talked about which sites you find so disagreeable. Most of the ones posted here are valuable. Daily Kos is pretty liberal and kinda biased towards dean, but still has good info. Talking Points Memo prefers Edwards or Clark, but nevertheless provides original and interesting reporting. That's one of the strengths of blogs. You can come to understand the writer, see through the bias, click the link, and think for yourself.
"Erections lasting more than 4 hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention."
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Old 01-30-2004, 12:25 AM   #10 (permalink)
Here are some invaluable links for getting the news and progressive views that corporate media largely ignores:
Democracy Now - An independent radio/tv news hour
Common Dreams News Center - Progressive news from publications around the world
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting - Awesome media watchdog group

Other good stuff:
Tom Tomorrow - Great political cartoons
Tom Tomorrow's Blog
Znet - Good progressive columns

Activism links:
True Majority
Working For Change
FAIR - Media Activism
Free Press - Media reform network
Rainforest Action Network
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Old 01-30-2004, 05:53 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: Venice, Florida
thanks again for the replies, finally put up a post that got some responsible answers. Glad to see that some people who view this site do other things than watch ESPN and look at porn.
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Old 01-30-2004, 07:04 AM   #12 (permalink)
Meat Popsicle
Location: Left Coast
Originally posted by jcookc6
thanks again for the replies, finally put up a post that got some responsible answers. Glad to see that some people who view this site do other things than watch ESPN and look at porn.

It's a struggle, but we try.
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Old 01-30-2004, 02:44 PM   #13 (permalink)
Huzzah for Welcome Week, Much beer shall I imbibe.
Location: UCSB
Originally posted by fnaqzna
This link might be more your style.
I'm 120% libertarian on social issues, but I believe that business without regulation will always lead to a gilded-age style monopoly like "Standard Oil." If a company's only responsibility is to make a profit then a monopoly is the ideal situation and it will always occure unless companies are regulated.
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect.

Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum:
"Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt."
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Old 01-31-2004, 07:36 PM   #14 (permalink)
is awesome!
Locobot's Avatar
It's fairly moderate but salon.com has a lot of original left-leaning writing everyday. I gave them $20 once and now I seem to have a subscription for life.
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Old 02-01-2004, 12:52 AM   #15 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Originally posted by Lebell
very VERY left == www.democraticunderground.com

to the point that if you disagree with them, they ban you.

But you might love it there.
I'm very left, and that site makes my brain hurt and want to escape from my head.
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Old 02-01-2004, 04:02 AM   #16 (permalink)
I got this from the back of my MotherJones:
Not very professional "looking" and a whole lot of satire so that makes it not very serious -- BUT...Definitely some good stuff here, worth the look.
Also, I am seconding Salon.com, this is a very good place to get your news. Thoroughly investigated and reported, they cut through all the crap and lay it out for you. They cover the "real" news that major networks leave alone for lack of "sensationalism". I am a CNN addict, but when I know there is more to a story I can go to Salon and get "the rest of the story".

Last edited by chinasunshine; 02-01-2004 at 05:35 AM..
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liberal, viewpoint, web

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