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I insist upon being called "European American" because my ancestors came from Europe.
Then again, Europeans came from nomadic tribes that eventually can be traced back to Africa. Hmmm, It seems we're all African Americans. (yes, it's stupid) |
It goes a bit deeper than that, and I can understand the views of the "African-Americans" in this instance and those others that tried to get their buddy nominated are totally in the wrong.
Regardless of what you PC people want to think, they are wrong because they are trying to make a point on what they think is an injustice and unfair. *Point-fucking time* (OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH, I gonna shred this!! Here it comes..) People like this really need to take a good look at themselves and ask "What am I doing? What am I trying to say or prove?" (These idiots just robbed part of a script from "Soul Man" with C. Thomas Howell.) Are they trying to get into "some" club with "one of their own". Are they trying to be Politically Correct and found someone they think "qualifies" as their definition "African-American"? (By finding someone an "Caucasian" African and nominate him for an award CLEARLY dedicated for the "Americans of AFRICAN decent" is making a mockery of the whole thing and SHOULD be expelled for being "insensitive".) How are they being that? Why should they be suspended? I can give one reason: If they thought the award should include anyone who also shows the trait one must have to win it, WHY DID THEY NOT pick anyone else, even themselves to be nominated? (NOOOOO, they had to go and get someone who was African...) INSENSITIVITY, very blatant.. What they were doing was sending a message, a real fucked up one. Trying to find a point where they can "turn the tables" and point a finger, saying the how racist the whole organization is because they can't get into the "club" they shouldn't be trying to join in the first place!! You might want to think I am speaking because I am a Black. (Yes, but I see myself as AMERICAN more than even being Black.) Did they really think an African who is caucasian is a candidate for an award designed and embodies awareness and recognition of the trials, tribulations and struggles of the BLACK AMERICANS and their DECENDANTS? (Three words: Hell-fucking-NO.) Still can't understand why they were expelled? *History lesson time* Just being from Africa isn't an automatic qualifying point. (What the hell were they thinking?) You know, you all want to point and claim "reverse racisim", but lets pull all stops out and really look closely. Lets go one step further and take a timewarp to the late "'50's - 60's". (Now you just might want to think I am calling "sides" but this is where we all get to see why he shouldn't be there in the first place...) Let's play this game called FACTS: (and you'll see the unwritten meaning of recognition this award and what disqualifies him in the first place. He shouldn't be there in the first place..) 1) He and I, standing in a park, I am thirsty and so is he. If I drank from the fountain that he just drank from, what would happen? (You know, the one marked "WHITES ONLY"..) 2) He and I, get on a bus, who can sit where he pleases, and who has to sit in the back. (God forbid, if the bus got full, then who would be forced to give up his seat so a "Caucasian" can sit down? 3) They KKK corners "us" on a road, somewhere on the country-side? WHO would get lynched? (I think he wouldn't like to volunteer that information he's from Africa right then.) How many Caucasians were lynched because of the color of skin? I think you see the picture now, so let's fast forward to today: 1) He and I apply for college,(ex: Yale, Yeshiva, Harvard...) who more likely will be accepted and who will recieve a background check? 2) He and I goes to the same job interview, who'll most likely to get the job without having to have a drug-test before hand? 3) He and I, standing on a street corner, the police rolls up, who will more likely will the police check and ask identification for? Let me not get carried away, I know you see my point... Too easy to pull "that" card, huh. But, that is the truth of how it goes... Now, let me tell you what that award is for. It isn't about being Black, or African American. It isn't an exclusive award targeting a specific club. It is awarded to an African American that best exhibits a postive attitude in their contributions in their school work, sets example for his or her peers, and shows promise in face of the racial "restrictions" that are STILL being oppressed on their lives TO THIS DATE. Now, in this case, their point is that his ONLY qualification for nomination is that he's from Africa? (To point-fuck, he isn't American to boot..) If you agree to this plight and thing it's reverse-racism, you obviously MISSED the point.... This isn't about the award, this isn't about MLK. People should look at them right in their faces and see these people are wrong, and tell them that, point-blank. |
Very good. This has received about the response that I expected that it would.
I quoted this story from Omaha's KETV website Click here to see the story Now, I'm going to throw a little more information into the mix. Westside High School is a very wealthy, very prestigious and extremely "snooty" school. Very few children of parents making less than six figures go to Westside. Yet keep in mind that even though Westside is still considered a "public school", it does not fall under the auspices of the Omaha Public School District. They are their own seperate entity. According to state records, Westside has fewer than 70 blacks out of 1,843 students enrolled this year. Does that change the flavor of the stew? |
Yeah why not, give the South African dude an award...
How about the "First annual PW Botha award for outstanding achievement in the field of asshattery"? He gets a vibrating lounge chair in exchange for not trying to sue Nelson Mandela in an American court for taking away his racial privileges. |
Evolutionists have believed ( for quite some time) that we're all African in origin.....
Chew on that awhile |
No. Having a relatively low minority population does not give an institution the right to be racist. If it's wrong, it's wrong no matter what the demographics are. |
Fuckin Labels! They cause so much shit!
The poster in question Quote:
I disagree wholeheartedly Buddah. What they were doing is the very essence of education. However, it seems that they were trying to educate the teachers and administrators on how stupid an African-American award really is if it doesn't include a caucasuian African-American. Yes, it seems they were trying to make a political point. Was it a "fucked up" message? No! Were they insensitive? No! Quote:
Hypothetical situation: Suppose he moved here from Africa recently. Just suppose that he was a huge advocate for equal rights of all people, he lobbied for equality of all races, etc...while he lived in Africa. Wouldn't this be a justifiable reason to win the "African-American" award? Quote:
I think everyone on this board knows that these were high school kids. And we all know high school kids can be both politically motivated and mischievous. However, their point was valid - to expose a racist contest. How can you argue that a contest open only to members of a certain race is not racist? I think the reason you're seeing the kind of comments you're seeing on this board is because American Caucasians are fed up with being expected to feel guilty about events and practices that happened before they were born; and over which they had - and have - no control. Sometimes we feel “you doth protest too much.” Yes - racism, to some extent - does still exist in this country - as a two-way street. But you're not being hacked to death with machetes, set on fire inside a stack of tires, or sold into slavery to mine diamonds just because you belong to the "wrong" tribe. In other countries - especially <i>African</i> countries, slavery and genocide are everyday occurrences. Yes - it could be better here, but it could also be a lot worse. Racism is a result of divisive thought – and until the hyphen is lost, there will always be a division between Americans and African-Americans. Come on in – the melting pot is fine. |
You also continue to miss the "fine" print of the situation.
Look at the "blueprint" of why such an award is given to African-Americans and not the other way around. (You can run so many times AROUND what is there and try not to see it AND DEFEND them, but wrong is wrong, no matter how many times you want to turn it around..) 1) It is given during Black History Month... (An American holiday.) 2) It is suppose to reflect the struggles of the AMERICAN NEGRO against segregation and the AMERICAN BLACK CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT. 3) It also is supposed to be in memory of Martin Luther King, who fought for civil rights and equality for the African-Americans. 4) You shouldn't be making fun about a ceremony at "Such a prestigious school" in a state that JUST started to recognize MLK's birthday as a federal holiday. (What's up Arizona?) You have a straight up case of insensitivity going on over there.. They should get rid of the award if they want to give another "crutch" to the African-Americans in that school... And like I said, if they really wanted to make a point, why didn't they appoint themselves as possible candidates for the award? (Not go out and get a white African?) *History lesson #2* 1) There is a big difference between an African who comes to the States to go to school in basically an all caucasian school and an African-American, who you think you fooling? 2) You try to defend the schools I mentioned by saying there is NOW a racial quota to fill so, I will most likely be accepted before him. (Well, isn't that a redundant little sentence?) *Question?* Why is there a racial quota and why was it made? 3)The "cop" situations I referred to, you didn't answer with a realistic answer. You try to justify it, but we ALL know the truth. Social society dictates it. Don't try to pass it off as a cop with his head up his ass... (You obviously haven't watched many episodes of "COPS", huh...:)) 4) Just last week, I went to a job interview. At this interview was another caucasian man, we both had applied THROUGH HUMAN RESOURCES online and both gotten called in. I put on my resume all my Finnish references, (I live in Finland..) and the guy lived in Yonkers. (He spoke more ghetto than I did.) After the testing, the manager walked up to me and said, "We currently don't have anything that is in your field at the moment. Your application will be on record for 6 months, if something comes up during that time, we wil get in contact with you. If nothing comes up after 6 months, come in and reply again, thank you.. As I said thank you and started putting my coat on, he turned to the other guy and said, "Well, Mr. ****, we have something that most likely be available for you because you have been consulting Nokia for how long? We have a client that would like some one who know wireless networking. How long have you lived in Finland?" I waited until he got hooked and then said, "Excuse me? I'm Mr. ****..." Most of this I write in my replies are from what has been done to me, so I speak from experience too... Instead of trying to get "away" from the mistakes of your forefather's past, maybe try to start CORRECTING THEM FIRST. BLACK AMERICANS or African- Americans have been through too much to have some people ridicule the honor of MLK and the struggles all their parents and foreparents. And those students should have sensitivity management done. Them doing that was out of line. If they really wanted to make a statement, why not do it through the proper channels? Yes, it is a sensitive matter and should not be made to ridicule. Here's a point that will sting, but I'll say it to drive my point home about sensitivity: Them doing it in that way is the same as someone: Making an advertisement in Jewish newspaper "Stoves from Auschwitz are on sale" on the day of Holocast rememberance.. Someone on Ebay selling pieces of WTC "half price" on Sept. 11. Having a KKK Rally Day in Harlem and they claim they can do it because of First Amendment guarantees it... Going out your way to find some one who is white and from Africa to nominate him for an African-American award during Black History Month... Yup! It ranks up there in the "insensitive" column.... (Now please don't take any of those examples OUT OF CONTEXT. |
I figured once a black person responded you'd start to see some difference of opinion. Strange how that works... My guess was confirmed on the second page of this thread. I don't know the racial composition of the previous posters but, guessing from a normal distribution, I can surmise why it took so long for a dissenting opinion. BTW, BuDDaH, thanx for restoring this thread from the tilt it was headed. |
what a shit school eh? and what freaks me out even more is that I don't believe that this is the only school out there professing these segregating values
wow i hate this country with its politically currect bullshit
and Buddah, i really cant take anything you say seriously with that avatar of yours lol :D
For my part, I don't care what color you are. It frankly doesn't matter to me when I evaluate you as a person. If you're an asshole, then you're an asshole, whether you're black, white, or green. All whites are not racist. All blacks are not victims. Any attempt to classify someone based on their race is abject stupidity. It's time to move into a colorblind view of the world, where the individual, not the race, is what matters in people's judgement of each other. If we continue to highlight, give special treatment to, or exclude people from ANYTHING based solely on their race, that won't ever happen and we'll continue to have racial problems. So, do we want to wallow around in our own stupidity, continuing to make the non-issue of a person's race an issue when judging them, or do we want to mature, move forward, and start seeing each other as human beings rather than as various irrelevant colors? |
shakran, I can understand your point and we can discuss it over and over, maybe even start another thread about it, but let's not hijack this thread but keep it on this topic...
Loopholes!! wow, i should get my friend Nate to go for that award.
Maybe I'd better read the WHOLE thread from the begining and then comment when I have a better idea of the thread.....
Affirmative Action isnt fair, it makes things unfair. Its as simple as that.
This is nothing like having a kkk rally in harlem. It doesn't sting cause it doesn't apply.
In attempting to be p.c. the school used a vague term, "african american" without clarifying what they meant(dark skinned americans of african descent as opposed to an american of african descent). Its their mistake. |
I would like to state that yes, I am white, I am middle class, and all around "average" in this society. But I would also like to say this now, I've lived my life as the minority, probably worse than you. In my graduating class there were exactly 10 whites, 280 hispanic/blacks. So yes, I know what I'm talking about when I mension discrimination. When I first moved here I thought my name translated into gringo or hudeo (spanish terms for whitey basically). Quote:
Yes blacks have had it bad for a very long time, but at the same time every class/race/origin has in this country other than white/English/protestant. About the cops I've personally whitnessed this with my room mate (who happens to be black), yes it definately needs to change, but this does not have anything to do with it. As I said, you can NOT fight against something while justifying it at the same time. |
I dont see why you are mentioning what happened in the past. The British dominated my ancestors and stole our countries national wealth (India). The times have changed. You cant still live with hatred for what somebody's ancestors did to your ancestors. I do, however, agree that there are some things that are "not right" with the society today. So, let's all try and change it. Let's focus on the issue at hand today, not what happned in the past. |
I did not think that there was any modern relevance to race either, as I had the luxury of growing up in a very racialy diverse area. for this reason i was also against affirmative action, as I believed that race should in no way be a factor in jobs, schools, or anything else- then I visited my then fiancee- now ex wife's home in a very isolated part of the appalacian mountains- where anyone who is not white is refered in derogatory terms- pretty much by anyone there- If someone is not a W.A.S.P. then there must be something wrong with them- I honestly had not believed that this kind of racism still flourished in the U.S. - I still feel that Idealy, we should all fill out "Human" on our forms, as Greytone suggested, but seeing that kind of behavior in every strata of society there made me rethink a lot of things regarding race relations.........
Am I the only one responding who thinks BuDDaH makes a very good POINT? Look, the PC wave across America (and the world really) has been spawned by misguided liberal guilt in my opinion, so I'm not one to support it. However, there it is and it has shaped certain things in our daily lives. One of them being: The accepted term that institutions use (in general) is African-American and not Black (just like you'll find caucasain over the term white on most forms). Why? Well it's complicated. But part of the reason boils down to semantics. And this is precisely what most people replying to this thread are arguing over: SEMANTICS. However, by arguing over the schools choice of words most of you, as BuDDah said, have "MISSED the point". We can all argue that we're all American and that most black Americans weren't born in Africa so why use the term African-American blah blah blah.....'til we're all blue in the face (and by the lenght of this thread that's just what we're doing). But this has little to do with the point. Which is: THE AWARD AT THE SCHOOL WAS CLEARY INTENDED TO BE GIVEN TO A BLACK STUDENT WHATEVER TERM THEY USED TO DESCRIBE THE STUDENTS RACE. Why was it meant for black students only? Well BuDDaH probably said it best, but it has a little something to do with the UNIQUELY AMERICAN struggle that black americans have had to endure in this country. Slavery and segregation, while thankfully in the past, did not happen that long ago. And racism, I hope everyone realizes, is still very much present to this day. Awards, like the one at the school, remind us of the past and help us to see how far we have come. But I'm sorry to say that we are not at the point yet where such awards aren't needed. Although I do believe we are moving forward slowly but surely. This is why the students were misguided in their protest. However I can't really blame highschool students for thinking that such semantics are so important. They do make a valid point that many people have made before. The term African-American does have many "loopholes" as many of you have pointed out. Yet the term isn't so far off that I think we need to just drop it entirely right now. And, more importantly, THE STUDENTS CLEARLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE DEEPER MEANING OF THE AWARD. And in the face of that deeper meaning their argument seems childish at best. I disagree with the schools decision to suspend them. The students should have, instead, been assigned a research paper on the Civil Rights Movement, maybe then they'd begin to understand what this whole mess is really about. |
This reminds me of a friend in Mississippi, his grandfather cam from South Africa, he's blond and blue eyed, look like a poster child for Hitler's idea of Arian, but he puts down African-America whenever he can just for the reactions it gets.
sadatx, this whole thread seems to be now going about the right of the black community to call upon past sufferings.
What the students themselves however did and intended, as far as I can see, is call the university on their vague PC notions like African-American if what they really mean is black. Just to be an ass to the PC crowd, I'll say it again, BLACK. :D I don't agree with the notions of past suffering that entitle them to such unique awards. I DO however agree that these awards are just. Like it or not, there is alot of poverty, uncaring and just generally uncivilised behaviour all around us. This award gives a person that stands out because of his behaviour, excellence and achievements some praise, brings a bit of focus to their example and rewards them for embellishing who they can be, in spite of their surroundings. So as far as that goes, I say the award is a good idea. Let it exist. And get rid of stupid euphemistic, pussified, never-get-to-the-point language. That's what the students imho were pointing out. Not that it was a racist award. |
Thanks you for seeing what I been trying to show. Now I'd wish some of you quit trying trying to attack ME and stay with the topic, I said before NOT to take any examples I made out of context. Affirmative action hasn't done shit for me nor have I ever looked for a handout or help because I am Black.
You all can come up with examples how you been discrminated against because you been in a situation similar to something what most Black Americans go through on an everyday basis. (For every instance you can come up with, I can show 30, so let's quit the "pissing" contest..) You all can "try" to take apart those examples I made, but I'll tell you something, all of them except the KKK reference are TRUE. So, you can come with your hypothetical hebejebees, and try to make some "reasonable" equation on how it went or why it happened that why, but I know why it went down that way. Deep down, so do you.... It's a shame people are still like that. You can say what you want, but it is only half a generation away from when they still lynched a Black who "supposedly" whistled at a Caucasian woman... True, they have made some leaps and bounds into getting rid of racial discrimination, but if it would have been fair and equal from the get-go, it wouldn't have been like this in the first place... And Gak-face: What the fuck lions, Romans and Christians have to do with this and American history? |
I'm sorry I think any award or advantageous point gotten through race is racism. It's just how I feel. I wish we could all just live in a place where we didn't see colors like we do. It's really not hard, I didn't see colors at all until high school when black kids made it well known they were black. I miss those days.
Then the award was racist and shouldn't have been there. Listen, if we want to solve the race problems, we have to stop making such a damn big deal out of race. All this does is say "BLACK PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT! THEY'RE VERY DIFFERENT! That's why we need a special award only for them!" That's about the stupidest way you could possibly go about trying to get people to stop thinking in racial terms. As long as people continue to think of someone's race first (it's never "that lawyer who lives down the street" - it's always "that black guy who lives down the street") then race will continue to be an issue. (put on your fire suit. Rant ahead) RACE IS IRRELEVANT when evaluating a person. Before this thread, I never knew BuddaH was black, and I didn't give a damn either. I judged him based on what he said, not on what he looked like. Him being black doesn't make what he said any different than if he'd been a white guy saying the same thing. Wouldn't it be nice if we could approach the real world like that, where (as Dr. King said) people are judged based on what they do rather than their genetics. That's why I applaud the actions of these students. They saw a situation that, in the absolute best case scenario, will create an officially sanctioned divide between the races, highlighting that blacks and whites are fundamentally different and need separate programs. They didn't like it and decided to make a point. And of course, the school responded in the same fashion as that elementary school did to the kid that figured out how to use Windows Messenger. They said "Hey! Kids are thinking on their own! Shit! That's not supposed to happen - we're supposed to have a bunch of mindless automatons in here that we can drone to until they're adults! We're supposed to have a nice easy job and instead these kids are thinking! Suspend 'em!" Which of course sends the message that if you're black and don't like something related to race, you can shout about it till the cows come home. You can even make a multimillion dollar career off of flaming racist "comedy" as long as it's racist toward whites (Chris Rock). But if a white guy sees an injustice toward whites and comments about it, he's a racist, he's in the KKK, he's Hitler's protege, etc. It's a ridiculous double standard. I'm not for a minute denying that black people have had a tough row to hoe in this country. Slavery and the rampant discrimination that followed slavery's end was abhorrent, and I'd like to think that if I were living during that time I'd have been fighting against it, but the fact is, I wasn't. I never owned slaves. I never made black people drink out of separate fountains. I never discriminated based on their skin color, and I'm frankly tired of being treated as though I committed all these crimes. No black person alive today was the victim of United States slavery, so I wish people would stop harping on it as though they themselves were tortured in the cotton fields. The bottom line is that society bitches and moans that race is an issue at all, yet society continues to take great strides in MAKING race an issue. If you don't like sunburn, get the hell out of the sun. If you don't like racism, stop promoting ANY FORM of it. |
Wrong again, the award was given to ANY student who embodied the criteria of the merits of what the award endeared to. The first two winners of the award weren't Black at all..
The message I was understanding that those students was trying to say that it wasn't enough the way the award was termed, the had to go an "one-up" on the school and get an African to try to make a point. That is stupid because they went around the identifying fact that the African Americans are the one who had to deal with discrimination IN THIS COUNTRY and endure the racial impressions the country still presents forth this day. If you want to point things out, American was one of the countries that BOYCOTTED South Africa because of them doing the same shit with apartheid. I'd wish people would take a good look at the whole picture, remember history then put it in its proper perspective. Everyone is trying to look beyond our hideous past and forget it, then say things are looking good in the future but in truth it looks shitty because if you don't know how to correct and identify the past, there is no future.. |
You tell us to correct and identify the past. We are trying to. What else would you like us to do? Continue to have racist awards to point out that we have a shitty past? Continue to create awards that clearly have racist undertones in them? These are 16 year old kids trying to show that we have issues in society today. They tried to use satire to point out these issues. Again, I don't think they were trying to be insensitive. If people can't see that, then perhaps they are the ones blinded. I can say that YOU are the one that is missing the point completely, Buddah, but you are not. You are just taking it from a different perspective. With that said, our hypothetical situations we use to prove our perspective, are just as valid as the ones you use to validate your perspective. Quote:
Personally, I am not attaking you buddah. Just want you to see that we haven't "missed the point" because we have a difference of opinion on the intentions of these youth. p.s. I am Finnish!!! |
Are we talkin' about the same article? The one at the top of this thread specifically says " Four Westside High School students are suspended for promoting a white student for an African-American award. . .. . Westside officials say the flyers were were quickly removed because they were inappropriate and insensitive to black students." That sounds like an award only for black people to me. I didn't see where 2 non-black kids got anything either. *confused* The message I got from the article was that the students A) didn't like the element of racism and B) realized that "African-American" is a stupid term to describe black people because 1) not all Africans are black and 2) not all black people are from Africa. |
That's it! I'm going back to school just so I can win an award like this! I am a shade or two whiter than Casper and I was born in Africa. But titles are lame and the people who use them are not using thier god given intelegence. I like to think of as all Humans with our own variations or unique traits. How are we to evolve as a species if some people can't even get over a color issue!
Unfortunately, in this case, knowing what I do of Westside High, and the elitist little snots that go there...I don't think that was the original intent. Not for one moment. They just wanted to stir up trouble...and did. What they unintentionaly did was to get the whole country talking about it...which is...good. We are not going to stamp out racism in my lifetime. But we are getting closer with each generation. My mother grew up in the deep south, Florida, to be exact, in the '50s. Segregation was a way of life. When she married my father, in 1960, her grandfather would not allow my father into his house, because..."No damn Yankee is ever gonna step foot in my house." (Note: he did finally relent...3 years later...2 years after my birth...in Pennsylvania) When my mother first came to Pennsylvania, from Florida, in 1960, she was absolutely horrified when a "Negro" woman sat down next to her, at the lunch counter in J. J. Newberry's. That just wasn't done in Florida. Dad gave her a crash course in the ways of race relations, in the northern states. When I was born, in 1962, it would have been very easy for my mother to raise me into a little Ku Kluxer, but to her credit, she sensed that the time for change was coming, and did not. So, long story short, things are getting better, all the time. But, we still have very long way to go. |
Plus, I also mentioned present suffering. You know, suffering that's happening right now. (And I see that you're from Belgium which gives you about zero perspective on the state of rascism in America, if you're an American living overseas then that's, of course, different). Quote:
Do you understand how OFFENSIVE this is?!? Sorry if I sound overly antoagonistic, but I think you might have touched a nerve |
It seems that the contest was originally incusive of all races. Most of the winners were black. Two white people won and westside officials decided that in the "spirit of the award" (in honor of MLK) they would change the contest to exclude a bunch of people based solely on their race. Historical context or not, how can you reconcile this with king's belief that we should all be judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character? Certainly you shouldn't create an award in honor of somebody and then completely ignore one of the fundamental beliefs of that person in handing out that award. |
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