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sixate 04-28-2003 03:24 PM

Yo Dude, this is right up your alley

The only thing I want to know is why she'd stay with a cheater? Wanna bet that's not in the book. Doesn't matter, I know the answer. She's a weak woman. Period.

You dude, you have a woody right now? :D


One million copies of Hillary Clinton's memoirs to hit bookstores

WASHINGTON -- After shelling out a seven-figure advance for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's memoirs, her publishers are counting on seven-figure sales. The long-awaited book about her years in the White House will have a first printing of one million copies, her lawyer told the Associated Press.

The 576-page tome, entitled "Living History," will be released June 9. An audio version, read by Clinton, will be released the same day.

"Only a small handful of books have a 1-million-copy first printing, and I cannot think of another nonfiction book in recent history that has had that large a first printing," Robert Barnett, Clinton's lawyer, said Sunday.

Judging by orders already received for Clinton's memoirs, "there are going to be a lot of people buying this book," said Barnett.

The First Lady-turned senator was paid an $8 million advance by Simon & Schuster. Foreign rights have already been sold in 16 countries, from South America to Europe to Asia.

The list price for the book, according to online seller amazon.com, is $28.

A source close to the project said Clinton also planned to strike a deal to serialize excerpts of "Living History."

Clinton's account of her White House years comes at a time when polls show her receiving the strongest support from Democrats for a 2004 presidential bid.

She has repeatedly said she intends to complete her term as U.S. Senator, which ends in 2006.

The book, which took two years to write, will be billed as a "complete and candid" accounting of her years as First Lady, from the health care debate to impeachment to the launching of her own political campaign in 2000.

The book does not cover any of the time spent in her current job as Democratic senator from New York.

The cover will be a black and white photograph of the senator, with the title, in her handwriting, in gold-embossed lettering.

While First Lady, Clinton produced three other books: the best-seller "It Takes a Village," as well as "Invitation to the White House," and "Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets."

The_Dude 04-28-2003 03:29 PM

i think somebody already answered that question on tfp.

cuz that's good for her political image.

i really remember this, would you rather wanna be known as the ex-wife of ex-prez or wife of ex-prez, w/ the ex-prez campaigning for you?

sorry i cant credit the author cuz i dont remember the name (and i'm too lazy to search)

anyway, she's a smart woman.

besides, how many couples in the country do you think have a spousal affiar and still are together?

sixate 04-28-2003 03:44 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
i really remember this, would you rather wanna be known as the ex-wife of ex-prez or wife of ex-prez, w/ the ex-prez campaigning for you?

besides, how many couples in the country do you think have a spousal affiar and still are together?

If she had any self respect she'd rather be the ex-wife of the lying cheating ex-president. She has zero respect for herself so I have none for her either.

To answer the second question.... Too god damn many. Just cause people do it doesn't make it right.

The_Dude 04-28-2003 04:00 PM

dude, it's THEIR life, let them live however you want.

you shouldnt be the moral judge of what is right and wrong for other people.

Phaenx 04-28-2003 04:03 PM

We are. If they want votes they'd better straighten up.

The_Dude 04-28-2003 04:06 PM


Originally posted by Phaenx
We are. If they want votes they'd better straighten up.
i'd vote for her!

i like her because of her liberal views, she's a stauch women-rights activist and does many other things that i think is great.

i think y'all just hate her cuz she's a woman and you dont want a woman running the country.



sixate 04-28-2003 04:06 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
dude, it's THEIR life, let them live however you want.

you shouldnt be the moral judge of what is right and wrong for other people.

But it's OK for you to be a moral judge about how we treat some damn terrorist kids that are in Quantanamo??? And it's OK to be a moral judge about the war in Iraq? http://www.boomspeed.com/sixate/icon_rolleyes.gif Those are all other people. Why are you trying to decide what's right or wrong for them? Make up your mind Dude. http://www.boomspeed.com/sixate/banghead.gif

The_Dude 04-28-2003 04:09 PM


Originally posted by sixate
But it's OK for you to be a moral judge about how we treat some damn terrorist kids that are in Quantanamo??? And it's OK to be a moral judge about the war in Iraq? http://www.boomspeed.com/sixate/icon_rolleyes.gif Those are all other people. Why are you trying to decide what's right or wrong for them? Make up your mind Dude. http://www.boomspeed.com/sixate/banghead.gif

that's different.

those kids down there are NOT free = does NOT have liberties.

these are 2 diff situations that are non-comparable

i never morally judged the war in iraq

sixate 04-28-2003 04:10 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
she's a stauch women-rights activist

i think y'all just hate her cuz she's a woman and you dont want a woman running the country.

What kind of example does she set for women when she can't even stand up to her asshole husband? You have to be kidding.

I just don't want a weak woman who can't even stand up to an asshole who cheats on her running my country. What makes me think she could ever stand up to any other man?

sixate 04-28-2003 04:13 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
that's different.

those kids down there are NOT free = does NOT have liberties.

these are 2 diff situations that are non-comparable

i never morally judged the war in iraq

Now all of a sudden you sing a different tune cause it's something you belive in. That's funny. You have never supported the war and have only had bad things to say. You do morally judge it wether you think so or not. We all do. I don't have any problems with the war morally. You can't say that can you. I didn't think so. I think I just proved my point....

Can I say I just love talking about this kind of shit with you. I'll give you credit for never backing down.

Phaenx 04-28-2003 04:15 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
i'd vote for her!

i like her because of her liberal views, she's a stauch women-rights activist and does many other things that i think is great.

I wouldn't, if she wants my vote she has to show me she's competent, charismatic, and strong. It's well within my rights to be a moral judge, If I don't like her, I'm not voting for her, it's that simple. It's her job to change her lifestyle to fit the needs of the voters, I am in no way obligated to change my way of thinking because it infringes on her right to be someone I don't like.

Liquor Dealer 04-28-2003 04:26 PM

"i think y'all just hate her cuz she's a woman and you dont want a woman running the country."

There are women that are capable of running the country - there are several women capable of running the country - This is not one of them.

weedline 04-28-2003 05:29 PM

Her books should have been named:
It Takes a Village to Raise a Drunken Wastrel.
Invitation to Sack the White House.
Dear Sox Dear Buddy Why Are You Locked Basement?
A Lying History.
Or A Lying His Story?

The_Dude 04-28-2003 05:54 PM


Originally posted by sixate
Now all of a sudden you sing a different tune cause it's something you belive in. That's funny. You have never supported the war and have only had bad things to say. You do morally judge it wether you think so or not. We all do. I don't have any problems with the war morally. You can't say that can you. I didn't think so. I think I just proved my point....

Can I say I just love talking about this kind of shit with you. I'll give you credit for never backing down.

going to war has nothing to do w/ anybody's personal lives.

i said i dont judge anybody's personal lives.

SaltPork 04-28-2003 07:54 PM


Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
"i think y'all just hate her cuz she's a woman and you dont want a woman running the country."

There are women that are capable of running the country - there are several women capable of running the country - This is not one of them.

Agreed. Hillary Clinton is out for herself and no one else. You can afford to be that way if you're not a politician, otherwise, you work for the people and you need to act accordingly. Of course, many male politicians fall under the same umbrella as her, but she seems to do a lot less to hide it.

sixate 04-28-2003 08:01 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
going to war has nothing to do w/ anybody's personal lives.
You have to be kidding me. Tell that to the people of Iraq, and tell that to the families who have people serving in the military. I just don't get you sometimes. I see you avoided answering a question I asked. I'll ask again.

You do morally judge the war wether you think so or not. We all do. I don't have any problems with the war morally. You can't say that can you?

darksparkles 04-28-2003 10:01 PM


Originally posted by sixate
What kind of example does she set for women when she can't even stand up to her asshole husband?
we don't know she didn't stand up to her husband. it's their private life. you know they definitely talked about it, it's hard NOT to. standing up to her husband doesn't nessicarily mean leaving him.

sixate 04-29-2003 02:14 AM


Originally posted by darksparkles
we don't know she didn't stand up to her husband. it's their private life. you know they definitely talked about it, it's hard NOT to. standing up to her husband doesn't nessicarily mean leaving him.
Well, that's just a huge difference of opinion we have. Any woman who stays in an abusive realtionship is weak and has no self respect as far as I'm concerned.

Simple_Min 04-29-2003 06:13 AM

And I suppose Mrs. George W Bush fits the American image of a woman?

"Indeed, Mrs. Bush is in many ways most noteworthy for her intensely admirable inclination to allow her husband to methodically overshadow each and every element of her unfortunately female being. Such is the way and the path of a goodly Republican first lady. "

Liquor Dealer 04-29-2003 06:27 AM


Originally posted by Simple_Min
And I suppose Mrs. George W Bush fits the American image of a woman?

"Indeed, Mrs. Bush is in many ways most noteworthy for her intensely admirable inclination to allow her husband to methodically overshadow each and every element of her unfortunately female being. Such is the way and the path of a goodly Republican first lady. "

You took a chunk out of the White House.org. website - if anyone is interested in reading the rest it is here:


Mrs. Bush has no interest in politics. She never has had any interest in politics other than trying to push her special agenda for education. I know of no president's wife who was in a position to hold public office with any ability of her own - including Hillary.

Mr. Mojo 04-29-2003 09:04 AM

I would never vote for Hillary for anything. She's getting by on name recognition alone. So far, she's done nothing for NY, that wasn’t going to happen anyway.

A women I would vote for President - <a target=new href="http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/PoliticalNation/profile_rice.html"><b>Dr. Condoleezza Rice</b> </a> She's one tough lady, who doesn’t take any shit. If you see her on some Sunday talk show, I suggest you watch. She would blow Hillary away in a debate on anything…

But I'm sure lots of people are going to have problems with her. She worked for Chevron (she had a tanker named after her, that’s since been renamed) Charles Schwab; Transamerica Corp., and was a Prof at Stanford. But I want some one who made money in the real world and has had a job. I don’t want fuck-ups who never tried anything in the real world leading me.

So, my choices are a women who rides her husbands coat-tails (she has to ride the tails, as there always some else on the front of the garment)*, or a self made women who hold more degrees than I can count…tough call.

* Thanks To Dennis Miller for that line.

Liquor Dealer 04-29-2003 11:35 AM


Originally posted by Mr. Mojo
I would never vote for Hillary for anything. She's getting by on name recognition alone. So far, she's done nothing for NY, that wasn’t going to happen anyway.

A women I would vote for President - <a target=new href="http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/PoliticalNation/profile_rice.html"><b>Dr. Condoleezza Rice</b> </a> She's one tough lady, who doesn’t take any shit. If you see her on some Sunday talk show, I suggest you watch. She would blow Hillary away in a debate on anything…

Her or the blonde that is Rumsfields assistant at the Pentagon - the one that was doing the Pentagon press briefings - she is quick on her feet!

sixate 04-29-2003 12:04 PM


Originally posted by Simple_Min
And I suppose Mrs. George W Bush fits the American image of a woman?
Did I say that. Nope, sure didn't. Thank you very much. http://www.boomspeed.com/sixate/icon_rolleyes.gif

Cynthetiq 04-29-2003 12:34 PM

I for one did not vote for Hillary. I call her office in NYC all the time to express my outrage in how she just follows Sen. Shumer's party line. She's a faking carpet bagger. She's not done anything for the state of NY that is worth anything her website credits her with making sure that the NYPD has gas masks. Have you seen them with all the crap on their belts already? add a gas mask to that... and a gas mask that doesn't necessarily help them with 99% of their day to day or even IF a BIO weapon is deployed. It does however hamper them when running after hoodlums.

Liquor Dealer 04-29-2003 12:53 PM


Originally posted by Cynthetiq
I for one did not vote for Hillary. I call her office in NYC all the time to express my outrage in how she just follows Sen. Shumer's party line. She's a faking carpet bagger. She's not done anything for the state of NY that is worth anything her website credits her with making sure that the NYPD has gas masks. Have you seen them with all the crap on their belts already? add a gas mask to that... and a gas mask that doesn't necessarily help them with 99% of their day to day or even IF a BIO weapon is deployed. It does however hamper them when running after hoodlums.
When a state is willing to let an outsider waltz into their state and run for national office and then turn out and give that outsider enough votes to win, then that state has absolutely positively no bitch coming about the job the bitch isn't doing. What did the people of New York think, if they did at all, that this thing could give them that people who actually lived in, and cared about New York could not give. If notoriety was all they wanted then they got what they paid for - if they expected anything else, then theyre getting what they paid for in that instance also!

The_Dude 04-29-2003 03:27 PM


Originally posted by sixate
Well, that's just a huge difference of opinion we have. Any woman who stays in an abusive realtionship is weak and has no self respect as far as I'm concerned.
since when was having an affair considered abuse?

weedline 04-29-2003 05:19 PM

It is abuse of there vows.
It is abuse of trust.
It is abuse of there childrens trust.
It is abuse of there partners health S.T.D. are nasty.
It is abuse of friends and family they are involed in the cover up.
It is evil and if you do not understand that the real world will not be a fun place if you any standards.
If you throw your name in the gutter do not cry when it's pissed on!!

hiredgun 04-29-2003 06:30 PM

I agree with all of those things weedline, but families can work these things out sometimes. I'm sorry but neither you nor I really know anything about their most private affairs, and I don't think we should all just assume Hilary stayed with him to pursue her own political goals.

An affair isn't always the end of marriage.

sixate 04-29-2003 06:32 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
since when was having an affair considered abuse?
I assume that if you've ever had a girlfriend that you'd stay with her is she was sucking other dick and taking it in the ass from another dude? http://www.boomspeed.com/sixate/icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway, go read weedline's response again. Maybe you'll learn something. Sometimes your age is very obvious.

KillerYoda 04-29-2003 07:42 PM


Originally posted by sixate
Sometimes your age is very obvious.
Hey! I was born in 1983 too!

Kadath 04-29-2003 10:46 PM

Christ, this headline might as well have been "Flame on." I don't give a rat's ass about Hillary. She did what she did because it was politically expedient. If staying with my cheating gf bought me fame and fortune, I'd consider it. I certainly wouldn't touch her, though.

Originally posted by sixate
Any woman who stays in an abusive realtionship is weak and has no self respect as far as I'm concerned.
I think black and white is the right way to look at abuse. Anyone who doesn't show sympathy for the plight of abused women is a heartless bastard. See how ludicrous that is?

sixate 04-30-2003 02:19 AM


Originally posted by Kadath
I think black and white is the right way to look at abuse. Anyone who doesn't show sympathy for the plight of abused women is a heartless bastard. See how ludicrous that is?
Why should I feel sorry for someone who doesn't even feel sorry for herself? Let's not forget about the example that she sets for her daughter. Their kid is who I feel sorry for. Not the asshole dad and dumb weak bitch of a mom. Their kid never had a choice in the situation. Her mom did. She chose to stay and let herself look like a fucking fool. You can feel sorry for her.... I won't!

Wile E 04-30-2003 05:48 AM


Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
When a state is willing to let an outsider waltz into their state and run for national office and then turn out and give that outsider enough votes to win, then that state has absolutely positively no bitch coming about the job the bitch isn't doing. What did the people of New York think, if they did at all, that this thing could give them that people who actually lived in, and cared about New York could not give. If notoriety was all they wanted then they got what they paid for - if they expected anything else, then theyre getting what they paid for in that instance also!
The state IS allowed to bitch, if in fact they were not part of the ones who voted for her. Cynthetiq nailed it perfectly on how most New Yorkers feel about her. The whole Monica Lewinsky thing was the best thing that ever happened to this woman. She exploited the situation to its fullest, and is now a household name because she "stood by her man". I personally had no ill feelings towards this woman until she became my senator. How can someone who never lived here, know what we need? Know what its like to be a New Yorker, and to do things in our best interest? She doesn't. She has a falsified New York address, in which she never stays, and lives full time in DC. She used New York as a stepping stone for her political career, in which she wouldn't have one if it wasn't for her blow job seeking husband.

The_Dude 04-30-2003 03:58 PM


Originally posted by Wile E
The state IS allowed to bitch, if in fact they were not part of the ones who voted for her. Cynthetiq nailed it perfectly on how most New Yorkers feel about her. The whole Monica Lewinsky thing was the best thing that ever happened to this woman. She exploited the situation to its fullest, and is now a household name because she "stood by her man". I personally had no ill feelings towards this woman until she became my senator. How can someone who never lived here, know what we need? Know what its like to be a New Yorker, and to do things in our best interest? She doesn't. She has a falsified New York address, in which she never stays, and lives full time in DC. She used New York as a stepping stone for her political career, in which she wouldn't have one if it wasn't for her blow job seeking husband.
i cant comment on the fact that she's running from NY.

anyway, one afffair is not the end of the marriage!

how do you know they havent worked out anything and bill has not "changed" ?

sixate 04-30-2003 04:47 PM


Originally posted by The_Dude
anyway, one afffair is not the end of the marriage!
It would end my marraige when/if I ever get married. Would you stay with someone that you couldn't trust? I couldn't. All my friendships are based on trust and if that trust is ever lost then I'm done with that person. I'm very loyal and expect the same in return and won't tolerate anything less.

George W Bush 04-30-2003 04:54 PM

please God make her go away.

The_Dude 04-30-2003 05:55 PM


Originally posted by sixate
It would end my marraige when/if I ever get married. Would you stay with someone that you couldn't trust? I couldn't. All my friendships are based on trust and if that trust is ever lost then I'm done with that person. I'm very loyal and expect the same in return and won't tolerate anything less.
well, me personally would do the same, but i can definately understand some people not doing that and i respect their decisions.

Kadath 04-30-2003 09:31 PM


Originally posted by sixate
Why should I feel sorry for someone who doesn't even feel sorry for herself? Let's not forget about the example that she sets for her daughter. Their kid is who I feel sorry for. Not the asshole dad and dumb weak bitch of a mom. Their kid never had a choice in the situation. Her mom did. She chose to stay and let herself look like a fucking fool. You can feel sorry for her.... I won't!
We really have to synchronize our swatches, 5 hours between responses takes all the vitriol out of things.
You think an abused woman doesn't feel sorry for herself? You say she should leave like walking out the door is as simple as breathing. She likely has no job, no money of her own, and lives with the fear that if she leaves her husband will find and kill her. I think saying that she looks like a fool is not really thinking that deeply about the situation. I suspect it is easy for you to take this stance because the woman we are talking about will never be real for you. It's easy not to care in that case.

Phaenx 04-30-2003 10:34 PM


Originally posted by Kadath
We really have to synchronize our swatches, 5 hours between responses takes all the vitriol out of things.
You think an abused woman doesn't feel sorry for herself? You say she should leave like walking out the door is as simple as breathing. She likely has no job, no money of her own, and lives with the fear that if she leaves her husband will find and kill her. I think saying that she looks like a fool is not really thinking that deeply about the situation. I suspect it is easy for you to take this stance because the woman we are talking about will never be real for you. It's easy not to care in that case.

Afraid to leave because your husband is an ass, a model of weakness foolishness, just like he said. It's not as hard as you think, get up and leave, call the damn police first if you think there's going to be a problem with the ass. Move out, take out a loan, get a temporary job at McDonalds (they're hiring you know), go on welfare or move in with your parents, build from those meager begginings and live happily. There's nothing physically holding you there, unless you count your husband, and in that case, the police will gladly hold him, in prison. You just have to be competent enough to tell on him.

A lovely subject, but off topic. Unless of course you count the context of his anology and your statement as a logical synergy of sorts. Bill hunting down and killing Hillary doesn't do much for crushing dissent.

sixate 05-01-2003 02:26 AM


Originally posted by Kadath
We really have to synchronize our swatches, 5 hours between responses takes all the vitriol out of things.
You think an abused woman doesn't feel sorry for herself? You say she should leave like walking out the door is as simple as breathing. She likely has no job, no money of her own, and lives with the fear that if she leaves her husband will find and kill her.

So you're saying the reason Hellary stayed with the asshole is because she can't take care of herself. That I can belive. Thank you for putting this into perspective for me. :)

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