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GOP shifting strategy?
We're just over 18 months from the next presidential election, and it's very interesting to watch how the GOP is shifting to set itself up for the election season.
In 2010, the Republicans actively courted/catered to the fringe. The Tea Party's anger was a huge asset in gaining seats in the midterm elections, and selling themselves as the "party of jobs" was easy when unemployment was peaking. But now the fringe is more of a detriment than an asset. Many more people come to vote in the presidential elections, so the GOP has to re-market itself to the moderates/independent voters. We can already see the shift: - Sarah Palin has been kept out of the news cycle - Glen Beck taken off the air - An unelectable celebrity (Trump) falls on the birther sword so the talking heads can decry the birth certificate issue. - Michelle Bachman says the GOP should back off on killing Planned Parenthood. - Ann Coulter starts toeing the party line, backing Romney. None of these things happened by chance. We know that Karl Rove controls the narrative for the Republicans, and nothing happens by chance. I wouldn't be surprised if/when Scott Walker suddenly backs off on the labor issue. The one thing that doesn't fit right now is the Paul Ryan budget plan. I saw an NBC poll that showed that the most supported "solution" to closing the deficit was taxing millionaires, while the least supported solution was vouchers for Medicare. Ryan's budget proposes the opposite. So, does anyone else feel this shift going on? Are there other signs that the narrative is moving more to the center? |
In 2008 McCain was the party nominee, he was a moderate and proved that he was willing to compromise and work with Democrats as a result McCain did not have the support of those who are most conservative in the party. Romney is going to have the same problem, his only hope is that if he can get the nomination, he is just as plastic as Obama is and they can split the votes of the superficial and may actually beat Obama. In a Romney/Obama race neither will have highly motivated bases. Obama needs someone who he can paint as extreme, he can't do that with Romney. I doubt Trump will even run - does anyone think he is willing to release his tax returns? That will be a bigger thing to Trump than releasing his birth certificate or his school records is to Obama. I stated many times that I doubt Palin will run. Bachman may run but will not be a serious contender. Beck has always been immaterial. His rise was directly related to the frequency of the attacks he got from the liberal media. He simply ran out of shock value material. The Tea Party will be a big factor in 2012 unless there are some serious steps taken to reduce the deficit in the next few months. The Tea Party is truly concerned about taxation, debt and spending. If those issues go away, the Tea Party goes away. Based on what we know now I would say Pawlenty is the man to beat for the Republican Party nomination and he could beat Obama. I still want to see "Hil-Rod" go against Obama. If she had played up her Hil-Rod persona more, I would have crossed over and voted for her in the 2008 primary. I didn't even hear about the Hil-rod thing until this week, talk about a missed opportunity. Hil-Rod currently seems tired, I doubt she will run, but i hope she does. The primaries would be much more interesting if she does. Otherwise it will be a snooze fest on both sides. |
The Tea Party will only be a factor if the Koch Brothers continue to find them useful in pushing their pro-wealthy, low tax agenda.
I hope the Tea Party plays a big role in this election because it will all but assure the win for Obama. An independent or some other third party will run (that idiot Trump said recently he would run as a third party candidate or maybe Ron Paul). This will steal votes from the Republican nominee because these birthers and faux-libertarians will flock to the third party candidate.
---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 PM ---------- This is stolen from another message board, but illustrates why I think the GOP needs to get their collective shit together. Congress is overplaying their hand right now and are not helping: Quote:
What is your message to young people? Work, save, invest to become wealthy? Or, work, pay taxes, depend on government, to live under the control of the folks in Washington? Again, there is nothing wrong with a social safety net, but is government best positioned to create better living standards in this country? I say, no - Tea Party says, no. Koch brothers say, no. More and more are standing up and saying, no. ---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ---------- Quote:
Isn't it sad that a sitting President can not effectively run on his record? Isn't it sad that Obama needs extremists to get his base motivated? Isn't it sad that Democrats are running around saying that Republicans want starve the elderly, deny medical treatment to women, and not educate children? Does anyone really believe all that? The truth is that there are better ways to address some of our problems than throwing money at broken systems. ---------- Post added at 08:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ---------- Quote:
If the Republicans continue on their current track they'll get demolished in 2012. That's being a man who's voted Republican his entire life until the '10 elections and refuses to so so again until they gain control of the crazies again.
They saw the victories they got in the off cycle elections and got a huge head that America isn't behind them. What they don't realize (or pretend they don't) is so few people in America votes in off-cycle elections, and only the crazy-right were motivated enough to in such bad economic conditions. Now they believe (or pretend to go along with believing) they actually stand a chance... which they don't. Again I'd like to reiterate I've voted Republican pretty much my whole life and live in a VERY red state... it's not like I'm surrounded by liberal group-think. |
personally, i think the right has overplayed it's hand.
through the actions in wisconsin and the absurd theater of the ryan budget, the attacks on npr and planned parenthood in the name of fiscal responsibility while cutting not a single military procurement line---raising pentagon outlays on the books by 5 billion no less----it's obvious what interests the republicans are playing to. and they aren't those of most people. they played an identity politics game in the aftermath of the bush disaster in the hopes that they could mobilize themselves differently enough to distance themselves from the consequences of the previous 8 years of republican rule---consequences which were a disaster. a series of disasters. gifts that keep on giving. and to distance themselves from themselves and make themselves into a far-right version of themselves---which was functional-seeming because it was other-seeming---seems to have gotten a bit out of hand. the lurch toward neo-fascism exploited the angst created by the meltdown of the real estate and related financial bubbles that their own neo-liberal fantasies about self-regulating markets and nice financiers set into motion, presided over and enabled. they produced a classic astroturf movement with the tea party only to find themselves saddled with some of them in the house. the tea party has become the public face of ultra-right idiocy outside the narrow purview of the tea party itself. i think the ultra-right version of the republican party is in real danger of alienating moderates, who are find themselves confronted with incoherent neo-fascists to their right and no particular reason not to support obama because politically he's one of them. i have the sense that even the hard-right operatives on the order of the koch brothers and norquist and rove sense it. they seem to like power more than purity in the main. so now it's time to begin throwing the whack jobs under the bus. what'll be interesting is to watch how the right tries to change it's language. continuing to make claims to represent "real americans" isn't going to fly so well now that everyone knows who these "real americans" are---and they aren't your average joe on the street. never were. but the language worked for some folk. i think the right media apparatus has damaged its own language games by trying to stretch them across these various mobilization changes. we'll see if anyone believes the hype. i don't have a particular view about the presidential field. i think romney is the most serious rumored candidate. but he can't appeal to the far right. |
Ah, yes, a rising tide lifts all boats....well....except those whose captains can't afford to repair the holes. But that's fine, these people will keep working for the benefit those who can.
My belief is that the liberal media gives disproportionate coverage of people on the extreme or they over emphasize one or two more unconventional issues or points of view held by otherwise normal people. For example Gingrich will constantly be reminded of his divorces and affairs - but what does that have to do with anything of importance? I don't care what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, who does now days? so, why does the media play these issues up? ---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ---------- Quote:
On a side note, the problem we have is that more and more of the people referenced above are not putting their brain power into the production of real goods and services but are creating wealth through what some consider speculation. For example, wealth can be created through growing a commodity like corn more efficiently than others or a person can create personal wealth simply by buying and sell corn futures. More and more brain power is being used in derivative markets - we need these human resource making real goods or providing real services. The people in DC don't understand why the above is happening and the impact it is having on the middle class. Quote:
How many millionaires did bill Gates, Microsoft, create? What about Buffet, a lot of people got rich on his train. What about the employees of any big profitable corporation using skilled labor, those folks generally retire in a nice situation? I have interacted with people in the top 1% who got there based on their work, their focus is not what most people expect. If you are talking about "old money", I agree with you. |
Ryan's proposed balanced budget relies on calculating 7% GDP growth with 2% inflation. Any economist or historian can show how that's never happened in HISTORY, yet you'll be damned to hear a single reporter give that simple fact. If there was any bit of liberal-media truth everyone would know it rote. |
It also proposes lowering the highest marginal tax rate to 25%, which would add another trillion dollars to the debt
The right went nuts in 2008, pulling out the big guns of crazy, and it pulled Obama like 48 miles right. What does the right do now? They can simply be unabashed corporatists now.
"We're going to go ahead and cut Medicare and social security, weakening them so the case for privatizing them will appear stronger and stronger. I'm sure you're really going to have fun when your social security is stolen in a Ponzi scheme by a hedge fund billionaire and your Medicare voucher ends up covering approximately 2% of your medical costs. Enjoy having to trust multinational conglomerates when it comes to ensuring food, water, and drugs are safe, you know, because they have such an amazing track record. By the way, we farmed out listening in on your phone calls, emails, text messages, and web surfing to private corporations that are now selling your most personal information to who knows who! Boy, that Obama sure is a socialist..." Same shit, different election. |
I personally see some good things and some problems with Ryan's proposal, I assume many conservatives do as well. I think it is a start. ---------- Post added at 03:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ---------- Quote:
---------- Post added at 03:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ---------- Quote:
Realize there is a real but perhaps subtle difference between people like me and true "corpratists" as you say - I think big Fortune 500 type companies have an unfair advatage against small and medium size business. Government and "corporatists" collude, in my view, to restrict competition. I want an even playing field. A small business does not have the same opportunity to avoid taxes as GE. The tax code is too complicated - lower the rate (or give us a flat rate) and get rid of all the loop-holes that only benefit a select few. That is what I fight for, and I fight against big corporations and big government. I think most Tea Party people are the same. Obama is more a "corporatist" than I am. Look at his actions with GM, banks, health care insurers. All big winners under Obama. Big losers so far - small businesses. |
I think the GOP should indeed shift strategies and realize that it's by reinforcing the strengths of a mixed economy that ensures stability. You can talk all you want about taxation and economic growth, but the fact of the matter remains that stability arises with balanced policies that ensure stability among all income levels.
There is no silver bullet to fix the economy. Lowering taxes won't in itself fix it. An economy with a fair and competitive tax system whose government enacts policies to take the economic strain off of the greatest number of people is one that should ensure prosperity. These policies include welfare, health care, pensions, balanced regulation of industries, legislation to prevent exploitation, etc. On top of that, of course, you need a government who always has reducing the deficit as an ideal—when it makes sense. Near economic collapse isn't a time to think about reducing deficits. An ensured period of recovery, yes. Maybe it's time to think about it. But answer me this: why is it that the only political parties in North America who have posted not just deficit reductions but surpluses in recent history have been liberal? I think anybody who automatically thinks that liberal policies and governance are incapable of fiscal responsibility need only look at the economic history of the latter part of the 20th century, and especially the turn of the millennium. So, yeah, the GOP needs to rethink their party and actually return to their own brand of fiscal responsibility, while still realizing the realities and advantages of mixed economies. |
The GOP seems to not be able to stop committing political suicide.
When it came out GE paid no taxes, where were they? Telling the nation the huge corporations still need tax cuts In Ohio, Kasich who because of his Wall Street past was labelled during the election as a pension buster, is proving that name right. Then to be taped calling a highway patrol officer an "idiot".... but Strickland was horrendous also. In Fla. the GOP gov. cuts 170 million to disabled while cutting corporate taxes 4 BILLION. Somehow, that doesn't add up to helping the budgets. I think Beck is just the first to fall. Listened to him oin the radio maybe a week ago crying about how he doesn't hate Jews and is not anti semitic, in fact he has some very close personal Jewish friends that appear on his show. I don't know what that was about but it smelled of what Limbaugh did right before he went into rehab in '04, when he broke down on the air. Beck was nothing more than a tool anyway. He used his religious views and played the recovering addict to much and to his own detriment. |
For example when I started my business, I worked hard saved my money - I paid taxes on the money before saving it. I paid taxes on the interest the money earned. I started my business, putting everything I owned at risk. I paid taxes and fees to form my business. I paid taxes on equipment and supplies. I paid payroll taxes. I met all the regulatory requirements. The first year I made less than minimum wage, I got no help or guarantee of a livable wage from government. Employees made more money than I did from my business, I fired one for cause and she got unemployment and made more than I did! My unemployment tax rate went up although she did not qualify for unemployment. I paid for my own health insurance, no government help. I worked day and night. Fast forward a few years, and before I can reestablish my savings, between the federal government and the state of California they take about half of every dollar in profit i make. Then fast forward another few years and business gets bad due to the recession (a recession I argue made worse by government). I have reestablished my savings, but now I am losing money - and I have to go into my savings again. I am virtually back to zero. I hope the future gets better, but think about it - I will be taxed 3 times on the savings if I can get back to where I was. I think I would have been better off not starting my business! Who wins if I had made that choice? Not the employees I had. Not the people who sold me supplies and equipment. Not the people who leased me office space. Not the government. Etc. Etc. And people wonder why people like me feel over-taxed and abused. I say enough already. Quote:
If you can't tell, I am very bitter and I will work pretty hard for candidates who see things from my point of view. If Republicans do that, and it is perceived as a change, then change is good. People can call us names and mock us, etc, but one thing to note is that we are highly motivated. |
Two Republicans recently gave critiques of two sides of the current Republican strategy.
David Stockman, Reagan's OMB Director and architect of the trickle down, supply side economic policy that he has since admitted was a failure, on the current Republican deficit reduction plan: Quote:
On the social policy side, I applaud what former Republican Senator Alan Simpson said recently: Quote:
On both the economic policy side and the social policy side, the Republican strategy is a loser. |
I doubt there will be a "Republican strategy" until there is a Republican Presidential nominee. Until then the party will be splintered on any specific strategy. Democrats and independents should be giving Boehner as much support and encouragement as possible. What he accomplished may not ever be appreciated. What is sad is that there is this reflex on the left to want to label everyone as extreme in the Republican Party when it is clearly not the case. {added} Just for added clarification: If the left wants more compromise, they should give positive feedback to those like Boehner who is willing to compromise. If Boehner is considered as just another one of the "crazies", us crazy folk may as well go for it all next time. Ryan has always been considered more extreme than those like Boehner have been comfortable with. |
Health care gets the benefit of raising rates in anticipation of Obama-care and they are protected against inter-state competition. I simply say open the market, make it fair for the consumer. Or go all the way with a single payer system. Obama-care is a mess of a compromise. It solved nothing. However health-care insurers are able to raise rates and will get more people to insure without competition. In some states the average person may only have one or two choices for coverage - it is a joke. |
---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ---------- Quote:
If you know of one, post it, please. ---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:14 PM ---------- Quote:
http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-mone...want-more-cuts Four republicans voted against it. If 235 out of 239 is not consensus among the Republicans, I dont what is. |
Go on... Nope. Every single one you can think of has already received one. BMW, Mercedes, Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi, et al. They all have, and they all have restructured and come back stronger. I was opposed to it on theory as well until I looked up the history of big car manufacturing bailouts. I just hope GM restructures properly (though admittedly it's not looking well as their lineup continues to blow). Quote:
And as a small business owner, I could afford to pay a bit more. Quote:
I think the neocons elected have shown that they don't give a flying fuck about anybody who is not rich. Then again Americans tend to be insanely retarded and rather vote on a feeling and sound byte instead of research or voting records.
I have to log now but have to comment on one thing. The Koch brothers were fine w/o the Tea Party.. With the TP tthe Koch's have gained immense power not so easily obtained prior. Ace, I have agreed with you like one time out of 87378984673 examples but I have a hard time believing that you believe the TP and Kochs are good w/o each other. Kochs fund TP. TP has a false patriotism and demands lower taxes on Koch. Seriously this is the 2 + 2 = 4 question of politics. To not see how this works makes my head explode. |
An honest question - Is it possible that many who voted for the Ryan plan are actually against it? If so, why might that be true? I guess that was two questions, but you know what I am interested in. I might not have the stomach for Washington D.C. style politics. ---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 PM ---------- Quote:
FYI, do a search on Telsa Motors - there is a series of posts on Telsa Motors somewhere on TFP - I originally spelled the name incorrectly, "Tulsa". Quote:
As for Tesla, you keep bringing them up like they're one of the big name manufacturers of the world, when in reality, they aren't, they make a very specific car for a specific type of person. |
You are in California, right? What is the deal with Ca. politicians going to Texas to try to understand how Texas grew jobs while Ca. lost over 1 million jobs? They don't need a special trip, they could just ask the employers who left the state! We have been through this many times, the answers won't change. Quote:
Also, it is in you "system" do you end up with companies making excessive profits. In a truly competitive market excessive profits get eliminated by new entrants putting pressure on prices. Quote:
But, I will say one more time - give us one extreme or the other. Single payer all the way, or free market. I have a preference, but I could live with either and be happy with it. So, your points fall flat with me on this issue because I am more liberal than most liberals or I am more conservative than most conservatives - I don't get lost in the details of this compromises pluses and minuses or that compromises pluses and minuses. ---------- Post added at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ---------- Quote:
Why do you think that is? Quote:
I know BMW is growing, why is that ace? They make a quality car unlike GM who made/makes shit on wheels, not hard to grow and be optimistic when you actually make vehicles consumers want. I agree, if a car company can't survive and builds a shit product for 30 years, it should go tits up. Quote:
As for GM employees being able to go work for Tesla and it be 'easy' you do understand EV are a wee bit different from the vehicles GM builds right? |
For those unfamiliar with state-specific budgets, California has been having serious trouble fixing our $26b state debt. Texas is in its own (two-year cycle) debt of anywhere from $14b to $27b, depending on who you ask. California Governor Jerry Brown is attempting to deal with our budget problems by slashing services, eliminating waste and loopholes, and we're probably going to see a tax increase in one form or another before too long. Texas, on the other hand, is cutting taxes in some mad attempt to bring in a ton of new business, which they're hoping will bring with it tax revenue. It isn't. Quote:
Palin's fight in Alaska with the oil companies is a funny thing. What she did, turning down BP and taxing oil companies like crazy to make Alaska money, makes her out to be a cool customer, someone who won't bat an eye at corporate power and who isn't afraid to do what's necessary to add to a budget surplus. Unfortunately, it seems Sarah Palin doesn't even understand in the most basic terms how the oil industry in Alaska works. Also, her plan to increase taxes on big business only to redistribute it to the people of Alaska makes President Obama look far-right. What I suspect happened, and this is only a theory, is Palin farmed this out to someone who was more knowledgeable than she was, someone who happened to be far left of her, and she went with the plan she was given. What she did is something I would do. What does that tell you? Quote:
And for the record, I've been to relatively big Tea Party protests, with hundreds and hundreds of people, and very small ones, with as little as a dozen. I can't imagine that somehow my experiences are so very much different than yours. Quote:
At the risk of getting the thread back on topic....
Looks like Karl Rove is putting a "hit" on Donald Trump on the news shows. As I stated in the first post, Trump is going to fall on the sword for all of the nutty bullshit that the far right has been trumpeting the past two years in order to make the GOP's candidate seem more moderate. It's a well orchestrated piece of political theatre, very entertaining if you can see it for what it is. |
Yep, it's all going according to the script. The GOP doesn't allow chaos. Everything is planned
it's often funny to note the gap that separates those who Believe and how the right operates organizationally. it appears that, from the organizational viewpoint, conservative ideology is a simple field of memes to be manipulated. in this case, it functions as the scrim for the theater of the donald.
after the bush period, it was the backdrop for the right's flight away from itself and into astroturf, an orchestrated remaking based on a "popular movement" that may have at some point been one, but which is, clearly, at this point regarded as having outlived its utility---once a tactical advantage, now a strategic liability. i find it interesting that this theater can happen again and again without engendering crises of faith amongst believers. |
---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ---------- Quote:
But, before we continue ( and I am more than willing), on the issue of GE. I think GE being a profitable company paying no taxes is a travesty of corporate tax justice and fairness. This makes me mad, it makes me want to change the system - I want fairness. I laid out suggestions - lower the corporate tax rate (or take it to zero) and get rid of all the subsidies, credits, loop-holes and favorable treatment from government and level the playing field. You seem to be very passive about this, and it is clear that raising the rate won't make a difference. Obama, members of Congress, you or anyone can give a clear and concise explanation of how GE got away with this - sure people will say tax credits, etc., but that is superficial. It would take hundreds of pages of text in small print to see the complete picture - it is a joke. Tea Party people fight against these kinds of travesties, are you with us or not? Honest people can disagree on how to fix the problem, but the Tea Party is the only group that is having the discussion! To that you say what? The generic response of Tea Party people are "crazies" or only care about the rich is no longer enough. ---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:39 PM ---------- Quote:
Only if you believe that Tea Party candidates like Trump and Bachmann are not part of Rove's plan.
I believe they are. |
The bulk of GE's profits were made offshore, thus utilizing a popular loophole in our tax system. That's not the complete picture, but it gives you a good idea. Quote:
Beck has been fired. Rush is an entertainer that has been doing what he does for over 20 years and has nothing to do with the Tea party. Quote:
Time will tell. If the government gets spending under control the Tea Party will die down. Otherwise the influence will increase. And it will increase at the expense of old-school Republicans who don't get it. Even if Obama wins in 2012, he will face people in Congress who will not compromise. I seriously suggest Obama deal with the issues of spending and the debt now. |
In fact, individual income taxes as percent of GDP was the highest in recent history in 2000 (10.2 percent) and declined with the onset of the Bush tax cuts to 8.1 percent in '02, 7.2 percent in '03 and 6.9 percent in 04, only to rise marginally in the last Bush years., but nowhere near that 10.2 percent before he took office. Total income tax revenue decreased in each of the years following the Bush 01 and 03 tax cuts. It took until '06 to get back to the level of revenue from Clinton's last year. See OMB: Historical Tables | The White House see tables 2.1 and 2.3 As to deficit spenders, the two worst spenders were Reagan and GW Bush. National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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