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I don't disagree. It should be permissible. I'm for them building something anywhere including the area in question.
I am not in favor of any of the politicians from outside of the local area weighing in from David Paterson, Governor of NY to President Obama. They aren't involved in our day to day politics and should stay out of it. NY Gov. Paterson Mosque Compromis to "use government land" is folly and shows his ignorance and stupidity. It allows people to then weigh in on and critique him for his viewpoint that he shouldn't be judged on. This is why I believe that President Obama shouldn't have made a public statement on it. It could have easily been put out via other channels that it is his opinion but it didn't have to be an officially stated direct from the mouth statement. There are already too many people who get involved in my hometown politics that are elected and appointed. I don't need more that come from outside of the area that I may not have elected to care for my area. |
I think it would be even more so the case if it were a debate about how to organize the city, or maybe about municipal laws, or whatever. But this is an issue that goes as far as the Constitution. That's why I see it differently.
The overall effect of this extends beyond local politics. |
A law that banned all houses of worship regardless of faith or denomination would be comparable with a gun ban. Trying to block muslim houses of worship specifically is not comparable.
Calling the people who carried out the attacks of 9 years ago muslims would be like calling Timothy McVeigh an American patriot, and refusing to allow a mosque to be built because of them is ugly and shameful. Obama is correct in supporting the right of all people to religious freedom, and given the absurd scale this has achieved I don't think he was out of line to speak in his official capacity either. The head of state is supporting a fundamental right upon which your country was founded. How is this wrong? This ceased to be a local issue the minute it made international headlines. |
If the local community board decided that it would not rezone the building or allow for the destruction and construction of a new building for the mosque that is the community board's right and duty. Many houses of worship here in NYC have changed hands over time one famous one is Bialystoker Synagogue which at one time was a Methodist Church. Many smaller churches have take over normal buildings and repurpose them as houses of worship to support the community.
This isn't about the people protesting it is about the local government being allowed to govern and control the space that it needs to without the interjections and objections of outside politicians and their pressure. ---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ---------- Quote:
Cyn, to me Obama seems to be speaking mostly to the issue of the people protesting it. Consider this aspect of the article:
yeah, i think there are levels of this that shouldn't be conflated.
there's the register that cyn's talking about, which is local zoning laws, the commission that makes determinations within that context and the political processes that cluster around them. that's local stuff. i don't see obama as weighing in with an idea of influencing the actual decision-making either way. in fact, i can imagine a scenario in which it would be counter-productive for him---or the president at any time--to even try to substantively influence such a process. i can imagine the commissioners saying fuck you over a perceived infringement of prerogatives. the other level is the one of international embarrassment--not just state local or national--over this issue caused by the tea partiers. there was a delightful sign that was photographed yesterday, almost as good as the statements seaver quoted above. these people are an embarrassment. i don't blame the administration for making a move to counter the impression that americans are largely ignorant, xenophobic racists. |
Let me get this straight: the community board in Lower Manhattan unanimously approved the center, didn't they?
I read that, but even if he speaks after the fact, it still is part of the story. I'd give it to him if he mentioned it a year or so later, to allow for there to be a separation of time to distance himself from it.
Sheldon Silver the most powerful Democrat in the state says about the protesters, "I believe people are entitled to their opinions. Disagreement is one of the fundamental principles of our country." He supports the mosque as a "freedom-of-religion issue." I know that Sheldon has a history of if he doesn't like something going on in our neighborhood it quietly disappears politically or is engaged full on. It's his turf and I expect that as my elected official responsible for the Lower Manhattan area (District 64) he weigh in on things with responsibility. I see that from him, not from other politicians. As far as the Landmarks Commission, they still can ensure that the building facade stay intact and that they cannot demo the building and build a new one. ---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ---------- Quote:
Well, given that the board approved it, and given that the protests are generally against the idea of "Islam getting too close to '9/11 hallowed ground,' aka 'Ground Zero'," I have a tough time considering this as being anything other than a national if not international issue.
I see it as a First Amendment issue. I see it as an international cultural and religious issue. I can't see it as a local issue once you move beyond the official steps regarding zoning and building regulations. I think this is because I see both 9/11 and Islam in a post-9/11 world as being anything but a purely local issue. |
Sorry, Cyn, but it's pretty obvious that any chance of this being a strictly local issue ended 9 years ago next month. Just like the decision to leave the USS Arizona where it is wasn't a local issue.
It's also not a local issue since the media is reporting it as a national issue. Honestly, "local issue" feels like the response of someone who wants to use that excuse to infringe on someone else's right to the practice of their religion. |
Jazz, I think you're missing the rest of what I've stated. I don't want the LARGER political folks to weigh in on the spaces and musings of what goes on in the neighborhoods of Lower Manhattan. I'm fine with them weighing in on Ground Zero, but not outside of that space.
Most local community board meetings can be divisive arenas. It directly affects people's quality of life. CB3 voted to allow for a high rise, and now there is a The fact that the local DOT changed the thoroughfare from 2 lanes to 1 lane to access the Williamsburg Bridge means that there is heavy traffic today whereas before it was moderate to light traffic. They keep building low income housing in my neighborhood, but won't do so in the areas that they are allowing the mosque. Nope, all that area is "luxury" housing. The local board hasn't denied any house of worship that I have been able to find, but they do block low income housing all the time. |
It's not like he took action or asked action to be taken. He simply stated publicly he agreed the mosque should be allowed.
The Tea guys/gals will use this to raise funds, no doubt about that. Can't have a monkey president supporting a monkey god religion... not in the US of A! |
Thought this was an interesting angle: why would the muslim community *want* to build a mosque in such a sensitive, symbolic location? Why would they want to do it? The rent can't be cheap...
Why does anyone want to build a building anywhere?
The area is very under served as far as support services as historically it was not a residential area. Over the past 15 or so years has it has changed to include more residential housing. This means that supermarkets, houses of worship, and restaurants open after business hours and on weekends are required and demanded by the neighborhood. |
The place where the Murrah Building used to be in Oklahoma City is now Oaklahoma City National Memorial. Across the street is St. Joseph's Old Cathedral, and one block away is St. Peter's Episcopal Cathedral. Two blocks away is Frontline Fellowship and Skyline Church.
Tim McVeigh was Catholic. Not one fucking peep from anyone. |
powerclowns got a point.
there'll be those that will have the knives out waiting for the first excuse to call for its closure in order to justify their POV. So i dont think this is going to be an issue that is going to go away anytime soon. It will pop up in the news again. I'm hoping for reasons of cross cultural diversity and interfaith dialogue, but that doesnt sell news does it? it does seem to me that everytime there is a mosque opening up, the proposal seems to make the national news, regardless of what country you live in. this just so happens to be the close to the most notable in the last decade. |
When Al Qaeda sets off an atom bomb on Wall street it won't matter anymore will it?
as always, conservatives are taking the high road.
I'm just glad that Republicans aren't race and culture baiting again in this election cycle. Surely if they did, no one would fall for it, right? I mean it's not like they could take issues that have existed for 10 to 30 years or so, pretend that they just occurred in the past 6 months, and then whip up a furor in advance of elections in November...because that would be crazy.
edit: slight semantic shift |
what your point and what's it got to do with AQ and this mosque? |
it would be crazy, pig (nice to see you, btw)
so rather than risk that, conservatives are combining cultural/religious/xenophobia with a bit of good old american racist fun and excitement: washingtonpost.com |
This is one of the many reasons I believe Obama shouldn't have stepped into it, but it gives more fodder to those that oppose him. Again, some people believe that he endorses it, so now he has to clarify it. In clarifying it he'll have to further engage in conversations about it.
You can't win. |
The bigots on the right have pushed this to such a large issue that Obama has no choice but to get involved.
here's a timeline that tracks the development of this absurd right-wing "ground zero mosque" meme:
How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began - War Room - Salon.com the article tracks is back to a single racist asshole conservative blogger, pamela geller. not sure if it's quite as linear as the salon piece maintains, but it's nonetheless interesting to have a narrative to point to that shows something of how a meme comes into being. lets you see the underpinning of the raft the right would fill with racists. btw i think it's a **really** dangerous game the conservatives are playing, legitimating american fascism as they are. |
i havent heard that one yet, but i wouldnt be surprised if it did come up soon. |
anyway, yeah. it's a problem, where the political situation is may be heading, and alot of that has to do with the political...um....problems that the right has encountered thanks to the realities their politics have contributed significantly to producing, coupled with the fact that they continue to attract big money from the same donors who funded the rise of the conservative media apparatus---so the corpse still twitches---and in an attempt to figure out a way to regain all-important market share and by extension traction, they're willing to get into bed with the ultra-right. so these kind of wedge-political actions are, i suppose, to be expected. but i think it could backfire in a number of ways. the one that concerns me is that the right manages to gain ground in the midterm elections and entirely paralyze the obama administration. it's at that point where the chickens could begin to come home to roost. what i'm more hoping is that the jerk to the right alienates almost everyone but the extreme right and that conservative take the consequences of this shift into the jurassic regions straight in the face. but we'll see. it's a zany times....400 reactionaries in the arizona desert getting more coverage than 2 million opposing the iraq war in dc...zany times. |
Newt Gingrich and Ginny Thomas (Clarence Thomas's wife) are speaking on behalf of Stop Islamization of America at a protest on 9/11 |
It's a shame that Nazi comparisons typically end discussions, because sometimes there are apt comparisons to be made.
for ultra-right conservatives these days it's ok to be a fascist. but it's not ok to be called a fascist. it's ok to be a racist. but it's not ok to be called a racist. it's ok to be xenophobic. but it's not ok to be called xenophobic. it's ok to be homophobic. but it's not ok to be called homophobic.
Just let the Muslims build their mosque. |
Sorry I got as far as -
Really all they're missing to prove their commitment to freedom and honoring 9-11 is Ann "the 9-11 widows are greedy harpies" Coulter, then they'd have a prefect group of "real Americans." |
Am I the only one getting tired of people in this thread bitching about "the right wing" being the big problem and how the media fucks everything up? For the last few posts there hasn't been much discussion about the planned mosque, it's mostly anti-conservative sentiment. I'm not saying this because I am a conservative, I'm saying this because I'm tired of everyone blaming the conservatives for not wanting the mosque to be built. It's a true cop-out, not having an opinion of your own and blaming a political party for saying something you don't like. I'd like to read people's opinions of the issue at hand and not hear all of this "conservatism is only propaganda!" bullshit. You give these little quips that don't contribute jack shit to the discussion, and you think you've said something smart because you think it's "exposing the real side of the issue", but you aren't, we've heard it all before. Please, use your fucking head to think about the quality of your post and if it actually contributes anything to the thread.
We all know they have a right to build a mosque wherever they want, no matter who gets offended or doesn't like it. That's what America is, a free country. Everyone has acknowledged that. But who here thinks the placement of the mosque is the BEST idea? Tell me why you think it must be built in that spot and not some where else of equal importance but less controversial. My first post in this thread was very clearly against the building of the mosque. I have since changed my mind on this issue and my thoughts have taken a complete U-turn, thanks to this thread and the other members opinions alone. My opinion now is: they have the right to build it there and they should build it there, whether it's "morally right" or "morally wrong" is irrelevant. Morals don't matter, the law does. |
there's a personal subtext to my entries here today in particular.
this racist horseshit is not abstract. it affects actual people. it affects how they live their lives every day. people who have done nothing to anyone at all but who happen to be muslim find themselves already feeling--o i dunno, whats the word---claustrophobic because the right has decided for purely mercenary reasons that it's ok to flirt with legitimating racism. people who are very close to me, whom i love alot, are already affected by the sense that we're at the start of **yet another** mounting wave of officially sanction racism directed at people who happen to be muslim, who happen to be arab by descent but who are, in every way, as american as any of the people whose predispositions are being channeled for political gain by the national conservative movement. the main difference is that most of those people don't feel like there's a line being drawn around them for no reason that separates them from being who they are, separates them from where they've grown up, separates them from a sense of belonging in the united states. where they've fucking grown up. same as you. so i think i need to check out of this thread for a while. btw, as an aside: nothing i write is about individuals who happen to be conservative. i happen to think the tea party is a neo-fascist movement and that on technical grounds. but i also know people who are part of it and know that it is not one thing, that it is not even, not single. same goes for the conservative movement in general. the actions of national-level rightwing organizations that legitimate racism are calculations made for political gain for the organizations. the calculation is based on the idea that there are more people who would be drawn to these organizations by going this way than would be repulsed by the turn. but that presupposes that there's open-endedness, that there's movement and/or flux--which means that people do not think all one way. so yeah. just to be clear. |
Every damn time I frequent this establishment, I hear them spouting their same mantra. Obama's nuthin' but a N****r Muslim. It's so fucking nauseatingly tiresome & frightening. |
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