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Old 03-01-2010, 09:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
james t kirk's Avatar
Location: Toronto
Canada's Jack Layton wants to make sure you see him on Camera during Hockey Game

Check this out.

Jack Layton decides that Harper is getting too much exposure at the Olympics.

"Hmmm, what to do what to do. If I go to the event, there's not guarantee the camera will cut to me. Hmm, what to do what to do"

Jack notices that during the Team Canada hockey games that periodically during the game CTV switches for a moment to Gretzky's Bar in T.O. (among other places).

"Hey, I know, I'll go down to Gretzky's"

Jack notices that camera is fixed and always hits the same spot.....

"Hey, I know, I'll go stand in that spot and when they score, I'm on TV"

Pretty cynical you say?

Well watch as old Jack moves the woman's arm out of the way during the live cut so as not to have her celebrating block his money shot on the TV.

God I hate this guy.

Jack Layton Wants To Make Sure You See Him Celebrating That Goal! - Torontoist

Last edited by james t kirk; 03-01-2010 at 09:07 AM..
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:00 AM   #2 (permalink)
Leto's Avatar
Location: The Danforth
I don't like him either. he shook my hand at the woodbine subway station once, but never really looked at me, just past me to the next hand he could shake.
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr

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Old 03-01-2010, 11:56 AM   #3 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Meh, he's a politician, they all do whatever it takes to get their ugly mugs on telly to show how much they support the team, still not a Layton fan though, I think it's the porn star stache he has. Could have been worse, could have been my old MP in Ontario Gallant on telly, now that's a ditzy bitch if I've even seen one.
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Old 03-01-2010, 12:35 PM   #4 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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I've simply grown tired of Layton's "We're angry at Harper appeasing those sitting around boardroom table and we're not gonna take it anymore! So say those sitting around the kitchen table! Arr! Arrgh!"
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Old 03-01-2010, 02:21 PM   #5 (permalink)
Young Crumudgeon
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I can say that Layton's plan backfired in the case of at least one Canadian. I didn't even notice him. In fact, I had to play the linked clip twice before I even spotted him.

Possible alternate scenario: maybe he didn't like stranger lady's bicep in his face.

Either way, it's politicians doing what politicians do.
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said

- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame
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Old 03-01-2010, 02:58 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Martian View Post

Possible alternate scenario: maybe he didn't like stranger lady's bicep in his face.
Extremely doubtful.

In a city of 2.6 million people, Layton shows up by accident on TV? Shouldn't he be in Ottawa? Both him and his wife are front and centre exactly where they know the camera will be. He's watching the TV, he sees them cut to Gretzky's and he sees the arm.

He's looking right at the camera.

Layton is known as the biggest self-promoter in all of Federal politics.

Sure, he may have chosen to go to Gretsky's like anyone else. But it's a big place and that camera is taking in an area maybe 10 feet wide by 3 feet deep and there is Layton right in the middle of the frame.

That was no accident.

Last edited by james t kirk; 03-01-2010 at 03:02 PM..
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Old 03-01-2010, 03:16 PM   #7 (permalink)
Her Jay
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No real need for him to be in Ottawa, after all Harper did put the kibosh on Parliament until after the Olympics.

All politicians mug for the camera, it's what they do, just like they lie, all politicians lie, it's the nature of the beast. This isn't strictly a Layton thing, it's an all politicians thing.
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Old 03-01-2010, 04:21 PM   #8 (permalink)
Getting it.
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Exactly... since Parliament has been prorogued by Harper, he should be in his riding doing constituency work. His riding is in Toronto, as is his wife's.

That said, I saw this clip yesterday and it doesn't look good. I too had the same reaction that Martian did... Jack Layton is in that shot? It took a while but I finally found him.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
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Old 03-01-2010, 04:43 PM   #9 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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While watching the game, you could see him and Olivia Chow prominently placed at the fore whenever they flipped to that shot.

I'm assuming the camera was placed near the big-screen, and I can't imagine Layton and Chow sitting at the back.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:18 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Charlatan View Post

That said, I saw this clip yesterday and it doesn't look good. I too had the same reaction that Martian did... Jack Layton is in that shot? It took a while but I finally found him.
It's kind of a "Where's Waldo" kind of thing.

But once you find him, you can't miss him.

Thankfully CTV didn't point him out when they cut to Gretzky's.
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Old 03-02-2010, 01:46 PM   #11 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Location: Ontario for now....
Hmmm seems the tories are still busy:
Gay rights section nixed for immigrants' guide

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney blocked any reference to gay rights in a new study guide for immigrants applying for Canadian citizenship, the Canadian Press has learned.

Internal documents show an early draft of the guide contained sections noting that homosexuality was decriminalized in 1969; that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation; and that same-sex marriage was legalized nationally in 2005.

But Kenney, who fought same-sex marriage when it was debated in Parliament, ordered those key sections removed when his office sent its comments to the department last June.

Senior department officials duly cut out the material — but made a last-ditch plea with Kenney in early August to have it reinstated.

"Recommend the re-insertion of the text boxes related to … the decriminalization of homosexual sex/recognition of same-sex marriage," says a memorandum to Kenney from deputy minister Neil Yeates.

"Recommend the addition of 'equality rights' under list of rights. Had noted earlier that this bullet should be reinserted into the list as a means of noting the equality of all based on race, gender, sexual orientation etc."

In the end, however, Kenney's view trumped that of the bureaucrats. The 63-page guide, titled Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, was released with fanfare last November and contains no mention of gay and lesbian rights.

About 500,000 copies were printed and citizenship applicants will start being tested on its contents March 15.

The $400,000 project substantially updated an earlier edition of the guide created in 1995. The new version significantly expands sections on Canada's military past and on aboriginal people, drawing on the views of a panel of prominent Canadians.

The new guide got generally positive reviews when it was launched, though some immediately noted the absence of gay rights, including same-sex marriage.

The publication does include a picture of Olympic gold medal swimmer Mark Tewksbury, however, with a caption saying he is a "prominent activist for gay and lesbian Canadians."
Minister steadfastly opposed same-sex marriage

Drafts and other internal documents related to the guide were obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

"Homosexuality was decriminalized in 1969 and more recently, civil marriage rights to same-sex couples was legalized nationwide in 2005," the earliest draft of the guide says under the section Towards a Modern Canada.

And in the section on citizenship rights, the early draft said: "Equality Rights — Canadians are protected against discrimination based on race, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or age."

Neither sentence survived the minister's red marker.

Kenney has steadfastly opposed same-sex marriage since his time as an opposition MP in the House of Commons.

He spoke against the Civil Marriage Act, or Bill C-38, when it was debated in the Commons in February 2005. And days earlier, Kenney told a session with Toronto-area Punjabi journalists that gays had every right to marry — as long as it wasn't someone of the same sex.
'Choices had to be made about content': Kenney spokesman

He reaffirmed his stand in 2006 when the newly elected Conservative government attempted without success to revoke the legislation.

And last year, Kenney appointed a longtime Conservative who opposes same-sex marriage to the Immigration and Refugee Board, which among other things makes decisions about whether gays can be given refugee status in Canada.

When the new guide was released Nov. 12, Kenney brushed off a reporter's question about why it lacked any reference to same-sex marriage.

"We can't mention every legal decision, every policy of the government of Canada," he said.

"We try to be inclusive and include a summary. I can tell you that if you were to read the old book, you wouldn't even know that there are gay and lesbian Canadians." He then noted the caption under Tewksbury's photo.

Kenney's spokesman reiterated that the 1995 guide "produced by the Liberals" did not mention gays and lesbians.

"We can endlessly debate what was included or not included," Alykhan Velshi said in an email last week. "Unavoidably, choices had to be made about content because we had to ensure the guide did not become encyclopedic."

Velshi also noted the new guide does not refer to marriage at all, whether opposite sex or same sex.

The gay-rights group Egale Canada met with the minister in early December after learning the booklet made no reference to gay and lesbian rights, and is negotiating with the department to have them included in the next printing, about a year away.

Kenney told the group that gay rights had been "overlooked" when the guide was being prepared, executive director Helen Kennedy said in an interview from Toronto.

"I'm hopeful and optimistic that we're going to get it fixed because we're not happy with it."

Kennedy expressed surprise when told draft versions of the guide did, in fact, contain references to gay rights and that they were ordered removed.

The Canadian Press previously reported that other sections of the draft version of the guide were excised at the suggestion of the panel of prominent Canadians.

The deleted sections included one reference that said Canadian churches ran Indian residential schools, where aboriginal children were abused.
CBC News - Politics - Gay rights section nixed for immigrants' guide

I especially like this comment I found on The Globe and Mail's website from a reader:
We conservatives will never give gays and lesbians the same rights because our evangelical teachings prohibit us to do so. Harper stays true and FIRM in his evangelical beliefs - He does not lie like human right loving Liberals.
Immigration Minister pulled gay rights from citizenship guide, documents show - The Globe and Mail
So evangelical teaching teach tolerance apparently, but to pick and choose what is tolerated? I dig the 'Harper doesn't lie' angle I mean he's a politician, if that person believes he doesn't lie, it's impressive they lived as long as they have, figured they'd have slit their throats tryign to cut steak.
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Old 03-02-2010, 02:58 PM   #12 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Mr. Kenney is an embarrassment.

But that's a topic for another thread.
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Old 03-02-2010, 03:44 PM   #13 (permalink)
Her Jay
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Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
Mr. Kenney is an embarrassment.

But that's a topic for another thread.
Haha, yeah I was going to start another thread but had a meh moment while posting it, not really too much to discuss just Kenney being Kenney.
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Old 03-02-2010, 06:04 PM   #14 (permalink)
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It is nice to see that at even though we may feel afinity towards a certain party it does not mean that we have to like the leader of that party.
I find that some think they need to say that Layton is som great just becuase he is the leader of the NDP, I mena come on.

I would say the same for Harper but I am not sure the conservatives have anyone better at this point (or possible for a long while into the future)
As for the Liberals, pick anybody.
Sticky The Stickman
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camera, canada, game, hockey, jack, layton, make

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