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2) Telecoms acted in good faith. 3) It is reasonable to review phone records involving calls to/from known terrorists. 4) No evidence was produced showing anyone was actually damaged. 5) The litigation would be excessively costly with class action lawsuits. 6) The only real winners would be trial attorneys. 7) The costs of litigation would be passed on to American consumers. 8) US telecoms are already behind international competition, litigation would divert resources from investment. 9) The original legislation lacked clarity. 10) I would have done the same as Bush, given the circumstances. Quote:
Wanna predict what I am going to say when Obama, as President, is going to commit to troops in Iraq through his entire first term? |
ace, the buck does not "stop with Bush". The telecomms broke the law, as it existed at the time. The government has also broken the law, but different law.... the telecomms and the government had different obligations and exposure, under the law, because, in 1986, congress envisioned that the government would attempt to get information from telecomms without following the law. People have been damaged....what is your right to be "secure in your papers...in your hone", worth to you, ace...do you value that right at all? "Secure" refers "unwarranted" government intrusion.... hence the term, "unwarranted"...without the legally required warrants....law in force at the time of the lawbreaking, unless a reasonable expectation that a massive data mining "Op", circa 2005, was justified by an "emergency level", threat to our domestic security. the telecomms are not even trying to assert that in court, as a defense.... Quote:
That doesn't sit well with me either, I'd rather it be fixed, with no worry of litigation resulting in dollar payouts or losses, since I get to pay for it in the end. |
Thank you for clarifying.
Keep in mind there is raw data and then there is usable data. I think your point here also supports the notion that we don't have intelligence people sitting around listening to my calls to my wife. |
If they had the evidence to demonstrate that one or more parties was a "terrorist", they could have EASILY gotten a warrant from FISA, which in it's history has turned down less than 5 requests. Quote:
the way the telephone surveillance thing works, ace, is by way of a fairly crude oracle data-mining system that operates off of keywords. so if you were talking to your wife and used some of the keywords, chances are that your conversations would be monitored. who knows what these parameters are? if there's no fixed definition of "terrorist" they could be anything.
if the parameters were fixed early in this lovely period of soft authoritarian rule, during which there was no particular distinction between those who opposed the bush administration politically and "terrorist" then they could be most anything. so it is entirely possible that you--or any of us---could have been or are being monitored. but then again, maybe not. it's just like that. if you exclude questions of principle--which you do--that's what you're left with. ====================== it seems to me that the crux of your argument is: you are quite sure that the "terrorist" is a coherent category because whatever it may mean, it doesn't mean you. this is the reverse side of your assumption of "good faith" everywhere amongst those who you support politically---which is, in turn, the reverse of your assumption of "bad faith" everywhere amongst those whom you do not support politically. this may cut to a premise-level disagreement: speaking for myself, i never found *anything* compelling or even coherent about the bush people's notion of "the terrorist"....apparently, you imagine that term to have a meaning. it is obvious that most of the folk who have a Problem with the wire-tapping actions also have at the least doubts about the coherence of the notion of "terrorism"... if this is accurate, then all we are "arguing" about the theological question of whether you believe in the mystical power of the "terrorist" to be many and one, everywhere and nowhere and to redeem the republicans from certain disaster, all at the same time. if the center of your support for the bush people was "national security" then it would follow that for you fear of an Enemy is a central motivation for your politics. i don't think there is an Enemy. i think there are legions who oppose the united states for political reasons, and who often have every justification for doing so as a function of the various policy choices which have enabled the "amurican way of life" to metastasize as it has over the past 30 years. you no doubt do not share this view. this may lead to another underlying matter of whether you can relativize the "amurican way of life" or not, whether you can see it as an outcome of systems which are not rational in the main or whether you see it in the way you see the chair you sit on, as necessary and inevitable and given because your ass is in it. reversed: the "amurican way of life" is necessary because it's given, or its a result of larger-scale choices that have particular outcomes, intentional and not, good and not, and so is something that can be thought about as a problem and not simply accepted as given. but if this is the differend, there really is no debate happening. |
Who was it that said "our enemies are never as evil as we think they are" or something like that? It keeps popping into my mind.
Thanks for adding clarity. Quote:
Yes, I know the above is full of moral problems and that I should be more evolved, etc, etc. But again, I am being honest with you, even though it makes me appear heartless. I really do have a heart, and my friends and family know I would sacrifice almost anything for them.:) |
http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...98#post2473898 ...... Quote:
Yes, I'd take a bullet for George W. Bush knowing full well the consequences. |
I am going to make it even worse. I thought we were at war before Bush was even elected President. In my view we were in an undeclared (on our part) war. Our enemy decared war on us and attacked us many times before our Congress authorized our Commander in Chief to use military force. It seem you have a text book view of war, where wars a formerly declared, with declarations, typed double spaced, in triplicate - everyone wears nice neat uniforms and carry well defined national flags. Some wars don't fall into those nice little text book versions of what you may think a war is. |
Legally, we're not at war. We were at war with the Iraqi government, but they were defeated and victory was proclaimed. Now? We're at war with "terrorists" (which is a blanket term for anyone who fights against us). You can't actually declare war against "terrorists", though. Without a properly defined enemy, there is no war, and as such the US is not currently at war and as such there is no war time authority.
Or would you like war time authority to be extended to the war on illiteracy and the war on crime? Because there is no difference between the war on crime and the war on terrorism so far as the law is concerned. |
I highlighted this in post #19 on this thread, but...the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that, if I had posted a defense of the non-amnesty part of the bill passed in the house, last friday, the following criticism of the bill would be a key point for me to hone in on, if I was serious about supporting my opinion that the bill is, "not that bad":
Obama, at least his spokesperson, today....and the house leadership, are not lowering my level of concern: Quote:
This is based entirely on the laws the war makers make, the winner then becomes legally justified, right? I would not kid myself into thinking a country or people could fight a "moral" war. Nor do I kid myself about our history, everything we enjoy in this country is the result of war. The result of our past countrymen, killing, destroying property, taking property and resources by force. Now we have people enjoying the benefits of war, who want to say war is just or unjust, good or bad, legal or illegal, needed or not needed. We live in a world where you fight or you die, you make war or you risk your life and liberty. As long as we have something someone else may want, war is inevitable. You are either at war or preparing for war. Let's stop pretending we live in a world different than that. |
We are not at war. We are not at war. We are not at war. |
Regardless, without rules, wars will become uncontrollable. That's when the really bad stuff happens. Have you ever seen a woman raped, have her gentiles mutilated and then murdered after spending hours bleeding in agony? That happens. A lot. Perhaps you can attribute that to human nature, but I call it war crimes and I say that no victory is worth that. |
Here is what I know any question I ask will be a red herring, or you will simple avoid answering.
A wartime leader defines the behaviors of his troops. A leader by definition gives order where there would otherwise be chaos. War crimes are defined and upheld by the victor. We are clearly at the base level of this issue, your comments about legality and war, rules of warfare, etc, indicates to me that if you were a wartime leader, you would be defeated. |
War crimes are defined by laws and conventions signed by the warring parties. In the case of the US, we've signed the Geneva Conventions and are legally obliged to follow those conventions to the letter whether we're at war or not.
If I were a wartime leader, you'd be screwed because I'm a pacifist. Still, there would be a decent chance of winning because I (unlike most wartime leaders) seek to understand why my enemy fights. Considering that every conflict that the US has been involved in since WWII has essentially been unnecessary, maybe we could use an ambassador instead of a warrior. |
Controlled War? how about more oxymorons like Jumbo Shrimp. Waxing nostalgic about the honor of battle with lines of infantry is silly. War is war. Quote:
Since you asked the question.. have you? |
What is a pacifist? I did look it up but I don't understand it. Since you are one, perhaps you can help. Quote:
How would violent crimes be addressed by pacifist? I have a few other questions, but before I go through the effort we can start or end with these. |
Lots of them are murdered. But back to the topic, could this be why the dems approved the new retro immunity? http://themoderatevoice.com/politics...votes-on-fisa/ Quote:
murdered...you can't predict what someone will do, even if they don't NEED to doesn't mean that they won't. Nicole duFresne was murdered in my neighborhood. Quote:
Coalition deaths in Iraq are now 4109. Wounded sits at about 30,333. Coalition deaths in Afghanistan are now 788. |
Why don't we ask Tank Man how successful his pacifist protest has been? I'm sure he can speak ad naseum about how successful his protest was as there were zero fatalities. Oh we can't. No one steps forward to admit being him. Claims of him being executed are speculated. |
There's no evidence that he was executed. Anyone can pull a gun. It takes real bravery to stand in front of a tank. That guy is my fucking hero.
The Chinese know how to run a country, at least when you compare Eastern Siberia and Mongolia to Beijing, which is the route I took. He may be your hero (and I'm 100% behind that sentiment, actually), but he is almost certainly dead and almost equally certainly died a gruesome death after being tortured for an extended period. The Chinese leared how to run a country from the Soviets. |
So Tank Man, where are you? Why don't you answer the call to your fans? If he's so brave, why doesn't he continue to speak out? or come forward at all? Why would he be in hiding? I'm sure in 17 years he could have escaped the country found refugee status or political asylum in some western country. Because if he's still alive he doesn't have the guns some one else does and fears for his life. |
It's really only a question of whether your life is for you, or for all of humanity.
Let's go ahead and assume that the man died while leaving us an indelible image of the power of peaceful resistance. If he's got his life constituted not for himself but for all humanity--or even just all of China--then his death is well worth it. Gandhi's life wasn't for himself. Reverend King's life wasn't for himself. Their lives were handed over to a bigger concern than their own survival, and they were willing to lay themselves down in service of that concern. This thread is now officially Far Afield. |
Thank you for the reminder. Quote:
I really don't know why Americans are surprised and shocked that things happen with lying, graft, corruption, embezzlement, nepotism, and cronyism. It isn't much different than any other countries, the biggest difference is that we have due process to criminalize their actions and can remove them from office since they don't serve uncontestable life terms in office. It seems to me that many think that politicians are above being human. |
Cynthetiq, I'm disgusted that you'd reply to "Gandhi and Dr. King" with "suicide bomber". I'm looking to see if there's another word to describe my reaction, but there's really not: I'm disgusted.
Were you deliberately trying to be offensive? Are you so desperate to score points in this argument that you're going to lump the two paragons of NON-violence into the same group with suicide bombers? Really?? |
Vaclev Hamel who led the peaceful "intellectuals" anti-government movement in the Czech Republic is alive. Cory Aquino who led the peaceful yellow revolution in the Philippines is alive. The leaders of the peaceful rose revolution in Georgia are alive. Nelson Mandela is alive....happy 90th birthday! /end threadjack |
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