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Old 06-11-2007, 05:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
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The decider....for true

It would seem from this statement, that Mr. Bush really does consider himself our King rather than a public servant. I ask you all, what is the point of attempting to reign in an obviously far too powerful monarch if he already has the power to squash the attempt.

``To me, it's political,'' Bush said at a press conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, calling it ``a political resolution on my attorney general that's going to have no bearing on whether he serves in office or not.''

At what point do we, as a population become irrelevant to the Government?
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:55 AM   #2 (permalink)
Location: bedford, tx
Originally Posted by tecoyah
At what point do we, as a population become irrelevant to the Government?
I'd say about a week before the second revolution...
or second civil war if there are enough positivists that still feel they need that overpowering central government.
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."
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Old 06-11-2007, 07:57 AM   #3 (permalink)
isn't it past fucking time to stop dancing around what this is....what has happened to the DOJ under Gonzales, and the US during Bush? How he got selected in 2000 and in 2004....it's about vote suppression. Do "they' have to make their agenda clearer? it seems to be wrapped up and handed to us, already, doesn't it?

(June 10, 2007 -- 11:12 AM EDT)

The Senate is scheduled to consider a no-confidence resolution condemning Alberto Gonzales tomorrow, but even if it passes, don't expect too much of a reaction from the White House. Whether the Senate trusts the Attorney General or not is <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070610/ap_on_go_pr_wh/gonzales_prosecutors;_ylt=AqJgC_Dk80CUDl6t5FCBIZnMWM0F">of no interest</a> to the president.

<i>The White House on Sunday dismissed Senate plans to hold a no-confidence vote on the attorney general and said the outcome will not undermine President Bush's resolve to keep Alberto Gonzales at the Justice Department.

"Not a bit. Purely symbolic vote," presidential spokesman Tony Snow said. He was asked in a broadcast interview whether Bush might reconsider his decision to support Gonzales should a sizable number of Republican senators vote for the no-confidence resolution.

"It is perfectly obvious that the president has the right to hire and fire people who serve at his pleasure," Snow said.</i>

The point, of course, isn't whether Bush has employment power over those who serve at his pleasure, but rather whether Gonzales' conduct has been tragic enough to force his ouster.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently said, "The president should understand that while he has confidence in Attorney General Gonzales, very few others do. Congress has a right -- and even an obligation -- to express its views when things are this serious."

I don't disagree in the slightest. I just don't think anyone should be surprised when Bush and Gonzales treat the no-confidence vote the way they treat habeas.

The AP added that tomorrow's resolution "could be Congress' last effort to force Gonzales ouster." That's not quite right -- the Senate could consider <a href="http://impeachgonzales.org/">impeachment</a>.
....Five years ago, as Bush was gearing up his presidential campaign, he made a little-noticed pilgrimage to a gathering of right-wing Christian activists, under the auspices of a group called the Committee to Restore American Values. The committee, which assembled about two dozen of the nation's leading fundamentalist firebrands, was chaired by LaHaye. At the time, many evangelicals viewed Bush skeptically: Despite his born-again views, when he was governor of Texas, Bush had alienated many of the state's Christian-right activists for failing to pursue a sufficiently evangelical agenda. On the national level, he was an unknown quantity.

That day, behind closed doors, LaHaye grilled the candidate. He presented Bush with a lengthy questionnaire on issues such as abortion, judicial appointments, education, religious freedom, gun control and the Middle East. What the preacher thought of Bush's answers would largely determine whether the Christian right would throw its muscle behind the Texas governor.....

...........In 1979, at a time when ministers confined themselves to their churches, he prodded the Rev. Jerry Falwell to found the Moral Majority, a group that launched today's cultural wars against feminism, homosexuality, abortion, drugs and pornography. In 1981, he helped found the little-known but vastly powerful Council for National Policy, a secretive group of wealthy donors that has funneled billions of dollars to right-wing Christian activists. "No one individual has played a more central organizing role in the religious right than Tim LaHaye," says Larry Eskridge of the Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals, calling him "the most influential American evangelical of the last twenty-five years."

When the meeting with Bush ended, LaHaye gave the candidate his seal of approval. For Bush, it was a major breakthrough, clearing the decks for hundreds of leaders of the Christian right, from TV preachers and talk-show hosts to Bible Belt pulpit pounders, to support the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2000. "Bush went into the meeting not totally acceptable," <b>recalls Paul Weyrich, the grandfather of the religious right,</b> who has known LaHaye for thirty years. "He went out not only acceptable but enthusiastically supported."....

By: John Amato on Thursday, June 7th, 2007 at 4:30 PM - PDT

Paul Weyrich, father of the right-wing movement and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation,

Moral Majority and various other groups <h3>tells his flock that he doesn’t want people to vote. </h3>

That’s why the GOP is obsessed with voter fraud—only they want to disenfranchise voters

because as Weyrich said back in the ’80’s…the more voters there are—the less of a chance the

wingers have in any election.

video_wmv Download (2486) | Play (1860) video_mov Download (1495) | Play (1270)

Weyrich: “Now many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome — good

government. They want everybody to vote. I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not

won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they

are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as

the voting populace goes down.

Need I say more?
Secret Society
Just who is the Council for National Policy, and why aren't they paying taxes?

by Sarah Posner, Contributor

.....Who Is Behind CNP?
....Today, CNP's Board and roster of known members is a who's who of the radical right, and a sampling includes former Reagan cabinet member Donald Hodel, also President of James Dobson's Focus on the Family; Heritage Foundation President Edwin Feulner, who has served on CNP's board, as have Grover Norquist, President of the anti-tax group Americans for Tax Reform and <b>Paul Weyrich</b>, President of the Free Congress Foundation; Holly Coors; T. Kenneth Cribb, President of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute; and Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Council, which provides a media network through which it disseminates radical conservative ideology and propaganda.

CNP's tentacles also reach into a community of well-connected activists who advocate for the imposition of fundamentalist Christian ideology in public life and have succeeded in forcing their agenda in the Bush Administration. Besides the well-known affiliation of Dobson and Hodel, just one example is the Home School Legal Defense Association, which has paid CNP dues so that Michael Farris, its executive director, could attend the meetings. Farris has since also become President of Patrick Henry College (PHC), founded in 2000 for home-schooled students. PHC aims to "prepare Christian men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture with timeless biblical values and fidelity to the spirit of the American founding" and "to aid in the transformation of American society by training Christian students to serve God and mankind with a passion for righteousness, justice and mercy, through careers of public service and cultural influence." <b>Janet Ashcroft, the former Attorney General's wife</b>, and Barbara Hodel, Hodel's wife, also serve on PHC's Board of Trustees.....

This morning, in a nondescript room in the Russell Building, some of Capitol Hill’s top

conservative staffers and lobbyists will meet to plot Senate strategy, as they do most


Coffee cups in hand, the staffers will assemble around a square boardroom table to exchange

ideas and share intelligence, bounce thoughts off leadership staffers and, ultimately, shape

the Senate’s conservative agenda.

The Conservative Working Group (CWG), as the group calls itself, is one of several

invitation-only conservative gatherings making its influence felt in the Senate, a body

known more for compromise and moderation than for advancing conservative ideals.

As the conservative movement has gained strength in recent years, its champions in the

Senate have sought to organize and hold regular strategy meetings, taking cues from more

established gatherings on the House side and on K Street. Older groups such as the CWG,

which was set up in 1974, have been rejuvenated, while a bevy of new groups has sprung up.

These include the Values Action Team (VAT), which emphasizes social issues; the Fiscal

Action Team (FAT), which focuses on economic and tax issues; and a gun-rights group.

Attendees claim that the behind-the-scenes strategy sessions have already swayed the Senate

agenda, even though few people realize it, because, as one Senate aide put it, “We derive

our power from being underground.”

The CWG was instrumental in defeating the Law of the Sea Treaty, according to a lobbyist who

regularly attends the meetings. If the Senate had ratified the treaty, the United States

would have become subject to an international body overseeing the planet’s oceans. To

conservatives, the plan sounded like another United Nations, which they vehemently oppose.

“The treaty was never brought up. They’ve had an effect in that they were able to rally

opposition to that treaty,” the lobbyist said.

The meetings have also been a driving force behind the failure of the Senate to renew the

assault-weapons ban and the effort, though unsuccessful, to pass a marriage amendment to the

Constitution. They have pushed for higher tax cuts and have tried to thwart filibusters of

judicial nominees.

The CWG is led by Ed Corrigan, executive director of the conservative Senate Republican

Steering Committee. It serves as a staff-led counterpart to the weekly meeting held by

senators on the Steering Committee. Corrigan also runs the Fiscal Action Team.

Sen. Sam Brownback (Kan.) and his chief of staff, Rob Wasinger, lead the VAT meetings, which

like the other groups, attracts staff, lobbyists and activists.

For lobbyists, the sessions are a chance to bring their message to dozens of staffers at

once, while collecting valuable information to bring back to their clients.

“People make sure they get there because [the CWG] is an important group,” said Chris Myers,

a lobbyist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a regular attendee.
“It’s active. They get things done. Folks want to get there and get some face time.”

He added, “We can learn about issues that are out there that Senate staff are working on. …

They can find out what the business community is thinking on some of these issues.”

A lobbyist who attends the meetings agreed. “It a good place to organize conservatives. It’s

an opportunity for a staffer to bend other senators’ ears,” the lobbyist said. “For

lobbyists, we get an update on what’s going on. That’s good for clients.”

Tripp Baird, director of Senate relations for the Heritage Foundation, often gives

presentations to the assembled staffers.

“Every group would love to sit down with these staff — outside groups, K Street, trade

associations. It is definitely staff willing to listen and understand, but it also has a

conservative viewpoint already,” he said. When not speaking to the group, he added, “I get

to be a fly on the wall. … People come and vent about things that are going on.
If a member [of the Senate] were there, people would not be as open as they are.”

Baird credits the CWG with helping force the resignation two weeks ago of a spokeswoman for

the commission conducting an inquiry into the United Nations’ oil-for-food program. The

Heritage Foundation had complained that she wrote an op-ed two years ago that was critical

of President Bush.

For leadership aides, the meetings can be an early-warning system, indicating what the

conservative base is thinking and planning. Bill Wichterman, policy adviser to Majority

Leader Bill Frist (Tenn.), regularly attends.

Yet, in many cases, Senate leaders and conservatives find themselves on the same page. Frist

is one of the most conservative members of the Senate, as are Majority Whip Mitch McConnell

(Ky.) and GOP Conference Chairman Rick Santorum (Pa.).

Some observers argue that as the Senate leadership moves farther to the right, organized

meetings such as the CWG have had more say in leadership decisions.

“When we first started [in 1974], we didn’t really have anyone in leadership favorable to

our point of view,” <b>said Paul Weyrich, who led the CWG in its early years and now heads

the Free Congress Foundation.</b> “We had to figure out ways to get around them. … Today,

it’s entirely different. Today, we have the most conservative leadership group in the modern

history of Senate. … The Steering Committee under these circumstances is taken very


Myers agreed. “They aren’t outsiders anymore. It used to be that to get attention, they had

to throw bombs. Now they are in the room. They are leadership,” he said.

The CWG often coordinates with House-side groups and gatherings off the Hill. The House

Republican Steering Committee organizes a large group of staffers who meet on Mondays.

<b>Weyrich runs a weekly conservative meeting</b>, the Coalitions Lunch, at the Free Congress

Foundation. It routinely attracts House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.), Sen. James Inhofe

(Okla.) and Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.).

Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform also hosts a well-known conservative strategy

session. Corrigan and Weyrich run the Stanton Group, which focuses on foreign policy, while

Brian Darling, a lobbyist at the Alexander Strategy Group, organizes a meeting on gun


Aside from the Heritage Foundation and the Chamber, the “off-campus” contingent at CWG

meetings includes White House staffers Matthew Kirk and Virginia Loper, Bob Thompson from

the Free Congress Foundation, Ben Dupuy from the National Rifle Association and Stacie

Rumenap from the American Conservative Union.

Various contract lobbyists also attend.

Power Elites: The Merger of Right and Left

.........Paul Weyrich

Paul Weyrich is considered by conservative Powers That Be as the most powerful man in American politics today. Weyrich allegedly founded the immensely influential conservative think tank, Heritage Foundation, in 1973 with funding from Joseph Coors of the Coors beer empire and Richard Mellon-Scaife, heir of the Carnegie-Mellon fortune. (2)

Over the past 25 years, Heritage has also been funded by private foundations such as Pew Charitable Trust which also funded many GOALS 2000 initiatives. William Greider's bestseller, Who Will Tell the People: The Betrayal of American Democracy reveals other benefactors: "Not withstanding its role as 'populist' spokesman, Weyrich's organization, for instance, has received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank [David Rockefeller] and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley." (3)

Paul Weyrich served as President of Heritage Foundation until 1974 when he founded the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress (which he heads today as the Free Congress Foundation). Heritage Foundation guided the Reagan administration during its period of transition and Joe Coors served in the President's "Kitchen Cabinet." During its first year, the Reagan administration adopted fully two-thirds of the recommendations of Heritage's Mandate for Leadership: Policy Management in a Conservative Administration.

<h3>John Saloma's Ominous Politics, refers to Heritage as a "shadow government"</h3> noting that "[Heritage President] (Edwin) Feulner also served on the Reagan transition executive committee (fourteen other Heritage staff and board members also had transition appointments), but declined to join the administration." (4)

Paul M. Weyrich:

"We are different from previous generations of conservatives…We are no longer working to

preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure

of this country." <b>(John Soloma's 1984 book</b>, Ominous Politics: the new conservative

labyrinth, Hill and Wang, New York ISBN: 0809072955 0809001594).
....add this post to your reading:

A 1995 Wall Street Journal observed the formidable influence of the Heritage Foundation on government policies since the Reagan era: .......

.....Facist Connections

Paul Weyrich - considered the architect and mainstay of the conservative revolution - calls for "reclaiming the culture" and a "second American Revolution." A look at the inflammatory, extremist rhetoric with racial and Inquisitorial overtones on <b>the Free Congress Foundation</b> web site should alarm Christians as to Weyrich's real intent: ......
The following is an archived page....the current link leads to a .pdf file,
and I was too impatient to wait for it to load: http://www.freecongress.org/aboutfcf.aspx

Paul Weyrich:

* Age: 57. Born in Racine, Wisconsin, married to Joyce Smigun Weyrich, July 6, 1963. Children:
* Dawn (Mrs. Edward Ceol), 36, Mother of Jillian, granddaughter, and twin grandsons, Alexander and Benjamin.
* Peter, 35, Account Executive, Effinity Services.
* Diana (Mrs. Craig Pascoe), 34, President, The Capital Network and Development Group, Mother of Stephen James.
* Sephen, 29, Senior Producer, Frontiers of Medicine, Father of Matthew, grandson, Sarah, granddaughter, and Michael, grandson.
* Andrew, 24, CEO, ImLikeU.com, candidate for Masters degree, George Mason University.


Public Policy

* President, Free Congress Research and Education Foundation, 1977 - present.
* President, The Krieble Institute of Free Congress Foundation (responsible for training democracy movements in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Empire) 1989 - 1996.
* Member, Board of Directors, The Freedom and Democracy Institute of Russia, 1997 - present.
<b>* Treasurer, Council for National Policy, 1981 - 1992. (currently on the Executive Committee of the CNP)</b>
* National Chairman, Coalitions for America, 1978 - present.
* Founder, American Legislative Exchange Council, 1973; Director, 1975 - 1978.
<b> * Founding President, The Heritage Foundation, 1973 - 1974. </b>

Last edited by host; 06-11-2007 at 11:25 PM..
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Old 06-11-2007, 08:29 AM   #4 (permalink)
dc_dux's Avatar
Location: Washington DC
Bush is "lawyering up" to survive his remaining time with the least legal fallout possible for himself and those taking the fall for him.

Last Friday, he announced hiring 9 new Associate Counsels to work under Fred Fielding who heads up the WH Counsel's office and is responsible for doing whatever necessary to slow down current and any further Congressional investigations.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
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Old 06-11-2007, 08:53 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: essex ma
i was more struck by george's announcement that he had decided that kosovo should be independent on the weekend than by the other parts of his little speech in bulgaria.

o and we ARE irrelevant to government.
americans are politically free one day every 4 years. apparently, this is adequate for us.

when we collectively disagree (with any depth to that disagreement) with what an administration is doing, we feel this 1 day every 4 years problem for what it is: when we dont disagree, we dont feel it.

so somehow it has come to pass that we do not really experience our lack of any actual, ongoing role as the people in governance to be a problem. we experience it as a problem as a function of something more local/circumscribed. it is like it has no independent status. the only explanation i have for this is that we, as little amuricans passing through the ideological indoctrination of primary school, pick up the argument that this is the best of all possible systems and reproduce that meme throughout our lives. of course, this repetition is constantly reinforced by the various ideological relay systems that circumscribe what is means to be in this the best possible system in the best of all possible worlds--but that too is not a problem on its own, not really.

it's a funny kind of "democracy" this representative republic has.

all that cowboy george and his gang have really done is to demonstrate to everyone how strange it is: the system can be gutted from the inside and no-one reacts. we drink. we go home. we stay home. we watch tv. maybe later we go out and buy things.
it's all good.
this is the best of all possible worlds: how could anything be otherwise?
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 06-12-2007, 12:26 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally Posted by dc_dux
Bush is "lawyering up" to survive his remaining time with the least legal fallout possible for himself and those taking the fall for him.

Last Friday, he announced hiring 9 new Associate Counsels to work under Fred Fielding who heads up the WH Counsel's office and is responsible for doing whatever necessary to slow down current and any further Congressional investigations.
dc_dux....near the end of my June 9th post:
Originally Posted by host

....I also do not believe that the governnment is "broken" or "incompetent". It has intentionally been made to appear that way....via appointments of "Cronys" (no Regent Univ. "grads" among Bush's nine new white house lawyers....not-a-one)....and via tax cuts and a ramp up in spending....from '81 to '93, and from '01 until now. Treasury Debt increase from oct. 1, 1999 to 9/30/00 was $18 billion, and now it's $500 bilion annually....
Originally Posted by roachboy
.....when we collectively disagree (with any depth to that disagreement) with what an administration is doing, we feel this 1 day every 4 years problem for what it is: when we dont disagree, we dont feel it.

so somehow it has come to pass that we do not really experience our lack of any actual, ongoing role as the people in governance to be a problem.......
roachboy, it is precisely because there is only "1 day, every 4 years", to stop "the putsch", that it is so successful:

There are 190 Bush admin. era, "scandals" on this list......

<b>Bush Scandals List:</b>

we'll make nice, by just highlighting a couple of them (less than half...):

2. Firing of US attorneys. Most of the country's 93 US attorneys are usually replaced within the first 2 years of a new administration and this is what happened when Bush came into office in 2001. US attorneys are political appointees and are chosen to reflect the policy priorities of a President. Still their primary job is to uphold the law, and the law is not supposed to be partisan. Karl Rove, of course, had other ideas. He believes that government should be politicized and populated with compliant partisan hacks loyal to him and his.
....The plan was to create a list of political hires and fires of US attorneys under the direction of the White House (i.e. Rove and Harriet Miers) which Gonzales (and Bush) would then dutifully sign off on. There were two components. First, on February 7, 2006, regulations were published giving Attorney General Alberto Gonzales the power to hire and fire all non-civil service employees of the Justice Department (DOJ). On March 1, 2006, Gonzales signed an order delegating this power (subject to his nominal final approval) to two fairly junior and inexperienced staffers: Monica "Loyalty oaths" Goodling his senior counselor and liaison with the White House and his Chief of Staff Kyle Sampson. Second, sometime late in 2005 (shortly before the conference report for the Patriot Act Extension was filed on December 8, 2005), language originating at the DOJ was surreptitiously inserted into the act by Brett Tolman which allowed Gonzales to make indefinite interim US attorney appointments without Senate approval. The conference report was passed and became law on March 9, 2006. So again, the two parts were first to set up a system where Rove could control the hiring and firing of US attorneys and second to bypass the Senate confirmation process which might interfere with the first part.
....On December 7, 2006, eight US attorneys were notified that they would be fired. Most came from swing states. Most were considered not to have aggressively enough prosecuted Democrats or voter fraud cases in the run up to November 2006 elections, the idea being that such prosecutions would have helped Republicans in close elections. Worse some were investigating and had even prosecuted prominent Republicans. And then there were those partisan hacks waiting in the wings to replace them.

1. Carol Lam, Southern California, convicted Rep. Duke Cunningham and indicted the former No. 3 at the CIA Dusty Foggo.
2. H. E. Cummins III, Eastern Arkansas, had been asked to investigate the Republican Governor in the neighboring state of Missouri. He announced the investigation finished in October 2006 a month before the election but was fired anyway to make way for Timothy Griffin, an aide to Karl Rove who had been the principal opposition researcher in the Bush 2004 campaign.
3. David Iglesias, New Mexico, angered Republican Senator Pete Domenici and Representative Heather Wilson when he refused to push for indictments of Democratic officials before the election after they inappropriately contacted him.
4. Daniel Bogden, Nevada, similarly was replaced by Brett Tolman who was crucial to bypassing Senate scrutiny of these appointments.
5. Paul K. Charlton, Arizona, was investigating Republican Representative Rick Renzi for corruption.
6. John McKay, Western Washington, angered state Republicans for not creating voter fraud cases in the 2004 Governor's race which Democrat Christine Gregoire won by 129 votes.
7. Margaret Chiara, Western Michigan. It is not clear why she was fired. She was on the Native American Issues Subcommittee (NAIS) of US attorneys. It may have been to make way for Russell Stoddard who had been languishing out in Guam as First Assistant Attorney after Frederick Black got demoted for investigating Abramoff's activities in the North Marianas.
8. Kevin V. Ryan, Northern California, is the only one of the 8 who deserved to be on the list because he did run his office poorly. DOJ actually wanted to keep him on but a federal judge forced the issue and his name was added to the list.

....As they say, it is not the crime but the coverup. Gonzales has given so many different and contradictory stories about the firings that it is hard to keep up and then there is his memory. In his Senate testimony of April 19, 2007, he answered he couldn't remember by some counts 71 times. He didn't know who had called for such a list. He couldn't remember having been very involved in the process. He even forgot to mention the March 1, 2006 order in his testimony. In fact, he knew very little about what were major decisions at the department he supposedly ran but, despite this, he did know there was nothing improper in any of it. Testifying in the House on May 10, 2007, his memory and his believability were little improved. Kyle Sampson too had memory problems but did contradict Gonzales' claim that he had not been involved. For his part, Sampson described himself as just the guy that others dropped their files off to and his contribution to the process was to keep them in his desk drawer. Initially, Monica Goodling took an indefinite leave of absence, then resigned, then said she would take the 5th in any Congressional testimony. On May 23, 2007, after a grant of immunity she testified that Paul McNulty the Deputy Attorney General was more aware of events surrounding the firings (although this is far from clear), that she had crossed the line (i.e. broken the law) in asking career DOJ hires about their political affiliations, that Gonzales' statements were inaccurate (i.e. he lied), and that Gonzales had sought to harmonize their stories (i.e. obstruct justice). Goodling, like Sampson, tried to portray herself as a bit player despite Gonzales‚ extraordinary grant of authority to them both. In any case, it is clear that the White House, and more specifically Karl Rove, was calling the shots in this affair, and that those at Justice, including the Attorney General, were just the eager, if dim, facilitators of it.
....In addition to the Sampson and Goodling resignations, Michael Battle Director of the Executive Office for US Attorneys (EOUSA) who informed the US attorneys of their firing left the DOJ on March 16, 2007. Paul McNulty the No. 2 at the DOJ and Deputy Attorney General announced his resignation on May 14, 2007 to become effective later in the summer. Although left out of the loop on the details of the firings and giving false Congressional as a result for which he apologized, McNulty did approve the firings and through his Chief of Staff Michael Elston warned several of those fired to stay quiet about them.

3. Plamegate.....
.....On June 5, 2007, Scooter Libby received a preliminary sentence of 30-month term in federal prison, with a 2-year term of supervised release following the completion of that sentence, a $250,000 fine, and a requirement of 400 hours of community service. Scooter's defense solicited letters on his behalf from Washington's conservative elite. These praised his legal expertise and national security credentials and were likely counterproductive since they made clear he was well aware of the legal ramifications of lying to a grand jury and the security implications of outing a CIA agent. A group of conservative attorneys led by Robert Bork also filed an unsuccessful, last minute amicus brief questioning the legitimacy of Patrick Fitzgerald's appointment as prosecutor. It called the appointment a "close" question although its rationale depended upon a lone Supreme Court dissent in a case that was not closely decided and its effect would be to prevent independent investigations of high US officials.

10. The Military Commissions Act: torture, indefinite detention, the end of habeas corpus, and kangaroo courts

12. Bush authorized warrantless NSA wiretapping in October 2001. The program was targeted at domestic telephone and internet communication in violation of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which itself set a fairly low bar for wiretaps. It may also have included massive data mining of domestic communications. In March 2004, Deputy Attorney General James Comey and Attorney General John Ashcroft decided to refuse a periodic DOJ signoff on its legality. This resulted in the extraordinary scene where then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and Chief of Staff Andrew Card tried to get Ashcroft to sign an authorization while Ashcroft lay in an ICU bed suffering from gallstone pancreatitis. Comey who was acting Attorney General was present as Ashcroft resisted. Despite the refusal by the DOJ to vouch for the program's legality, Bush re-authorized it anyway. The program became public when the New York Times reported on it in December 2005. In 2006 various unsuccessful attempts were made to accommodate the program. This included the infamous attempted "compromise" by Arlen Specter to legalize its worst excesses and retroactively amnesty any illegalities. Under mounting pressure and with a new Democratic Congress, Alberto Gonzales announced on January 18, 2007, a "deal" with the FISA court which would put the program under its supervision. Gonzales maintained, however, that Bush still had Article II power to go outside the court if he wanted to. Despite previous abuses, April 10, 2007 intelligence czar DNI John McConnell proposes changes to FISA to permit domestic surveillance of foreign nationals completely outside of FISA, extend from 3 days to one week surveillance without seeking FISA permission "in emergency situations," immunize telecoms, and extend FISA warrants from 120 days to one year

13. SWIFT surveillance of international financial transactions

16. K Street Lobbyists, Jack Abramoff, North Marianas, removal of investigating US attorney Frederick Black (Guam), Gale Norton and Steven Griles at Interior, go betweens Italia Federici for Norton and Susan Ralston for Rove, tribal casinos; conviction of Rep. Bob "Freedom Fries" Ney (R-OH) for conspiracy and false statements re Abramoff's Indian casinos scam

17. Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, No. 3 at the CIA under Porter Goss, tied to the Duke Cunningham scandal, and poker "read money laundering" parties with limos and hookers for government officials and representatives. Foggo was indicted for fraud February 13, 2007 by fired US attorney for Southern California Carol Lam two days before she left office

18. Duke Cunningham convicted of receiving $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractors and conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion, the MZM connection

19. Tom Delay, creator of the K Street Project, squeezing lobbyists to finance Republicans only, indicted for conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws (money laundering) in Texas, also connections to the Abramoff scandal. Major figure in Washington culture of corruption

25. Big budget deficits and vastly increased national debt; the national debt as of the date of Bush's 2001 inauguration was $5.7 trillion in mid-April 2007 it was $8.8 trillion an increase of 35%.

26. The stacking of SCOTUS with right wing conservatives Roberts and Alito; the threat to Roe v. Wade; April 18, 2007 in a 5-4 decision SCOTUS upholds a ban on partial birth abortions. The procedure is rare and performed for medical reasons. Such a ban has been a goal of abortion foes who see it both as a step in a direct overturning of Roe and as part of an indirect approach to place so many restrictions on abortions as to effectively eliminate them

31. 2000 Presidential election; voter suppression and cooked felons list, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, Governor Jeb Bush, Bush consigliere Jim Baker oversaw the recount, Theodore Olson argued Bush v. Gore: SCOTUS decided 7-2 to stop recounts because of inconsistent procedures and 5-4 insufficient time to begin new recount, giving Bush the election

32. 2004 Presidential election; Ohio voter irregularities that consistently favored Bush; Ken Blackwell was the Republican Secretary of State and honorary co chair of the Bush campaign who oversaw the election in Ohio. He opted for touch screen voting machines which left no paper trail and were sold by Diebold whose CEO Walden O'Dell was a Republican fundraiser. Long lines and too few machines in traditionally Democratic and minority areas also occurred.
....The Ohio Republican Party was unusually corrupt and was largely voted out in the November 2006 elections. It was epitomized by Tom Noe a Bush Pioneer who made illegal contributions to the Bush campaign at the same time he was looting millions from the state's workers comp program in a kooky coin investment scheme. He's currently serving ~20 years on state and federal charges.

40. Alberto Gonzales: politicization of the department, even down to the intern program, decimation of career lawyers and evisceration of divisions, like civil rights. The US attorney firings and the use of political litmus tests in hiring. The use of corruption, voter suppression, and voter fraud cases to influence elections.
....Gonzales was counsel to the President before becoming Attorney General. This should have meant that he moved from being the President's lawyer to the people's lawyer but it is clear that he continues to see his main client as the President. Some think that he is dishonest; others say he is incompetent. He is both.

45. Rampant cronyism

46. Signing statements: As of early 2007, there have been 147 signing statements challenging over 1,140 provisions in about 150 federal bills. In the past signing statements were used to establish grounds for a possible future challenge of a law by the Executive branch or to assert that signing a specific bill did not imply a surrender of an underlying Presidential power. Bush has used them to maintain that he will only obey a law or a part of a law when it suits him.

47. Unilateral (aka Unitary) Executive doctrine: the brainchild of John Yoo and David Addington which seeks to establish a legal framework through misreading the Constitution for a Presidential dictatorship

48. Overuse and abuse of the National Guard and Reserves; posse comitatus; decreased ability to deal with natural disasters; also much National Guard equipment is now in Iraq and there is currently a $24 billion shortfall in equiping National Guard units in this country.

69. Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court October 3-27, 2005

85. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram; the Marine massacre of 24 Iraqi civilians at Haditha and its coverup

86. Asserted right to open US mail

92. Refusal to grant security clearances to OPR (Office of Public Responsibility) lawyers investigating the role of Gonzales both as WH counsel and later as AG in authorizing warrantless NSA wiretapping thus quashing the investigation

93. Political interference in the Justice Department lawsuit against Big Tobacco

94. White House involvement in election day phone jamming of Democrats in New Hampshire November 5, 2002; Charles McGee, former executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party pled guilty to conspiracy; James Tobin New England head of the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee made two dozen calls to the White House over a three day period during this time. He was convicted for his participation. This was reversed on appeal March 21, 2007 and his case was sent back to the district court.

95. Sweetheart plea deal for Steven Griles former No. 2 at Interior (Abramoff scandal) for lying to Congress: no cooperation demand, the minimum 10 months, 5 to be served at the home of his girlfriend Sue Ellen Wooldridge who had just left Justice where she was an assistant attorney general heading the environment division. She signed a generous consent decree with ConocoPhillips despite being friends with a Conoco vice president and despite the fact that Conoco was being represented by Griles

96. The unfired (Bush appointed) US attorneys who targeted 80% of their political corruption cases against Democrats

97. Insertion into the Patriot Act extension of language allowing US attorneys to be named without Senate approval. This provision originated with Daniel Collins a former Associate Deputy AG back in 2003 but was taken by then Assistant AG for Legislative Affairs (now Principal Associate Deputy AG) William Moschella in 2005 and forwarded to Brett Tolman, a protege of Utah Senator Orrin Hatch on Arlen Specter's staff who snuck it into the bill. Specter denied knowledge of the insertion and said he had not read the bill. He admitted, however, that his chief of staff Michael O'Neil did know. As a reward, Tolman was nominated US attorney for Utah and confirmed by the Senate July 21, 2006 in the usual way and not the one he slipped into the Patriot Act. Gonzales approved but maintained he didn't know how it happened.

98. Massive and illegal abuse by FBI of National Security Letters (administrative warrants) or NSLs. An inspector general report at the DOJ estimated that 143,000 NSLs had been issued between 2003 and 2005. An exact number was not possible because recordkeeping was so bad that an unknown number were never properly recorded.

100. Karl Rove and the culture of corruption

101. Voter suppression, voter ID laws, exaggerating the problem of voter fraud, attempts to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act on its renewal; Hans von Spakovsky, a Republican volunteer in the Florida recount, was Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for the DOJ's Civil Rights division where he signed off on Tom Delay's 2003 Texas redistricting plan and a 2005 Georgia voter ID law overruling staff recommendations that they were discriminatory. Both were struck down in the courts. In the Georgia case, a federal appeals judge compared the ID system to Jim Crow poll taxes. Spakovsky went on to be a Commissioner at the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) in a January 6, 2006 recess appointment.
....The head of the voting section of the Civil Rights Division during this period was Bradley Schlozman. Schlozman was highly political. He wanted to know if prospective hires were Republicans and forced out employees who committed the sin of not agreeing with him. Although having no prosecutorial experience, Schlozman was named US attorney for Western Missouri on March 23, 2006. In a blatant attempt at voter suppression and in contravention of DOJ guidelines, he filed voter fraud cases days before the November elections. His was one of the first of the "interim" appointments made under the revised provisions snuck into the Patriot Act and there have been suggestions that his predecessor Todd Graves was forced out to make way for him. He left in April 2007 to work at the Executive Office for US Attorneys (EOUSA). Schlozman testified about his activities before the Senate on June 5, 2007. Like most recent DOJ witnesses, he suffered from extreme memory loss. He testified that Craig Donsanto OK'ed the pre-election Missouri cases although Donsanto is the one who wrote the DOJ guidelines.
....The current head of the Civil Rights Division is Wan J. Kim, an Orrin Hatch protege.

109. A 9th US prosecutor Tom Heffelfinger in Minnesota was replaced by Rachel Paulose. Paulose at age 33 joined the DOJ and after less than 2 months as a senior counsel to deputy attorney general Paul McNulty she was named to the USA position in Minnesota. She was also reputed to be good friends with Monica "Loyalty oaths" Goodling and had a reputation for quoting the bible and dressing down staff. As a result on April 5, 2007, three of her top assistants, career prosecutors, resigned their administrative positions and voluntarily demoted themselves rather than work with her in a sign of their complete lack of faith in her abilities
....The push to oust Heffelfinger appears to have resulted from an attempt to suppress the Native American vote in 2004. In Minnesota, many Native Americans vote Democratic, live off reservation, and have tribal IDs as their principal source of identification. The Republican Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer refused to accept these for voting purposes. An assistant US attorney in Heffelfinger's office Rob Lewis contacted Joseph Rich a career prosecutor and the head of the voting section of the DOJ's Civil Rights Division. Rich recommended an investigation which was vetoed by Bradley Schlozman. Attempts to gather further information were effectively derailed by Hans von Spakovsky. Shortly before the November election, federal District Judge James Rosenbaum ruled that tribal IDs could be used. Heffelfinger who was cited in testimony by Monica Goodling as spending too much time on Native American issues (He headed the US attorneys subcommittee on Native American issues) resigned effective February 28, 2006. As one of her first acts, interim USA Paulose got rid of Rob Lewis.

110. Use of GWB43.com email servers through the RNC to transact government business outside the White House logging and archiving system in contravention of the law; also similar use of Blackberries; a large but unknown number of emails have now been reported "lost", a situation that is nearly impossible given current backup systems.

111. Georgia Thompson a purchasing agent in Wisconsin was convicted of steering a contract to a company in which 2 executives had contributed the maximum to Democratic Governor Jim Doyle's re-election campaign. Thompson had been a hire of the previous Republican governor and no evidence was produced at trial that she knew of the contributions. Remanded by the Republican judge who heard the case, she served 4 months of an 18 month sentence before an appeals court overturned her conviction after oral arguments where one judge typified the government's case as "beyond thin" and ordered her freed the same day. The case was brought by Bush appointed US attorney Steven Biskupic during the campaign and was used in Republican campaign ads to accuse Doyle of corruption

112. US attorney for New Jersey and former Bush "Pioneer" Chris Christie issued subpoenas in a corruption probe of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez two months before the Nov. 2006 elections. Menendez was in a tight race with Tom Keane. After Menendez won, the investigation went away

113. Kay Coles James, dean of Pat Robertson's Regent's government school, made director of the Office of Personnel Management in 2001. In 2002, John Ashcroft eases qualifications for DOJ hiring. The influx into the DOJ of young, poorly qualified lawyers on a conservative religious mission begins

114. In a rushed process, Bernard B. Kerik, a Rudy Giuliani protege and former New York City Police Commissioner, was nominated to be Secretary of Homeland Security December 3, 2004. He withdrew his name a week later ostensibly because of his employment of an undocumented immigrant as a nanny. However, it quickly came out that Kerik was also involved in a dubious stock sale of stun gun manufacturer Taser International shortly before a critical report by Amnesty International, a sexual harassment suit, connections to a construction company tied to organized crime, use of an apartment donated for 911 relief as a love nest where he could meet his girlfriends, including Judith Regan, and accepting gifts in contravention of ethics rules (for which he paid a $221,000 fine). Kerik was also the inept Interim Minister of the Interior in Iraq under Paul Bremer's CPA in 2003

115. The Bush back story: The time in the TANG, the transfer to the Alabama National Guard, the lost years, the 1976 DUI in Maine, the business bailouts, the governorship, hardline on drug crimes despite his own past history and a fast and loose approach to the death penalty

116. As of February 2006, the terrorist watchlist of the National Counterterrorism Center: the bizarrely named Terrorists Identity Datamart Environment (TIDE) has 400,000 names representing 300,000 people. The Transportation Security Administration's no-fly list had 44,000 names on it as of October 2006. 75,000 others are on an extra screening list (CBS). The size of the lists, that they contain numerous errors, that it is difficult or impossible to remove names or correct errors, the presence of common names, and the ease with which these lists can be subverted by real terrorists raise questions why such large, sloppy lists exist at all

117. Insta-declassification in contravention of Bush's own Executive order 13292 and without consultation with the original classifying agency. Also abusive and indiscriminate classification (secrecy for secrecy's sake) of government documents

119. Homeland Security's Automated Targeting System (ATS) database which makes a terrorist risk assessment on anyone traveling to or from the US by any means and keeps it for 40 years

121. The Election Assistance Commission which was created to do election research after the 2000 election debacle issued a December 2006 report which changed the conclusions of its experts and exaggerated the problem of voter fraud. Previously, the Commission released a report only under Congressional pressure that indicated that voter ID programs suppressed voter turnout among minorities. The EAC also has oversight of voting machines and voting software in which it has failed.

123. Alice Fisher named to head the Criminal Division at the DOJ in a recess appointment, later confirmed September 19, 2006 (just before the Nov. 2006 elections). A protegee of Michael Chertoff, she worked under him as deputy head of the Criminal Division but has no experience as a criminal prosecutor. She also worked on the Senate investigation into the Clinton era Whitewater scandal and was a lobbyist of HCA the healthcare company controlled by the family of the recent Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist. She has opposed rescinding the more gratuitous aspects of the Patriot Act, favored its extension unchanged, participated in discussions of abusive interrogation methods at Guantanamo, and reportedly has social ties to Tom Delay's defense team. Under her leadership, the investigation into Abramoff's many connections (some of which go back to Delay) has gone nowhere.

125. Collusion of the media: the NYT, WaPo, Time, Newsweek, cable and network news in the Bush disasters through silence, lack of investigation, and above all accepting uncritically whatever spin came out of the White House on anything

126. Failure of the Democratic Party to act as an opposition party for nearly 5 years

127. A supreme lack of oversight by a rubberstamping Republican Congress over the same 5 years

130. Real ID Act of 2005 mandates essentially a national identity card by forcing states to have nationally compatible driver's licenses. The program has multiple goals: facilitate surveillance and data mining and make it harder for illegal aliens to get jobs and for the poor to vote

131. Jose Padilla. This is not about a bad and deluded man, but rather that an American citizen held in the United States could be held for 3 1/2 years (May 8, 2002-January 3, 2006) outside the purview of American courts and tortured. He was transferred to the regular US legal system only because his case challenging Bush's power to declare him an illegal enemy combatant was wending its way to the Supreme Court. The transfer successfully pre-empted this when the Court declined April 3, 2006 to hear the case. The lack of a Supreme Court determination and passage of the Military Commissions Act mean that any American can still be declared an illegal enemy combatant and held indefinitely without charge, and if the MCA is to be believed (and unlike the Padilla case) without any right to habeas corpus.
....On May 14, 2007, Padilla who was initially accused of being a terrorist mastermind behind a plot to detonate a dirty bomb inside the US was put on trial for being a minor member of a conspiracy to murder, kidnap, and maim outside the US. Among the many dubious and disturbing aspects of this case: the length and nature of detention, his mental fitness to stand trial, the change in jurisdiction from military to civilian, and the major reduction in the scope of the charges and Padilla's role in them, the government claims it "lost" lost evidence, specifically a DVD of Padilla's last interrogation as an enemy combatant from March 2, 2004.

137. The stacking of the federal judiciary with unqualified rightwing hacks; the role of the Gang of 14 (7 Democrats and 7 Republicans) who came together to avoid the nuclear option and push hyper-conservative judicial choices: Janice Rogers Brown (DC Circuit), William Pryor (11th Circuit), and Priscilla Owen (5th Circuit); no agreement could be made on two others William Myers and Henry Saad and their names were eventually withdrawn. The Gang of 14 was also involved in the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh (also to the important DC Circuit). Kavanaugh had no trial experience but had worked for essentially partisan causes, such as Kenneth Starr's Clinton investigations for 5 years, the 2000 Florida recount, and as an Associate Counsel in the current Bush Administration where he worked to nominate and confirm unqualified, radically conservative candidates rather like himself.

150. Evangelos Dimitros Soukas a convicted felon serving 8 years for tax fraud was scheduled to testify on April 12, 2007 before the Senate Finance Committee on identity theft and filing false tax returns. The Department of Justice challenged the right of the Congress to order a prisoner in federal custody to appear before it, even though this has happened numerous times in the past. A federal district judge did not agree with the DOJ and Soukas testified. The DOJ move appeared baffling, an empty assertion of Executive power, but, may have been pre-emptive to prevent more controversial prisoners from testifying in the future.

153. Scott Bloch initially deputy director for the Task Force for Faith Based and Community Initiatives became the head of the Office of Special Counsel (whose function is to protect whistleblowers) on January 5, 2004. Once there he summarily closed hundreds of ongoing cases, decried cases that had a "homosexual agenda", tried to use the office to protect a non-governmental employee who was a defender of Intelligent Design, gave 12 of his in-office critics the choice of immediate re-assignment to field offices or be fired, and was the subject of complaints filed with his own office. In April 2007, Bloch announced an investigation into Karl Rove's political machinations. The real aims of such an investigation probably do not include carrying out a real probe but are more likely an attempt by Bloch to hold on to his job, derail efforts to remove the OSC from the purview of the White House, stymie other investigations into Karl Rove, conduct a whitewash, and/or run out the clock.

154. Lax security at US nuclear facilities and airports exposed by whistleblowers Richard Levernier and Bogdan Dzakovic for which they were punished.

156. Monica "Loyalty oaths" Goodling comes up again in an investigation of the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) into whether she used party affiliation in determining hires of entry level prosecutors. Did she? Given Gonzales‚ March 1, 2006 order delegating hiring authority to her and her role in the US attorney hiring and firing scandal, the answer is obvious.

158. The Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA) created February 19, 2002 created a database the Joint Protection Enterprise Network (JPEN) [sorry for the acronym gobbledygook] composed of TALONs Threat and Local Observation Notices. These are basically raw unvalidated reports of threats posed by dangerous civilian group like the Quakers. The idea of the military spying on civilians is unsettling. The Founding Fathers after all fought a revolution over such abuses and in the 4th Amendment enunciated: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures." Beyond this, CIFA did not follow its own guidelines in how it managed the material it obtained. The story does not end there. Duke Cunningham swung CIFA work to Mitchell J. Wade's company MZM in exchange for bribes. He was aided in this by CIFA Director David A. Burtt II and his top deputy Joseph Hefferon. In August 2006, Burtt resigned and Hefferon retired when the Cunningham-MZM connection was made public.

164. Stuart Bowen was Inspector General for the Bremer's CPA and documented that $8.8 billion had gone missing. He stayed on as Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) chronicling waste, abuse, and fraud. In the 2007 Defense appropriations act an item was snuck in terminating Bowen's job, because well, he was doing his job. When this became known, funding was restored. In April 2007, Bowen released reports showing that in a sample of what reconstruction projects there were and which were deemed successful, most were not being maintained and were no longer usable for their original functions.
....Bowen a Republican whose investigations have proved an embarrassment to the Bush Administration is now under investigation himself subject to a complaint by a group of former employees who left his office on less than amicable terms. The complaint has been taken up by the President's Council on Integrity and Excellence headed by Clay Johnson III, a longtime friend of the President, and by Thomas Davis III the ranking Republican on the House Government Reform Committee. Davis says this is not about retribution although at this point that is exactly what it looks like.

167. Development of a coverup strategy to fight Congressional oversight that involves more than a little Karl Rove and obstruction of justice. In addition to the public relations campaign that there is nothing to see and they have cooperated anyway, we have

1. Threatening witnesses (Chief of Staff to the Deputy Attorney General Michael Elston acting, he says, on Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty's orders to tell 3 of the 8 fired US attorneys to stay quiet or else)
2. Preventing witnesses from testifying (Condi Rice directing Simon Dodge not to testify about his early identification of the uranium from Niger for Iraq documents as fakes and Rice's knowledge of this as National Security Advisor)
3. Large but incomplete docudumps that are missing key information (for example, the November 15-December 4 email gap around the time that the US attorney firings were being finalized)
4. Attempted destruction of evidence and/or Claiming that evidence has been lost (Rove's deleted emails, Monica Goodling's instruction to remove older versions of files)
5. Slow response or non-response (the failure of Rice to answer written questions; dragging out the document production process)
6. Claims of executive privilege regardless of merit (to keep Karl Rove and Harriet Miers from testifying under oath or to block production of emails, even those on non-White House servers, and even after the assertion that Bush was not part of the firing process)
7. Coaching of testimony known to be false by the coachers (Karl Rove and Kyle Sampson misleading Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty into giving testimony that attorneys were fired for "performance" reasons, which Rove and Sampson knew to be false)
8. Testifying but with severe amnesia (Gonzales, Kyle Sampson, Lurita Doan)
9. Lying (as evidenced by Gonzales' numerous stories, Sampson misstating his role in the attorney firings, or Victoria Toensing in defining who is and is not a covert agent)

169. Debra Wong Yang the US attorney for Central California (Los Angeles) left office on November 11, 2006 a month ahead of the more well known firings of 8 US attorneys on December 7, 2006. She had been investigating Representative Jerry Lewis. Part of this was an offshoot of USA-San Diego Carol Lam's investigation into Representative Duke Cunningham and defense contractor and briber Brent Wilkes. I say part because Jerry Lewis has been rated one of the most corrupt members of Congress. And then there are the interesting connections. The Cerberus group, for example, which gave large contributions to Lewis and his organizations, owns IAP the outfit involved in the Walter Reed scandal. As for Debra Yang, after resigning for "personal" reasons, she joined the law firm representing Lewis and received a highly unusual $1.5 million dollar signing bonus.

173. Punishment of defense counsel at Guantanamo for doing their jobs. Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift who won the Hamdan v. Rumsfeld case which held that the Executive could not set up military tribunals on its own without approval by the Congress was forced out of the Navy JAG corps as a result. Major Michael Mori who defended Australian Guantanamo detainee David Hicks got for him a plea deal on March 26, 2007 whereby he was given 7 years all but 9 months of which were suspended and which he could serve in Australia. As a reward, Mori was passed over for promotion, offered remote postings, and rejected as a judge trainee. To date, 4 of 6 military defense attorneys up for promotion have been similarly passed over. Another Lieutenant Commodore Matthew Diaz has been convicted of giving secrets to the benefit of a foreign government for having given a list of Guantanamo detainees to a New York law firm the Center for Constitutional Rights in 2005. At the time (before the Military Commissions Act), the Center had won the right in Rasul v. Bush to file habeas briefs on behalf of detainees but the US sought to block these by refusing to turn over the names and so preventing the detainees from getting legal representation. The US has fought such disclosure despite Rasul and even though it is obligated to release this information at least to the Red Cross under the Geneva Conventions and failure to do so is a violation of international law.

175. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board was recommended by the 911 Commission to make sure that in countering terrorism the privacy rights and civil liberties of Americans were respected. Established by law on December 17, 2004, it first met more than a year later on March 14, 2006. Its first public meeting was on December 5, 2006. Its 5 members currently are chosen by the President although there is currently legislation to make it an independent agency. The Board's chairwoman is Carol Dinkins a former law partner of Alberto Gonzales. Theodore Olson who argued Bush v. Gore is also a member. In its first report (2007) to Congress, the Administration made over 200 changes even after the final draft had been approved by the committee, resulting in the resignation of the one of the board members Lanny J. Davis.

181. The American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund (AVCR) is a fake "voting rights" group created by Republicans to give "non-partisan" testimony on the dangers of that most Republican of obsessions and inexistent of problems, voter fraud. It was registered on March 17, 2005 and was the only voting rights group to testify 4 days later on March 21, 2005 in House hearings held by now convicted Representative Bob Ney on voting problems in Ohio in 2004. The group was put together by Thor Hearne, both national and Missouri counsel for the 2004 Bush campaign, and Missouri's Republican Senator Kit Bond. Like the Swiftboaters, this is another group with a highly partisan agenda masquerading as an impartial observer.

183. On May 30, 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft removed restrictions on domestic spying by the FBI in counterterrorism investigations, including political and religious groups without probable cause. Unsurprisingly, the FBI used its new powers (as it admitted on November 23, 2003) to spy on antiwar protesters

185. In a show of rare prescience, on May 6, 2002 George Bush voided the US signature on the treaty (signed by Clinton) establishing an International Criminal Court at the Hague and so set the US and its leaders effectively outside its jurisdiction.

186. On August 9, 2002, the Department of Health and Human Resources changed its medical privacy regulations. While patients were given the right to review and correct their medical records and not have medical information disclosed to their employers without their consent, doctors, hospitals, and healthcare providers could do so among themselves and with insurance companies for treatment and billing purposes. Pharmacies were also allowed to enter into agreements with drug companies to promote their brands to patients without disclosing this relationship.

190. Thomas Barnett entered the DOJ's antitrust division in April 2004 and became its head (assistant attorney general) on February 10, 2006. Barnett sent a memo to state prosecutors in May 2007 urging them to drop an investigation into a complaint by Google that Microsoft's new Vista operating system slowed Google's search engine in preference to Microsoft's own version. The Google complaint has its origins in a consent decree monitoring Microsoft's antitrust compliance. Before coming to the Justice Department, Barnett was the Vice Chair of the Antitrust and Consumer Protection Practice Group of Covington & Burling, the Washington law firm which had represented Microsoft in the antitrust proceedings. Barnett's efforts seem to have backfired for now, but not for want of trying on his part.
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