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Old 02-25-2007, 08:58 PM   #1 (permalink)
Al Gore Just Won an Oscar. and All We Got Was....

....was these shills, their fake talking points and an "I'm a lucky boy":, idiot as POTUS, instead of Al Gore
Nothing ‘Inconvenient’ about Gore’s victory
MSNBC - 43 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES - “An Inconvenient Truth,” the big-screen adaptation of former Vice President Al Gore’s slide-show lecture about the perils of global warming, ...
Read the following and post your reaction to new information from a former member of Bush's inner circle that makes a case for the accusation that, while Al Gore would have confronted real issues and attempted to find solutions, Mr. Bush and his party simply recited intentional disinformation:
The architect of the GOP takeover flees Washington.
Ancient History
by Isaac Chotiner
Only at TNR Online | Post date 01.29.07

It's just like they have become one giant whining windbag," Frank Luntz says to me when I ask his opinion of Republican leaders in Washington. Luntz may be the GOP's most recognizable and famous pollster, but he is none-too-happy with the current state of his party. "They are adrift and they are leaderless," he exclaims, his voice rising. "When they came into the House they held a press conference and I was just sickened. It was all complaints about process." His tone shifts to a higher pitch as he mimics a generic Republican lawmaker: "'We're not being allowed to offer amendments; we're not being allowed our time on the floor.' It was the worst sort of partisan whining.".....

.....During the debate over tort reform in 2005, a memo written by Luntz, which eventually leaked to the press, classily counseled Republicans with the following: <b>"It is tempting to counter-attack using facts and figures. Resist the temptation. ... The President's language works because it speaks to a series of individual proposals that common sense suggests will lead to job creation."</b> When House Republicans wanted to gut Medicare in 1995, Luntz advised them to be, well, blatantly dishonest about what they were doing: If the cuts would be perceived as long-term savings, he said, then the public would go along with benefit cuts. "We want a solution that preserves and protects Medicare," Gingrich said at the time, echoing Luntz's advice. <b>Luntz's most notorious memo may be the one he sent out in 2003 about the threat of global warming: "Should the public come to believe that the scientific issues are settled, their views about global warming will change accordingly. Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue"--even though no such "lack of scientific certainty" exists......</b>
Frank Luntz: the US's hottest pollster
Meet Frank Luntz - the US's hottest pollster. Now he's set his sights on our side of the pond.
Interview by Guy Adams and Ben Chu
Published: 24 February 2007

.....Meanwhile, Luntz has just published a book about his trade called Words that Work: it's Not What you Say, it's What People Hear. To some, it's a work of mild genius; to others it reveals a manipulative, unscrupulous trade. In Washington, political opponents use the term "Luntz-speak" to describe what the British might call fibbing......

.... Luntz is reluctant to name the people who have let him down. As a pollster, he prefers to listen to other people's opinions than discuss his own. Yet over the course of this, his first major UK interview, it emerges that the most prominent of the "failures" Luntz once believed in is the current US President.

The man they called George Bush's polling guru is also upset to be linked to an unpopular leader, and a string of discredited neo-con policies, such as (certain aspects of) the Iraq war, and the US withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

He adopts a mea culpa approach to the latter, admitting to a degree of regret for having written a famously controversial memo advising Republicans how to rebut the science of global warming.

"Seven years ago there was a real battle over whether the earth was going through global warming," says Luntz. "Now I don't believe there is. I'm willing to accept the science as it is. I would not have written that memo today."

Most of all, Luntz is frustrated at being linked to a President whose unsteady grasp of the English language presents a straight half-volley to big-hitting opponents: <b>"I want my elected officials to be able to articulate where they stand," he says. "And I expect them to do so in complete sentences." </b>......
<b>Doesn't this "performance" reveal a man with too many shortcomings to be the US president, when the following, along with Frank Lutz's statements are considered?:</b>
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 22, 2007

President Bush Participates in Panel on Cellulosic Ethanol
Novozymes North America, Inc.
Franklinton, North Carolina

Fact sheet Fact Sheet: Harnessing the Power of Technology for a Secure Energy Future

12:10 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: .....But before I do, I do want to thank some people. First, Laura sends her regrets. <b>I'm a lucky boy to have her</b> -- (laughter) -- to have her as my wife.....I like the idea of a President being able to say, wow, the crop report is in, we're growing more corn than ever before, which means we're importing less oil from overseas. It's an exciting time to think about that <b>our farmers not only are going to grow what we need to eat, but it's going to grow what we need</b> to run our automobiles.

And that's coming. That's what we're here to discuss today. I know it sounds like a pipe dream to some -- you know, there goes the optimistic President talking again. But you're going to hear from some experts here. <b>I'm just a history major. (Laughter.) And I'm with Ph.D.s. (Laughter.) Let me remind you who the President is.</b> (Laughter and applause.)

But the Ph.D.s are providing the brain power necessary to help plants like this develop technologies.......

.....And so Thomas, tell people what you do. (Laughter and applause.)

MR. NAGY: That was a -- that was a nice introduction. Thank you, Mr. President. You may know, and many of you here -- first of all, I want to welcome you very, very deep from my heart and from all my colleagues here in Franklinton, welcome to North Carolina, welcome to Novozymes, and also welcome to the guests here. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you. Like you're the President, right?

MR. NAGY: Well, you're the President. (Laughter.) Okay, anyways --

THE PRESIDENT: It didn't take him long to learn, you know. (Laughter.)

....THE PRESIDENT: Now -- so, is this a -- is this like a huge distillery?

MR. NAGY: Our plant here?

Posted on Thu, Feb. 22, 2007

Bush pushes energy initiative in North Carolina
By Barbara Barrett
McClatchy Newspapers

FRANKLINTON, N.C. - Enzymes culled from the microbial soups of the earth were mixed with plant scraps inside a laboratory here, fermented into a sugary liquid, dumped into a beaker and presented Thursday morning to the presidential nose......

....For Franklinton, the visit was a very big deal. Novozymes' CEO flew over from Denmark. The mayor was there, along with county commissioners. Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-N.C., and North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler showed up. Signs around town welcomed the president, and a quartet of children on a nearby road manned a candy stand, hoping Bush might stop by for a $1 Snickers.

Alas, he arrived by helicopter.

Novozymes has become a leading supplier of the enzymes that help the United States create about 7 billion gallons a year of ethanol out of corn kernels.

But ethanol is pushing up corn prices, so Novozymes has created an enzyme cocktail that it says will significantly reduce the costs to mass-produce cellulosic ethanol, which is derived from tougher plant matters such as sawgrasses and wood chips. The ethanol can be blended with gasoline to run vehicles.

In the Novozymes laboratory, Bush moved from room to room to hear the process of how enzymes can be found, selected and converted. A man showed Bush a bottle of liquid in a glass bottle.

"Senator, don't drink this!" Bush hollered over his shoulder to Burr.

<h3>"I quit drinking in `86," Bush added. He would mention the date twice more in his tour through what is, essentially, a giant fermentation operation with the faint aroma of a brewery.</h3>

In a room of two-gallon containers holding liquid the color of amber beer, Bush picked up a jar of straw to show off to the crush of journalists tagging along.

"Straw!" he proclaimed. Cameras clicked and whirred.

"Someday, you're going to be using this in your car," he said.

He picked up another jar. "Spruce chips!" He picked up yet another vessel, this one containing clear ethanol, and took another sniff. .....
MR. NAGY: Well, you could say what we do here, we use microorganisms, and the way we make these enzymes is by the use of these microorganisms. And you could compare our process to if you brew beer or wine. We take some agriculture raw materials like starch, again, or corn, and then we ferment the insides, basically, like you would ferment wine.....
to read the rest of Mr. Bush's excerpted quips.....   click to show 

THE PRESIDENT: Where is this thing? .....
I've added more to the Cheney thread.....
....there is now an even greater argument that he is shadow president, and he is in more trouble, too.

Last edited by host; 02-25-2007 at 09:05 PM..
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Old 02-25-2007, 09:24 PM   #2 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
Astrocloud's Avatar
Al Gore was really stiff when he was running. He also did some stupid stuff like choosing a wolf in sheeps clothing for a vp. Finally there was some issue with Bill Clinton endorsing him too much.

Gore might be a 'hellova guy' but he's a terrible politician.
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Old 02-25-2007, 09:42 PM   #3 (permalink)
Please touch this.
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Which brings to light why we even give a shit about the politics and not give more of a shit about the issues a candidate represents.
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
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Old 02-25-2007, 11:39 PM   #4 (permalink)
Isn't the politics about the spin about the agenda...to either hide or distort the motivation for the position taken, or, if deemed advantageous....to tout or confine the spin justifying the position and motivation to the simplest and most flattering talking points ?

Here's more support for the hypocrisy behind the Luntz crafted, GOP talking points on global warming, dating back to 2000....


VIDEO: Luntz Converts On Global Warming, Distances Himself From Bush

In 2000, conservative pollster Frank Luntz famously penned a memo that recommended ways for President Bush and his allies to discuss global warming in a manner that cast doubt on the science. Among his suggestions, Luntz recommended the following key point:

Nearly six years later, Bush is still adhering closely to Luntz’s talking points. But the author himself has since backed away from his advice, believing the scientific issues are now settled. In a documentary that first aired on BBC, and was broadcast last night on Canadian television, Luntz said he accepts that humans are affecting the climate, and he distanced himself from the administration’s repudiation of global warming science. <a href="http://images1.americanprogress.org/il80web20037/ThinkProgress/2006/luntzgw.320.240.mov">Watch it.</a>
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Old 02-26-2007, 03:39 AM   #5 (permalink)
Searching for the perfect brew!
Brewmaniac's Avatar
Al Gore, like him or not, is addressing and elaborating on the very important issue of global warming and should be commended for his work!
"That's a joke... I say, that's a joke, son"
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Old 02-26-2007, 05:53 AM   #6 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Originally Posted by Astrocloud
Gore might be a 'hellova guy' but he's a terrible politician.
I don't think a person can get to be Vice President and be a terrible politician. I'm not sure that's possible.

It's certainly true that his 2000 campaign never really let him off the leash. He was fighting to stay on-message the whole time, and didn't do well at that.

He looked GREAT on the Oscars last night, though. Statesmanly and professional, but also approachable and witty. Given how much the public opinion of him has changed in the last couple years, and how much good he could do if elected, it's a real shame he's not running.
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Old 02-26-2007, 06:04 AM   #7 (permalink)
hagatha's Avatar
It speaks to the dedication of Al Gore as an individual that he was able to get his message out and actually affect public opinion on an issue as important as global warming through means other than being a politician.
He's so cool.
Thats the last time I trust the strangest people I ever met....H. Simpson
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Old 02-26-2007, 08:21 AM   #8 (permalink)
Apocalypse Nerd
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Originally Posted by ratbastid
I don't think a person can get to be Vice President and be a terrible politician. I'm not sure that's possible.
How did he pick his running mate. Why did he pick his running mate and what happened to his running mate in this last election????

By Running mate I am not talking about Tipper or Bill.
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Old 02-26-2007, 02:45 PM   #9 (permalink)
Getting it.
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astro, hindsight is 20/20. i am sure that gore would have done plenty different if he were to run the 2000 election over again.

i dont' think it's fair to say he is a bad politician per se. as ratbastid points out, he did become the vp of the usa. that takes some doing.
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Old 02-26-2007, 02:51 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Al Gore was also a 2-term Senator and Representative. He may have made mistakes going into the 2000 election, but he is no political piker. Al's biggest problem, IMO, was that he played the game at too high a level for too long. He got too far away from the common folk, much like GHW Bush did in 1992. Playing backroom politics in the Senate for a dozen years is actually a pretty bad way to get yourself elected president, historically speaking.
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Old 02-26-2007, 06:25 PM   #11 (permalink)
OK fine, I admit it, I'm lazy as sin. And I really don't want to beat a dead horse, you've found your place here in the tfp, which is more than I can say for myself (SONOFA..!!!)


....while some (well, most) people have sung your praises for being kind enough to highlight the "really important parts of your 5 page quotes" for the ignorant amongst us.. how does this (your one bolded text):

""I quit drinking in `86," Bush added. He would mention the date twice more in his tour through what is, essentially, a giant fermentation operation with the faint aroma of a brewery."

really capture the OP point amongst all that other stuff . Or does it? i wouldn't really know.

In all honesty, is your little bit of bolded text for me and my lazy counterparts?
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gore, oscar, won

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