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Clinton vs. Bush Poll Results & Is it Time for Al Gore to Run & Win Again?
CNN is out with this story, and you can vote in their Clinton vs. Bush honesty poll:
Link to story and to poll: http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/05/...oll/index.html Quote:
A timely Gore interview, on the eve of the release of his new movie ! Quote:
....and this, in tomorrow's LA Times: Quote:
Gore brings experience, he knows how to make smaller government, fair taxation policies, and will lessen tensions in the middle east and in the broader muslim world, to lower the chances that we will "get hit" again, and this should appeal to conservatives who are not religious fundamentalists. Bush's performance makes the Clinton legacy and a Gore candidacy look stellar, in contrast, IMO! Bring 'em on !!! |
Interesting thought, but do you really think Al Gore would consider running again? Maybe after 8 years he's gotten over the loss, but he seemed pretty done with political office afterwards. Can't say I've paid much attention to what he's been doing since - and the fact that I could get away with not noticing much from him says something.
Yeah, I don't think he wants to run again. He never really liked campaigning in the first place. I know he agreed to do some work for the upcoming election, helping out some of our candidates, but he only did that reluctantly. Also considering he ran away from Clinton in the 2000 election, I'm not sure if he can go back and start embracing him now.
If you really want a candidate who'll continue the Clinton legacy and get us back to the good old days, why not Hillary? Not only is her last name Clinton, but she'll have the man himself right next to her, helping her out as "First Spouse". The slogan "Two for the price of one" would work well this time, at least unofficially. And isn't it time for a female President anyway? To be honest, she's not my first choice, but there's certainly a good argument for her. |
Gore’s supper serial about man bear pig right now, he may run after he has defeated it…
But seriously I’d still vote for gore, if he ran, basically I’d vote for any change in government, if I thought Nader could win, I’d vote Nader, I don’t like how this government is getting more and more draconian. As for the trustworthy bit, yes, Clinton did lie under sworn testimony, but, I still feel like it was his own business and not ours, who he gets a hummer from is between him and his wife. I feel like he was honest about matters of state, unlike president bush. |
We need a green or indi president to have any real change. We need someone outside of the influence of corporations, espically war contractors. Republicans are powerless to stop their leadership, Democrats can't muster any kind of counter attack. We need someone unexpected to enter the ring and show everyone how it's realy done. Could Gore have done that back in 2000? It's entirely possible. He is a brilliant man and forward thinking. Had 9/11 even happened while Gore was on watch (which it might not have), we would have seen a completly different response. Gore strikes me as someone who would work with as many of our allies as possible. Can you imagine if 9/11 would have brought the world together instead of splintering it apart? That'd be an interesting reality to live in. I wasn't old enough to vote in the 2000 election, but I probably woud have voted for Gore. Probably.
Who is more trust worthy? Clinton lies about nailing the fat chick vs. Bush lies about secret wire tapping of Americans, he lies about reasons to go to war with another country that was not a danger to the US in any way, shape, or form, and he lies about Iran developing nuclear weapons. Jee...whos' lie(s) hurt more people? Who's lies rape our constitution? Who's lies kill innocent civilians? Who's lies are headed in the direction (if not already arrived at) a police state? I know Clinton wasn't perfect. There were some botched military operations, and some people did die, but he never led us to war. Clinton's lies were more like that of a teenager caught cheating on his girlfriend. "What? I wouldn't touch her!" |
All I see from the Democrats is anti-Bush rhetoric while at the same time many of them vote right along with the Republicans in regards to the wars, draconian legislation, and outrageous spending. Gore really has nothing to offer and the complicity of the Democrats makes a 3rd party candidate my only choice for 08.
What is there to gain by voting more of the same in? He's not going to reverse any of the damage done to the Constitution or the push for one branch (executive) control. The only appeal a Democrat has to me is that all these neo-cons who love Bush's agenda will suddenly wake up and question the powers Gore inherited just because they hate liberals. :sigh: the voting system is so comprimised I dunno if voting is even that significant anymore. 00 and 04 were pretty sketchy, maybe they won't even bother to hold an 08 election due to bird flu, or 'terrorists'. |
Bush lies about going to war? Fine, Clinton/Gore/Kerry/everyone in the UN lied about it to then. Bush lies about Iran developing nukes? Fine, even though it's the UN who are saying it, not Bush. |
I am an independent and I would favor the knight in shining armor that could win the house outside of our two parties. I am also a realist and understand how important it is to at least regain two party control in 2006. |
We don't know where you get your information, Seaver; you don't tell us. This is not an even playing field. Please back your statements, as I've done here, with quotes from Lieberman and Cheney in 2000, and Tenet and Powell in 2001, and Cheney's hysterical, March 16, 2003 "nuclear threat" statement. What a change from his Oct., 2000 VP debate statement....a change based on.....what ??? We don't know...because the Bush administration blocked three Commissions from looking into the issue...including the 9/11 commission. The statements, combined with the obvious, consistant effort to avoid disclosure of how they handled the intelligence, is pretty damning, don't you think? If you disagree, Seaver, document why. Explain why the three investigations have never reported on this, to close the matter of whether or not Bush, Cheney, et al, lied about the justification for invading and occupying Iraq! You would think that Bush and Cheney would want to be cleared of accusations that they lied us into an avoidable war and that they scapegoated and destroyed the CIA in the process. Seaver, Cheney's end of October, 2000 opinion of the threat from Iraq is located in the middle of the page at: Quote:
Bush hasn't lied when he has a legal liability. This makes him more honest than Clinton.
Sure. In Christian Nationalist Land, perhaps. |
I believe the scariest thing about the next election is the Democrats will nominate the most liberal, let's kiss the worlds ass anti-gun, anti-anything truly American nut they can find and force me to vote a straight Republican ticket one more time. Geeez when will they learn .....
scout and willravel, stop "dicking around" with distractions, like 3rd parties, 2nd amendment rights, or "oooohhhh!!!" he or she is tooooo liberal or toooo conservative !! In the present climate, those concerns are parochial....they are luxuries that we can no longer afford. There just isn't time....anymore.
We need restoration of checks and balances, now! We need trade and budget deficit management, a sane foreign policy, and military spending that isn't sucked dry by the Wilkes, Wades, Cunninghams, Foggos, and Jerry Lewises. We need the K Street Project/Abramoff- lobbyists paying to write the legislation that congress then rubber stamps, GONE.....now! We need open government, and the end to rampant partisan cronyism in appointments to high positions, NOW! FEMA has been destroyed by crony appointments, the CIA is a gutted shell with no leadership or veteran management....republican hacks replaced them when they resigned or were force out. The NSA is badly damaged, and DHS is an effing joke: Quote:
This isn't about democrats vs. republicans. It is about QUICKLY electing people who can WIN! In 2006, and in 2008! At first, they have to be democrats because one house of congress has to shift to democrats next january. But....they can't be democrats like this: Quote:
Another "Kenny Boy". Notice how they can't just mind their own business....running a major retail store chain. No...they gotta run us, as well.
For their own profit....into Corporatism, into the ground. Our constitution is just something for them to get around...on us...and then hide behind: This "business man" owns $45 million of <a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=cps">CPS stock</a>, and $640 million of <a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=hd">HD stock</a>. He's a director of both these Corps.... and he makes money off of an "end run" around the 4th amendment that is a scam designed to illegally know everything about every one of us, and thus...control all of us http://biz.yahoo.com/t/49/668.html Here's a list of the folks who are making money, selling our 4th amendment protected, private information to our government security agencies, so that they can better control all of us....including, according to Greg Palast, our party affiliation from our voting records, our medical records, and our DNA. They get paid to gather and sell information to the NSA and the FBI that these agencies cannot legally obtain without a judge signing a search warrant. Study the names at this link, learn as much as you can about them. It's only fair.....They sell everything that they know about you! http://finance.yahoo.com/q/it?s=CPS This is corporatism....corporatism is fascism: Quote:
But....vote for people who can win an election. |
Bush is and the Republicans are the worst ever so we MUST elect Democrats in order to survive. I don't buy it for one second. I refuse to vote for either of these two parties on the federal level. For one if Democrats were standing up to half of what Bush has been doing we wouldn't be in this grave situation, and secondly I don't agree with a the liberal ideology anyway. So why should I vote for them regardless of how much I disklike the vast majority of the GOP.
There're are some good Democrats like you say, and good Republicans as well. Al Gore and company aren't going to restore any 'checks and balances' and they are just as corporatly controlled as the other party. |
Here's one....he's gone....forced out by Hastert and Frist: Can you <b>name anyone</b> with a similar record who is republican and is still in congress? Quote:
One more time...democrats chair no congressional committees. They have no power to call a hearing, subpoena a single witness, or pass a bill out of committee, much less into law. If you voted against all democratic party candidates in 2000, and in 2004, you helped make this happen. If you are a "conservative", what do you support in the current growth of government spending....and the Corporatism today, vs. the unprecedented, slower spending growth and budget surpluses under Clinton's policies? What is it that could be worse under democrats. What harm would restoration on one house of congress, to democratic majority cause? The benefit would be immediate restoration of some checks and balances that do not exist at all today! |
The talk of Clinton's sound fiscal policy is a joke at best. So many of his loving followers, who also love the welfare programs like SS and medicare, fail to mention or realize that he robbed Social Security to pull off the surplus. This is what I am talking about when I refuse to vote for Democrats. The very party (not that Republicans are exempt from this) that holds Social Security at the pinnacle of political achivement, has STOLEN money from it to appear like they have carried out a sound fiscal policy. Why should I vote for Gore again? As far as good Republicans there is Ron Paul (R) from Texas. He even was speaking out against the war in Iraq before it was convinient and has been voting against all the draconian legislation. Quote:
Speaking out against National ID card: Paul Denounces National ID Card Medicare: Republican Socialism Of course Fox News won't allow any real republicans to get on TV and talk, so the good ones are forced to rely on the congressional records and weekly articles. Sorry I just don't buy into the lesser of two evils thinking. I only vote for the best possible candidate I can find. No Gore in 08 for me. |
The reason that no third party has a chance is because no one thinks they can win. That very catch 22 is what is damning the US, andf the rest of the world. Kerry wanted to stay in Iraq, even after finding out that there were no WMDs and no al Qaeda links ro Iraq. Why should I have to vote for him just to keep Bush out of office? If everyone in the US suddenly woke up and realized that there are notr two, buyt dozens of political parties, and voted as such, the Republican stranglehold on our country would be a memory.
But it's true that talking about who to vote for now is a moot point. There is damage that has already been done. Thousands of soldiers lie dead in the wake of inhuman decisions made by selfish cowards. Millions of phone records are open and are being reviewd illegally by covert agenies who only answer to one man...and that one man only has his own interests in mind. A country burns and is torn apart, with another one in our sights. It's time to begin the impeachment of POTUS, VPOTUS, members of the House and Senate, Justice department officials, DoD agents and officials, CIA operatives and officials, NSAoperatives and officials, and a slew of others who either took an active or passive role in laying waste to the Constitution and the American trust. |
Please share your proposal for a reasonable likelihood of wresting control of one house of congress from the republican majority, by any other means than voting for democratic candidates who campaign for offices now held by republicans, and by voting for incumbant democrats. I don't see an alternative that isn't clouded by idealism or is realistic. Change my mind...but don't tell me that there is any priority greater than removing republicans from control of one house of congress, ASAP. There will be no hearings, no changes, no accountability until a change in control happens. Your disdain for democrats is not misplaced. Now, however, they are our last best hope...the lesser of two evils, at this time. Divide the hold on power, fragment it...give the democrats some means to challenge, expose, and circumvent the republicans, then....back some alternative candidates...after the 2008 presidential election, then vote for whoever you think will best represent you. But.....now...the immediate goal must be to fragment the power concentration of republicans in Washington. |
The lesser of two evils is STILL evil, make a stand for what you actually believe in, rather than vote for a different form of evil. The reason third party politics aren't successful is because people are too focused on believing they can't be successful.
You could make a serious, legitimate argument that there are no good Republicans OR good Democrats, because the "good" people either get screwed by the bad ones or refuse to allow themselves to be corrupted by the process of getting and staying elected.
In other words, no one we can vote for is worth voting for. I will now self-immolate in my own cynicism. Of course, if I survive, you could all write-in votes for me... |
dj, if you have survived self-immolation, you have my vote. :)
until your so far unidentified, third party challengers can win future elections and assume a majority or a coalition in one of the congressional houses, or win a presidential election. What went so terribly wrong, during the 8 years of the Clinton/Gore administration....in terms of fiscal or domestic policy, foreign policy, or in the management of government, that you can specify, that rules out voting in a democratic majority as soon as this november, just in one house of congress? What was so negative? Was it the late 90's federal budget surplus, the effort to declassify all government documents that no longer justify a secret classiification? Was it the reduction during the Clinton years, of the actual number of civilian federal employees? Was it the $257 million defense budget in 2000 that still allowed "Clinton's military's projected force in Afghanistan and in "Shock and Awe" in Iraq, very convincingly, within 26 months from when his term ended? Was it the effect of Clinton era spending reductions on the CIA? Is the CIA in better or worse shape to perform it's intelligence gathering role now...or in Jan., 2001? Is the military stronger now that spending has doubled...is it more "ready"? Was the Clinton administration corrupt? The Starr report, after an eight year and $110 million probe of every republican accusation against Clinton, from Waco to Watergate to travel gate, to the FBI files....determined that no one could be charged with breaking the law. Was it the controversial end of term Clinton pardons? Scooter Libby was pardoned fugitive financier Marc Rich's lawyer and testified before congress, after the pardon, that he believed in Rich's innocense. No democrat received money or perks directly from Jack Abramoff. Democratic party affiliated senators can hardly be called "tools" of Corporatism, judging by their voting records, as republicans clearly can be: http://www.progressivepunch.org/memb...zip=&x=40&y=10 If politics is about representing the people instead of selling votes to corporate lobbyssts, the list and scores at the link above, speak volumes. Your tax money and $500 billion a year in new debt that you are responsible for, as an American, is now going for tax cuts for the richest one percent and for "no bid" federal contracts to Halliburton and ChoicePoint, to name just a few connected corporations. FEMA was a basket case once before, after the first Bush administration in '93: 1997:Conservatice Cato Institute blasts the cost of a well run, responsive FEMA http://www.cato.org/dailys/2-19-97.html May 2005, Wa Po reports that FEMA 2004 generous hurricane relief was related to the upcoming 2004 election: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn...051802076.html 2006: Fla Sun-Sentinel Newspaper investigates FEMA payouts from '04 - '06 http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/sfl...a-news-utility 2006: Bipartisan Group of US Senators calls FEMA Hopeless http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...604280493/1009 How about the federal budget deficit record, from 1961 to 2001? Quote:
Is your aversion to voting with the intent of of turning the majority of just one house of congress over to democrats, starting in Jan., 2007 more about the past performance of democrats...their spending ....corruption ....secrecy ....veracity.... preservation of military readiness and intelligence gatherin and analysis, fair representation of the interests of ordinary people vs. those of corporations and the most affluent.....or is it about "feelings"? Are you willing to examine whether your opinion is primarily influenced by facts or feeling? If you are......post documentation to back your fact based opinions. If your opinion is more about "feelings", then maybe you should consider posting in another venue. But please stop posting unsubstantiated statements. It just isn't fair for you to regurgitate undocumented talking points and feelings here anymore. Take stock of how much of what you believe...what you react to...might be propaganda fueled "feelings" and not based on the facts. Remember how you reacted to this "news"...in 2001??? Turns out....it was an "Op",,,not news: Quote:
Is that what it is? Or...have you allowed "news" like my last example, to trigger "feelings" that shape your political opinions? There's too much at stake to let things continue until you feel "good" about who is running to unseat the republicans who run the government in Washington.... |
Whu vote Dem if the Republicans are just going to rig the election and get away with it? Voting is useless. Impeachment is the answer.
I haven't heard any Democrats stand up and say if they was elected they would work to repeal the Patriot Act. Yet half of what most Democrats whine about was made possible through the Patriot Act. I haven't heard any Democrats stand up and say if they are elected they would work to turn the boys loose over in Iraq and get it over with and bring them home. Enough of this pussy footing around over there let's get it done, there's enough fire-power over there to get the job done we just aren't utilizing it properly. I haven't heard any solutions on Iran mentioned by any top Democrats. What's up with that? I haven't heard the Democrats stand up and demand answers on our high gas even though we have more gas and oil in stockpiles than we have had in 20 years. I haven't heard any top Democrats come out on illegal immigration and any plans to seal off our southern border. All I heard from Kennedy is more amnesty bullshit. I could go on and on. To be fair no Republicans are saying much about any of the above either. From my viewpoint standing here in the heartland looking at Washington all I see is more of the same shit just a different day. And you want me to vote for a liberal let's outlaw all the guns because I invented the internet and I'll sign the Kyoto Treaty Al Gore just to have more of the same shit and lose a few more of my basic rights. Tell me my friend, what will be different other than a renewed assault on my 2nd amendment rights? To be fair under the current adminstration all my other rights have been assualted with the passage of the Patriot Act but the Democrats let that happen. Instead of filibustering on something worthwhile like the Patriot Act they chose the Supreme Court nominees which was a losing battle from the start. You want my vote, get back to the middle ground and give me someone to vote for. |
Note that almost all of the 138 congressfolk and 10 senators who voted against the final version of Patriot II were democrats...their names are all displayed on the linked page..... 191 house democrats voted to take the most punitive stance to deal with illegal immigrants, last December. even after "Sensenbrenner (R) himself tried to remove the felony provisions from his bill". The recently rejected senate version was a compromise of bills by McCain and Kennedy. Anyway...please read it....there is a party position on Iraq, and on Energy, and former Sec'ty of State Albrights advice to Bush on the next steps to take with regard to Iran. Please answer one question.....where are the democrats "to the left"...or not more "in the middle".....compared to what?? On what issues?? It can't be on overall spending...or on growth of government.....or on backing the CIA or the military.....can it??? Please explain why you are so reluctant to vote for the candidates of a party with a proven record...going back 20 to 40 years...that is fairer and better than the republican record. Is your reluctance all about the BJ and the stained dress....is that it??? |
Then again, if you get the silent majority riled up enough, especially since I am a Democrat's worst nightmare (a young moderate-conservative Republican who might potantially be pissed off enough at everyone to attempt to do something about it), something could very easily happen. DJ for President in 2020 (When I'll be 37 :D)! |
If you can return to the Republican roots of conservative fiscal policy, I'll be there, walker and all. (When I'll be 76 :D)
Lowering taxes. Simplifying taxes. Limiting aid. Protecting borders (immigration-wise, economy-wise, and defense-wise). Following the Constitution completely. I've got it all! :D |
along with a much closer adherence to contitutional restraints and respect for the rights of U.S. residents.....by default, and in comparison to the spending and deficits achieved by Reagan and Bush '41.....influence you into supporting democrats, instead of republicans? What prevents you from considering throwing your support for a Gore 2008 candidacy, or for the election of the democratic congressional candidate in your district, in November? |
Thanks my friend for your response. I guess we will have to see what happens when election time rolls around and what kind of platform and who the nominee elect for the Democrats happens to be. Time will tell ! |
Of course, I still need to be convinced to vote for ANYBODY. And please don't try now, because I plan on ignoring everything involving political races outside of Maryland until 2007 at least. And I KNOW in that case I'm voting Ehrlich for governer and Steele for Senate. |
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