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The_Dude 08-08-2003 11:23 AM

God Damn It
why do religious people have a problem with me saying that?

i said god damn it once and this girl gave me this really dirty look and i've had several bad experiences saying that.

this dude got pissed at me once cuz i said that cuz i used god's name in vain.

well, why dont they mind their own business?? why do they have the urge to tell me what i should say?

sixate 08-08-2003 11:36 AM

Wow! For once I have to agree with you. I dated a christian once, big mistake, and she got all pissed off when I would say that or jesus christ. How lame. Grow up. I would always have to hear shit about it, but her dad would say them both, but just not around her or her mom. He was a pussy for not standing his ground and telling them, "I'm a grown man and jesus fucking christ I'll say whatever the hell I want to. God Dammit!"

Mr. Spacemonkey 08-08-2003 11:43 AM

Personally i wouldn't mind it if someone said that around me. But if someone asked me not to say it i would be nice enough not to say it around them. I mean i'm not gonna keep saying it just to piss that person off. That seems like something a child would do.

Just my opinion

Stiltzkin 08-08-2003 11:58 AM


Originally posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
Personally i wouldn't mind it if someone said that around me. But if someone asked me not to say it i would be nice enough not to say it around them. I mean i'm not gonna keep saying it just to piss that person off. That seems like something a child would do.

Just my opinion

Yuppersness. A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?) Anyways, I try not to even mention anything remotely religious-based when I'm around him because I'd rather keep him as a friend than make an enemy out of him. But just about any other time I'd use god's name in vain without a second though ;) Also, if you read "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress" (damned good book by Robert A. Heinlein) you might pick up the silly habit of saying "bog" instead of "god"-- I know I did! :thumbsup:

CSflim 08-08-2003 02:06 PM

Religious people enjoy getting offended, that's all.

Mephisto2 08-08-2003 02:17 PM


Originally posted by Stiltzkin
Yuppersness. A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?)
You've got to be kidding?!



Anyways, I try not to even mention anything remotely religious-based when I'm around him because I'd rather keep him as a friend than make an enemy out of him.

I think you'll find a reaction toward "swearing" is not based upon Christianity per se, but upon a more fundamentalist approach toward interpreting the Bible.

I come from Ireland (still a religious country) and was raised a Catholic.
EVERYONE there swears like a sailor. Trust me.

This whole "Don't take God's name in vain" thing is much more common in the US (and especially the Bible Belt) than anywhere else in the world.

Not a criticism. Just an observation.

Mr Mephisto

CSflim 08-08-2003 02:25 PM


Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
I come from Ireland (still a religious country) and was raised a Catholic.
EVERYONE there swears like a sailor. Trust me.

Well that's fuckin true.

The_Dude 08-08-2003 02:36 PM


Originally posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
Personally i wouldn't mind it if someone said that around me. But if someone asked me not to say it i would be nice enough not to say it around them. I mean i'm not gonna keep saying it just to piss that person off. That seems like something a child would do.

Just my opinion

lol, i do the opposite. i keep saying god damn it on and on to keep pissin them off.

and they refer to god damn it as "GDI". it's hilarious

drawerfixer 08-08-2003 02:39 PM


Originally posted by sixate
Wow! For once I have to agree with you. I dated a christian once, big mistake, and she got all pissed off when I would say that or jesus christ. How lame. Grow up. I would always have to hear shit about it, but her dad would say them both, but just not around her or her mom. He was a pussy for not standing his ground and telling them, "I'm a grown man and jesus fucking christ I'll say whatever the hell I want to. God Dammit!"
Just a question here, as I don't believe in God, and thus am not offended by the phrases.

Why do athiests, agnostics, or nonbelievers say 'God Damnit" or "Jesus Christ!?" As we don't believe in him, why do we use his name as a curse word? Is it just a habit that we have picked up?

It just seems like if we don't believe in him, we shouldn't be using the name as a curse word...

Sorta mumbled, but hopefully you understand my point.

CSflim 08-08-2003 03:00 PM


Originally posted by drawerfixer
Just a question here, as I don't believe in God, and thus am not offended by the phrases.

Why do athiests, agnostics, or nonbelievers say 'God Damnit" or "Jesus Christ!?" As we don't believe in him, why do we use his name as a curse word? Is it just a habit that we have picked up?

It just seems like if we don't believe in him, we shouldn't be using the name as a curse word...

Sorta mumbled, but hopefully you understand my point.

Meh! When you call someone an asshole, you're not literally implying that they consist soley of a rectrum, are you?
When you tell someone to Fuck Off, what exactly do you mean?

Don't try to philosophise too much on curse words...you won't get very far.

Menoman 08-08-2003 03:26 PM


Originally posted by Stiltzkin
Yuppersness. A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?)
Heh if your an athiest maybe you should study religion a bit more before you go all out :O

drawerfixer 08-08-2003 03:33 PM


Originally posted by CSflim

Don't try to philosophise too much on curse words...you won't get very far.

Hrumpft. I'm don't really care. I was just thought it was kinda dumb, and attempting to add to the conversation.

Mephisto2 08-08-2003 04:40 PM


Originally posted by CSflim
Well that's fuckin true.
Don't you start, ye fuckin' wanker.

Tossers like you need a good bang on the ear... ye stupid bollix!


Mr Mephisto

TheKak 08-08-2003 04:48 PM

I say god damn it on purpose around religious people, just to see who the really sensitive child molesting psychos are.

sixate 08-08-2003 05:26 PM


Originally posted by Mr. Spacemonkey
Personally i wouldn't mind it if someone said that around me. But if someone asked me not to say it i would be nice enough not to say it around them. I mean i'm not gonna keep saying it just to piss that person off. That seems like something a child would do.
Personally, I'll be pissed off like a mother fucker if a christain asks me not to say that kind of stuff around them because I'll bet my life that they've tried to convert my ass. I have never gone around and tried to convert a christian into an atheist and I never will. So I don't care if they get offended by what I say. They can get their bible thumpin ass away from me and shut the hell up.

drawerfixer, I think it's just said out of habit. We've all heard that said ever since we were kids so I guess it just sticks with us all.

lurkette 08-08-2003 05:46 PM

I think it's really amusing when my husband's Mormon relatives (he grew up in UT and his extended family is Mormon) say "flip" or "fetch" instead of fuck, and "Oh my heck!" Forget taking the lord's name in vain, they can't even get close to a swear word! What's the difference if the intent is the same?

bermuDa 08-08-2003 06:22 PM


What's the difference if the intent is the same?
Really though! it's hilarious that it's the words they avoid but end up create new swears.

and I'm with sixate and the_dude on this one... I tend to react poorly when people try to tell me how to act :)

sixate 08-08-2003 07:11 PM


Originally posted by lurkette
I think it's really amusing when my husband's Mormon relatives (he grew up in UT and his extended family is Mormon) say "flip" or "fetch" instead of fuck, and "Oh my heck!" Forget taking the lord's name in vain, they can't even get close to a swear word! What's the difference if the intent is the same?
I agree. That is lame as hell. The christian girlie a dated for a few years was so crazy that she wouldn't say fuck. Instead of saying, "What the fuck!" She'd say, " What the Q!" I laughed at her the first time she said that and told her to act her fucking age. It's a miracle that we lasted as long as we did.

Mojo_PeiPei 08-08-2003 07:12 PM

That's cool that you guys says that but at the same time I won't have remorse when I say Fag, Queer, Heb, Coon, Nigger, or anything else that someone may take offense too.

rogue49 08-08-2003 07:14 PM

I think my father once say it's because you're not supposed to take the Lord's name in vain.

I'm not religious, so it doesn't matter to me.
Oh well

hiredgun 08-08-2003 08:16 PM

I have no problem with people who are averse to profanity in general. I guess the people who are only offended by religious references kinda puzzles me, but to each his own I guess. Nobody's forcing you to be around that person.

chavos 08-08-2003 11:40 PM

it's not that hard...if people get pissed off with what you say, choose between closing your mouth, or continuing to piss them off. I personally find it a little annoying when people use that phrase, but i generally forgo any sort of protest except with friends who i expect more from. It's along the same lines that i don't like to hear "that's gay" or "i got jew'd".

Memalvada 08-09-2003 09:21 AM

Im not quiet religious myself, but I live in a very religious country. And I really HATE all the hypocrites around here... avoiding to say God's name in vain, while they do stuff far worse elsewhere... I dont usually say goddammit, because i dont find not much sense in it, since i tend to use stronger curses :)

hawkeye 08-09-2003 10:14 PM


Originally posted by CSflim
Religious people enjoy getting offended, that's all.
not really. look at it this way: as christian, one of the most important things in your life is your god. you might compare it to someone using your wife's or child's name as a swear word, a sort of a slam on them, tho not exactly aimed at them...

That's about what I think, but at the same time, I'm not gonna be a bitch about it, and any other swearing is fine (I agree with George Carlin on that whole issue)

tehblaed 08-09-2003 11:42 PM

I usually like to throw in a little "tapdancing" between the big JC, you know, for good measure. It adds a little spice to the situation, especially if you are like amazed at how stupid someone just acted. As in "Jesus tapdancing christ, mike, what the fuck was that?"

John Henry 08-10-2003 01:49 AM


Originally posted by hawkeye
not really. look at it this way: as christian, one of the most important things in your life is your god. you might compare it to someone using your wife's or child's name as a swear word, a sort of a slam on them, tho not exactly aimed at them...

That's about what I think, but at the same time, I'm not gonna be a bitch about it, and any other swearing is fine (I agree with George Carlin on that whole issue)

Like 'Yo momma', you mean?

John Henry 08-10-2003 01:56 AM


Originally posted by Stiltzkin
Yuppersness. A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?)
The term 'Christian' covers a whole host of different types of people who worship the guy on the stick. Catholicism only covers those strains that are largely based on ancient European 'pagan' religions.

Mephisto2 08-10-2003 07:49 PM


Originally posted by John Henry
Catholicism only covers those strains that are largely based on ancient European 'pagan' religions.
Now THERE'S a contentious statement if I ever heard one...


Mr Mephisto

hobo 08-10-2003 08:00 PM

Once I said "What the hell?" and most of the people (christian) around me (including a teacher) were like "You don't have to curse". I was thinking at that point, "What the hell?!?!?". I had no idea why that offended them. Yet they can take offense and look down on me for saying it. How is that at all fair? After thinking about it, I figure that "hell" is the trigger word. I guess they don't like to here it.

Sledge 08-15-2003 12:31 AM

I'm completely against censorship, but I'm also against being a bellicose, offensive wanker. Christians don't like it when you take their Lord's name in vain. Don't take it personally; it's part of their religion. Likewise, if you're having a barbecue and your Jewish friend declines to eat your sausages, try not to cry too hard.

DeviouslySimple 08-15-2003 06:58 PM

All I'm saying is I got jew'd out of a very enjoyeable minute by reading this thread. But there are some made-up swears that I enjoy. And I exchange horribly tasteless, offensive things between my best friends and myself. Fetchin' word.

Anyone strongly fundamentalist or with large blinders on their field of perspective I tend to put in the "you're too useless to humanity for your opinion to have much salt with me" category and just continue with my day. There's not often a need to expressly do something to antagonize someone. Inflexible people will never be convinced by words from someone else's differing opinion anyway.

iktoweya 08-16-2003 04:25 AM

christians believe in the power of their words. they believe that what they say can come to past if they speak it. i for one believe that as well. however i am not offended when people say God Damn it. most people have no idea what they are saying. all they are doing is asking God to damn something. which is completely fine with me. now you will never catch me just randomly saying it but i have used those terms on something i have really wanted God to damn. i mean feel free to use it freely it wont bug me. but hey you usually get what you ask for :)

John Henry 08-16-2003 05:41 AM


Originally posted by iktoweya
christians believe in the power of their words. they believe that what they say can come to past if they speak it. i for one believe that as well... but hey you usually get what you ask for :)
I'm RICH!! RICH beyond my wildest dreeeeeeeeams!!!!!!!!

Goddamit! I knew it wouldn't work.

MacGnG 08-16-2003 07:18 PM

"God" is not His true name; It is unpronounceable. [Judaism]

CSflim 08-17-2003 10:20 AM


Originally posted by MacGnG
"God" is not His true name; It is unpronounceable. [Judaism]
He has a name? Who christened him? His Mum?

sixate 08-17-2003 11:21 AM


Originally posted by CSflim
He has a name? Who christened him? His Mum?
HAHA! And if his mum christened him then that wouldn't make him a god now would it? How can the creator of everything have a mom?

im2smrt4u 08-17-2003 11:29 AM

I'm a Christian, so I try to avoid saying it, but what other people say isn't my business, so I don't care.

Lebell 08-17-2003 01:29 PM


Originally posted by CSflim
He has a name? Who christened him? His Mum?
Interesting that you should use the word chistened.

Exodus 3:13-14

But Moses said to God, "If I come to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." He said further, "Thus you shall say to the Israelites, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

In the original Hebrew, "I AM" is rendered "Yahweh", which was mistranslated for many years as "Jehovah".

prosequence 08-17-2003 06:28 PM

Well I kind of the idea that if you don't know God, you shouldn't ask him to damn stuff. Let him make the judgement call.

The_Dude damn it!! now that's a cool swear..... try it out, spread it around...

BigDonkey2 08-17-2003 06:56 PM

Re: God Damn It

Originally posted by The_Dude
why do religious people have a problem with me saying that?

i said god damn it once and this girl gave me this really dirty look and i've had several bad experiences saying that.

this dude got pissed at me once cuz i said that cuz i used god's name in vain.

well, why dont they mind their own business?? why do they have the urge to tell me what i should say?

Because they believe that they need to push their beliefs onto you like so many other people do instead of minding their own damn buisness. I dont have a problem with religious people but when they start pushing their beliefs onto you thats where I draw the line.

XenuHubbard 08-17-2003 09:17 PM

If I know people will get offended by it, I don't say it. I've never needed to curse THAT badly.

In Swedish, most curses has to do with the Devil. Is that okay?
Like if you hit your toe, and you say "Satan!"...

sub zero 08-17-2003 10:18 PM

because it's their religion (or so they think) god damnit!

Lasereth 08-26-2003 02:32 AM

It makes me somewhat uncomfortable if someone around me says it, but I don't say anything to them. I've never said it myself. I rattle off every cuss word in the glossary, but I've never said that. Why? It makes me a little uncomfortable knowing that I'm directly opposing a set of religious laws that I believe in. Oh well, some people I know that are Christians don't have a problem saying it, and others do. I certainly won't comment if anyone else says it, like I said before. How they stand with religion and how I stand with it has nothing to do with each other.


Darkblack 08-26-2003 10:09 AM


Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
That's cool that you guys says that but at the same time I won't have remorse when I say Fag, Queer, Heb, Coon, Nigger, or anything else that someone may take offense too.
Actually there is a big difference in using a racist term to label someone and using goddamn to iterate a point.

"God damn I hurt my thumb" and "you nigger" are two very different phrases. One gets you stared at or a finger shaken at you from someone religious the other gets your ass beat.

edited for rude comment

JBX 08-26-2003 10:30 AM

The whole Idea of a swear is to be offensive to as many people as possible to show your anger or displeasure. Try using the dreaded "C" word around a bunch of women and see the reaction. lol. It's people that are offended that give words their power.

Beltruckus 08-26-2003 11:17 AM


Originally posted by Darkblack
Actually there is a big difference in using a racist term to label someone and using goddamn to iterate a point.

"God damn I hurt my thumb" and "you nigger" are two very different phrases. One gets you stared at or a finger shaken at you from someone religious the other gets your ass beat.

They are both curses and they can both offend someone equally, don't be such a hypocrit sp*

Darkblack 08-26-2003 11:26 AM


Goddamn and Jesus Christ are not downing religion, anyone of that religion, or really have anything to do with that religion. Some people think it is taking a Gods name in vein while others of the same denomination do not. By taking a Gods name in vein it is not hurting anyone other than the so-called sinner.

By calling someone a Nigger, coon, fag, etc, you are downing them as a person for either their race, sexual preference, etc which is very different than the other.

If you cannot see the difference you are ignorant.

Beltruckus 08-26-2003 12:08 PM

Calling me ignorant for my perceptions is just as bad as calling me a fag or a nigger. I'm sorry but you can't control how some people would feel if you say goddamnit (gods last name isn't damnit) it doesn't offend me but guarenteed there is someone who it would.

Darkblack 08-26-2003 12:27 PM


Originally posted by Beltruckus
Calling me ignorant for my perceptions is just as bad as calling me a fag or a nigger. I'm sorry but you can't control how some people would feel if you say goddamnit (gods last name isn't damnit) it doesn't offend me but guarenteed there is someone who it would.
Ok, I am not going to continue this but calling you ignorant and saying goddamn it is very different than calling me a nigger. The fact that you are blind to that tells me a lot. For the record I did not call you ignorant, I said if you could not tell the difference then you were ignorant. You have to make that decision yourself.

prosequence 08-26-2003 06:33 PM

Why ask God to damn something?
.... the origins of "sayings" sometimes are forgotten

chavos 08-26-2003 08:38 PM


Why ask God to damn something?
"Woe unto those..."

It's traditional prophetic language used to call out the failings of the people to be humane to each other. Pretty serious shit, for those who know...and thus the reason that it may truely be as offensive as labels and insults based in gender, race, or orientation.

Lebell 08-26-2003 11:16 PM


Originally posted by JBX
The whole Idea of a swear is to be offensive to as many people as possible to show your anger or displeasure. Try using the dreaded "C" word around a bunch of women and see the reaction. lol. It's people that are offended that give words their power.
Very insightful.

BTW, please keep it nice, people :D

Darkblack 08-27-2003 06:09 AM


Originally posted by chavos
"Woe unto those..."

It's traditional prophetic language used to call out the failings of the people to be humane to each other. Pretty serious shit, for those who know...and thus the reason that it may truely be as offensive as labels and insults based in gender, race, or orientation.

If I Goddamned you then yes I would see where you were coming from. When I goddamn my stubbed toe it would be none of your business then correct? I can damn myself all I want right?

Goddamn myself!


Now for Jesus Christ. Usually this stems from people invoking his name in prayer. When something bad happens they would ask for his help. Now when something bad happens it is habit to say his name even without asking for help. This is bad for me to do? You may think so but then again if I am condemning myself to an eternity of burning in hell that is my choice, not yours.

Now, you call me a nigger and we got issues. That is by far worse than me damning my foot to hell or invoking Jesus Christ’s name when not praying. Do you truly not see that?

~edit ~ Also, I want to apologize for calling someone a f@#$ing racist. While I truly believe that person is, it was an insult that I should have kept to myself. I am sorry for the rest of the viewers who had to read it. I am working on controlling my temper so things like that do not happen again.

Beltruckus 08-27-2003 07:15 AM

Why is that such an insult? it's just words and letters put together to make a sound, i've never understood how anyone could be offended by any swear words. They are words that society decided were bad therefor they are offensive, wow a bunch a sounds just kills me, Dont be so fu**ing sensitive.

(edited for sensitive people)

Lebell 08-27-2003 09:34 AM


Respecting fellow members is a sine qua non of TFP.

You may not be offended by "sounds" but sounds have meaning, and when they are intended to insult and demean each other and generally contribute to a downward spiral in the quality of the conversation, then yes, we take notice.

Beltruckus 08-28-2003 07:14 AM

I never called anyone a name I was just explaining how I felt, I would NEVER call anyone by a deragatory term, I understand it offends people, it just doesn't make sense to me. sorry if it appeared I was calling anyone names. :apologize:

Midnight_Son 08-28-2003 12:50 PM

Here’s a new thought.....I don't say God damn it or Jesus Christ.
Not because it offends me, but because giving something a name justifies it's existence.

sixate 08-28-2003 07:13 PM


Originally posted by cnor
Here’s a new thought.....I don't say God damn it or Jesus Christ.
Not because it offends me, but because giving something a name justifies it's existence.

I like that. I may never say either one again.

raeanna74 08-29-2003 04:32 AM

It doesn't offend me to hear it. I don't allow my child to say it simply because all of our family and extended family is very religious and it opens a whole can of worms when she says curse words. Personally I don't say it - mostly because it was ingrained into me as a child and also I feel that I can express my displeasure in a more refined way by actually using the words that express it instead of an oath.

The curse words using a name of a deity offend christians and religious persons simply because they feel they are obligated to defend the use of the name of their god. They feel that their god's name is sacred and shouldn't be used in any sense other than in reference to them. If their don't defend the name of their God then they become responsible for it being said. It is all a part of their form of worship. I don't approve of them ripping into someone for saying it but also I think we should respect their religion. Just as an athiest would like them to not talk about their God all the time.

Stiltzkin 09-01-2003 06:38 PM

A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?)

I devoutly refuse to believe that there is any real difference. Say anything you like.


mac Daddy 09-10-2003 04:44 PM

There one big problem is the Lords name in vain. A curse with his name in the same sentance.

water_boy1999 09-11-2003 01:36 PM


Originally posted by Darkblack
Ok, I am not going to continue this but calling you ignorant and saying goddamn it is very different than calling me a nigger. The fact that you are blind to that tells me a lot. For the record I did not call you ignorant, I said if you could not tell the difference then you were ignorant. You have to make that decision yourself.
Nope, not ignorant since I do know the difference. However, saying one or both of these curses, "goddammit" or "nigger", in any context, are bound to piss someone off equally. People are making judgements that just because it doesn't offend them it shouldn't offend other people as well. Having them push religion on you is just as intrusive to them as offending their beliefs in God, JC or whoever the fuck they believe in.

To think otherwise is ignorance.

DownwardSpiral 09-11-2003 06:49 PM

It's always fun to get a rise out of overly religious people b saying god damn it and things like that, but nothing beats debateing with people on the existance of a God, always a back and forth type of deal.

Johnny Rotten 09-11-2003 10:32 PM

Well, I don't understand the problem with "God damn it." But I would find it irksome if someone used my name as a swear word. I figure Jesus deserves better than that, and I'm agnostic.

Darkblack 09-12-2003 08:43 AM

I can't believe this thread was revived...but I will post again just for fun.

God damn it, it is saying Goddamn what ever I am doing right now that is pissing me off. It is not saying anything about God. It is not degrading God, it is not hurting anyone. Saying Nigger, is telling the black person you are directing it at that they are property, not human, less than you, ignorant, and many more things. God damn it, is something you say when you stub your toe. You would not say Nigger for stubbing your toe. You say nigger with the sole purpose of hurting someone or degrading them.

There IS a fucking difference.

sapiens 09-12-2003 09:31 PM


Originally posted by John Henry
Catholicism only covers those strains that are largely based on ancient European 'pagan' religions.

Seems like a gross mischaracterization of the differences between protestants and catholics.

AngelHands 09-13-2003 04:11 PM

I think it's a matter of respect to not say certain things around people if they ask you not to. If it offends them, and they ask you not to, is it really that hard to show them the same respect you would want?

maddemon802 09-15-2003 06:06 AM

My old man used to say that swearing was for people who were too ignorant to say something constructive ( he also had a problem with people saying "uh" or "um" ) but I ah,er, um never fuckin' caught on....and besides it's not taking gods mane in vain:
1)if god isn't really his name and
2) if you really mean it....that kinda negates the "vain" part of it...
My 2 cents..hope it doesn't rub anybodies goddamn panties the wrong way! ;)

meff 09-15-2003 06:34 AM


Originally posted by sixate
Wow! For once I have to agree with you. I dated a christian once, big mistake, and she got all pissed off when I would say that or jesus christ. How lame. Grow up. I would always have to hear shit about it, but her dad would say them both, but just not around her or her mom. He was a pussy for not standing his ground and telling them, "I'm a grown man and jesus fucking christ I'll say whatever the hell I want to. God Dammit!"
Haha, nice. I am pagan, but yet, I don't mind hearing or using these phrases, because I really don't care that much .. they're just speech explaining how you feel, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

meff 09-15-2003 06:36 AM


Originally posted by Stiltzkin
Yuppersness. A good friend of mine is Christian (Catholic? What's the difference?) Anyways, I try not to even mention anything remotely religious-based when I'm around him because I'd rather keep him as a friend than make an enemy out of him.
If he's your friend why can't you explain it to him?

Oh well better safe than sorry I guess.

telekinetic2 09-23-2003 10:36 AM


Originally posted by Darkblack
I can't believe this thread was revived...but I will post again just for fun.

God damn it, it is saying Goddamn what ever I am doing right now that is pissing me off. It is not saying anything about God. It is not degrading God, it is not hurting anyone. Saying Nigger, is telling the black person you are directing it at that they are property, not human, less than you, ignorant, and many more things. God damn it, is something you say when you stub your toe. You would not say Nigger for stubbing your toe. You say nigger with the sole purpose of hurting someone or degrading them.

There IS a fucking difference.

I would have to say that they are different but equal. You are jokingly calling on the omnipotent God of the Universe to use his almighty power to curse your toe or your situation.

That is like waltzing in past the secret service, whipping everything off President Bush's desk, and demanding that he convene congress to declare full scale war on your dog for crapping in the living room.

You don't think anyone could be very offended by you calling on their God to do the following to your toe?
1 : to condemn to a punishment or fate; especially : to condemn to hell
2 a : to condemn vigorously and often irascibly for some real or fancied fault or defect b : to condemn as a failure by public criticism
3 : to bring ruin on

Saying 'God Damn ______' implies that you either 1. Don't believe there is a God, or 2. Believe that he is impotent and incabable of hearing or heeding your request. This is bound to ruffle some feathers in certain circles.

*edit: sorry, didn't realize this was such a dead thread, posting anyways*

Speed_Gibson 09-25-2003 10:56 PM

takes really strong language to even start to offend me, and I am more likely to be impressed if someone is really creative with the profanity and the terms used. I have heard more than a few former shipmates (ugh, still hate that term) use the word f*ck in some form as almost the entire sentence - just because the word is unbelievably flexible and can be used as nearly all parts of speech does not mean it should be.
Do not have a problem with the main phrase in question and the air can get quite blue when the computers start giving me fits, but usually I curse very sparingly around most people. It can give an undesirable impression unless they really know you.

matthew330 10-10-2003 11:12 AM

Judging by some of the hostility on here toward the Christian faith, I would assume that many of you have a line of Christian's following you 24-7 everywhere you go tugging on your coat-tail begging you to be Chrisitian. Born again's may have a tendency to be a little eccentric and set in their ways when talking about their religion, but this is a small minority, and that's far from forcing or shoving anything down your throat. As someone else said, "some people like to be offended", some people just like to hate christians.

Keg-o-Grog 10-10-2003 01:27 PM

well, its also their fault for asuming you are allways talking of their god when you say god damnit. they think its blasphemy, which is quite lame, because if you dont believe in christianity, their rules and religious ethics should neither apply to you. silly religious people.

toxic515 10-13-2003 11:15 AM

I couldn't care less what you say or what profanity you use... I'd prefer it wasn't done TO EXCESS around my children, (movie theaters, etc.) as I don't particularly care to have them sent home from school having told a teacher to kiss their farking arse. Goddammit.

Lord knows I don't try to hide my language from them, I think it's a part of modern language and it's important to learn when and where things are appropriate.

][)ick}{ea][) 10-13-2003 11:41 AM

God damn it. God fuck it. God shit it. God cunt it. God bitch it. God whore it. You know... I don't believe in God cause god is a ...

Seriously though. The one thing we can thank those Christians and God believing folks for is the name.
God makes such a good word for frustration:
Where are my goddamn keys?
Goddamn it, where is that rubber chicken?
Who turned up the goddamn heat?
I can't find my goddamn car!

The list goes on and on. You can't do that with other gods:

Get outta my Zues damn house you Brahma damn idiot. I'll kick your Vishnu damn ass.

It only works with the god named God.

Even Jesus's name works well when you're frightened:

Jesus Christ you scared the shit outta me! God damn!

I like when people give Jesus extra names:

Jesus H. Christ on a fucking stick!

Keep up the good imaginary friend worship, it's bound to give us good cuss words for many generations to come.

filtherton 10-13-2003 12:25 PM


Exodus 3:13-14
But Moses said to God, "If I come to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." He said further, "Thus you shall say to the Israelites, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"
God sounds like popeye. "Goddamn it, i am what i am"

I have no problem with the phrase because i'm not really christian. Apparently, god doesn't have a problem with the words either. What would the world be like if god actually damned every little thing that god has been asked to damn? Big toes, cars, and video games would all be melting in eternal damnation. Most of the people who post on this board would be burning already.
God, if you believe in god, is no dummy. I'm fairly certain that god is also not so petty and unaware of the ways we use words as to actually get upset when we use the words god or christ outside of prayers.

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