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Jonsgirl 08-12-2003 12:48 AM

Both would be cool, but I'm going to go with the flying thing. I'd probably get myself in less trouble with just flying.

Tickford 08-12-2003 02:17 AM

Please make my invisible.... that would be sooooo cool...... for aleast a few days....

skysooner 08-12-2003 08:09 AM

This is a tough one, because I do like to sit back and watch life and invisibility would give me the opportunity to really observe what goes on behind closed doors. However, I voted to fly as I would like to really see more of the world and flying would give me that opportunity.

jhericurl21 08-12-2003 02:40 PM


Originally posted by titsmurf

Get into a fight? Just float off! Who is going to follow you?

couldnt u go invisible and just fuck him up?

Xell101 08-12-2003 08:42 PM

Besides, what kind of women wouldn't want a child with superhuman flight capabilities?

bparker805 08-13-2003 03:06 PM

For me it would have to be invisibilty. Just for the sake of seeing what really goes on when a pack of women go to the restroom together. I just know there has got to be somekind of lesbian orgy going on... Either that or to be the Thing... Rock hard all the time, baby! "It's clobberin' time!"

Xell101 08-13-2003 05:20 PM

No! They're all part of a lesbian conspiracy!

mjollnir 08-15-2003 06:45 AM


Esoteric 08-15-2003 03:46 PM

Invisibility, as stated many times before..the possibilities are endless.

Xell101 08-15-2003 07:35 PM

Ever hear the phrase "Who gives a flying fuck?"

Mr. Spacemonkey 08-15-2003 07:40 PM


Originally posted by Xell101
Ever hear the phrase "Who gives a flying fuck?"
I do!

Okay no I don't . . . i'll be leaving now.

iktoweya 08-16-2003 04:32 AM

id be invisible

Keg-o-Grog 08-16-2003 12:13 PM

flying, it must be flying. free as a bird, defying the laws of gravity. you can even travle as far as you want to. it would be just great, i could fly wherever i wanted.

Mr. Spacemonkey 08-16-2003 12:32 PM

Flying seems like it would be pretty cool for a short time but after awhile i would think it would get boring, it would just end up as an alternative form of transportation.

Plus, would it be harder to breath while flying? You know, since the air is thiner the higher you go

FlorentinoAriza 08-18-2003 01:50 AM

fear of heights
so i'll take invisibillity please

thank you

Beltruckus 08-18-2003 08:32 AM


Originally posted by Mr. Spacemonkey

Plus, would it be harder to breath while flying? You know, since the air is thiner the higher you go

No one is saying you have to fly high, I don't think it would get boring, take a day off work and visit places you have never been. I would go to Canada.

prosequence 08-18-2003 10:20 AM

hmm, tough choice... I would normally pick flying but with all the crap going on nowadays, you would get shot down, or have to pay airport tax and other not fun stuff.
So I guess invisibility, that way I can kick people and laugh bout it.

Shpoop 08-19-2003 07:05 AM

put me up for flyin

invisibility is cool, you could screw people without them knowing it... but eventually that would get old and it wouldnt have the satisfaction like you doing it would.
and you just know that if you were invisible you would do all sorts of stuff you would regret later

but flying! no more cars! no more hassles! no more rush hour!

Cru 08-19-2003 07:14 AM

I would like invisibility. I would get to steal things, and stealing things is great.

Beltruckus 08-19-2003 07:19 AM


Originally posted by Shpoop
put me up for flyin

invisibility is cool, you could screw people without them knowing it...
but flying! no more cars! no more hassles! no more rush hour!

Are you talking about raping people? Thats horrible.

nostalgic1 08-19-2003 10:26 AM

definitely invisibility... imagine the possibilities... i mean... really IMAGINE the possibilites...

Booboo 08-19-2003 02:22 PM

I would definately go with the ability to stop time, as someone else posted, and still be able to move around when its stopped.. and be able to restart it at any time.

The key would be being able to stop time and still intereact with things.. like move someones drink ect.. or i'm sure people could some up with some more interesting uses=P

Unlike being invisble.. where someone could bump into you ect.. you could just stop time.. move around do what you need to do.. move back to where you were, or if you were smart you would only stop it when no one can see you.. otherwise theres pretty much no way to go back to the Exact same spot you were in.. and I think the difference would be noticable=P

I think it would be fun.. teehee

Edit: Of the 2 options given I would take invisibility, would be the next best thing to the time thing=)

Beltruckus 08-19-2003 07:23 PM

Only problem BooBoo is that stopping time wasnt one of the choices was it. :hmm:

mystmarimatt 08-29-2003 12:00 PM

i' fly, i know i should choose invisibilty for the obvious reasons, but i've always been obsessed with peter pan, and wanted to be abe to fly

Fire 09-25-2003 07:41 PM

flight is a great option- just to be able to travle to far off places on a budget- and you could start one hell of a courier service.

Speed_Gibson 09-25-2003 11:30 PM

from these choices, it would be Invisibility. As previously mentioned I would want to be completely invisible from infra-red and everything else, nothing like Hollow Man where they could see him with the goggles.

I would much rather be able to "phase-shift" (I think that is the term used in sci-fi shows) where I could walk through solid objects or be like Al in Quantum Leap when he is a hologram in the past. Locked doors could be a thing of the past

in either case, I would want the effect to encompass my body so I could wear normal clothes and carry bags and other things. If you have to be naked to be truly invisible then it is a completely different experience. Also makes a huge difference if you can walk through solid walls but not carry anything through with you.

the ideal power would be a combination of both of those.

MacGnG 09-29-2003 03:34 PM

i like what Speed_Gibson said! :)

Pheatius 10-01-2003 01:49 PM

I can see no one here and no one can see me.

Everyone in this forum is ''Invisible' already. We only show what we want others to see or we lurk.

I am pretty sure no one in here can fly. (more than once that is...splat)

B21 10-01-2003 05:07 PM

1.The ability to freeze time at will.

2.The ability to move things with my mind(telekinesis).

tekaweni 10-08-2003 02:06 PM

Flying, definitely. If I was invisible I'd get a lot more perv opportunities but on balance I'd like to be up in the air, paying no fare..

The.Lunatic 10-08-2003 05:02 PM

omfg invinsible for sure. I'd be able to do so manythings, assuming that i'm invinsible i'd do something that i really love like snowboarding, I'd quit going to school thats for sure mechanical enginerding is to hard.

Chuckles 10-11-2003 11:15 AM

would the invisibility be triggered when you wanted? I wouldn't want to be invisible for the rest of my life. That would SUCK! If i could control it, then yeah maybe. But for now, flying.

Lunchbox7 10-12-2003 12:41 AM

Psionics would be the best. this is why:

You could fly with telekinisis

You could mess with peoples mind and thus manipulate their thoughts so you are invisible

You could conrtol peoples thoughts

You could read thoughts so you would always know the answer if someone else knows and someone always knows the answer

You could be assured of a true friend because you ccan read their intentions

You can protect yourself from har with telekinisis

You would be the best sprotsman of all time with a combination of telepathy and telekinisis

Basically with psionic powers you can accomplish anything. You would be almost god like. Now that is a super power

riptide4070 10-15-2003 08:23 PM


As long as terrorists don't disturb my airways. The joy of flying would be my biggest reason. I could help people when I could be of assisstance but wouldn't want to be a super hero. They usually don't have time for chicks.

I wouldn't drive a girl on a date, we'd fly!

I'd hate it someone stepped on my shoes while being invisible. That movie with Kevin Bacon being invisible freaked me out! Because of that movie I'm now afraid of invisible people.

Killconey 10-15-2003 10:58 PM

Flying would by far be superior because it would allow you to gracefully move from place to place at a quick rate and you could also do many impressive things to gain the world's favor. All invisibility does is increase the risk that you'll get accidentally punched, hit with floating objects and run over by cars that don't see you.

Lunchbox7 10-15-2003 11:58 PM

Teleportation would be cool. Peak hour traffic would be a thing of the past. Noww that is a dream.

Beltruckus 10-16-2003 08:38 AM


Originally posted by Lunchbox7
Psionics would be the best. this is why:

You could fly with telekinisis

You could mess with peoples mind and thus manipulate their thoughts so you are invisible

You could conrtol peoples thoughts

You could read thoughts so you would always know the answer if someone else knows and someone always knows the answer

You could be assured of a true friend because you ccan read their intentions

You can protect yourself from har with telekinisis

You would be the best sprotsman of all time with a combination of telepathy and telekinisis

Basically with psionic powers you can accomplish anything. You would be almost god like. Now that is a super power

thanks for that lovely insight but the choices were Flying or Invisibility

mml 10-16-2003 01:19 PM

Flying, I have always wanted to be able to fly. Invisivility doesn't really do anything for me. Flying would be be just flat out cool. :)

Xenomorph 10-16-2003 06:26 PM

Flying would be awesome until everyone saw you and government researchers dissected you.

Invisibility would have more uses than I can count...most have been mentioned already. I'd be fine without cloaking from infrared and such, because I wouldn't use my invisibility to get into sensitive places...just for practical purpose.

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