Hello...I found this site thru a Google search for the above title. Once here, and after reading on the Academy/For parents whose children have been taken by DCFS/CPS thread, I registered, and couldnt find the thread again. So..here I am...
I am writing in response to a thread by someone named "GNAT" because I found this persons post to be full of absolute bs. This poster claims that they had worked in the field for several years and that DCFS/CPS never takes "kickbacks" for removing a child. Well, I disagree, what does happen is just as the state/county gets an amount for every kid in every seat in a classroom and loses it when they are absent, this so called social work establishment gets "incentives" in the form of $30,000 for each kid removed. Now with that "incentive" looming over each supervisors head they work towards the people employed in their section attaining the highest number of children. Anyone that doesnt believe this is happening has not done their homework, it works this way obviouslly it works WELL ! As for "GNAT"s other comments, I find fault with the one about each family being thoroughly investigated before a kid is removed. In my case, a vindictive relative of mine made false allegations and the DCFS in my town and a sheriff deputy went to my daughters classrooms and removed them from their school, and they were taken to DCFS then to a town 50 miles away and placed in a home and a new school. We waited to find out where they were, why they had been taken for 8 days. No phone calls, no word on how, where, and why they had been detained. We found out when we went to court and we DID NOT find out the truth there, we found it from my daughters who told us "Stacey" did it. And "Stacey"s name was no where on any file or folder or piece of paper anywhere thru the entire mess. She had done this with guaranteed anonymity and strict confidence. There was no sign of our Human and our CIvil Rights anywhere along the way, no right to face your accuser etc... What I asked out loud out of turn in the courtroom (kangaroo) was "if I am such a terrible mother and my husband is such a terrible father that you have to take our children from us, why are we NOT IN JAIL ???? The court proceedings paused and then absolutely resumed as if I had said nothing. We were assigned "counsel" who were on the payroll of the same corrupt people we were fighting. It was truly a shocking eye opening experience and a nightmare that lives on today. We eventually hired our own attorney, the first two times my husband requested that we fire theirs and bring in our own from the outside the judge simply boomed "Denied": and there was no explanation why and no instructions on how we could do this. The Childrens Court in Monterey Park California runs like no court I have ever been in, once you walk in that door it is no longer AMERICA it is HELL ON EARTH> We eventually did bring in our own attorney and fired theirs, and $9,000 later we got our girls back. In short, they were kidnapped and held for ransom and once we paid they came home. Now, after all this we are being billed (my husband and I) from Child Support In Los Angeles Co. respectively $130,000 and $44, 000 and our licenses will be suspended for non payment. I have no idea why this is and why I am billed the larger amount and my husband the lower, lol. It hardly matters, the real question is why are we being billed at all. And why was I first notified that they think I owe this money with a bill of $30,000. that was the amount on the VERY FIRST NOTICE I EVER RECEIVED. If this is how they notify every parent who really do owe child support, its no wonder they cant afford to pay and soon are labeled "dead beats" with an astronimical fee like that the interest/penalty/late fees soon add up. I am in the process of trying to untangle this mess and thus it is opening up terrible memories of what DCFS did to my family. I will attempt to fight the thing from the beginning, sometihng I should have done back then and was to emotionally distraught to do at the time. This type of thing knocks you down so hard and completely youre lucky if you can get out of bed in the morning and brush your teeth. My niece who filed this false report has had no repercussion nothing, but now that my daughters are grown and I presume the court will listen to them this time maybe they will finally charge her with her lies, deception and her crime !!!!!Let me say just one more thing, this all started when my niece and I got into a fight, and I chose to sever ties with her, she tried to make up with me and I refused, in the end she did this as a payback i suppose. Reallly one screwed up human being and if any of you are quarreling with a relative or friend, watch out !! If anyone has any ideas on who I can contact to start unraveling this mess please e-mail me or post on this site Thanks alot
janesdean55@aol.com sorry so messy, just that i get so riled and shaky when i go there. sorry not spell checked either lol thanks