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Old 01-02-2005, 04:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
scary story

make of it what you will... obviously there is an pyschological explanation and a supernatural explanation... I know 100% that the person who told me this wasnt making it up... whether they are right in their interpretation everyone must decide for themselves:

z: have you seen anything paranormal?
thingsthatbreak: no
thingsthatbreak: my grandmother says she is pyschic
thingsthatbreak: she has seen ghosts ... and one year after my grandad died, every clock in her house stopped on the time he died
thingsthatbreak: but Ive never really seen anything
thingsthatbreak: I could think of a handful things that were strange...
thingsthatbreak: but nothing that genuinelly struck we as impossible
zl: i have seen the supernatural
thingsthatbreak: Ive camped out all alone in haunted places and stuff
thingsthatbreak: and scared myself, but thats it?
thingsthatbreak: yeah.. tell me about it!
thingsthatbreak: please :-)
z: the night my grandmother died only my brother and i were home, it was around this time (early morning) and we were trying to go to sleep in our living room, he was laying on one couch and i was laying on another
thingsthatbreak: ok
z: i couldn't really sleep though because of everything so i was thinking, you know how when you are deep in thought you stare at something...but really beyond it sort of..
thingsthatbreak: yeah, it passes out of focus
z: so i was thinking and my eyes were on our TV screen, and it was off so basically like a dark mirror
z: and all of a sudden i could see what looked but didn't feel like my grandmother behind me in the kitchen
z: it appeared on the tv screen and was incredibally startling just for the fact it made me snap out of thought
thingsthatbreak: did it appear as a TV picture
thingsthatbreak: or as a reflection?
z: reflection
z: basically like my grandmother standing next to my kitchen table
zl: but she was also looking at me
thingsthatbreak: in the picture, looking at you as you looked at her? and you were also in the picture?
z: i guess i had to have been in the picture but i didn't look at myself
z: lol
z: she smiled and walked half way into the kitchen table, and then dissapeared
z: it*
z: when it smiled it felt like a mockery of my grandmother because she never smiled in the way it did
thingsthatbreak: you mean it was an unpleasant smile?
z: not neccesarily, but i just felt like it was a corruption
z: and it was really evil
thingsthatbreak: how long did it last?
z: probably like 4 or 5 seconds
thingsthatbreak: thats a long time
z: not the smile, but the whole thing
thingsthatbreak: why did it seem evil?
z: because it looked like her but like another soul behind it
thingsthatbreak: an evil presence?
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: and you didnt really scrutinice your presence in the vision?
z: no, i would have been in the lower corner of the screen
z: sort of in the dark
thingsthatbreak: when you say whe walked into the table, do you mean literally through it?
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: but you were sure it was you?
thingsthatbreak: in relation to you, in which direction did she walk - away from the image of you and walking towards you?
z: our dining room was behind me and i was laying on a couch against the wall looking away from that direction, it was behind me and to left and walked directly to the right, through the table and dissapeared half way into it, if it kept going it eventually would have reached the wall
thingsthatbreak: did you know she was seriously ill?
z: no she wasn't expecting to pass
z: there's a story behind that too
thingsthatbreak: how did it make you feel - angry? frightened?
z: it made me frightened, like temporialy paralyzed dumbfounded feart
thingsthatbreak: was your brother awake?
z: and also felt at animosity with it
z: he was half asleep
thingsthatbreak: did the image in the screen meet your eyes?
z: it eyes looked at mine, like it was communicated to my reflection, like when you talk to someone and you're both looking in a mirror
z: it looked when it smiled, then looked away when it walked into the table
thingsthatbreak: and why exactly did the smile seem like a corruption or abomination?
z: it just did, i knew it wasn't my grandmother, didn't feel like it was a well intentioned prescense
z: which makes sense
z: because i believe in demons
thingsthatbreak: did you feel it was a threat to you?
z: i felt if it didn't go away fast it was lol
thingsthatbreak: did you think anything that made as it turned and walked away to the side?
thingsthatbreak: I mean, did you feel in any way in communication with it? or that it was just an image?
z: i felt that behind me a spirit was there
z: right after it dissapeared into the table i looked at the dining room behind me, then buried my head into the couch,lol
thingsthatbreak: behind the wall?
z: there isn't a wall seperating the dining room and living room
thingsthatbreak: ok.. so, after the image had gone, could you see the table in the screen still, naturally?
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: what was she wearing?
z: my kitchen is over to the left and the light above the stove was on
z: yeah that's an important part because it was not usual, she was wearing a white cloak basically, like a plain nightgown, long, flowy
thingsthatbreak: was she wearing the same clothes as she would have been as she was sleeping?
z: nope
z: i don't think people wear those kinds of cloaks not even for nightgowns in this century
thingsthatbreak: did you feel the presence left as the image vanished?
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: sorry to ask so many questions!
thingsthatbreak: what was the other part of the story?
z: that's ok, i don't mind, there's not many people i tell it to anyway ;-)
thingsthatbreak: thank you for telling me
z: she had an aneuryism. she lived about two hours away from us
zl: my parents would go and visit her every weekend
z: my mom always called on friday around 4 or 5pm
z: my mom had been calling her and she wasn't answering which was really out of the norm because she would just go to the grocery store, bank, post office like once a week
z: so my parents went out to dinner and my mom asked me to keep calling periodically
z: as it started getting dark and she didn't answer i got worried
z: i hated to tell my mom when she got home and it was really starting to get dark that she still hadn't answered
z: just felt something wrong, especially when her voice would come on the machine
z: like the life behind it wasn't there anymore
thingsthatbreak: how do you mean? it sounded different somehow?
z: not different, it's really hard to explain, words to describe it right don't exist...almost like you hear that persons voice in the present, but you know it represents something only existing in the past, which on a recording it does anyway, but i guess it just felt like this is hearing something that no longer exists
z: weird
thingsthatbreak: ok
z: so we called the neighbor and he went over and checked out the house, it was dark at the time
z: he went in the backyard and looked into the laundry room and said he saw like a pile of clothes
z: but it was too dark to make out anything
z: we called the hospital and all that
z: so my parents decided to drive there and my oldest brother went with
thingsthatbreak: is this you and your brother, or your parents calling?
z: i called the hospital, at this time my entire family was home
z: when they got there my brother was the first to go up to the house and he immediately made her out from the front porch looking in back towards the laundry room
z: my dad and him went around back and kicked the door in and found her
z: my mom saw her also from the front porch which was bad, because it was her mother, she really shouldn't had seen it
z: she had been dead for two or three days so it wasn't a good sight
thingsthatbreak: no
z: it actually gets worse but i won't get into it
thingsthatbreak: so when you saw the vision, you would have had no idea she was ill?
thingsthatbreak: only if you dont like to talk about it
z: no i knew she had died at that time
z: or before then
z: my brother and i had gotten the call around 10 pm
thingsthatbreak: you knew she had died when you saw the image on the TV screen?
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: but she had been dead two days when they found her?
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: so you mean you knew because of the vision? you didnt know by conventional means?
z: i didn't know when she had died, just that she was, if you're wondering if the time she died is related to the vision it's not...the spirit from the vision only knew that i knew now
z: i am guessing
thingsthatbreak: ok.. Im just confused about the times
thingsthatbreak: what day did you see the vison, and what day was she found?
z: i saw the vision the night my parents and brother found her dead
thingsthatbreak: so she had already been dead for two days when you saw it
z: yeah
z: two or three
thingsthatbreak: and the neighbour searched and couldnt find anything, but your brother saw her straight awau from outside?
z: yeah, it was a little more dark when my family got there, so the light from inside, i think her kitchen light was on showed things up better at that time
z: the autopsy said she died during the daytime
z: morning or early afternoon
thingsthatbreak: but her body had been found when you saw the vision?
z: her sun hat was placed on the dryer and my dad said he could tell she was about to go outside, probably to lock the back fence because she had just pulled the trash up
z: yeah
thingsthatbreak: you only saw this one time?
z: she had some problems, was slightly paranoid
z: yeah, it, once
thingsthatbreak: how do you mean problems?
z: psychologically disturbed
thingsthatbreak: ok
z: my mom found she had written notes to something that wasn't there
z: around the house
thingsthatbreak: what type of notes?
z: like she thought there was someone outside or under the house and the notes would be like prayers to leave
z: for it or whoever to go away
z: my grandfather died two years before her and she lived all by herself
z: she carried a gun to do normal things
thingsthatbreak: so she was afraid of something
z: she had a gun near on the counter near the door to take with her probably just to do the trash
z: yeah, apparently
z: we had no idea it was that, we always knew she was has slight OCD though
thingsthatbreak: did the notes say what or who it was? or just something?
thingsthatbreak: ok
z: no not really
z: sounded kind of like a spirit though
z: she wasn't religious but she asked it to reveal itself in the name of something
thingsthatbreak: in the name of something?
z: i think christ but i forget
z: it was either reveal yourself in that or reveal yourself in the name of the devil
z: but i don't think anyone would ask for the latter revelation
thingsthatbreak: so she was asking if it was good or evil?
z: sounded like it
z: she had been reading the bible more
z: and she would ask questions about passages to my parents
z: my mom now thinks it was because she was going through all that
thingsthatbreak: I think that sounds right
z: she didn't want to ask us for help but needed to turn somewhere
thingsthatbreak: maybe she didnt know if it was real or not
z: i wish we had known how harrased she was inside
thingsthatbreak: yes, but you couldnt have
z: because we wouldn't have let her live alone
thingsthatbreak: is this what you meant when you said "it gets worse"?
zl: no
thingsthatbreak: oh, ok
zl: she had a pet
thingsthatbreak: ok, I understand
thingsthatbreak: how many of these notes had she left around, a few or hundreds?
z: i'm not sure, my mom found a lot but i don't really know what she means by a lot
z: she also took out my grandfathers razor my mom said
z: one time she was up visiting she noticed it out in the bathroom
z: and then sometimes it wasn't, and then was again
thingsthatbreak: you mean it was all set up as if someone would use it?
z: yeah like he was still using his things
z: she made it look that way for herself or something
thingsthatbreak: but if she believed it was him that was there, would she have been afraid?
z: i don't think so
z: i know people do that when they're in denial
thingsthatbreak: yeah
thingsthatbreak: do you think she believed in demons?
z: she didn't read but i think she believed in the bible
z: so there's a good chance
z: she didn't really start reading it until around the time she died
thingsthatbreak: do you think it was all in her mind, or maybe there was something there?
z: well my grandfather was haunted by spirits too
z: and he was open about it
thingsthatbreak: was he afraid of them?
z: in his childhood, atleast open to my mom, who also had experiences as a kid
z: probably
z: he didn't see them as friendly, i know that much
thingsthatbreak: ok
thingsthatbreak: did he think they were ghosts, the souls of men - or something else?
z: i don't know
z: one thing about seeing supernatural though
z: it makes you believe it exists
thingsthatbreak: yes, of course
z: well it's obvious but the significance is important
thingsthatbreak: do you believe that what you saw is connected to what she saw?
z: no, though i don't know
z: i knew at that time that in my house people had seen other things
z: so it would most likely be connected to me or my immediate family already
thingsthatbreak: you think something was haunting your family?
z: not neccesarily on whole
z: but yeah
thingsthatbreak: and it was hostile
z: yeah everytime
thingsthatbreak: do you think it has gone now?
z: i don't feel it like it's here, but it could be just not revealing its presence
thingsthatbreak: do you live on campus now, or still at home?
z: at home
thingsthatbreak: do you feel that praying or invoking the name of God will protect someone from evil spirits?
z: i feel it has me some times, heard it has others
thingsthatbreak: they say people who walk in the light do not need to fear the dark
z: yeah, we are told to not fear because god is with us
z: which i see how that could be taken like if you fear then god must not be with you, but i take it as comfort, if i felt god wasn't with me i would feel there is no protection
thingsthatbreak: isnt God always with you?
z: do not need to fear, like encouragement
thingsthatbreak: a part of you?
z: me personally i don't know, but always there yes
thingsthatbreak: when the vision on the TV disappeared, did it fade away, or just snap away suddenly?
z: didn't snap, it did sort of fade
z: why...do you know if that means something?
thingsthatbreak: I guess I better let you get to bed!
thingsthatbreak: I dont know.. I dont know what any of it means, maybe it means what it means to you? I'd like to talk about it more with you some time if it was ok
thingsthatbreak: its just its a fascinating story
z: yeah it's alright
z: lol, well i'm glad it is interesting to you
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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Old 01-03-2005, 12:31 AM   #2 (permalink)
Wow, that was a pretty good read. I'll have to admit that it creeped me out a little bit haha.
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Old 01-03-2005, 11:16 AM   #3 (permalink)
Fourtyrulz's Avatar
Location: io-where?
Ahhh good god! Now I keep looking over my shoulder! For the longest time though whenever I'm playing my Xbox or I'm sitting on the computer or even watching TV I have this irrational fear that I'll look into the black screen and see something behind me, like a shadow run across a doorway or something.

Fuck...now I'm just freaking out.
the·o·ry - a working hypothesis that is considered probable based on experimental evidence or factual or conceptual analysis and is accepted as a basis for experimentation.
faith - Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
- Merriam-Webster's dictionary
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Old 01-16-2005, 09:06 AM   #4 (permalink)
Dostoevsky's Avatar
Location: Macon, GA
Gave me the shivers dude, thanks, now I'm going to have a hard time sleeping...
Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man’s values, it has to be earned.

It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener.

Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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Old 01-19-2005, 02:47 PM   #5 (permalink)
wtf. Dude, talk to him again and ask what he meant by "it gets worse?" He or she started off with the pet part and then like totally digressed. Gah. I was reading the rest for that part.
kennusion is offline  
Old 01-19-2005, 02:55 PM   #6 (permalink)
Getting Medieval on your ass
Coppertop's Avatar
Location: 13th century Europe
Creepy stuff.
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Old 01-20-2005, 08:15 AM   #7 (permalink)
Everything's better with bacon
SaltPork's Avatar
Location: In your local grocer's freezer.
freaky...I think I would have peed myself if that had happened to me.
It was like that when I got here....I swear.
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Old 01-20-2005, 10:53 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: McDonald's Playland
this is the kind of thing that makes me paranoid. Now i know the truth. There is something out there.... hunting me..... wishing to destroy me..... i must get out before it's too late!!! Wish me luck!
pinoychink790 is offline  
Old 01-20-2005, 11:04 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Sinaloa, Mexico
Originally Posted by Fourtyrulz
Ahhh good god! Now I keep looking over my shoulder! For the longest time though whenever I'm playing my Xbox or I'm sitting on the computer or even watching TV I have this irrational fear that I'll look into the black screen and see something behind me, like a shadow run across a doorway or something.

Fuck...now I'm just freaking out.
Ha yeah I know what you mean. I get that scary feeling alot, sometimes I'm even scared to look at the screen when it goes blank for fear that I will see something behind that shouldn't be there. One time I saw my dad's reflection late at night and it scared the shit out of me, and he's alive!
...I'm that cat by the bar toasting to the good life...
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Old 01-21-2005, 07:22 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: IOWA
I need to get away from this forum and read some of the sports posts. Its creepy here.
drakers is offline  
Old 02-01-2005, 02:20 AM   #11 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
Originally Posted by kennusion
wtf. Dude, talk to him again and ask what he meant by "it gets worse?" He or she started off with the pet part and then like totally digressed. Gah. I was reading the rest for that part.
well, this is her grandmother, so I think there would be a degree of emotional involvement in it, and it might not be so easy to talk about, which is why I didnt press it. I mean, to me I took it that she had a pet, and after the lady died, the pet had eaten some of the corpse, which is obviously something that the mother (the daughter of the dead woman) would find very upsetting and troubling to see.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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Old 02-04-2005, 04:29 PM   #12 (permalink)
*Nikki*'s Avatar
Location: Charleston, SC
That was very creepy. Not stuff to read when you are alone at night.
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scary, story

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