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Old 11-27-2004, 01:25 AM   #1 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
FBI finally ready to blow Bush's 9/11 cover story

The following is an open letter to Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General for the State of New York and William Casey, Chief Investigator for the Attorney General?s Office. In fact, this was hand delivered to Mr. Spitzer's office before it was published.

Sibel D. Edmonds was one of the many multilingual translators hired by our FBI to help track down terrorists and anticipate their next moves. At least, that was the plan and the purported "job description."

Once Sibel was working inside the FBI she uncovered something, tried to go public with it when Attorney General John Ashcroft and her FBI superiors would not, and the Bush-Cheney-Ashcroft team slapped a gag order on her so you could not hear what this lady has to say. What she has to say directly relates to 9-11 and it totally disputes the Bush Mythology they want Americans to believe.

So listen up, America. Here is what Sibel uncovered - she found "drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names and American names directly involved in the financing of the 9-11 attacks on WTC (World Trade Center) and the Pentagon." It was not the Saudis, folks. Americans were involved and Bush does not want you to know that. That exposes the Bush Mythology as the lie that it is.

Some of the names on our list are also on the list that Sibel Edmonds knows and found inside the FBI. We came at the problem through telecom fraud, international securities fraud and kept finding trails that led to the Caspian Basin, Pakistan, and former BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce) scam artists. Some of you might remember BCCI and that many called it Bank of Crooks and Criminals International and did so for good cause.

There was something else "odd" about what Sibel Edmonds found. The facts did not surface out of counter-terrorism (Richard Clarke's group); they surfaced out of ongoing investigations by the FBI, some of which date back to 1998.

The following was sent to me and is appearing here with Sibel's permission. As an American citizen, you need to read it carefully, think, and understand that for the past 38 months you have been lied to by the Bush administration, the world has been lied to by the Bush administration, and that 9-11 happened for a reason that will soon be made known.

You also need to understand that the last thing the 9-11 Commission was looking for was The Truth. Eight of the ten 9-11 Commissioners have so many conflicts of interests, are directly or indirectly benefiting from Bush defense, homeland security and energy policies, they should have never been named to the 9-11 Commission. Their specialties on the 9-11 Commission were not the truth; they were "omission by intent" and "whitewashing."

You also need to come to grips with the fact that it is both sides of the aisle in Washington that are perpetuating this myth that they want all Americans and the rest of the world to believe.

Here is the letter that Sibel D. Edmonds and 24 other former federal employees signed and are prepared to tell all to a grand jury. I have over 200 former federal employees, with some overlap on the signatories below, also willing to tell all to a grand jury. Enjoy.

Date: September 13, 2004

To The Congress of The United States:

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States ended its report stating that "We look forward to a national debate on the merits of what we have recommended, and we will participate vigorously in that debate." In this spirit, we the undersigned wish to bring to the attention of the Congress and the people of the United States what we believe are serious shortcomings in the report and its recommendations. We thus call upon Congress to refrain from narrow political considerations and to apply brakes to the race to implement the commission recommendations. It is not too late for Congress to break with the practice of limiting testimony to that from politicians and top-layer career bureaucrats-many with personal reputations to defend and institutional equities to protect. Instead, use this unique opportunity to introduce salutary reform, an opportunity that must not be squandered by politically driven haste.

Omission is one of the major flaws in the Commission's report. We are aware of significant issues and cases that were duly reported to the Commission by those of us with direct knowledge, but somehow escaped attention. Serious problems and shortcomings within government agencies likewise were reported to the Commission but were not included in the report. The report simply does not get at key problems within the intelligence, aviation security, and law enforcement communities. The omission of such serious and applicable issues and information by itself renders the report flawed, and casts doubt on the validity of many of its recommendations.

We believe that one of the primary purposes of the Commission was to establish accountability; that to do so is essential to understanding the failures that led to 9/11, and to prescribe needed changes. However, the Commission in its report holds no one accountable, stating instead "our aim has not been to assign individual blame." That is to play the political game, and it shows that the goal of achieving unanimity overrode one of the primary purposes of this Commission's establishment. When calling for accountability, we are referring not to quasi-innocent mistakes caused by "lack of imagination" or brought about by ordinary "human error." Rather, we refer to intentional actions or inaction by individuals responsible for our national security, actions or inaction dictated by motives other than the security of the people of the United States. The report deliberately ignores officials and civil servants who were, and still are, clearly negligent and/or derelict in their duties to the nation. If these individuals are protected rather than held accountable, the mindset that enabled 9/11 will persist, no matter how many layers of bureaucracy are added, and no matter how much money is poured into the agencies. Character counts. Personal integrity, courage, and professionalism make the difference. Only a commission bent on holding no one responsible and reaching unanimity could have missed that.

We understand, as do most Americans, that one of our greatest strengths in defending against terrorism is the dedication and resourcefulness of those individuals who work on the frontlines. Even before the Commission began its work, many honest and patriotic individuals from various agencies came forward with information and warnings regarding terrorism-related issues and serious problems within our intelligence and aviation security agencies. If it were not for these individuals, much of what we know today of significant issues and facts surrounding 9/11 would have remained in the dark. These "whistleblowers" were able to put the safety of the American people above their own careers and jobs, even though they had reason to suspect that the deck was stacked against them. Sadly, it was. Retaliation took many forms: some were ostracized; others were put under formal or informal gag orders; some were fired. The commission has neither acknowledged their contribution nor faced up to the urgent need to protect such patriots against retaliation by the many bureaucrats who tend to give absolute priority to saving face and protecting their own careers.

The Commission did emphasize that barriers to the flow of information were a primary cause for wasting opportunities to prevent the tragedy. But it skipped a basic truth. Secrecy enforced by repression threatens national security as much as bureaucratic turf fights. It sustains vulnerability to terrorism caused by government breakdowns. Reforms will be paper tigers without a safe channel for whistleblowers to keep them honest in practice. It is unrealistic to expect that government workers will defend the public, if they can't defend themselves. Courage is the exception, not the rule. Unfortunately, current whistleblower rights are a cruel trap and magnet for cynicism. The Whistleblower Protection Act has turned into an efficient way to finish whistleblowers off by endorsing termination. No government workers have access to jury trials like Congress enacted for corporate workers after the Enron/MCI debacles. Government workers need genuine, enforceable rights just as much to protect America's families, as corporate workers do to protect America's investments. It will take congressional leadership to fill this hole in the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.

The Commission, with its incomplete report of "facts and circumstances," intentional avoidance of assigning accountability, and disregard for the knowledge, expertise and experience of those who actually do the job, has now set about pressuring our Congress and our nation to hastily implement all its recommendations. While we do not intend to imply that all recommendations of this report are flawed, we assert that the Commission's list of recommendations does not include many urgently needed fixes, and further, we argue that some of their recommendations, such as the creation of an "intelligence czar," and haphazard increases in intelligence budgets, will lead to increases in the complexity and confusion of an already complex and highly bureaucratic system.

Congress has been hearing not only from the commissioners but from a bevy of other career politicians, very few of whom have worked in the intelligence community, and from top-layer bureaucrats, many with vested interests in saving face and avoiding accountability. Congress has not included the voices of the people working within the intelligence and broader national security communities who deal with the real issues and problems day-after-day and who possess the needed expertise and experience-in short, those who not only do the job but are conscientious enough to stick their necks out in pointing to the impediments they experience in trying to do it effectively.

We the undersigned, who have worked within various government agencies (FBI, CIA, FAA, DIA, Customs) responsible for national security and public safety, call upon you in Congress to include the voices of those with first-hand knowledge and expertise in the important issues at hand. We stand ready to do our part.


Costello, Edward J. Jr., Former Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI
Cole, John M., Former Veteran Intelligence Operations Specialist, FBI
Conrad, David "Mark," Retired Agent in Charge, Internal Affairs, U.S. Customs
Dew, Rosemary N., Former Supervisory Special
Agent, Counterterrorism & Counterintelligence, FBI
Dzakovic, Bogdan, Former Red Team Leader, FAA
Edmonds, Sibel D., Former Language Specialist, FBI
Elson, Steve, Retired Navy Seal & Former Special Agent, FAA & US Navy
Forbes, David, Aviation, Logistics and Govt.
Security Analysts, BoydForbes, Inc.,
Goodman, Melvin A., Former Senior Analyst/
Division Manager, CIA; Senior Fellow at the
Center for International Policy
Graf, Mark, Former Security Supervisor, Planner,
& Derivative Classifier, Department of Energy
Graham, Gilbert M., Retired Special Agent, Counterintelligence, FBI
Kleiman, Diane, Former Special Agent, US Customs
Kwiatkowski, Karen U., Lt. Col. USAF (ret.), Veteran Policy Analyst-DoD
Larkin, Lynne A., Former Operation Officer, CIA
MacMichael, David, Former Senior Estimates Officer, CIA
McGovern, Raymond L., Former Analyst, CIA
Pahle, Theodore J., Retired Senior Intelligence Officer, DIA
Sarshar, Behrooz, Retired Language Specialist, FBI
Sullivan, Brian F., Retired Special Agent & Risk Management Specialist, FAA
Tortorich, Larry J., Retired US Naval Officer, US
Navy & Dept. of Homeland Security/TSA
Turner, Jane A., Retired Special Agent, FBI
Vincent, John B., Retired Special Agent, Counterterrorism, FBI
Whitehurst, Dr. Fred, Retired Supervisory Special
Agent/Laboratory Forensic Examiner, FBI
Wright, Ann, Col. US Army (ret.); and Former Foreign Service officer
Zipoli, Matthew J., Special Response Team (SRT) Officer, DOE


Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman
Pat Roberts & Vice Chairman John D. Rockefeller
Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Chairman Orrin
G. Hatch & Ranking Democratic Member Patrick Leahy
Senate Committee on Armed Services, Chairman John
Warner & Ranking Member Carl Levin
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs,
Chairman Susan Collins & Ranking Member Joseph
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
Chairman Porter J. Goss & Ranking Member Jane
House Committee on the Judiciary, Chairman F.
James Sensenbrenner, Jr. & Ranking Member John
House Armed Services Committee, Chairman Duncan
Hunter & Ranking Member Ike Skelton
House Committee on Government Reform, Chairman
Tom Davis & Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman
House Select Committee on Homeland Security,
Chairman Christopher Cox & Ranking Member Jim
Senator Charles Grassley

BTW, YOU decide whether this is paranoia or politics. I put it here because most people don't believe it, not because it isn't true but because they choose ignorance and simplicity over a painful truth.
Willravel is offline  
Old 11-27-2004, 06:22 AM   #2 (permalink)
Do you have any sources or anything?
You don't like my point of view..but im insane
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Old 11-27-2004, 06:52 AM   #3 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
Church's Avatar
Location: New Jersey
Yeah, nice story. It's a good read! But this follows the common plan of every other piece of 'debunking' that seems to surface up. Person works in secret establishment, said person gets fired, said person comes out and talks about it. Plus, with no sources, it makes it really hard to believe. I want to believe this though, I really do, but I try not to without sources. All I'm saying is that it seems like someone sat down, took all the conspiracy theories, smashed them up into a short story, and put it down on paper.
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.
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Old 11-27-2004, 10:58 AM   #4 (permalink)
Zeraph's Avatar
Location: The Cosmos
Guess the revolution should be starting soon. But really kinda need sources, there are too many people out there playing jokes with this type of stuff. Thanks for posting it though.
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Old 11-27-2004, 11:41 AM   #5 (permalink)
It really says nothing except government employees should have the same protection as corporate workers in cases of whistle blowing. There is no huge smoking gun, at least in that report. What's the big deal?
scout is offline  
Old 11-27-2004, 01:19 PM   #6 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Some sources:

I can't list all sources. Sorry.
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Old 11-27-2004, 01:23 PM   #7 (permalink)
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
CityOfAngels's Avatar
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
It addresses accountability issues when it comes to 9-11.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.

Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...
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Old 11-28-2004, 03:30 PM   #8 (permalink)
It addresses...

Whatever you want to believe it addresses. If you hate Bush and actually think he did these things, then you're going to believe it. That's it. That's what extremests do- they believe anything that supports their opinion. Look at the rumors around Bush, the Vince Foster things with Clinton, 70-some-odd virgins waiting for you if you become a suicide bomber etc. They all sit around crying that things didn't go their way. That they can't really believe that this election happened- I mean, after all, nobody THEY know voted for Bush. When you surround yourself with one point of view, you lose. But I especially love the attitude, "I'm so open minded, because you don't believe like I do that you can't be nearly as open minded as me, so your opinion is invalid." Hypocracy is a bitch.
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Old 11-28-2004, 04:55 PM   #9 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
KCMadcow, you seem to communicate the same closed mindedness you condem. This post is exactly what CityOfAngels so elequently summerized; it addresses accountability. If you see this as being anti-bush, you are clearly surrounded with the pro-bush crowd, as opposed to my supposed anti-bush crowd. I do see comical irony that you use hypocracy in your lesson about how other people are hypocritical.
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Old 11-29-2004, 03:08 PM   #10 (permalink)
vox_rox's Avatar
Location: Comfy Little Bungalow
Very Compelling, but...

I so want to believe that there is something festering beneath the scab, but this just seems too convenient. And, ontop of that, it almost sounds like it was written by some of those urban myth writers to sound more realistic in order to make us beleive.

Problem is that the REAL conspiracy (and there is IS one) will be so deeply buried that the few statements of any gravity made in that letter barely scratch the surface, and the whole story will not come out for years, amybe evnn decades.

Don't forget, a moron like Bush did not manufacture this thing by himself, he could not. But there are some very smart and extemely well-connected individuals involved and you can be guraunteed that they will not let anything slip out all that easily.

Someday the truth will ooze out, and it will be a rotten day for a lot of people, especially those who lost people in the attack, because it will open up a new wound that will change everything, not necessarily for the good either.

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Old 11-30-2004, 08:12 AM   #11 (permalink)
Rail Baron
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Location: Tallyfla
blah blah blah. That was pretty boring reading. What top secret conspiracy was it supposed to uncover? Whistleblowers got fired? What the hell does that prove?
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Old 11-30-2004, 08:46 AM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Texas
I know I'm just paranoid but didn't Bin Laden get on TV before the elelctions and explain to the world why he ordered the 9/11 attack?
...because there are no facts, there is no truth, just data to be manipulated. I can get you any results you like, what's it worth to you.....
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Old 12-01-2004, 08:18 AM   #13 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
Ustwo's Avatar
The first part of this, is the nonsense part. Someone has a gag order on them, but allows an open letter based on the 'gagged' information. This reads like any wacko conspiracy website. I'm surprised the illuminati are not mentioned.

The second part has really nothing to do with the first, and is just people concerned about the 9/11 commision not being up to the task. They are basicly correct, becase the 9/11 commision was mostly political, with half wanting to blame Clinton, and the other half wanting to blame Bush, for the election. Adding it with all those signatures is just to make the first part look valid and not the unsubstantiated nonsense that it is.

A very clever attempt at trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes though.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.
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Old 12-01-2004, 10:03 AM   #14 (permalink)
Cracking the Whip
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Location: Sexymama's arms...
I knew it!
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." – C. S. Lewis

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Old 12-02-2004, 07:06 PM   #15 (permalink)
please give us some fucking proof. someone. somewhere. otherwise you will only be another paranoid delusional name on Us Two´s extensive list. and, oh how this hurts, I´d kinda have to agree with him.

Last edited by pedro padilla; 12-02-2004 at 07:08 PM..
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Old 12-02-2004, 11:48 PM   #16 (permalink)
should I get up and pee or pee in the bed
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Old 12-03-2004, 07:56 AM   #17 (permalink)
Still fighting it.
flamingdog's Avatar
Where does it say that 'she found "drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names and American names directly involved in the financing of the 9-11 attacks on WTC (World Trade Center) and the Pentagon."'

Forgive me, I can't find any reference to that anywhere.
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9 or 11, blow, bush, cover, fbi, finally, ready, story

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