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Old 10-21-2004, 02:23 PM   #41 (permalink)
The only time I could of died is when I was taking my grandma home from a funeral in Trona, CA, we were living in Mojave, CA at the time.

There is an area called Gorlock Pass, it has a big bend to the right, as I rounded the bend, these two semis where coming the other way, the first one came into my lane, whether he was not paying attention or what, I don't know. I swirved into the dirt and slammed on the brakes, (which was my mistake), we spun around maybe twice all the way across the road. I was never sooooo scared in my life. If I hadn't of swirved when I did, that truck would surly of hit us.

For about a month I would never drive on a two lane road or pass a truck on the highway. I eventually got over it.

Thank You,
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Old 10-22-2004, 01:06 PM   #42 (permalink)
Bike versus Dodge Viper

Fall of 2001

I was on a new GSX-R750 and just raced a Dodge Viper GTS on the North Dallas Toll Way in the wee hours of the morining. I rode a wheelie through the Belt Line Toll Booth next to the Viper. The Toll at this point makes a series of slight curves.

When the road straightened, we line up to race again and that f*cker swerved and clipped the rear tire of my bike. I did the earth-sky-earth-sky routine and finally stopped rolling after over 100 feet from the dismount. I could see my bike smoking another 60-70 feet on down the road. I looked to my left and a semi buzzed by. I was standing in a lane with oncoming traffic.

I might have looked like the newest Mighty Morphin Power Ranger with all the gear but I lived to ride another day. Concussion, torn ligaments in right knee, broken coccyx, broken thumb, broken ankle, but I lost not one stitch of skin. That full leather suit was well worth the $1500 price tag. Luckily, I never impacted the center divider or a wall, just bounced down the concrete. I had on a back protector, helmet, as well as armored gloves and boots. All of the gear prevented serious internal injuries.

According to eye witnesses, the Viper never even lit the brakes. Oh well, you live and learn.

Last edited by txgixxer; 10-22-2004 at 01:30 PM..
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Old 10-22-2004, 05:25 PM   #43 (permalink)
Location: down the street from Graceland
When I was sixteen, a friend had a crush on his teacher who lived with her roommate in a house in an urban neighborhood.
We went to see her one Saturday, found the car in the garage, the back door open and no one at home.

Fearing foul play, we slowly ventured inside, calling the teacher's name. My friend checked one bedroom, and I the other.
Unbeknownst to me, the roommate (who I had never meet) had been sleeping and heard someone entering her bedroom. She hid behind the door with a Remington 38 and shot at my crotch as I entered.

The bullet tore a hole in my pants and just creased my inner thigh.
I don't remember much of what happened after that except lying for hours on a hospital gurney with my privates exposed and thinking I would freeze to death in the emergency room.
[Insert pithy comment here]
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Old 10-24-2004, 09:44 AM   #44 (permalink)
Location: here and there
last winter the local ski area got about 100" of snow in a two day period. new snow overnight was 67".

It was still early in the season so under all that new snow there were still rocks and stumps and such.

I was skiing a line in a bowl i ski all the time. my ski hit a rock and stopped, I did a forward flip into 6 ft of new snow and was buried deep. Only my skis were still sticking up. Usually when i ski deep snow i keep a fleece neck gaiter up over my mouth so if i end up buried I can still breathe a little. At least enough to get myself out of the snow. It actually works surprisingly well. I had just started using a new helmet that had a chin guard and when i was trying to pull the neck gaiter up the chin guard got in the way so i just said fuck it and went skiing. i spent several minutes choking on snow regretting that decision. I couldnt clear the snow from my face. every time i tried more just fell in. the combination of the exertion from skiing plus the exertion from trying to get out had me breathing hard. breathing snow. i was in a full on panic. at the time i was heading down to a tree area to take a leak but i ended up pissing myself but didnt care.

Finally someone noticed my skis and helped me clear my face and get some air. I had lungs full of water that took forever to cough out and of course my ski clothes needed a good washing.

Probably at about the same time a close friend of mine did pretty much the same thing at another part of the mountain but he got buried even deeper and didnt make it.

RIP Mikey C.!!
# chmod 111 /bin/Laden
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Old 10-24-2004, 11:46 AM   #45 (permalink)
biznatch's Avatar
Location: France
OK, a few years ago, when I was 15, me and my pops were swimming a Acapulco, Mexico, while on a vacation.
Anyway, the sea pretty much scuked us behing the waves, to that point were the waves keep dragging you back no matter what you do... normally you wait for the waves to "calm down". that's what we did..
when we saw that the waves were smaller, we started breast-stroking toward the beach.. well my dad was faster and got closer, but the waves went up again, and I was caught..
So I quiclky and stupidly analyzed the situation and thought "well, I'm getting tired quick, so I might as well take my chances.."
So i decided to bodysurf(swimming at the speed of the wave and using ur body as a board) one of the big waves. I saw one that later became about 12 feet high at peak(I didnt know that yet) and swam like a madman..
Everything was going well, but i underestimated it. the wave pushed me all the way on top...and I knew what that means...so I was like oh crap..
so i was up there staring down and it swung me around so I was belly up...staring at the sky (ohcrap ohcrap holyshit oh crap ohmygodddddddddd) and bam! threw me down with such strength, I was deep in water fliiping around..and it pushed me to the ground, and I stayed there for a good seconds be4 I could push up and pop out.
That was one of the scares of my life, and like most, I happened in less than 30 seconds.. The scary thing is the infinite power of that mass of water...you can't even fight agaisnt it...phew..
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Old 10-27-2004, 05:10 PM   #46 (permalink)
i get head rushes like that all the time, one time i had one in the shower(probably has somthing to do with the heat) and i fell down and hurt my elbow. i dont consider it a close to death situation, becasue i didnt come close to hitting my neck of back.
Palamidian is offline  
Old 10-28-2004, 08:05 PM   #47 (permalink)
SVT01Cobra's Avatar
Location: Somewhere, Missouri
This happened when I was younger, though i forget how old, 8-10 maybe? Or maybe it was Junior High.
Anyways, I'm not a religious person, which makes this story kind of ironic.

It started with me getting REALLY sick, I was really pale, and really weak, to the point where it hurt badly to even move. So, my mom took me to the hospital, where they told us of the possiblities, based on the symptoms. One of these was mononucleosis.
On the second visit, I had to give a LOT of blood so they could examine it or whatever. During the entire time I was sick, I prayed to God every night, that I wouldn't die.
Eventually, there was some good news, and some bad news. Good news was, it wasnt Mono. Heh, the bad news? They didnt know WHAT it was.
Apparently, they diagnosed it as some unknown bacterial infection.
They prescribed anti-biotics or whatever, i dont really remember too well, and i eventually got better...returning to school all pale and skinny.

There was another event, where I was wrestling with some friends and a friend of mine did a Rock Bottom to me.(for those that dont know, it's just basically wrapping your arm around someone, and slamming them on their back) Well, I jumped up as he was slamming me, and ended up sliding by the hairs on my head onto my stomach. Just an inch or so more, I could have ended up with a broken neck, or paralyzed, or even worse, dead.
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Old 10-28-2004, 08:49 PM   #48 (permalink)
My life is so boring that it hasn't even been in danger...
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Old 11-09-2004, 05:14 AM   #49 (permalink)
Location: Australia
Well a long time ago I was helping my parent's refurbish a house they had just bought. I was screwing back on the face plate for the powerpoint, all the wires were exposed and everything (the electricity was on too). For some strange reason I had the urge to connect the ground point with one of the other points with the screw I was holding with the pliers, now I know this was a bad idea and I knew at the time what would happen but I just couldn't help it. So a touched the two points with the screw, I was pushed back and it made a huge noise, luckly the pliers I was holding had rubber grips on the handle or else I may not be here writing this. The screw was fused with the pliers and my parent's came running in asking what happened. I told them it was an accident but I knew it wasn't, I dunno why I did it as they say curiosity killed the cat, this time i was lucky.
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Old 11-09-2004, 09:57 AM   #50 (permalink)
Went to have my appendix removed at age 14.
My dad had gone in the night before for his tonsils, so they put usin neighbouring beds.
He came out incoherent about 2 hours after I was admitted.
I came out about 6pm.

During the night, another old guy in the ward was having a cheeky smoke and woke up my dad. He asked him what was wrong with me and why i looked so pale.

My dad looked down and saw a huge pile of blood.

They'd taped the drip needle to my arm, but not the drip tube. The tube had pulled out and I was bleeding through the needle. Still aneasthetised.

I remember waking up and telling the nurses not to worry, that I was dying but it was ok. It was peaceful.

Next morning I woke up to find several empty bags of blood on the drip stand and some worried nurses hovering. I got such cool hospital food after that.

Bastards still made me get up first thing to go pee though.
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Old 11-09-2004, 10:40 AM   #51 (permalink)
Location: UK
I was run over and almost killed by a herd of cows... Woke up in hospital floating above myself!

I don't have time to write more now, but if anyone wants to know more just ask.
and so ends the thought process for another day...
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Old 11-18-2004, 09:29 PM   #52 (permalink)
I was 17 at the time. I was driving home from work (I had a sweet 88 chevy cavaliar convertible at the time) as usual I had the top down. I was making a left turn to get onto the expressway and some drunk guy t boned my car going about 50. My car was thrown up in the air and almost wrapped around a light pole. Thankfully I wasn't hurt at all. Seatbelts save lives!
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Old 11-20-2004, 01:00 PM   #53 (permalink)
Location: AR
When I was 7 or so i was swimming with the family and found a deep spot in the lake. I went under and didn't come back up. But i remember someone grabbing my arm and carrying me back to shore. No one remembers who carried me back to shore but i was thankful.

When i was 16, just got my truck, Chevy S-10, i was driving in the ice and was trying to stop at a stoplight. Well the ice thought otherwise and i nearly got taken out by a semi-truck that would ahve hit me on the driver side doing about 50 mph.

Then last year, 2 weeks after my 19th birthday. I was driving too fast around a curve and locked up my breaks. I ramped off the road, into a ditch and through a fence. I had my seatbelt on and the airbag also punched me in the nose. BUT i was driving my little brother's girlfriend home and she didn't have her seatbelt on. Only thing that saved her from being thrown out the window was the airbag and my little brother's arms as he wrapped them around her from the back seat. No one was seriously hurt but my car was totalled and was actually just fixed like 1 month ago. I am driving it now but it's still not done.

Those are the only ones I can think about at this time

edit: Also i fell through a roof when i was about 15
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Old 11-20-2004, 03:49 PM   #54 (permalink)
Last Wednesday (Nov. 17), a little after noon. I was crossing a four lane road, two lanes for each direction. I hit the button for the crossing lights and strangely enough I looked up to see if they had come on. They were on. I should mention that I had my hood up cause it was a windy day, so my field of vision was somewhat limited. I made it to the third lane and noticed a Honda Accord stopped for me in the fourth lane. All of a sudden I noticed a minivan coming up behind the Honda and it was obvious the driver didn't see the blinking lights, me in the crosswalk or the car stopped directly ahead of him. The crash stopped the minivan cold and drove the Honda ahead by about twenty feet with the brakes on hard. A little better than two steps more and I would have been right in front of the car. Would have messed me up. I figure if I hadn't paused to check out the lights before I walked I would have been that far.

About five hours later at the same crosswalk I almost got hit by a white GMC pickup. I only made it as far as the second lane, going into the third when I looked up and the truck was flying around the corner and once again the driver must not have noticed the blinking lights or me in the crosswalk. I was so closs I probably could have kicked the tires on the way by. Of course he did see me and my favorite finger in the air. He then had the nerve to turn around, come back and try to start something.

Twice in one day in the same place. Trust me, I avoided that crosswalk for the rest of the day.
Get it done!
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Old 11-20-2004, 10:30 PM   #55 (permalink)
I crossed the street without looking and than suddenly this lady pulls me back and a speeding car passes.
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Old 11-21-2004, 12:09 AM   #56 (permalink)
Driving in Michigan. That alone will sometimes kill you, but this was right after a snowstorm, and my brother and I saw that the roads were plowed so we decided to go out and do some after christmas shopping or something like that. We live in a subdivision with a nasty left turn, and I decided to squeak our Chevy Tahoe into a tiny hole to make the light. I hit a patch of compacted snow near the center line and swerved into the oncoming lane (2lane road)
There was a nice Log Truck in my windshield and we missed it by about a car length.

I could do without anymore of those expirences for awhile
And so its over
Your fantasy life is finally at an end
And the world above is still a brutal place
And the story will start again
Brooke is offline  
Old 11-21-2004, 03:12 PM   #57 (permalink)
cait987's Avatar
only time was when I was 7 years old and at a baseball game, ran across a cross walk and the light was green, the guy was speeding down the road at 60 mph (that was the speed limit)

Somehow this guy stopped me and managed to stop with maybe a 2 second warning max he was skiding and was about half an inch from hitting me when he stopped moving

Scary shit aye?
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Old 11-23-2004, 11:16 PM   #58 (permalink)
I had a heart attack this summer. It was the single most scarriest thing I've ever experienced. It felt like I'd been shot in the chest and back. The pain was intense. I ended up driving myself to the hospital, I didn't really have a choice there because of where I live. After initial treatment with aspirin and nitro, the pain stayed. The started me on morphine, which did little. I was transported to a larger hospital with a cath lab. I had an angioplasty and the pain subsided. I spent 4 days in the hospital. I'd have to say that my outlook on life has changed. I'm not entirely sure what it all means yet, but as I thought I may actually not make it, I wasn't that scared. I did feel bad for my family around me. Odd feeling to say the least.

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Old 12-06-2004, 09:24 PM   #59 (permalink)
Carno's Avatar
I have been held underwater many times while surfing, sometimes long enough that I began to get scared, but the only time that I almost died, and the only time that I REALLY thought I was going to die was on a particularly big day.

The waves were probably 8-10 ft that day, and breaking top to bottom and hard as hell. When I was on the boardwalk walking over the dunes I could hear the concussion as the waves broke. Anyways, I had made it out okay and had caught a couple of good waves and had taken a few thrashings.

I was outside when the biggest set waves rolled through, and I caught the second wave of the set. Well, experience tells you to go for the LAST wave of the set so you don't get trounced by the following waves, but I was impatient, so I caught the second wave. Anyways, I dropped in and stood up just long enough to get taken out by the lip of the wave. I wasn't expecting to wipe out right then, and didn't have enough time to get a good breath before I hit the water. Well I got flipped around so bad while underwater that my leash tied my legs together. It wrapped itself around my ankles all the way up to my thighs. That, coupled with the fact that I didn't get a good breath of air, caused me to panic. I started thrashing my way to the surface, using up the rest of what little air I had. had been underwater for a long time at that point and my lungs were burning to the point that I couldn't stand it any longer and I started to black out. I was still underwater but I went ahead and took a breath..

Well, the waves were hitting so hard that day that it was causing the water to be super bubbly and foamy. It's kind of hard to explain unless you've been in the ocean when that type of thing happens. I had risen high enough that when I took that breath, I was in the foamy part and inhaled a lot of bubbles, not water. I still took a lot of water in my lungs, but not as much as I would have had I been a foot lower underwater.

Well, back to the part where I mentioned that it was bad to catch one of the first set waves... I had just risen to the surface and was so busy taking in huge gulps of air/foam and I didn't notice the next wave of the set bearing down on me. I was only up for a few seconds before the next wave hit me. Luckily this time I got pushed all the way to the bottom, but hit it standing straight up. I kicked hard off the ground and came back to the surface. My leash was still wrapped around my legs, but I got to the surface again and unwrapped it.

I ducked under the next wave and then clung weakly to my board as I hacked out all of the saltwater that I got in my lungs. The only thing I could think of was how I had almost drowned and how stupid I was to have panicked. I just sat outside on my board for like 30 minutes before I worked up enough strength and courage to catch another wave.. Luckily that was my only bad thrashing that day.

EDIT: my chest hurts right now, just remembering that time..

Last edited by Carn; 12-06-2004 at 09:29 PM..
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died, time

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