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Old 12-29-2003, 03:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
clavus's Avatar
Location: NorCal
I have a ghost problem

My house has a ghost. I think it’s the lady who died there before I bought the place. By all accounts, she was a nice woman who raised a loving family for 30 years in the house.

When we moved in, we changed everything - repainted, etc. I think this upset her, because we were fucked with in many minor ways.

My son (3 years old) has no knowledge of the history of the house. Lately he has been having bad dreams and crying in his sleep. Last night he awoke from a bad dream and told my wife that he wanted “Choochie” out of his room. I have no clue who/what “Choochie” is.

My wife recently had a dream from which she could not awake. I tried to wake her up, but could not. Later, she told me that she dreamed that she was talking to female ghost who “wasn’t nice,” because her house had been changed so much.

I tried to talk to the ghost, asking questions to the empty air. (If you ever want to feel like a total dipshit, stand in an empty house and try talking to a ghost that may or may not be there). The only thing that happened was that I got this feeling that the ghost missed her babies; like her kids were all grown and gone and my kids reminded her of the fact.

Of course, I could just be bullshitting myself. She might have been totally ignoring me.

I wonder if there is a way to appease this spirit and make her happy, or what the heck I can do about this situation. I’m not religious, but I’m practical.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.
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Old 12-29-2003, 08:04 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Try this link

and you might think about talking to a parrish, or a church of some sort, because obviously you are believing in the ghost, wouldn't it also be conceivable that religion could help you rid yourself of the problem?

I am not religious either, but I concede that there are some things that cannot be explained...
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 12-29-2003, 08:36 PM   #3 (permalink)
clavus's Avatar
Location: NorCal
Tell her to leave?

If all else fails, it's worth a shot.

Does anyone have any advice on how to make peace with a ghost? I don't mind living with happy folks - corporal or etherial.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.
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Old 12-30-2003, 12:15 AM   #4 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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A ghost is a spirit that has not fully passed on. Either willingly or unwillingly, they are trapped somewhere between this life and their next. A willing ghost may be someone who died while a child was still young, and wants to watch over that child. An unwilling ghost is a truly sad story, the kind who is trapped at their place of death through an emotional bond. A violent death, a murder, a sudden illness, can produce the second type of haunting.

Many ghosts are stuck in one place, reliving the last few moments of their lives over and over. Others stick around, not wanting to leave while something close to them is still there. This may be a trinket of some sort, body parts in the case of a murder, or a living person. It would seem that your spirit is very attached to her house and does not want to see it change.

The cause of the haunting is apparent. The solution may be somewhat more difficult. You can't just stand there and talk to a ghost, they just can't communicate with you. You have to find a way to reach across the gap between our level of existance and the astral plane (not to be confused with the gaming dimension that shares this name) on which she resides. The easiest way to do this si the traditional seance. Several people gather their collective mental energy to form a beacon for the spirit to come to. Another way, one that can be dangerous to those who don't know how to use it, is the ouija board. If you can find someone who knows how to use the ouija board, go for it. If not, I wouldn't reccommend doing it, there are things out there that could get to it before your ghost that you just don't want to deal with. Third, if you know someone who is particularly sensetive to paranormal phenomena (a spirit medium,) you can enlist their aid to contact your ghost.

The important thing to do is to be friendly, not be forceful, and treat your ghost as if you were talking to a frightened child, as she may have been there for a long time, and may not know how to leave. After establshing communication, determine whether or not she is staying intentionally, is trapped, or has begun to want to pass on to her next life. If she does not want to leave, discuss with he what she is willing to do in regard to letting you fix up the house and decorate it to your liking. Ask if you can do anything to make her more comfortable. If she liked a certain typ eof music, or a certain song, try to arrange for it to be played at some times. If she has one particular room, wall, etc. that she likes the way it is, see if you can preserve it as much as possible. Basically, do whatever you can to make it comfortable and pleasant for her just as you would any guest in your house.

If she wants to leave, but doesn't know how, or is afraid to, you will need to help. Basically, the way to help is to tell her to relax, and to call out to her friends, relatives, anyone who has passed away and knew her in life. They can come to help her, and ease the transition into the next life or the transcendence to the next plane of existance.

There are a few problems that can occur during any contact with extraplanar beings and spirits.

1: A spirit or being other than the one you are trying to contact reaches you first, and shuts out the intended contact. The only way to deal with this is to either cut them off, or help them to move on if that is what they're trying to do.

2: No contact can be made. Just like the magic 8-ball coming up with "Answer fuzzy, try again later," there isn't much you can do. Just give it a rest, and try again later.

The last two possiblities are more problematic, and can be harmful if not dealt with properly. They are exceedingly rare, and should not deter you from making an attempt at contact. I only include them because it's better to know than not in the exceedingly rare case that it does happen.

3: The spirit you are trying to contact refuses to talk, or becomes uncooperative. Very unlikely, since they probably want to talk just as much as they do, but it is possible. In this case, you're just going to have to deal with a ghost, move out, or find someone else to try to get in touch with your ghost.

4: The worst-case scenario. A hostile being makes contact. This contact may be harassment, poltergeist activity, or even posession. Because of this possibility, you have to be careful to not get too deep into the astral plane during communication. If this does happen, communication should be terminated, and further attempts at contact should be avoided for an extended period of time, if you're brave enough to try agian. If repeated contact is made with a hostile being, a permanent link between teh spirit world and material world can be formed. The barrier is weakened, and evil can come through. If prolonged or repeated attempts are made, a gate may be formed. If this happpens, you are going to have to deal with a lot of problems and may have to resort to an exorcism, or even more extreme measures.
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Old 12-30-2003, 08:41 AM   #5 (permalink)
Location: watching from the treeline
Have you considered just burning it down and rebuilding? Insurance should pay for the rebuilding.

Can a ghost live through a fire?
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Old 12-30-2003, 11:27 AM   #6 (permalink)
clavus's Avatar
Location: NorCal
Thanks MrSelfDestruct. That's a lot to chew on
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.
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Old 12-30-2003, 12:40 PM   #7 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
also you said you got the feeling of children. This might be something to talk about. Be careful with that though. You don't want to hit a nerve and get her angry. But if you can speak with her.. be nice to her. Speak out to nothing, just don't expect her to return with anything. I'm sure she'll hear you. Yeah if you could find someone, I'd try to go to them first. The Ouija Board... be very forewarned on that. That can get a lot worse of things. I really think you should just try to talk to her, and uncover the situation. At the very least, we people will be here to help analyze things along the way. I've made friends with some spirits. I can't speak to them directly, like some could... but I can sense their feelings.. (kinda like the TeleEmpath on Mutant X ) I think they hear our voices, they are just unable of responding back... through words like we speak. Chances are the home is just filled with memories and she doesn't want to leave yet. Gotta find some middle grounds with her, and help her adjust. Anything you find out.. report back! I'll help to the best of my ability.

oh and MSD.. Great Post!
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.
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Old 01-09-2004, 08:32 PM   #8 (permalink)
OK, I've got to disagree with MrSelfDestruct. Stuck spirits often want attention and attempting to have a conversation with it is going keep it there. I'm a student of a professional ghost buster and here are her instructions for ridding yourself of a ghost.

1. you have to really want the ghost to be gone. If the ghost senses it's wanted there, it'll hang around.

2. do be forceful. tell the ghost you don't want it there, and it needs to find the light and go to the other side. repeatedly tell it very firmly that it needs to leave.

3. (and I know this sounds totally bizarre, but trust me, it's for real) uh...how do I explain this? Ask "the squadron" for help. They're a group of formerly stuck spirits who now banded together to come bring stuck spirits over to the other side. You just have to ask them aloud to come take this spirit over.

4. once you've asked the spirit to go, leave the house for a couple of hours. and then don't talk about the ghost for at least 2 days. even if the ghost does go, if it senses it's "missed", it can and will come back.

5. finally, if you want to clear the energy from your house left behind by the spirit, burn some sage. not the kind in your cupboard, go find a local new age store and get some sage from them, or find some sage for burning online.

you may want to read up on the subject, but honestly, anybody can get rid of a ghost. my teacher's book "relax, it's only a ghost" by echo bodine is a good place to start.
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Old 01-11-2004, 03:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
madp's Avatar
Location: New Orleans/Chicago
that sounds very similar to my strategy for "how to get rid of a freeloading stray cat."

Funny, but also somwhat serious!
why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
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Old 01-11-2004, 03:41 PM   #10 (permalink)
The thing you have to realize is that ghosts are not harmful or scary. They are simple Souls who have not yet found the light to pass through into the other side and so they are basically trapped (in what Catholics call Pergatory). They are lost and confused and don't understand why other people are in her house and have changed it. Talk to her if you get the chance and lead her to the light. Tell her it's ok and that is where she will be safe and happy- that it is ok to move on. You may do this in meditation and perhaps before you and your wife (your son can't do much about this at his age) clear all thoughts before lying to sleep, meditate on this, relax, think about communicating with her in your sleep in a dream if it comes. But you can talk with her consciously with a relaxed, focused, and quiet environment with some incense perhaps. Show her the way.
Old 01-13-2004, 11:37 AM   #11 (permalink)
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The simple way is to, yes, talk to ghost and ask in a nice way for them to leave. Do it often. And give them an idea where to go. Maybe next door? Maybe on to the next world? Doesn't matter, just be nice and ask. Really. This is an easy place to start. It takes a while, but continue to convince them.

Last edited by jujueye; 02-07-2004 at 12:21 PM..
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Old 01-14-2004, 05:58 PM   #12 (permalink)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by psychicchick

5. finally, if you want to clear the energy from your house left behind by the spirit, burn some sage. not the kind in your cupboard, go find a local new age store and get some sage from them, or find some sage for burning online.

I've never had an experence with a ghost, but I've always been instrested in it. I'd love to try ghost hunting one of these days.

I've read that Sea Salt on the window's can keep ghost or spirts out. While burning the sage?
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Old 01-15-2004, 04:31 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: California
I say try telling the ghost to leave since its your place now. I want to say call the GhostBusters but that would just be stupid.
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Old 02-07-2004, 09:53 AM   #14 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
Well Clavus, any change?
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.
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Old 02-13-2004, 10:56 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere, Insignificant
Ugh, falling asleep and not being able to wake up would scare me so much. I have those nervous chillings going through my entire body just from reading that. Good luck with the ghost hunting.
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Old 02-16-2004, 09:00 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: ...the space between what's wrong and right...
..and your ghost has a people problem...
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. -William Newton Clark
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Old 02-23-2004, 06:16 AM   #17 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
Ghost Busting

And now a word from the non-pagans...
There are no such things as ghosts. We are told by the absolute authority on the subject that it is given to a person "Once to die, and then judgement". That being the case, what are these things that present themselves so cleverly, especially to children and teenagers and tormented widows? They are spirits and nothing more. They have been in that house, watching the previous owner and doing much to bother her, too, while she still lived, and now they use the knowledge they accumulated about her on you. Especially your children and soon enough, on your wife and then yourself. You see, this is all purely a spiritual matter. Just as you and your family have Angelic beings assigned to guard and protect and serve you, which they will, should you ask them too in the Name of the Lord, you also have spirits of a demonic nature assigned to you to study you and your family and to take notes- they notice patterns, preferences, significant events, things such as these, and use them to convince you of things when the opportunity arises. This is a well-known dynamic. I have seen this hundreds of times before. These beings in your house are not there to amuse you, but to amuse themselves at your expense, and especially at the expense of your children, your wife and hopefully at your marriage. This is their purpose and function and what they do best. Whether you believe it or not, there is a passage in the Book of Luke, chapter ten, verses 19 and 20 that you should take and read aloud in your home,starting in your upper floor and working toward your basement, pausing occassionally to aloow then time and opportunity to leave. Remember that these aer neither pets nor friends and they do not have anything like good intentions for you and yours. Read this passage in every room and command them, in the name of the Lord, to leave your house and not return, No, not they, nor any like them. Then bless your house in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the Mesiah and ask Him to fill your house with the Holy Spirit and to set HIs angel as a hedge about your house. What's the worst that could happen? Your children sleep at night and there is peace in your home. I say do it. Then remember to Thank the Lord for what He has done for you. Shalom
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-23-2004, 06:35 AM   #18 (permalink)
Originally posted by madp
that sounds very similar to my strategy for "how to get rid of a freeloading stray cat."

Funny, but also somwhat serious!
lmao... madp... i had to go back and read psychicchicks post again while picturing a freeloading stray cat...

OMG that WOULD work on the cat... although i dont think "the squadron" would help you with a cat...
Old 02-23-2004, 06:37 AM   #19 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
Of course, that works if he's Christian. I think it is more or less taken for granted by most people that ghosts do indeed exist. You can call them spirits or whatever you want, the fact is that they are there. Well, maybe not 100% fact, but still, mb 70%. Or something. Anyway, clavus, try the bible reading, it still might work =)
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 02-23-2004, 01:59 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
It works whether or not he is a Christian, because the spirits are no respecter of people, mind you, but they do fear God. It is God's words which command them to leave and remain away, and God's Angelic presence which ensures they stay away. It is a legal thing, if you will. And by using the Word of God, the Law is on your side. Study the Word to see if I'm wrong!
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-24-2004, 06:23 AM   #21 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
What if the ghosts are atheist? Or Buddhist? Or even Shinto? You could command them to leave under the authority of your lampshade, if you wanted to.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 02-24-2004, 07:29 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
Ghosts are not the spirits of dead human beings. Human beings die and then are judged. They do not go on to receive little halos or wings or pitchforks or enter hades or purgatory. These are all silly myths and utterly unbiblical.
There is no such thing as an atheist, buddhist, shinto or taoist spirit that does not know who Yeshua, Meshiash is. An atheist spirit is like a battlefield general who does not believe in war. This entire endeavor is quite black and white, mind you, and designed to make fools of us all. Spirits and devils and demons and whatever else you want to call them are tyour enemies and are out to do you harm at whatever level they can by directing you- subtly, overtly or covertly away from God. They will get you entangled in superstition, fear, dread, mischief, shame, dread, whatever and cause you to question everything that God says is true by their multitude of tricks. They can appear as dogs, cats, people, plants. animals, lights, whatever they want. They can imitate voices and tell you things you want to hear. But they cannot in any way accurately predict and prophesy future events with 100% certainty. These spirits network. They know about you. They know all about you and they share information. You are no more than hamsters or gerbils or goldfish to them and they feel they have the right to screw around with your lives whenever and however they want. But the minute Yeshua, Meshiach enters the picture, these cockroaches scatter to the wind because His is the Supreme Power, and before Him, they will bow and scrape and beg for their lives. He is Lord and if He is Your Lord, they are powerless against you. I kid you not. The whole variance in religions is a trick, Shinto, Tao, Buddhist, Hindu- it is all the same to them. The only Faiths Spirits have a problem with are those that sincerely recognize Jehovah and Yeshau- Judaism and Christianity- the rest they have fun with.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-24-2004, 09:57 PM   #23 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
So ghosts of Roman soldiers walking along ancient warpaths are just messing with us? Apparitions of ghostly children which living children can see, and often befriend, are just the spawn of Satan? Your belief in what 'spirits' are is no less far-fetched than mine. In fact, anyone not blindly religious would tend to disagree with you.

My experience with ghosts has not caused me to question what God said was true at all. I have already formed an opinion on that, and a few spirits here and there aren't going to change it. You can relate to this, I'm sure you feel that nobody, or nothing, anwhere will disrupt your staunch belief in God upon High. I'm not 100% sure on what religion you think you belong to, but that doesn't matter.

Science is not the root of all evil, and science tends to disagree with a lot of what you say. As elusive as ghosts are, their activities can be measured, and studied. Just look here for an example.

Open your mind. Religion is not the answer to everything.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 02-25-2004, 05:31 AM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
I am not a religionist, thank you, and trying to pigeonhole me does not change the issue. I have encountered many, many, many spirits and I know for a ceertainty that they exist. I know what they do and how they do it because they have told me so. Does this make me some sort of a nut? I do not think so. Personally, I believe in spirituality-not spiritism, mind you- there is an enormous difference. Religion and spirituality are two seperate animals as well. It is all in how they are spelled: Religion is spelled DO, and spirituality is spelled: DONE. The echoes of the dead, or whatever you may wish them to be are not what you believe them to be and that is exactly the way they want it. I am sorry if that disturbs you.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-26-2004, 05:20 AM   #25 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
Thagrastay: I agree with a lot of your points... Especially that we have a Guardian both good and bad. But... beyond that. See We do get judged.. BUT.. how long is it until we get judged? Well yes, in that realm time does not exist, and thus technically you are judged immediately.... as time never moved.. it never existed. But some spirits wait that time out here on earth. Some people see merely that.. wandering spirits waiting for their time. Some of these spirits don't even realize they're dead. That whole time exists to doesn't exist is quite odd indeed, I've experienced it and its kinda confusing.. heh.

Also you state that these spirits aren't our friends. First off, I believe both my gaurdian angel AND demon are my friends. Actually right now I don't know who my Gaurdian Demon is. I made friends with all of the ones that lived in this house.. and then they all disappeared...
another day.. recently I felt another one.. but it was only here for a day.. never felt its presence again. But I did make friends with the main one. It has done mean things to me, but I gave him respect none-the-less... and sure enough with time.. I got that respect back.. and we were friends... after a while of being friends, I no longer see them... I'm hoping they were saved rather than tortured at my expense. its never too late, so I hope it wasn't the latter.

They screw with you, until you prove otherwise.. I have befriended many... and with the help of others... taken out some.. and freed others. I don't get toyed with as easily because they know I'm aware of them.. and that my methods seem to succeed. But yeah they can take on many forms.. but isn't it odd how even as the great powerful human.. we're scared of the raccoon?.. heck we're wearing of Iguanas if we're not the one that parented it. So we can still fight back. Also you say we're like goldfish. I take that in the context that they're human.... as that makes the most logical sense... as a goldfish i can "hold my breath" for ever underwater... but the demon cannot.

You say only those that recognize the messiah work? I think every religion is simply one different type of interpretation of God. I mean.. rain god, sun god... mountain god? Its just merely seeing different parts of his works as so powerful, that they were interpreted as different beings. Everyone has something to counter Spirits.. and with these people..... we all can slip pass the spirits that taunt us.
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.
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Old 02-26-2004, 01:00 PM   #26 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Location: New Jersey
Originally posted by Thagrastay
It works whether or not he is a Christian, because the spirits are no respecter of people, mind you, but they do fear God.
Well that is if you or the ghost believe in God. I don't believe in any religion, but I do believe that there is a higher form of being after our life on this Earth. Since I am of no religious denomination, what is to say that the ghost is?
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.
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Old 02-26-2004, 01:41 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
Ghosts do not exists. Not as they are presented to us. Not as they are portrayed. Ghosts are not the dead departed spirits of people that once walked the earth and haven't been able to enter heaven or hell, or an area of light or darkness or a space of transition or an ether realm or transitional energy. That's all bullshit. There is no purgatory that people float around in waiting to be bought or prayed out of, either. That's all a lot of crap that was concocted back in the middle ages designed to fill the coffers of the cathedrals and keep the peasants in line. It was a money making scam that has lasted into this century because the Papacy has traditionally discouraged its parishoners from actually reading the Bible for fear of being ripped to pieces once they find out how badly they've been mislead.
Am I sounding pretty harsh here? Pardon my bias, but I believe in calling a spade a spade.
Ghosts are not people and people are awarded little harps and wings and don't become Angels when they die, either. People and Angels are two seperate races. The Bible says that we are made to be a little lower than the angels for a time, but that in the end, we will judge the angels.
Now, as for Ghosts and God. Ghosts are demons and demonic spirits and nothing more. They are not the spawn of Satan, because Satan is himself an angel and not a god. They are followers of the enemy in that they are subject to him because he is stronger than they, but they, too, have their own areas of influence and compete for power as well. Religion has nothing to do with God. Religion is nothing more than a man-made set of beliefs and rules of conduct for how to reach God or gods. As for higher forms of beings on this earth, you better believe they exist. They follow you around and mess with you every chance they get and do their best to steer you as far from Jesus and the salvation that only comes through Him as they can.
There are Angelic Spirits which are in the service of God who are here to serve and protect us. But they do not bring attention to themselves because their purpose is to glorify God, not themselves. Anything else is of the enemy. But every spirit there is knows the name of the King and they all bend the knee to that name.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-26-2004, 07:06 PM   #28 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
Church's Avatar
Location: New Jersey
Originally posted by Thagrastay
Ghosts do not exists. Not as they are presented to us. Not as they are portrayed. Ghosts are not the dead departed spirits of people that once walked the earth and haven't been able to enter heaven or hell, or an area of light or darkness or a space of transition or an ether realm or transitional energy. That's all bullshit. There is no purgatory that people float around in waiting to be bought or prayed out of, either. That's all a lot of crap that was concocted back in the middle ages designed to fill the coffers of the cathedrals and keep the peasants in line. It was a money making scam that has lasted into this century because the Papacy has traditionally discouraged its parishoners from actually reading the Bible for fear of being ripped to pieces once they find out how badly they've been mislead.
Am I sounding pretty harsh here? Pardon my bias, but I believe in calling a spade a spade.
Ghosts are not people and people are awarded little harps and wings and don't become Angels when they die, either. People and Angels are two seperate races. The Bible says that we are made to be a little lower than the angels for a time, but that in the end, we will judge the angels.
Now, as for Ghosts and God. Ghosts are demons and demonic spirits and nothing more. They are not the spawn of Satan, because Satan is himself an angel and not a god. They are followers of the enemy in that they are subject to him because he is stronger than they, but they, too, have their own areas of influence and compete for power as well. Religion has nothing to do with God. Religion is nothing more than a man-made set of beliefs and rules of conduct for how to reach God or gods. As for higher forms of beings on this earth, you better believe they exist. They follow you around and mess with you every chance they get and do their best to steer you as far from Jesus and the salvation that only comes through Him as they can.
There are Angelic Spirits which are in the service of God who are here to serve and protect us. But they do not bring attention to themselves because their purpose is to glorify God, not themselves. Anything else is of the enemy. But every spirit there is knows the name of the King and they all bend the knee to that name.
And that sir, your opinion. Not fact.
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:45 AM   #29 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
Exactly. You have not produced any evidence supporting your statement other than slightly twised religious rantings.

I still fail to see how a little ghost activity can drive someone away from Christ, much less if they believe in Him in the first place.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 02-27-2004, 06:09 AM   #30 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
No, sir, that is biblical. Purgatory is not found anywhere in the Bible, neither is any concept of purgatory. In fact, the entire concept of a purgatory runs contrary to what the Bible teaches. Research it yourself. Find any mention of anything like a purgatory, or anything like God changing His mind concerning where a person goes once they have died. God's judgement, according to the Bible, if final, and no amount of intervention by saints or candle-burning or praying will change that. Jesus flatly stated that "It is given to a man once to die and then the Judgement". That rules out any idea of reincarnation in a Christian paradigm as well. Understand this as well- Catholicism is not necessarily Christianity. There are many, many differences. So, according to the Catholic version of the hereafter, there may very well be a purgatory. But that idea cannot be substantiated by any idea gleened from the Judaic tenets from which Christianity comes. Ask any Rabbi if there is a Purgatory.
Now as for any idea of ghost activity driving one from Christianity- It is unlikely that it can. But there are no ghosts. Understand that. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp? If you are Christian, I would think that would be relatively easy to understand. The hard part of this comes in where there are non-christians involved-primarily people who are superstitious to begin with and easily swayed by such things. I'll give you an example: One of my clients lost her father and started hearing him speaking to her from the garage. This disembodied voice started telling her to make sure she observed the feast of Saint Joseph. In response to this, the woman went out an spent nearly everything she had and prepared a feast of enormous proportions in her living room, setting up statues of the sainted Joseph and making food and placing it all over her home and praying to this saint. Sound a little demonic? Does the Bible address this at all? To whom was she giving glory? This wasn't her dad she was hearing, it was a demonic spirit using her to receive her worship and making a fool of her and cauing her to blaspheme and sacrifice food to idols at the same time. A Trifecta! To this day that poor woman thinks her dead dad is talking to her from her garage and she continues to carry out her feasts. Except now she has expanded these feasts and such to include other days because more dead relatives have joined in on the fun. Who's it going to hurt? What kind of life does this poor woman have? What will become of her? No one in her parrish dares contradict her because they're all superstitious, too. These spirits are mean and petty and out to ruin people because they know their time is short. Take it for what it is. BUt before you discount my words, I dare you to prove me wrong with some real homework from the scriptures themselves.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-27-2004, 07:16 AM   #31 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
The psychosis of someone grieving from loss has little to do with the common ghosts that are most common. Your client's behavior is not dissimilar to organ recipients - more often than you would think, they would take on personality traits of their donors. Perhaps your client should seek professional help, from a psychologist. If the voices still continue, then, perhaps, you have a case.

You tell me to go study the Bible to contradict you. Why? I'm not basing my argument on the Bible. I'm basing my argument on observed and recorded incidents, that cannot be explained. You have your beliefs, but you are trying to make us perceive them as fact.


There are many theories of what ghosts (if they indeed exist) are. Some people believe that ghosts are the residual energy left behind by an emotionally strong person or event. This theory holds that more energy/electrical impulses are expended during periods of high stress or excitement, and that the energy lingers for a long time.

Freud thought that ghosts are actually the visions of people who are afraid of death. In this sense, ghosts would not be real at all but rather a projection of our subconcious mind.

A somewhat plausible theory is that ghosts are telepathic images. That is, a sensitive person would pick up past vibrations from the area they were in and witness an event or person as it appeared many years ago. This would also explain instances where a person sees a loved one at or near the moment of the the loved one's death, since the loved one could be unconciously projecting their thoughts to the receptive person.

Ghosts might also be the result of time slips, if time is nonlinear. An event that happened in the past might be seen briefly in our time because of a fluctuation in time/space.

On his show -Mysterious World-, Arthur C. Clarke has speculated that our minds might play images to our eyes (the same way our eyes relay messages to our brain, but in reverse), almost like a movie screen. In this way ghosts would be bits of our imagination come to life.
That is the reasoning I believe in.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.

Last edited by hulk; 02-27-2004 at 07:19 AM..
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Old 02-27-2004, 07:48 AM   #32 (permalink)
I'm a family man - I run a family business.
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Location: Wilson, NC
I agree, I think we as humans can create a lot of stuff we think we see. I've done it many times. It's just so hard to believe in something that you've never seen before. And probably never will see.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.
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Old 02-27-2004, 12:44 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
Originally posted by hulk

I still fail to see how a little ghost activity can drive someone away from Christ, much less if they believe in Him in the first place.
It is this to which I was responding. You mentioned Christ, whom is found in the Bible. I therefore responded, using the Biblical answer. If this bothered you, ask yourself why that is.

Now, as for other questions concerning spirits/ghosts/ha'ints/spooks/whatever, call them what you will, but their substance remains the same as does their purpose. That's just the way it is. My suggestion to you, if you doubt the veracity of my remarks, is to ask them yourselves. But do be careful. Once they get tired of making fun of you, they'll no doubt eat you.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 02-27-2004, 01:15 PM   #34 (permalink)
Tilted F*ckhead
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Originally posted by Thagrastay
No, sir, that is biblical.
And there is another thing. You seem to think that just because its not found in the bible, then it is not true.

The bible is an opinion in itself.
Through counter-intelligence, it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble makers, and neutralize them.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:04 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: rhondda valleys
Re: I have a ghost problem

Originally posted by clavus
My house has a ghost. I think it’s the lady who died there before I bought the place. By all accounts, she was a nice woman who raised a loving family for 30 years in the house.

When we moved in, we changed everything - repainted, etc. I think this upset her, because we were fucked with in many minor ways.

My son (3 years old) has no knowledge of the history of the house. Lately he has been having bad dreams and crying in his sleep. Last night he awoke from a bad dream and told my wife that he wanted “Choochie” out of his room. I have no clue who/what “Choochie” is.

My wife recently had a dream from which she could not awake. I tried to wake her up, but could not. Later, she told me that she dreamed that she was talking to female ghost who “wasn’t nice,” because her house had been changed so much.

I tried to talk to the ghost, asking questions to the empty air. (If you ever want to feel like a total dipshit, stand in an empty house and try talking to a ghost that may or may not be there). The only thing that happened was that I got this feeling that the ghost missed her babies; like her kids were all grown and gone and my kids reminded her of the fact.

Of course, I could just be bullshitting myself. She might have been totally ignoring me.

I wonder if there is a way to appease this spirit and make her happy, or what the heck I can do about this situation. I’m not religious, but I’m practical.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:56 AM   #36 (permalink)
Location: rhondda valleys
reading ur story bout ghosts have fetched my story b/k out of the closet, . well it all started about 9 years ago ,my son then was only 5 when we moved into a new house ,in tonyrefail.things were brill 4 a while ,i would say a couple of months. and then all of a sudden my son began talking 2 some 1, it always happened in his bedroom . but the funny thing was every time i entered he would stop ? this went on for ages and ages ,and all of a sudden it all stoped . but the best part was ,nathan then was comeing up 2 his 6th birthday and suprise, suprise nathan was b/k in his bedroom talking again 2 his friend . so i thought fine here we go again , so just out of curiosity i asked nathan has ur friend got a name then he said yes ,his name is johnny ribbon. so i said what do he look like then nathan ,he said he his a little man , with an old face , and he is always crying. so i said why then. he cant find his mammy thats why he is crying mammy. weeks went by, months went by and nathan was still talking 2 him all the time. he was taking food and drink 2 him 2. it was getting so bad that every where i went in the house , nathan would say 2 me ,mam he is by u . he likes u now, nathan made me so paronoid by saying that , i couldnt stay in that house anymore so we moved , he cryed himself 2 sleep many times in the new house,but it was worth it in the end. and i am so glad i dont here the name (johnny ribbon) anymore , nathan is comeing up 2 (14 ) now, . so any 1 who reads my story and if similar things have happened 2 u , i would love 2 here ur story.
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Old 03-03-2004, 08:07 AM   #37 (permalink)
Location: Handrail, Montana
Here is an observation:
I could say "These spirits and Ghosts are the deceased and unreleased energies of those who have not yet crossed over and they are only trying to communicate to you their sadness and grief and p[ain at being reminded of remaining here and the constant sorrow they endure by not having found their way home", and most of you would nod and frown and stroke your chins and murmur and say to yourselves, "Oh, those poor spirits, we must help them somehow!" But do you ask to where they are supposed to cross over to? And why they are so hesitant to get there? Do you wonder why they are capable enough of haunting small children and teenagers and grieving widows, but flee when the lights come on they are exposed to persons of strong will and determination? Why do they prey on the weak and infirm and young? What is their purpose in this? If I were stuck in a place between worlds, I wouldn't go to children- I'd head to someone who could actually help me get out of there. Unless, of course, I wasn't who I was presenting myself to be.
Please don't be so naiive, people. Actually think about these things. Not all things on this planet are warm and fuzzy and not all things are as they appear. Some may claim that the Bible is but an opinion or fable or myths or collection of stories, but I would suspect that those are the same people that carry much contempt for things prior to investigating them.
It is interesting that a person can claim to study or believe or follow Buddha, Krishna, Gaia, Darwin or Hitler and most people just shrug and nod. But the minute the Name JESUS is mentioned, hackles are raised and a person must be ready for a scrap. It would be good to ask why that is. In the Spirit world there is the same effect. In the book of Acts, there is a very good example- some of the Hebrew Priests decided they were going to drive some demons out of a possessed man, so they went to his house and confronted him. They said to him "In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches, we command you demons to come out of this man!" The demons responded "Paul we have heard of, Jesus we know, but who are you?" and they proceeded to beat and thrash the priests until they fled, naked and bleeding.
The point is- The Spirit world is different from ours in ways that are difficult to explain. But the spirits that present themselves as ghosts are not what they appear to be. Test this. I urge you. Test these spirits. Ask them who Jesus is. Better yet- in their presence, speak the name of Jesus and watch the reaction you get. I suggest this only because it will bring you relief from the ghost problem. Command these things to leave in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and then bless your home and everything in it in His Noly Name.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:22 PM   #38 (permalink)
Location: rhondda valleys

Originally posted by Thagrastay
Here is an observation:
I could say "These spirits and Ghosts are the deceased and unreleased energies of those who have not yet crossed over and they are only trying to communicate to you their sadness and grief and p[ain at being reminded of remaining here and the constant sorrow they endure by not having found their way home", and most of you would nod and frown and stroke your chins and murmur and say to yourselves, "Oh, those poor spirits, we must help them somehow!" But do you ask to where they are supposed to cross over to? And why they are so hesitant to get there? Do you wonder why they are capable enough of haunting small children and teenagers and grieving widows, but flee when the lights come on they are exposed to persons of strong will and determination? Why do they prey on the weak and infirm and young? What is their purpose in this? If I were stuck in a place between worlds, I wouldn't go to children- I'd head to someone who could actually help me get out of there. Unless, of course, I wasn't who I was presenting myself to be.
Please don't be so naiive, people. Actually think about these things. Not all things on this planet are warm and fuzzy and not all things are as they appear. Some may claim that the Bible is but an opinion or fable or myths or collection of stories, but I would suspect that those are the same people that carry much contempt for things prior to investigating them.
It is interesting that a person can claim to study or believe or follow Buddha, Krishna, Gaia, Darwin or Hitler and most people just shrug and nod. But the minute the Name JESUS is mentioned, hackles are raised and a person must be ready for a scrap. It would be good to ask why that is. In the Spirit world there is the same effect. In the book of Acts, there is a very good example- some of the Hebrew Priests decided they were going to drive some demons out of a possessed man, so they went to his house and confronted him. They said to him "In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches, we command you demons to come out of this man!" The demons responded "Paul we have heard of, Jesus we know, but who are you?" and they proceeded to beat and thrash the priests until they fled, naked and bleeding.
The point is- The Spirit world is different from ours in ways that are difficult to explain. But the spirits that present themselves as ghosts are not what they appear to be. Test this. I urge you. Test these spirits. Ask them who Jesus is. Better yet- in their presence, speak the name of Jesus and watch the reaction you get. I suggest this only because it will bring you relief from the ghost problem. Command these things to leave in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and then bless your home and everything in it in His Noly Name.
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:31 PM   #39 (permalink)
Location: rhondda valleys
thanks 4 that story u done , i cant believe neither why ghosts do pick the young . as u said urself they should go 2 the older person and try and get through 2 them .that they need help. it makes u think though why so many children have got imaginary friends ,or are they ghosts. only they will know.
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Old 03-04-2004, 02:36 AM   #40 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
Thagrastay , it's not because you're a christian. I'm one myself. What has got me annoyed is that you are presenting your opinion, your point of view, as a fact. Not once have you said 'I think' or 'I believe'. You can believe what you want, fine. Go nuts. I don't really care.

Your arguments are flawed. You've quoted one text, the Bible, which doesn't mean jack shit do people who don't follow your beliefs. If someone started quoting the Tora as absolute truth, I'd react the same way to them. When faith overcomes common sense, that's where I get worried.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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ghost, problem

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