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Old 02-14-2007, 09:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
JustDisGuy's Avatar
Location: Saskatchewan
UFO / Extraterrestrial coverup?

You guys oughta watch this vid: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...62636315529202

It's pretty long, but fairly convincing. Personally, I've always believed there must be intelligent life elsewhere among the stars, but never really thought we were important enough to warrant a visit. Could be I was wrong... it happened once...

Either way, it seems like a very appropriate forum placement...
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Old 02-14-2007, 10:05 PM   #2 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
it didn't convince me. First off, this "Safespace News Agency" that produced this (loosely defined) documentary seems to have been created specifically for this documentary, although they claim they are also investigating chemtrails, which is such a huge load of paranoid bullshit that even the tabloids won't touch it.

Second, they show a bunch of special effects shots, and a bunch of supposed witnesses (who are probably actors), and fail to give us any concrete evidence that any of this is real. If I prepare a news report saying the corn is doing well this year, I'm not going to show an animation of healthy corn. I'm gonna show actual pictures of actual corn. They didn't have any actual verifiable pictures of UFO's.

So we get to the big question. Are there aliens, and are they here? Yes, there are most likely aliens. the fact that life has arisen on this planet means life is possible. The fact that life exists even in the harshest environment indicates that life is not only possible, but probable, and in something as large as the universe that which is probable (or even only possible) will in all likelihood be repeated thousands of times.

Are they here? Probably not. 1) They'd have to figure out how to break the speed of light. Granted, if their species started evolving 100,000 years or so before ours, they probably have some very impressive technology. But the other stipulation is that they'd have to want to come here, and why in hell would they want to do that? With an entire universe to explore, what would drive them to a small rock orbiting a small star in the backwaters of an insignificant galaxy?
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Old 02-16-2007, 05:42 PM   #3 (permalink)
Mistress of Mayhem
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Location: Canton, Ohio
Very interesting video. I dunno if we are being visited or not, maybe we are a science project or perhaps a type of zoo to visit and have funny haha moments at.

Either way, it was a very informative piece that is very good at courting new believers.
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Old 02-16-2007, 07:29 PM   #4 (permalink)
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But the other stipulation is that they'd have to want to come here, and why in hell would they want to do that?

Why do we fling pieces of technology out into space to other chunks of rock spinning around our sun? To search for life. Are you saying that if you were able to travel to other planets and star systems and you stumbled upon a planet just overflowing with thousands.. millions of different forms of life you would just continue on by without giving a second look? I know i would want to stop and look and learn as much as possible, and then continue to monitor this life to see waht it does/is going to do.

Do you really think we're that uninteresting?
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Old 02-16-2007, 08:35 PM   #5 (permalink)
Mistress of Mayhem
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Location: Canton, Ohio
Maybe we are just some vast dish in some aliens science project? Who knows.

If so, I hope he wins the science fair!
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Old 02-16-2007, 09:33 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ObieX

Why do we fling pieces of technology out into space to other chunks of rock spinning around our sun? To search for life. Are you saying that if you were able to travel to other planets and star systems and you stumbled upon a planet just overflowing with thousands.. millions of different forms of life you would just continue on by without giving a second look? I know i would want to stop and look and learn as much as possible, and then continue to monitor this life to see waht it does/is going to do.

Do you really think we're that uninteresting?

To a species so highly evolved that it is capable of crossing interstellar distances, we probably are. Primitive beings such as ourselves are probably a dime a dozen out there. Do YOU stop and stare every time you pass an anthill?
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Old 02-16-2007, 10:24 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Location: Saskatchewan
Originally Posted by shakran
Do YOU stop and stare every time you pass an anthill?
Not *every* time, but once in awhile yep.
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Old 02-22-2007, 04:36 PM   #8 (permalink)
ObieX's Avatar
Location: Shirt and Pants (NJ)
Do YOU stop and stare every time you pass an anthill?
Actually I do :P

And who says aliens are so highly evolved? What makes us so primitive? If you mean their technology, it really isnt beyond our understanding. From the rumors going around we've been able to reverse engineer their technology and some people say we've been integrating it into our society over the years. If it was so far over our head we wouldn't be able to make any sense of it at all. Supposedly all their ships do is run off a type of gravity drive that is basically just a strong magnetic field that cancels out the effect of gravity in close proximity. That doesn't seem that advanced to me.. humans have been fucking with magnets for hundreds of years.

If you're referring to their supposed telepathy, this doesnt mean they're more evolved than us either.. it just means they have a different sense. Sharks and stingrays can sense even the smallest bioelectric charge from other fish that helps them find their prey. We dont have that sense.. does that make sharks more highly evolved? Dolphins and bats use echolocation.. i dont see humans sending out pings of sound to determine their locations. Snakes have heat sensing pits on their heads that basically give them the ability to see in infrared. "Highly Evolved" is highly subjective and situational.
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Old 03-14-2007, 09:44 AM   #9 (permalink)
The video was removed by google. O noes!
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Old 03-14-2007, 11:51 AM   #10 (permalink)
Devils Cabana Boy
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Originally Posted by teh1337one
The video was removed by google. O noes!
O M G teh google is part of teh conspiracy now... every body's run now!
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Old 03-14-2007, 04:12 PM   #11 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
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Location: Disaster Area
Heres how they'd get here..http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/ Maybe some physics major can tell us if this makes any sense at all.
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Old 03-14-2007, 06:51 PM   #12 (permalink)
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anyone quoting styx must be serious...
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Old 03-14-2007, 07:16 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dilbert1234567
anyone quoting styx must be serious...
The site is different....I found it a few years ago, while trying to get some more info on the betty & barny hill, zeta reticula incident. If this unknown element does exist and this guys theories are sound....well, Never Say Never.
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Old 03-14-2007, 07:49 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ObieX
Actually I do :P
OK, then you're rather unique

And who says aliens are so highly evolved? What makes us so primitive?
We have great difficulty getting to the moon, which on a galactic scale is so close it may as well be touching us. If the aliens have the ability to come here, they must by definition be in some way more advanced than we are.

If you mean their technology, it really isnt beyond our understanding. From the rumors going around we've been able to reverse engineer their technology
wait. . what? We went from theoretical aliens to actually having aliens on the planet? How do you know aliens are here? What evidence do you have. What technology do we use today that came from them?

Supposedly all their ships do is run off a type of gravity drive that is basically just a strong magnetic field that cancels out the effect of gravity in close proximity.
1) we have no evidence that we have gotten our hands on any of their ships.

2) we have no evidence that this gravity drive you speak of is what those ships use.

3) a close-effect gravity drive powered vehicle would be a hovercraft, not a spaceship.

4) There's no escaping the laws of physics. Even if you have a non-close effect gravity drive capable of accelerating your vessel to (or beyond assuming you figure out how to warp spacetime) the speed of light, it's still going to take a crapload of energy to do it. In fact it's been estimated that it would take more energy than the entire planet currently uses to warp spacetime. And that's not even delving into the bit about that energy needing to be negative energy. In short, we can't do it. And if some civilization can, then we're back to my original point, that they're more advanced than us.

That doesn't seem that advanced to me.. humans have been fucking with magnets for hundreds of years.
And little boys play with matchbox cars. That doesn't mean a 6 year old can go build a real one. Or, put another way, if it's so easy to build a spaceship that can travel interstellar distances quickly and efficiently, why haven't we built one yet?

If you're referring to their supposed telepathy, this doesnt mean they're more evolved than us either
Telepathy? What does telepathy have to do with the alien figuring out how to get here?

Last edited by shakran; 03-14-2007 at 07:51 PM..
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Old 03-14-2007, 07:56 PM   #15 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
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Location: Disaster Area
Here ya go....http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Element_115.htm


Bob Lazar stated that the “Sport Model” Flying Disc amplified the “Strong Nuclear Force” of Element 115 (UnUnPentium or UUP) to generate the gravity field for “Space-Time Compression.” Bob also stated that the U.S. Government had 500 pounds of Element 115 in their possession. The raw Element 115 was given to the U.S. Goverment at S4 by the Reticulan EBEs in the form of discs. The scientists at S4 sent the Element 115 discs through Groom Lake to Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, to be milled for use in the Anti-Matter Reactor. The Los Alamos personnel were told it was a new form of armor. They simply followed orders, milled it in accordance with the following steps, and sent it back to Groom Lake. It was during this process that some of the Element 115 turned up missing. As you’ll see below, the machining process to form the Element 115 wedge produces a tremendous amount of waste.

Bob Lazar stated that the Element 115 used as the fuel and gravity source in the “Sport Model” Flying Disc was stable. On February 2, 2004, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia (JINR), announced that they discovered two new super-heavy elements, Element 113 and Element 115. The Isotope of Element 115, produced by bombarding an Americium-243 (95Am243) nucleus with a Calcium-48 (20Ca48) nucleus, rapidly decayed to Element 113. then continued to decay until a meta-stable isotope was obtained.

The following hypothetical reaction displays the maximum theoretical atomic mass of an Element 115 Isotope that could be produced from combining an Americium-243 nucleus with a Calcium-48 nucleus. The following reaction assumes no neutrons were liberated during the process of the reaction:

95Am243 + 20Ca48 → 115UUP291 → 113UUT287 + 2He4 → ...

The following reactions are the actual reactions that took place in the laboratory by bombarding Americium-243 with Calcium-48, which resulted in the two Isotopes of Element 115, indicated below, being identified.

95Am243 + 20Ca48 → 115UUP288 + 30n1 115UUP288 → 113UUT284 + 2He4 → ...

95Am243 + 20Ca48 → 115UUP287 + 40n1 115UUP287 → 113UUT283 + 2He4 → ...

Element 113: Information on Discovery

Element 115, UnUnPentium, UUP

The maximum theoretical atomic mass isotope of Element 115 that could be produced in the reaction, above, 115UUP291, would only have 176 neutrons in its nucleus. This isotope of Element 115 is shy 8 neutrons from containing the magic number of 184 neutrons. The two actual isotopes of Element 115 produced by this reaction, 115UUP288 and 115UUP287 containe 173 neutrons, shy 11 neutrons from the magic number of 184, and 172 neutrons, shy 12 neutrons from the magic number of 184, respectively.

This latest scientific breakthrough, however, provides significant credibility to Bob Lazar’s claims rather than discrediting his claims. Bob Lazar’s Element 115 discs used to make the wedge for the “Sport Model” Flying Disc Anti-Matter Reactor would have to have been the isotope of Element 115 containing the magic number of 184 neutrons, therefore, having an atomic mass of 299. The nuclear configuration of this isotope of Element 115 would be identical to the nuclear configuration of the only known stable isotope of Element 83, Bismuth, 83Bi209, containing the magic number of 126 neutrons, except that the Element 115 isotope would have one more energy level completely filled with protons and neutrons. 82 protons and 114 protons are magic numbers for protons because 82 protons completely fill 6 proton energy levels and 114 protons completely fill 7 proton energy levels. The 83rd proton for Bismuth is a lone proton in the 7th proton energy level and the 115th proton for Element 115 is the lone proton in the 8th proton energy level. 126 neutrons completely fill 7 neutron energy levels and 184 neutrons completely fill 8 neutron energy levels. Refer to the Nucleon Energy Level Table for Bismuth and Element 115, below, for the nuclear configurations of Bismuth and Element 115. This stable isotope of Bismuth, Element 83, has very unique gravitational characteristics. Refer to the Henry William Wallace Patent: U.S. Patent 3,626,605, “Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field.”

Element 115 Wedge

NOTE: Producing the theoretically stable super-heavy elements is very difficult because the reactant nuclei of these nuclear reactions do not have enough neutrons to result in a product nucleus with enough neutrons to obtain theoretical stability.
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Old 03-15-2007, 07:34 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Bob Lazar is a known nutjob who ignores the laws of physics, preferring to make them up as he goes. Element 115 is a synthetic element with a half life of seconds. You can't use it as a fuel because even assuming it was combustible (we don't yet know because we haven't been able to make more than 1 or 2 atoms of it at a time) it would degrade almost instantly. Even Area51 "investigators," themselves subject to wild flights of paranoid fancy, dismiss Lazar as not credible.


We're not talking about ununpentium here, we're talking about unobtanium. When I asked for references showing that aliens have been here and that this gravity drive exists, I didn't mean from already discredited sources.
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Old 03-15-2007, 08:30 AM   #17 (permalink)
Playing With Fire
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Location: Disaster Area
This was written by Ken Wright not Bob Lazaar...form the site again...his credentials


I graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1977 earning a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Commission as an Ensign in the United States Navy. My major of study was Physics. Upon graduation I entered the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program which included intensive training at the Naval Nuclear Propulsion School in Orlando, Florida, and at Naval Nuclear Prototype Training Unit S1W near Idaho Falls, Idaho. My training and education emphasized operation of the reactor, the reactor coolant system, and the steam plant aboard a nuclear submarine. I served three and a half years as a Division Officer aboard the Nuclear Powered Submarine USS Flasher, SSN-613, a Permit Class stretch hull submarine where I qualified as Engineering Officer of the Watch, Officer of the Deck, and in Submarines. During my tour of duty aboard USS Flasher, I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. I resigned my Commission at the completion of my obligated service to the United States Navy on June 30, 1982. On July 19, 1982, I began my employment as an Engineer for Southern California Edison at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. In January, 1984, after completing a rigorous training program and passing a comprehensive Nuclear Regulatory Commission Examination, I earned a Senior Reactor Operator’s License on San Onofre Units 2 and 3. In February, 1986, I received my Registration as a Professional Engineer in Nuclear Engineering with the State of California by examination, License Number NU02322. In January, 1993, I received my Registration as a Professional Engineer in Mechanical Engineering with the State of California by examination, License Number M28662. In December, 2000, I earned a Masters Degree in Computer Information Systems from the University of Phoenix in San Diego, California. I am currently assigned to the San Onofre Nuclear Training Division as a Training Instructor for Engineering Personnel.
Syriana...have you ever tried liquid MDMA?....Liquid MDMA? No....Arash, when you wanna do this?.....After prayer...
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coverup, extraterrestrial, ufo

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