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kalashnikov 06-25-2005 03:40 AM

Actually I don't know the answer to that, that's why I am making this thread. What are some awful covers you have heard, made even worse if you love the original? When you slap your head and wonder how they ever got the song rights?

I had found out there was a cover of "Hey Hey What can I do?" (Led Zeppelin, and I love the song) by Hootie and the Blowfish (hey now, admit it, you can sing along with Hold My Hand). So I downloaded it...and blah. I mean, musically it was not necessarily horrible, but just so....dull. I have never heard such a lifeless rendition. And here I was thinking I might find some new found respect for Hootie. :hmm:

Fly 06-25-2005 04:52 AM

scissor sisters do a cover of comfortably numb...........fuckin' sucks major ass

Grasshopper Green 06-25-2005 05:49 AM

There is a cover of Summertime Blues that plays on our background music at work that is the most horrid piece of shit noise I've ever had the misfortune to listen to. They play guitar during the chorus instead of singing...well, it sounds like they break a few strings and rub them together or something....

ColonelSpecial 06-25-2005 09:17 AM

Not one anyone will think of but "My Favorite Things" done instrumentlly for 15 minutes. It goes on and on and on at work!

Coppertop 06-25-2005 09:23 AM

Puff Daddy - Kashmir

feelgood 06-25-2005 09:33 AM

As quoted on fark.com


Memnoch 06-25-2005 09:39 AM

Sevendust's Cover of Hurt by "Johnny Cash."


Astrocloud 06-25-2005 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Memnoch
Sevendust's Cover of Hurt by "Johnny Cash."


GBH did a cover of "I feel alright" by the damned which was a cover of 1970 by the stooges.

Iggy does the worst cover of "Real Wild Child" which I actually used to like until I heard the original.

TexanAvenger 06-25-2005 03:35 PM

Styx has a cover out there of "I am the Walrus" that makes me shudder when it plays.

That one fuckin' belongs to the Beatles and nobody else.

maleficent 06-25-2005 04:39 PM

Madonna's cover of Don McLean's American Pie - Some things are best left alone...

David Bowie's Cover of God Only Knows

Sheryl Crow's version of Sweet Child of mine is painful

and her version of Behind Blue Eyes by the Who makes me want to rip my blue eyes out of my head...

spectre 06-25-2005 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
Puff Daddy - Kashmir


Originally Posted by maleficent
Sheryl Crow's version of Sweet Child of mine is painful

...and Iron Man - Busta Rhymes.

Three classics, all butchered horribly.

Smimpinj 06-25-2005 05:11 PM

I have you all beat hands down.

All Saints doing Under the Bridge by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Words cannot describe how much they fucked up that song. I have never been moved to tears by a song so horrid until I listened to this.

Dbass 06-25-2005 05:32 PM

Speaking of shitty covers of "Behind Blue Eyes," how about Limp Bizkit's?! Fucking balls.

Bacchanal 06-25-2005 06:10 PM

Wyclef does a horrible cover of "Another One Bites The Dust" on Queen's Greatest hits volume 3. It is absolutely terrible.

311 did a cover of "D'yer Mak'er" on their 311 Day DVD that hurts to hear. Now I like 311 and I love Zeppelin, but the two didn't mix well at all. Nick just couldn't hit the notes he needed to, but SA did pretty well.

I have to agree with Spec. That's the only song on either of the NIB CDs that I just can't listen to.

skinnymofo 06-25-2005 09:11 PM

Faith no mores version of warpigs is pretty bad on NIB 1
the singer is just so bad.

all of the motorhead covers by metallica on garage inc
and if you are in safeway enough, you might catch the jazz instrumental version of the "titanic theme". a bad cover of a terrible song.

guthmund 06-25-2005 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
Puff Daddy - Kashmir

No, no, no. I read once that Puff Dad...excuse me, P-Diddy said he 'samples' songs, he doesn't 'cover' them.

That being said everything he 'samples' sounds like 'shit.'

TonyRockyHorror 06-25-2005 10:37 PM

Britney Spears covering the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" was one of Dante's stages of Hell, I believe.

Gimmick 06-26-2005 12:36 AM

I have to second the worst cover being "Behind Blue Eyes" by Limp Bizkit! How Fred Durst sleeps at night knowing he killed something soooo beautiful I will never know!

FoolThemAll 06-26-2005 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by TexanAvenger
Styx has a cover out there of "I am the Walrus" that makes me shudder when it plays.

That one fuckin' belongs to the Beatles and nobody else.

Actually, Oasis did a very nice live cover of "I Am the Walrus". Probably doesn't beat the original, but it's cool.

311 - Lovesong - The Cure

So incredibly lifeless and dull.

ratbastid 06-26-2005 07:01 AM

My high school garage band's cover of Little Wing was fairly wretched. I'm planning to digitize the cassette I recently came across, so you can look forward to it!

kalashnikov 06-26-2005 07:03 AM

Speaking of I am the Walrus, I have a copy from a concert of Frank Zappa covering the song, and he introduces it saying "Okay ladies and gentleman, we are going to do some severe damage to a Beatles song" And it does suck, but Frank liked to have his fun. And this one has walrus noises!

Lak 06-26-2005 04:37 PM

I swear I heard the solo from Another Brick in The Wall in some random annoying rap/pop song yesterday... anyone know who's responsible for this?

God of Thunder 06-26-2005 05:37 PM

Poison tried to cover "Rock and Roll All Night" and failed miserably. Just like everything else they tried.

And yes, Fred Durst needs to die a miserable death for what he did to "Behind Blue Eyes". He should be sentenced to listen to Madonna's "American Pie" for eternity. :lol:

xddga 06-26-2005 08:46 PM

I'm a huge fan of tool, and love maynard... but I'd have to say almost all of A Perfect Circle's Emotive CD.

also Six Feet Under (hardcore death metal band) does a horrible cover of TNT by AC/DC.

Glory's Sun 06-27-2005 05:27 AM

the absolute most disgusting, most horrid, most eye bleeding, vomit inducing, death inviting cover is Avril Lavigne covering Chop Suey.

kalashnikov 06-27-2005 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
the absolute most disgusting, most horrid, most eye bleeding, vomit inducing, death inviting cover is Avril Lavigne covering Chop Suey.

Oh sweet mother of god! I downloaded and listened to this, and i think my ears started bleeding. I mean shit, that really sucked. This needs to be heard as some sort of PSA so people can truly appreciate good musicians. Or even decent musicians.

I think this is the winner.

Redlemon 06-27-2005 08:40 AM

How can anyone miss:

In A Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy by Pat Boone!! Check out this track listing, every song worse than every other song. I own it, purely for the shock value.

1. You've Got Another Thing Comin'
2. Smoke on the Water
3. It's a Long Way to the Top
(If You Wanna Rock 'N Roll) (Scott/Young/Young)
4. Panama (Roth/VanHalen/VanHalen)
5. No More Mr. Nice Guy (Bruce/Cooper)
6. Love Hurts (Bryant)
7. Enter Sandman (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)
8. Holy Diver (Dio)
9. Paradise City (Guns N Roses)
10. The Wind Cries Mary (Hendrix)
11. Crazy Train (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)
12. Stairway to Heaven (Page/Plant)

streak_56 06-27-2005 11:33 AM

Korn- Another Brick in the Wall

made me puke

optik_nerve 06-27-2005 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by flyman
scissor sisters do a cover of comfortably numb...........fuckin' sucks major ass


Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
311 - Lovesong - The Cure

So incredibly lifeless and dull.

Whole-heartedly agree with both of you.

spectre 06-27-2005 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
the absolute most disgusting, most horrid, most eye bleeding, vomit inducing, death inviting cover is Avril Lavigne covering Chop Suey.

Ah yeah, that reminds me of another one: Avril covering Fuel by Metallica. *shudder*

Frosstbyte 06-27-2005 12:42 PM

Avril Lavigne-Fuel
Limp Bizkit-Behind Blue Eyes-when I first heard this, I thought, "Wow, Limp Bizkit actually has a song with potential." Then I found out it was a cover (The Who not being in my regular rotation), and then I listened to the original. Now I have a KOS policy for Fred Durst.
Korn-Another Brick in the Wall
Any cover that Jessica Simpson ever attempts-I cry when I watch Top Gun now remembering what she did to "Take My Breath Away", which says nothing for the new cover she did of "These Boots are Made for Walking." I don't even like that song and she butchered it.

God damn it people, stop fucking up perfectly good songs.

kutulu 06-27-2005 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by skinnymofo
Faith no mores version of warpigs is pretty bad on NIB 1
the singer is just so bad.

all of the motorhead covers by metallica on garage inc
and if you are in safeway enough, you might catch the jazz instrumental version of the "titanic theme". a bad cover of a terrible song.

FNM's cover of War Pigs is better than the original!!! Even if you don't like Patton's voice for the song, Jim Martin shreds the guitar work and Puffy's drums are unrelenting.

I'll second Korn's "Another Brick in the Wall"

TexanAvenger 06-27-2005 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Redlemon
How can anyone miss:

In A Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy by Pat Boone!! Check out this track listing, every song worse than every other song. I own it, purely for the shock value.

1. You've Got Another Thing Comin'
2. Smoke on the Water
3. It's a Long Way to the Top
(If You Wanna Rock 'N Roll) (Scott/Young/Young)
4. Panama (Roth/VanHalen/VanHalen)
5. No More Mr. Nice Guy (Bruce/Cooper)
6. Love Hurts (Bryant)
7. Enter Sandman (Hammett/Hetfield/Ulrich)
8. Holy Diver (Dio)
9. Paradise City (Guns N Roses)
10. The Wind Cries Mary (Hendrix)
11. Crazy Train (Daisley/Osbourne/Rhoads)
12. Stairway to Heaven (Page/Plant)

Actually, I was holding that one to make a second post by... damn.

Instead, let me say that there was a godawful cover of Big Yellow Taxi playing in Kohl's today that mad me want to tear the speakers from their brackets... but I have no idea who was singing it. Lucky them.

Redlemon 06-27-2005 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by TexanAvenger
Instead, let me say that there was a godawful cover of Big Yellow Taxi playing in Kohl's today that mad me want to tear the speakers from their brackets... but I have no idea who was singing it. Lucky them.

It was probably Counting Crows. Feel free to go apeshit on them.

Suave 06-28-2005 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by guthmund
No, no, no. I read once that Puff Dad...excuse me, P-Diddy said he 'samples' songs, he doesn't 'cover' them.

That being said everything he 'samples' sounds like 'shit.'

Sounds like SOMEONE has a case of the oldies. :P I personally like "Mo money, mo problems" a hell of a lot more than "I'm comin' out".

The best worst cover ever is most definitely Rocketman by William Shatner.

My vote for worst (or one of the worst) covers: Guns n Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door

Sadly, I find Eric Clapton's version lacking as well. Too upbeat. :(

Dave Matthews Band - All Along the WatchTower isn't too great either.

snowy 06-28-2005 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Actually, Oasis did a very nice live cover of "I Am the Walrus". Probably doesn't beat the original, but it's cool.

Yeah! It's on the Wonderwall maxisingle. They've done a couple of good covers (and some good rip-offs too). I mean, honestly, if anyone can cover the Beatles effectively it's Oasis :)

kutulu 06-29-2005 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Yeah! It's on the Wonderwall maxisingle. They've done a couple of good covers (and some good rip-offs too). I mean, honestly, if anyone can cover the Beatles effectively it's Oasis :)

they better be, those fucekrs are suck beatles wannabes

SaltPork 06-29-2005 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Redlemon
It was probably Counting Crows. Feel free to go apeshit on them.

Amy Grant just did a cover on Big Yellow Taxi, too, not nearly as good as Counting Crows version, which I actually liked, but I like the original better.

It baffles me that within a year of the Counting Crows releasing their cover of it, that Amy Grant would release a cover of it as well....wtf Amy, do a cover of something else, like Mr. Brownstone, by Guns 'n Roses.

muckluck 06-29-2005 11:52 AM

Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and The Beatles should never be covered... IMHO. the only good cover of Led Zeppelin I heard was No Quarter by Tool, and the only semi-descent yet still pretty bad cover of a Pink Floyd song was Another Brick in the Wall by Marilyn Manson...

Suave 06-29-2005 12:10 PM

I agree with you on Floyd and the Beatles, but some Zeppelin songs could be done better by other people I think.

Oh, Out of Your Mouth's cover of "Beautiful When You're Mad" is pretty suck too.

Another bad one: The Ataris - Boys of Summer


Britney Spears - My Prerogative

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