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Sho Nuff 12-02-2003 08:29 AM

Temptations - Popa Was a Rolling Stone

Music to pimp into a room to..

World's King 12-02-2003 01:47 PM

Rick James - Super Freak

Music to shop for printers online to...

Tophat665 12-02-2003 06:08 PM

Alan Parsons Project - I Robot

Music to find your creamy center to...

h2ogo69 12-03-2003 03:08 PM

journey - don't stop believeing

music to scratch your eye to... cuz it itches?

Sho Nuff 12-04-2003 10:01 AM

Jimmy Cliff - I can see clearly now

Music to take your first snow ride of the season to..

monkeydriven 12-04-2003 07:05 PM

The Informer - Snow

Music to super glue your fingers together to...

h2ogo69 12-04-2003 08:45 PM

the dwarves - motherfucker

music to buy a wedding ring to?

Gortexfogg 12-05-2003 05:59 AM

Bob Dylan - Wedding Song

Music to comb your hair to?

Sho Nuff 12-05-2003 01:59 PM

Outkast - So Fresh So Clean
(honorable mention Right Said Fred - Im Too Sexy)

music to run around the house in a frantic condom search to

h2ogo69 12-06-2003 07:27 AM

bizzare - no rubber

music to wander aimlessly through the streets looking for hallucenagenic drugs?

Tophat665 12-06-2003 09:12 AM

Amboy Dukes - Journey to the center of the mind.

Music to rearrange your library to...

Afghanistanimat 12-06-2003 04:45 PM

Svefn-g-Englar by Sigur Ros-Music to make love to.

Closer by NIN-Music to have hot sweaty monkey sex to.

Bittersweet Symphony by the Verve-Music to walk down the street and bump into people to.

World's King 12-06-2003 05:39 PM

Seeing as how Afghanistanimat doesn't understand... I'll asnwer.

Beatles - The White Album

Music to wrap Christmas gift to...

Tophat665 12-07-2003 08:09 AM

Grandmaster Flash - Rapper's Delight (That practically picked itself)

Music to fillet a live fish to...

ADM 12-07-2003 11:18 AM

ICP - I Stab People

Music to put your computer together to

Tophat665 12-08-2003 03:57 AM

Weird Al Yankovic - Another one rides the bus. > Faith No More - Smaller & Smaller

Music to be face-sat to...

monkeydriven 12-08-2003 07:35 AM

Breathe - Pink Floyd

Music to be banned on the tfp to...

Tophat665 12-08-2003 10:58 AM

Pink Floyd - Empty Spaces

Music to procrastinate to

h2ogo69 12-12-2003 11:08 AM

blink 182 - hold on

music to have your g/f walk on your balls to?

Tophat665 12-21-2003 06:03 PM

Joe Satriani - The Crush of Love > Steve Vai - Down Deep in the Pain > Pink Floyd - The Great Gig in the Sky

Yeah, that'd do it.

Music to completely banish the thought of anyone walking on my sac to....

h2ogo69 12-23-2003 11:33 AM

poison the well - sticks and stones neve rmake sense

music to send a text message to?

monkeydriven 03-05-2004 07:38 AM

You Ain't A Big Thing Baby - Holly Golightly

Music to ponder h2ogo69's avatar to.....

Tophat665 03-05-2004 12:48 PM

Jimmy Buffet - A Pirate looks at 40

Music to pillage by...

CryptikSoul 03-05-2004 06:13 PM

D12 - Fight Music

Music to drown out the noise of your housemate and his girlfriend having sex ...

Tophat665 03-06-2004 02:09 PM

Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl (or, frankly, anything of his at all.)

Music to mock people coming out of "The Passion" by....

World's King 03-06-2004 02:45 PM

Anything by The Rev. Horton Heat

Music to set fire to your local mall to...

Chingal0 03-06-2004 05:27 PM

Bloodhound Gang - The roof is en fuego!

Music to listen to the movie SWAT to.. listen because my tv is off..

Tophat665 03-06-2004 05:58 PM

OK, The Bloodhound Gang song referred to as "The roof is on fire" on P2P networks, and containing that phrase as a large part of the refrain, is, in fact, titled "Fire Water Burn". Just want to clear that up.

Music to listen to the movie SWAT to.. listen because my tv is off..
Joe Satriani - Room Full of Bullets (Or the Ventures - the theme from SWAT)

Music to pick (figurative) nits to...

Tophat665 08-27-2004 02:00 PM

I guess nobody likes a nit picker. :(

Music to cook felafel to....

stonegrody 08-27-2004 02:05 PM

"I'm a Scatman" - Scatman John

Music to have a knife fight to.

Tophat665 08-27-2004 07:02 PM

(Good call on Scatman!)

AC/DC - Night of the Long Knives or
Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed or (if you're feeling extreeeeeemly cheesey)
Helix - Deep Cuts the Knife

Music to recover from listening to a Godawful one-hit-wonder '80's Hairmetal cheese fest to....

Booray 08-27-2004 07:58 PM

Son Volt - Drown

Music to flash an auditorium full of people to

hunnychile 08-27-2004 08:16 PM

One on One by Bob James. Long, sweet and deep.

Tophat665 08-28-2004 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by hunnychile
One on One by Bob James. Long, sweet and deep.

Well, let's see. Music to puzzle out the next music to ____ to to.

hunnychile 08-29-2004 07:54 AM

Kinda thought the title 'One on One' pretty much indicates that it's music to make love to...but I guess it could be taken as music to shoot hoops to
:) ---equally fun.

Tophat665 08-29-2004 04:45 PM

Music to shoot hoops to:
Barry White & Chris Rock - Basketball Jones

Music to mock the current US men's Olympic basketball team on their return to the states to...

monkeydriven 08-30-2004 11:08 AM

Beck - Loser

Music to smack some sense into the NHLPA to.

h2ogo69 09-02-2004 08:30 PM

dillinger escape plan - 4th grade dropout

music to pull a nail out of ur foot to

Techno 09-03-2004 08:55 AM

Dokaka - Angel of Death

So you can imagine what could happen to what you're writing.

Music to consume things to?

World's King 09-03-2004 01:48 PM

Crystal Method - Name of the Game

Music to move into a new house to

Dane Bramage 09-03-2004 04:04 PM

My House; Talking Heads

Music to have sex to.

Edited because I didn't understand the game.

Drider_it 09-04-2004 11:01 PM

R. Kelly - Ignition

zoneing gazing blankly at the corner of a room.. music to listen to?

Tophat665 09-05-2004 06:02 AM

Pink Floyd - Is there anybody out there?

Music for reading <i>Dune</i> to...

CandleInTheDark 09-05-2004 02:53 PM

The Doors - Riders of the Storm

Music to backstab to?

monkeydriven 09-07-2004 08:43 AM

Pink Floyd - Dogs (listen to the lyrics)

Music to asphalt the driveway to...

nexusmind 09-07-2004 04:25 PM

I once had to ashphalt a driveway and forgot to wear breathing protection for the first hour, bad headache the next day. I'll say "Won't Get Fooled Again" By The Who cause I sure as hell will never do that again.

Music to inadvertently lock you keys in your car to...

wrongfullyaccuzd 09-07-2004 09:48 PM

Suicide Machines - I Hate Everything

Music to play "Madden" to...

Tophat665 09-08-2004 03:56 AM

(More about Madden himself than the game.)
Little Feat - Fat Man in the Bathtub

and, as long as we're on pathologically lousy football announcers:

Music for Dennis Miller to walk into a room to...

monkeydriven 09-08-2004 04:59 AM

Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World (it's no coincidence that this was his theme song on his HBO show)

Music to reformat your hard drive to...

kulrblind 09-08-2004 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by monkeydriven
Music to reformat your hard drive to...

"Starting Over" - John Lennon

Music to drive angry to...

Jonsgirl 09-08-2004 12:38 PM

'Bad Habit' - The Offspring

Music to fly home to.....

wrongfullyaccuzd 09-08-2004 08:42 PM

"New Way Home" by Foo Fighters.

Music to make a Ramen dinner to...

Tophat665 09-09-2004 04:37 AM

The Kinks - Low Budget

Music to seal a driveway to...

kulrblind 09-09-2004 05:26 AM

the "Enya - Watermark" album.

Music to twitch as you pour your third cup of coffee to...

Evil Milkman 09-09-2004 12:49 PM

As You Sleep by Something Corporate

Music to eat a peaunt butter sandwich to...

K-Wise 09-09-2004 01:41 PM

Peanutbutter Jelly Time! by Some internet geek.

Music to clean yer cock & balls to for an important hot date that came up last minute leaving you no time to shower?


stonegrody 09-09-2004 01:48 PM

AC/DC - Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

Music to wax your ass to.

h2ogo69 09-10-2004 10:28 PM

beck - devi'ls haircut

music to drive naked to while under the influence of pcp to

hunnychile 09-11-2004 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by stonegrody
AC/DC - Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

Music to wax your ass to.

Yep, you are So Bay Area. Hope your ass looks gooood when your done. Be careful of teeth marks!

anleja 09-11-2004 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by h2ogo69
music to drive naked to while under the influence of pcp to

"Who was in my room last night?" Butthole Surfers

music to lust over old ladies to (hope it hasn't already been done here, I haven't been in this thread in a while. If it has, then you people scare me).

Tophat665 09-12-2004 05:13 AM

Frank Sinatra - Under My Skin or
Cat Stevens - The soundtrack to Harold & Maude

Music to rip two by fours into two by twos to....

h2ogo69 09-12-2004 09:47 AM

the cure - cut here

music to hang upside down from ur feet and do sit ups like a crazy asshole to

monkeydriven 09-20-2004 11:25 AM

Strength - The Alarm

Music to attempt self fellatio to....

wrongfullyaccuzd 09-20-2004 05:20 PM

There Once Was A Man From Nantucket

Music to study administration of justice to...

cxnaj20 09-21-2004 08:25 PM

Clash - I Fought The Law

Music to sharpen your pencil to...

tspikes51 09-22-2004 07:17 PM

Jay-Z - Big Pimpin'

Music to do pay taxes to

Draconis 09-22-2004 10:30 PM

Money - Pink Floyd

Music to tear someone's throat apart, sinew by sinew, to

h2ogo69 09-23-2004 11:18 AM

from autumn to ashes - mercury rising

music to have a conversation with a perosn you havent seen since grade school to

Tympanic 09-25-2004 04:53 PM

U2 - With or Without You

Music to pound your head against the desk because you can't find that stupid bug in your program to...

kickin wing 09-26-2004 04:20 PM

you fucked up- ween

music to jack off 2?

tspikes51 09-26-2004 08:49 PM

Have to go with the movie route (Super Troopers)

Bubbles - Bidibodi Bidibu

Music to smoke cigars to...

Draconis 09-27-2004 09:01 AM

Smoke on the water - Deep Purple

Music to have an early morning fuck session to

wrongfullyaccuzd 10-10-2004 08:02 PM

You totally killed this thread.
Just to get the ball rolling again I'll say Caress Me Down by Sublime.

Music to kill a TFP thread to...

kulrblind 10-19-2004 05:15 AM

"The Sound of Silence" - Simon and Garfunkel

Music to change a flat tire to...

Grace, Too 10-22-2004 02:59 AM

Songs To Work Your Mojo To...
So last night the wife and I are having sex, and since neither of us are screamers or moaners, it's pretty quiet. The only sounds serenading us are the occasional bedspring and the squishy friction of condom on labia. So we got to thinking that perhaps music would make things a little more interesting.

I've heard about Sade, that she's a popular name for this type of thing, but never listened to her. Got any other good tunes to get it on to?


Key 10-22-2004 03:56 AM

every girl i've known loves enigma, try that out.

there's a couple other albums but i think only because they have personal relevance, i can't imagine they're as mainstream a reccommendation.

try the MCMXC album, i think that might be their lastest release.

Averett 10-22-2004 04:25 AM

By searching for songs + sex, I found this thread: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthr...ight=songs+sex

The search function works folks! Isn't it awesome?

THGL 10-22-2004 04:39 AM

Mazzy Star works well.

Irishsean 10-22-2004 05:14 AM

I find techno, or anything with a hard driving beat works well when your swinging from the chandeliers...

ShaniFaye 10-22-2004 05:23 AM

E Nomine works GREAT for dave and I....something about guttural german evil omen soundtrack movie sounding stuff.....gets me going everytime...I will sometimes listen to it in the car on the way home from work and jump on Dave when I get in the door :lol:

ShaniFaye 10-22-2004 05:32 AM

Here is an E Nomine example

E Nomine.....Das Omen

Glory's Sun 10-22-2004 05:35 AM

here's a HUGE thread on this already being done..


Grace, Too 10-22-2004 05:37 AM

Thanks Averett. I should have checked for a previous thread.

You all have to remember, my wife has never heard of any of these bands. I think she'd be more up the Bon Jovi alley, or say Allan Jackson. She definitely could not get it on to Radiohead, as was mentioned in the link thread.

beteez2 10-22-2004 05:49 AM

low spark of highheeled boys

boredom 10-22-2004 07:25 AM

Three Inches of Blood, or HIM works for me

ShaniFaye 10-22-2004 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Grace, Too
Thanks Averett. I should have checked for a previous thread.

You all have to remember, my wife has never heard of any of these bands. I think she'd be more up the Bon Jovi alley, or say Allan Jackson. She definitely could not get it on to Radiohead, as was mentioned in the link thread.

I find it very difficult to have sex to music I can sing along too...its extremely distracting to me

sinjien 10-25-2004 11:39 AM

The Queen of the Damned soundtrack...
....music to wallow in the misery of your lonely, tormented immortal soul; all while soaking up the warm califronia sun...

guy44 10-28-2004 10:22 PM

Venus Hum's Big Beautiful Sky - the perfect music to celebrate being alive to.

Nancy 10-29-2004 01:38 AM

Louis Armstrong's what a wonderful world

Music to bake cookies to?

dobster 10-29-2004 01:49 AM

Herb Alpert - A Walk in the Black Forest

Music to clean you Hamster's cage to.

h2ogo69 01-03-2006 10:54 PM

hampster danc techno remix (i had to)

music to pull a nail out of your foot to?

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