09-30-2003, 03:54 AM
#1 (permalink)
Adult Swim - Home Movies
anyone checked this show out?? its about a 10 yr old kid who makes movies. animation is low key, kind of like dr. katz on comedy central was, except not shaky. anyway its a great show with a lot of dry humor. but there is this episode called guitarmeggdon. its about a guitar duel. there is this guy duane who is friends with brendan and he is taking lessons and the teacher is like play a 2 octave run over some chord(its goes by pretty quickly) and he does it. then he battles some guy named jimmy monet who does sweep arpeggios, and im pretty sure is supposed to be yngvie malmsteen(dressed like him). there is some pretty fancy guitar playing in the show and it sounds like it was recorded for the show, not taken from somewhere. well in the end, jimmy monets girlfriend leaves him for duane citing that jimmy's sweep arpeggios are pretty sloppy