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smaashed 08-01-2003 09:20 AM

Rush...I just wish my local radio station would quit playing their music every 10 minutes.

more fire 08-01-2003 11:01 AM

the strokes. FUCK THEM.

GuttersnipeXL 08-01-2003 02:46 PM

See, I want all those bands everybody mentioned to stick around, so their fans don't start listening to what I like and commercializing it.

Basket Case 08-01-2003 03:47 PM

Man oh man, where do I start?

What do I mean by Pop?

GrungePop- Nickelback and Creed came from Pearl Jam and Nirvana. Guess what? Pearl Jam and Nirvana suck!They're just shitty pop versions of grunge! Please, hand me a tissue to cry out my teen angst!

MetalPop- Although I do respect Metallica in their musicianship and ability to put together songs, they're fucking annoying!

Dave Matthews band pretty much sound like Hanson grown up trying to look cool by smoking up.

Guns & Roses are just a shitty wanker version of pop.

I think if Radiohead and Travis had a retarded child, it would sound like Coldplay.

And just for the record, Tool sucks! I mean, they're a very tight band and they make awesome videos, but who the fuck cares if they used a mathematician to organize their beats? As complexed as it may be, its just not good music, sorry guys.

Sum 41, Good Charlotte, etc.... It's all crap.

I like the Strokes though.

Katyblu 08-01-2003 05:44 PM


Originally posted by Basket Case
Dave Matthews band pretty much sound like Hanson grown up trying to look cool by smoking up.

Guns & Roses are just a shitty wanker version of pop.

Please, lets be fair... DMB has been around for a hell of a long time and is tons better than Hanson *shudder*. Just because they smoke a little weed doesn't mean they suck... their songs are about enjoying life and having fun.

And Guns N Roses? Come on now, you gotta love Axl for being suck an ass! :) They were so much fun and their music is loud and obnoxious and fun! Sure, no they suck but come on, who doesn't like some Appetite for Destruction?

Omar12 08-01-2003 06:06 PM

Good Charlotte

Basket Case 08-01-2003 07:06 PM

Katyblu man, your not getting the big picture here!

1. Whether a bands been around for a while or not has no bearing on it's suckage.

2. My issue with DMB is NOT because they smoke up. Most of my favorite bands were/are very heavily into....well, pretty much anything they can get their hands on. The difference is, they get their fame by making good music, not glorifying their habits. I mean, I'm all for legalization, but I'm not gonna go tell everyone that to get credit.

3. "songs are about enjoying life and having fun" huh? Well hot dog! Let's all go get some Good Charlotte and the A-Teens albums!
It's not about content man, it's how it sounds.

Katyblu 08-01-2003 07:10 PM

And I like how it sounds... well maybe not the new stuff so much, but definitely the old stuff!

punkgrl1984 08-01-2003 09:59 PM

U2 I dunno Bono's voice just bugs me!

KWSN 08-01-2003 10:21 PM

Wow, people sure took YNT's post seriously...

people, back up your opinions here. Please.

Apokx 08-04-2003 12:10 AM

Listing Weezer here is Blashphemy.

But I would just like to list J-Lo.~

cpomdima 08-04-2003 09:05 PM

Wow, I can't believe Tool was menioned in this thread ot once but about three times! It would surpise me to see them at all in this forum, let alone "bands I would like to see people not listen too".

Can you tool-haters care to elaborate on your feelings? I am really interested. I always thought they were a band you liked, knew-of and sorta liked, or never knew or cared existed.

But listed here in this forum, I am seriously intrigued.

Yes, tool is my favorite band. BUT Yes, I am interested in your opinion.

ReggErving 08-04-2003 09:16 PM

Generally anything that is on modern radio. Too many unoriginal acts out thing. I would like cite some references but I stopped listeneung to who sounds like the next guy.

rockzilla 08-05-2003 03:54 PM

Linkin Park, even when they're trying to be angry, the skinny white guy (who looks a lot like me) just comes across as being a whiny little puke, even more than Fred Durst ever was. In fact, I wish the whole pop-rap-metal thing would juts go away.

fartre 08-05-2003 06:09 PM

Metallica because they have totally not had IT for about 10 years now (some would argue 13 years...)

bobw 08-05-2003 06:44 PM

any boy-band

mantra 08-05-2003 07:09 PM

hmm.. i dont care what people listen too. i would make a list of bands and artist that i hate but im not gonna waste my time...
:hmm: new metal SUCKS !!!

tj2001cobra 08-05-2003 07:11 PM

White Stripe has got to be one of the most overrated bands I have ever heard. I can't even sit through one of their songs.

I can tolerate most other types of music. The Dixie chicks could go away without me minding much. I don't like thir music or their political comments.


Originally posted by Spartak
The White Stripes.

Lack of skill, or just arrogance* pick one.

*The whole, "We must use 1960s equipment in the process, even though technology and money allows us to use better" deal..

floonine 08-06-2003 06:14 AM

Creed and Good Charlotte. I don't like bands that don't experiment enough, and just stick to one thing (over and over). I don't know what they did to get people under their spell, but it makes me want to carve my eyeballs out of my skull with a felt-tip permanent marker. That's just me, anyway.

Good Charlotte is Creed, just a different genre

floonine 08-06-2003 06:19 AM


Originally posted by Basket Case
trying to look cool by smoking up.
Hey it's your opinion, and I totally respect it, and DMB is (for some reason) an aquired taste for some people, but I don't understand what you mean by this comment. Can you elaborate on what DMB did to "glorif[y] their habits?"

BenChuy 08-06-2003 07:59 AM

Any rap metal, creed (can we say this enough?!), Any untalented pop artist (all but probably 2, and i don't listen to radio anymore), ANY message-less rap or R&B artist, any band that is hinged upon a gimmick. That is just for today. there may be more that i must roast, as my housemate listens to far too many of these.

BenChuy 08-06-2003 08:05 AM

how many emo fans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

none. they just sit in the dark, and cry.

and write a whiny song about how it is dark and they are crying. writing a song.

YourNeverThere 08-06-2003 07:46 PM

Bahahahahaha BenChuy thats great, i thought i had heard every emo joke!

cpomdima 08-06-2003 09:25 PM

who or what is emo?

floonine 08-07-2003 08:52 AM

emo is a "genre" of music. the true definition is debatable

h2ogo69 08-07-2003 09:09 AM

linkin park

cyder 08-07-2003 10:20 AM

I vote for fiddy cent and anyone who would follw /replace him

timmy701 08-07-2003 10:21 AM

I would dance in the streets if people would stop listening to these groups that aren't really bands... Any group that has to lipsync or overdub anything at a live performance shouldn't be given a record contract.

What frightens me is that they produce this music because people actually listen to it. And then those same drooling idiots purchase it, giving the record label more money to create more plastic music monsters.

Yea for free choice, but holy cow! The world is doomed to die at the hands of these people.


BrinlyNoya 08-07-2003 10:31 AM

I hate hate hate linkin park, remember their 2nd album? It was their first album REMIXED!!!!!! Goddamnit.. they just shove it down your throut its horrible, and its shitty music to start with, then they make it even worse!!!!! I also think the members of... I can't remember the bands name.. but they sing the song "Blue and Yellow" or something like that... is that Mest? if thats mest than they freaking choke on lug nuts..

cyder 08-07-2003 10:33 AM


Originally posted by timmy701
I would dance in the streets if people would stop listening to these groups that aren't really bands... Any group that has to lipsync or overdub anything at a live performance shouldn't be given a record contract.

What frightens me is that they produce this music because people actually listen to it. And then those same drooling idiots purchase it, giving the record label more money to create more plastic music monsters.

Yea for free choice, but holy cow! The world is doomed to die at the hands of these people.


And don't forget, use the money from the fans to sue people for sharing manufactured pop.

Basket Case 08-07-2003 10:50 AM


Originally posted by cpomdima
Wow, I can't believe Tool was menioned in this thread ot once but about three times! It would surpise me to see them at all in this forum, let alone "bands I would like to see people not listen too".

Can you tool-haters care to elaborate on your feelings? I am really interested. I always thought they were a band you liked, knew-of and sorta liked, or never knew or cared existed.

But listed here in this forum, I am seriously intrigued.

Yes, tool is my favorite band. BUT Yes, I am interested in your opinion.

cpondima man, that's gotta be one of the most mature posts I've ever seen in this kind of situation. I will try to respond with an equal amount of respect.

Tool is very strange. Which is not necessarily a bad, Sonic Youth are very strange and they always manage to make awesome music. The difference is, Tool seems to concentrate on trying to make their sound weird, always using 5/8 rhythmes and getting the mathematicians and such. It's as though they try so hard to be different, and don't get me wrong, technically it's amazing, but musicaly it's just not good. The music itself just seems to fit more into enginneering than art.

The lyrics are on the opposite end of the spectrum. They are remenecent of teen goth poetry. There seems to be no real depth to it, it just all sort of consist of obvious morbidity references, cliché metaphores (ex: talking about phisical pain to demonstrate mental anguish), and just an all-around Dungeons & Dragons-ish quest-like feel to it.

In the end, things such as morbidity, metaphores and being different are some of the coolest things about some of my favorite bands, I just feel as though Tool uses it in a very unproffesional way.

But that's just my opinion, the reasons I hate them may be the reasons you like them. I due respect their talent as musicians and artistic vision for videos, just not the music.

I can't speak for everyone who hates Tool, but that's what I think anyway. I hope it is helpful.

redlotuss9 08-07-2003 01:27 PM

First off, gotta say, thank the good Lord 85% of the posts here listed Creed. How they sold over 30 million albums is beyond me.

Next, if I may get up on my soap box about Tool, I have to say I was more than a little bit surprised to see them on here. Basket Case, although I respect your opinion about their lyrics not having any depth, I couldn't disagree more. I would be the first to agree that some of the subject matter is a bit esoteric. In addition, though, I would argue that their songs on subject matter such as chromosome evolution, existential philosophy, enlightenment, and desensitization show a remarkable insight into human nature. As for their skills as musicians, I would submit that they are some of the best in the business. It makes me happy to see that someone who doesn't like them can recognize the talent they have as musicians.

I suppose in the end it's like any band that people either really like or really hate. Either you get it, or you don't. I don't get Dave Mathews Band, but I respect them as a band with something important to contribute to the music scene.

Tool I get.

floonine 08-08-2003 01:14 PM


Originally posted by Basket Case
get their fame by making good music, not glorifying their habits. I mean, I'm all for legalization, but I'm not gonna go tell everyone that to get credit.
I am still curious about this connection of dave matthews band with "smoking to be cool". I am not trying to change your mind, I am just trying to understand what you mean.

KWSN 08-08-2003 01:25 PM


Originally posted by BrinlyNoya
I hate hate hate linkin park, remember their 2nd album? It was their first album REMIXED!!!!!! Goddamnit.. they just shove it down your throut its horrible, and its shitty music to start with, then they make it even worse!!!!! I also think the members of... I can't remember the bands name.. but they sing the song "Blue and Yellow" or something like that... is that Mest? if thats mest than they freaking choke on lug nuts..
That's the Used. They have like 1 decent song but otherwise they fucking blow. Agreed.

oh, and also...

Two emo's walk into a bar. What do they order?

Nothing, emos only go to cafes.

that joke will be lost on anyone who doesn't know a lot of emos

Tophat665 08-08-2003 02:00 PM

Creed. Even Jesus hates Creed.

theinfamous 08-08-2003 02:17 PM

everything on the radio

LittleOralAnnie 08-08-2003 04:07 PM

I agree with the Avril, Creed and Blink 182.. I'd also like to mention The Dixie Chicks and Kid Rock

Mr.Deflok 08-08-2003 09:03 PM

How come no-one has bloody mentioned Ja Rule yet damn it?!

far2bored 08-08-2003 10:54 PM

I'd be one happy camper if the entire 80's cock-rock, spandex wearin, big hair & makeup, "I wish I was as cool as KISS" scene went away.

mystmarimatt 08-08-2003 11:27 PM

Korn. Korn can die. well, the "singer" at least. i've heard people screaming in pain that was more aestheically pleasing than his shitty-ass voice. Creed doesn't need to die, i've just never found any of their music all that good. and Pretty much all rap. and most country.

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