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aedenji 07-27-2003 11:28 AM

every person I know hates them it is a mystery how these guys even manage to sell records

KWSN 07-27-2003 11:35 AM


Originally posted by auswegian
Oh, and any ditzy boring blonde wasp from an Australian soap opera who tries to sing. Holly Valance, that bitch from Home and Away...I'm sure there are others.
Yeah, and Natalie Imbruglia too... UGH (no, she's not blond, but she sucks just the same)

frankgrimes 07-27-2003 01:02 PM

i'll go with limp buisquick as well.

deadbabiesrhot 07-27-2003 06:01 PM

this is such a nice, hateful thread.


But I guess weezer will keep being popular until girls stop hitting puberty.

also, dream theater.

deadbabiesrhot 07-27-2003 06:02 PM

creed is one of those bands that sells like 9 million albums, but you don't know anyone who actually owns one of them, because all their fans live in florida or truck stops in the middle of nowhere.

deadbabiesrhot 07-27-2003 06:05 PM


Originally posted by twister002
Any band with a CD in the past 15 years labeled as "Punk". Attention: These bands are not Punk. They might be post-punk rock or some other label, but they are not punk.
what about hardcore? that's punk, silly.

Acme-143 07-27-2003 06:12 PM


Originally posted by hersickmother
Tool and Glassjaw
there are probably worse bands, but I can't think of any.
the only thing in the world worse than a tool single? the fucking pathetically desperate videos which come with them.

Although I agree with your right to an opinion, how can you not like Tool. They are one of the only bands out there with any sense of originality or a brain for that matter. And their videos are meant to be weird. Thye use their videos as an expression of themselves, mainly becasue they don't qant to rely on their image. Thats why they play all thier shows on dark stages and hardly ever release photos of themselves.. They try to let the music speak for itself. Besides, most people think that Lateralus is their only CD apparenty, despite the fact that it is their worst in my opinion and in the opinion of Tool themselves.

poglus44 07-27-2003 07:12 PM

Linkin Park needs to die. Right.....now.

KWSN 07-27-2003 08:02 PM


Originally posted by Acme-143
Although I agree with your right to an opinion, how can you not like Tool. They are one of the only bands out there with any sense of originality or a brain for that matter. And their videos are meant to be weird. Thye use their videos as an expression of themselves, mainly becasue they don't qant to rely on their image. Thats why they play all thier shows on dark stages and hardly ever release photos of themselves.. They try to let the music speak for itself. Besides, most people think that Lateralus is their only CD apparenty, despite the fact that it is their worst in my opinion and in the opinion of Tool themselves.
I have a similar (but lengthier) argument about Glassjaw. They're my favorite band... and everyone I've shown them to likes at least a few of their songs. The argument is too long for me to go on about right now, I'm tired.

Miserlou 07-28-2003 09:29 AM


twister002 07-28-2003 11:18 AM


Originally posted by deadbabiesrhot
what about hardcore? that's punk, silly.
Hardcore what? No, there was a window of opportunity for bands to be punk bands, it was in the 70's, for about 2 years. It's past now. Punk is not dead, but there are no punk bands under the age 40.

Stare At The Sun 07-28-2003 02:17 PM


deadbabiesrhot 07-28-2003 07:52 PM

the whole punk argument should be retired. Punk is just a word that means a rude, unkempt, unfriendly person. Hardcore Punk <em>is</em> punk, whatever that means.

Eviltree 07-29-2003 02:18 PM

Nelly. That band-aid is rreaaaly starting to piss me off. 50 cent isn't that great either.

ShadowWraith 07-29-2003 07:16 PM

Well i didnt see it here, so all members of good charlotte should die slow agonizing deaths for even thinking about songs like boys and girls...

Fagabeefe 07-29-2003 10:01 PM

I just don't understand how people can listen to Enrique Iglesias...

He sings in that pouty, whiny voice that's always quavering, barely in key.

He's fucking TERRIBLE!

Avril Lavigne sucks ass too. TOTAL poser chick.

Atomic Pinkie 07-30-2003 01:15 AM

I find it hilarious the reason the first two non-metallica people are giving for Metallica

They have nothing to do with the music, only napster.

Hmm, makes you wonder.

stonecurran 07-30-2003 01:21 AM


fuzzix 07-30-2003 06:04 AM

bleh, there are far too many to name: britney, christina, nsync etc.. you get the gist. Also, I hate rnb, so any producer/band that makes that. Oh yeah, and anyone under the RIAA of course :D

Katyblu 07-30-2003 09:05 AM

Well lets see..... boy/girl bands, most rap, CREED, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, half the crappy bands on the Ozzfest tour this year....

By the way, people in Tallahassee where Creed started hate the band.... once they hit it they refused to ever come back and play in the town that made them stars. They said that Tallahassee was too small and not worth their time... they even ditched us when Tally won a contest for them to come play... Bastards..... DIE!

sportsrule101 07-31-2003 04:55 AM

jars of clay and tool

shred_head 07-31-2003 09:44 AM

Creed definitely. All that boy-band shit. Whiny emo crap. And anything rap.

geodaro 07-31-2003 09:47 AM

ALL TEENIE BOPPER BANDS (Brittany Spears, etc.)
Stinkin' Park (just another techno-dance boy band with an electric guitar)
Nickleback (I'll give them a dollar back if they just stop playing)

koli70 07-31-2003 06:52 PM

I also think the Insane Clown Posse.... they are just sick

waxeater 07-31-2003 06:56 PM

Any of the 'Idol' winners/contestants!

God I hate that crap!!!

YaWhateva 07-31-2003 07:33 PM


Originally posted by Atomic Pinkie
I find it hilarious the reason the first two non-metallica people are giving for Metallica

They have nothing to do with the music, only napster.

Hmm, makes you wonder.

I'll give you a reason, they make utter shit for music. Yup, i think thats a reason. I wish people would see them for what they really are, a bunch of whiney little shit heads that cant make a good song to save their life.

And you got it wrong, the first one said something about Napster, the second one said anything post-Master of Puppets, which as you would know being the super cool Metallica fan that you are, is an album made by them. Way to be wrong and not even make a point in your post.

KWSN 07-31-2003 07:36 PM


Originally posted by YaWhateva
I'll give you a reason, they make utter shit for music. Yup, i think thats a reason. I wish people would see them for what they really are, a bunch of whiney little shit heads that cant make a good song to save their life.

Master of Puppets, One, Battery, Sanitarium, and other songs aren't good? It doesn't matter whether you like the songs or not. All of those songs are fantastically written musically, and that is an undeniable fact. Yes, they have a bad attitude, yes, their music has deteriorated. But that doesn't take away from the fact that they ARE talented musicians.

KWSN 07-31-2003 07:39 PM


Originally posted by geodaro
There IS good rap out there, contrary to popular belief. The mainstream rappes of today have ruined the "generic image" of rap, but behind that idiotic image there IS some good music. Nothing terribly mainstream... Public Enemy, NWA, k-os, The Roots... and others...

YaWhateva 07-31-2003 07:39 PM


Originally posted by KWSN

Master of Puppets, One, Battery, Sanitarium, and other songs aren't good?

Thats exactly what i am saying.

KWSN 07-31-2003 07:43 PM

I honestly think that you would be hard pressed to find a song in the same genre as Metallica that exemplifies the same amount of innovation and skill some of the older Metallica material does. If you thought the whole "whiny, can't write a song" image was around BEFORE the Napster debaucle, then I'd like to see one instance of it.

I can't think of any myself.

Zargix 07-31-2003 07:45 PM

Okay, a few people said tool sucks, and that makes me angry. tool is a great band, they're lyrics are some of the deepest lyric's i've ever heard, and they work together so well. Now bands I wanna see die. Creed, everyone said that. Limp Bizkit. Most of the mainstream rap, it sucks, as KWSN said, there is good rap out there.

all boy bands/britney spears etc need to be killed in multiple ways at the same time

YourNeverThere 07-31-2003 07:53 PM

Also, for good rap, Jurassic 5, Roots Manuva. Classic. So good... I dont like Metallica, dont like there thier whipped by there record label into doing all that shit with Napster. I dont like thier music, regardless, they juuuuust about started thier genre, they are one of the most popular and well know bands of this time and of there type of music. If i like them or not they can write good music and good lyrics.

YaWhateva 07-31-2003 07:55 PM

I think that they had one good cd, ...And Justice for All, but you named the one song on that cd that i dont like. Metallica is very very overrated and i hate them. Just my opinion. I also think they are whiney and anything after and justice for all is utter crap, and the stuff before it isnt all that great, but its more tolerable than their other shit.

And yes there is good rap and k-os good, and so is atmosphere and anticon too.

to Zargix: Tool is amazing.

BulletBob 07-31-2003 09:02 PM

Definently Tool. (Maybe Korn too, I dunno)

YourNeverThere 07-31-2003 09:24 PM

From now on in this thread can we say "Give A Vaild Opinion" for why you dont like a band. I dont like Avril, i dont like her style of music, i dont like her, her sisters annoying. A friend of mine goes to her school and used to hang out with her, she used to be a huge prepy, i hate using labels like that but you have to when dealing with Avril. Anyway, she has a lot of major issues to work out and ended up being hated by each and everyone one of her friends at high school. One day, she decied that she would drop out, and try to sell her image and become a pop star. Lo and behold! it works! she rights one song, and then after that never has to write another one ever again, according to people i met at the semiformal at her ex-school (that same friend dragged me there) many people told me that the first major hit (skater boy, or whatever) didnt sound remotly like that when she wrote it and that the producers and record company chaged to so much that really it wasnt even her song anymore. THAT is why i hate Avril.
For the people that hate Tool: explian!
[QUOTE] BulletBob said
Definently Tool. (mabye Korn too, I dunno)[/QUOTE}
what? why? if you dont like the music, alright cool, the thread title is "what band would you most want people to stop listening too" but explain. Honestly.
sportsrule101... Jars of Clay are a Christian folk band, do you not like Christian music? or folk music? or the combination? I'm using your post as an example of what not to do, becuase come on, Tool is great, and Jars of Clay are alright for what they do.

YourNeverThere 07-31-2003 09:28 PM

From now on in this thread can we say "Give A Vaild Opinion" for why you dont like a band. I dont like Avril, i dont like her style of music, i dont like her, her sisters annoying. A friend of mine goes to her school and used to hang out with her, she used to be a huge prepy, i hate using labels like that but you have to when dealing with Avril. Anyway, she has a lot of major issues to work out and ended up being hated by each and everyone one of her friends at high school. One day, she decied that she would drop out, and try to sell her image and become a pop star. Lo and behold! it works! she rights one song, and then after that never has to write another one ever again, according to people i met at the semiformal at her ex-school (that same friend dragged me there) many people told me that the first major hit (skater boy, or whatever) didnt sound remotly like that when she wrote it and that the producers and record company chaged to so much that really it wasnt even her song anymore. THAT is why i hate Avril.
For the people that hate Tool: explian!

BulletBob said
Definently Tool. (mabye Korn too, I dunno)
what? why? if you dont like the music, alright cool, the thread title is "what band would you most want people to stop listening too" but explain. Honestly.
sportsrule101... Jars of Clay are a Christian folk band, do you not like Christian music? or folk music? or the combination? I'm using your post as an example of what not to do, becuase come on, Tool is great, and Jars of Clay are alright for what they do.

sadatx 07-31-2003 11:05 PM

creed mmm'kay

and let's see then there's creed

mm'kay and creed

cause drugs are bad and so is creed

YourNeverThere 07-31-2003 11:12 PM

good one sadatx...Im trying very very hard not to troll and mods feel free to yell at me, but ya, Creed does suck, i would say, i hate there music, music that isnt very talented, or intresting to me. Tell us why you dont like them! makes it sooo much more interesting.

shag112 08-01-2003 07:54 AM

Tragically Hip - they make my fucking skin crawl
The White Stripes - I just don't get them at all, they bore the shit out of me.

My 2 cents!

theanticrust 08-01-2003 09:05 AM

Personally I think tool is great...

Let's see what genres we hate so far...
- Nu-metal
- Eddie Vedder wannabes
- Bling-Bling Hip-Hop
- Mall Punk
- Emo
- Bubblegum Pop
- Dirty Pop
- Raver Trance
- Country Pop (Shania Twain)
- Garage Rock

I personally really hate most of the warped tour artists. All American Rejects, The Used, Simple Plan, The Ataris.... you get the picture

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