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Old 09-04-2003, 09:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
Unfair and Imbalanced
Location: Upstate, NY
Court Date Set for 182mph Driver

LEHIGHTON, PA-September 4, 2003 — Just how fast will a Lamborghini go?
Police in Lehighton, Pennsylvania, charge William Faenza Junior was doing 182 in his Lamborghini Diablo.

Officers also charge Faenza was driving drunk. Police say they caught up with him when he pulled into a gas station.

While Faenza concedes he may have been doing 100, he denies going nearly 200 miles per hour.

He says if he was going that fast, the police would have never caught him.

Besides, Faenza says the wheels on his Lamborghini start to shake when he goes faster than 70.

He's to appear in court next Wednesday.
"Youth and Strength is no match for Age and Treachery"
JBX is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 09:33 AM   #2 (permalink)
Boy am I horny today
absorbentishe's Avatar
Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
While Faenza concedes he may have been doing 100, he denies going nearly 200 miles per hour.

He says if he was going that fast, the police would have never caught him.

Besides, Faenza says the wheels on his Lamborghini start to shake when he goes faster than 70.

Umh, I've never driven a Lamborghini, but I'm quite sure the tires don't shake at 70. Now if he said he was driving a GEO Tracker, then I'd beleive the tires shaking.

He's in for a huge fine!
absorbentishe is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 09:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
Location: San Diego, CA.
if he was drunk and he was going nearly 200 he should be executed. Their is no excuse for dunk driving or speeds that fast in an area where police would patrol.

That being said, it would be hard for the cops to catch him if he was goin 182. On the other hand, police cruisers are amazingly stable at speed and are capable of more than most people would expect...at least in a straight line But come on....ya got cops on ya, then pull into a gas station....of course they are gonna catch up to ya.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
Peryn is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 10:11 AM   #4 (permalink)
More Freedom, Less Bullshit
Location: Tulsa, OK
Plus, no matter how far ahead of the cops you get, you're still in a fuckin Lambo, and those stick out like a sore thumb anywhere, especially wherever, Pennsylvania. All they'd have to do is go on the news and say what color lambo it was. I'd be a matter of hours before someone saw him and reported it.

Stupid people shouldn't breed.
Elitegibson is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 10:52 AM   #5 (permalink)
Unfair and Imbalanced
Location: Upstate, NY
Originally posted by Elitegibson
Plus, no matter how far ahead of the cops you get, you're still in a fuckin Lambo, and those stick out like a sore thumb anywhere, especially wherever, Pennsylvania. All they'd have to do is go on the news and say what color lambo it was. I'd be a matter of hours before someone saw him and reported it.
Good Point, Hard to hide. The part where he says the wheels on his Lamborghini start to shake when he goes faster than 70 was funny. But drunk at 200 is death waiting to happen as Peryn observed.
"Youth and Strength is no match for Age and Treachery"
JBX is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 11:51 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: In the garage, under the car.
They didn't catch him while he was doing 182. They caught up to him when the idiot stopped for gas.

Pics (not of the actual idiot caught) for the curious:

FastShark85 is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 11:52 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Originally posted by Peryn
That being said, it would be hard for the cops to catch him if he was goin 182. On the other hand, police cruisers are amazingly stable at speed and are capable of more than most people would expect...at least in a straight line But come on....ya got cops on ya, then pull into a gas station....of course they are gonna catch up to ya.
The police have radios, many eyes, and helicopters. You might get away with it in a Q car (not that you deserve to), but not, as others say, in such an obvious beastie.
rodgerd is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 03:41 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: PA
This story was in a local paper too. He claimed that his rim was bent, which caused it to wobble over 70 mph. That should be easy enough for police to verify.
stingc is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 03:52 PM   #9 (permalink)
Even at 182 miles per hour, no one can out run Motorola...
TRPF is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 03:59 PM   #10 (permalink)
Forget fine, at that speed if convicted he's looking at jail time for wreckless endangerment.
WarWagon is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 05:54 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Amish-land, PA
This furthers my argument that we need American Autobahns.

Dammit, if you get your car up to 182, you should be honored, not fined. However, he should be executed for the drunk thing...drinking and driving is just not cool.
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."
TM875 is offline  
Old 09-04-2003, 06:23 PM   #12 (permalink)

Almost 200MPH... drunk?

There has to be about a 0.0001 % survivbility rate if you are drunk and in command of a vehicle which is travelling that fast!

For starters, Alcohol slows down your reactions. Work out how far (distance) a car travels at 182 MPH. Put them together and it sounds a bit suss to me

I dont know any drunk drivers that would survive for more than a micro second at anything over 100MPH, let alone 180 !
ozzybogan is offline  
Old 09-05-2003, 03:33 AM   #13 (permalink)
Funny stuff
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Old 09-05-2003, 04:59 AM   #14 (permalink)
Cruisin thru life
thadon's Avatar
Location: Alpharetta, GA
that is funny as hell, maybe the tires shake at over 70 b/c the roads are shit in PA and the race suspension on the Lambo was getting pounded and rattled by the pot holes and stuff
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Old 09-05-2003, 05:35 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: florida
I don't think he could go that fast drunk either, small changes in teh road come up pretty damn fast at that speed.. He would have to have good concentration not to crash so i think somethings wrong with that report..
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Old 09-05-2003, 06:44 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: CT
I've seen a Crown Vic. hit 190. Sure, it won't do it as fast as a sports car, and it was on a track, but it's possible.

As for catching him, thos things don't get much more than 10 miles per gallon, so he woudn't even make it to the stata line before he ran out of gas.
MSD is offline  
Old 09-05-2003, 08:08 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: PA
Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
I've seen a Crown Vic. hit 190. Sure, it won't do it as fast as a sports car, and it was on a track, but it's possible.
km/hr? Its not possible for a crown vic to go 190 mph with anything near a stock engine and transmission. It'd probably also need body mods to keep it on the ground at that speed. They top out between 120 and 145 or so, depending on what the local PD does to the engine. And they aren't stable even at those speeds.

About going that fast while drunk, it might be possible. It didn't say he was falling over himself. He had greater than 0.08 BAC (or whatever). Some people can register that without much effect.
stingc is offline  
Old 09-07-2003, 12:42 AM   #18 (permalink)
Originally posted by TRPF
Even at 182 miles per hour, no one can out run Motorola...
Looks like i'm not the only one who reads sports compact car.
One day, I will become Virtually Infamous.
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Old 09-07-2003, 06:45 AM   #19 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
Heh, I read that very same thing last night and was gonna comment on it, but you beat me to it, mystic.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 09-08-2003, 02:16 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Right next door to Hell
I am curious how the 182 gets posted, I can assume they radared him (as opposed to pacing) but a stationary cop radaring a car doing 182 is not going to have a great description of the car.
That being said, the guy is a jackass for drunk driving at 182....
edmos1 is offline  
Old 09-08-2003, 10:22 PM   #21 (permalink)
High Honorary Junkie
Location: Tri-state.
Originally posted by TM875
This furthers my argument that we need American Autobahns.

Dammit, if you get your car up to 182, you should be honored, not fined. However, he should be executed for the drunk thing...drinking and driving is just not cool.

Drinking and driving, I agree, should be grounds for license revocation, especially at those speeds.

But, again, AUTOBAHN and yes, honor for getting above 130
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Old 09-09-2003, 07:58 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: San Diego, CA.
macman...you of all people, living in LA and all, should understand that an American Autobahn could never work. The attitude of most american drivers it totally wrong. Its too selfish and unconcerned about others, and not observant enough of what going on around them. Until this changes, america could not and should not adopt and autobahn system. And until we do, people driving that fast and endangering that many people should be dealt with it the most strict and harsh ways possible.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
Peryn is offline  
Old 09-09-2003, 03:23 PM   #23 (permalink)
most i ever went was 120 in a 60 zone,wasnt driving but did get caught by photo, heavy ass fines 650$+
jhericurl21 is offline  
Old 09-12-2003, 09:44 AM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Nova Scotia
I want his Diablo!
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Old 09-12-2003, 02:29 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Old 09-13-2003, 06:38 AM   #26 (permalink)
Crown Vics have a speed limiter of 129mph...THATS why it would be hard for them to catch the lambo.
deve is offline  
Old 09-13-2003, 06:54 AM   #27 (permalink)
bundy's Avatar
Location: Tokyo
182mph = 292.89kph.
the loser didn´t even hit 300...

seriously, thats insanely fast and dangerous... that sure is a sensational vehicle.

is the Crown Vic the standard police car throughout America?
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Old 09-13-2003, 11:38 AM   #28 (permalink)
I am Winter Born
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Location: Alexandria, VA
Where I live, several precincts use the Chevy Impalla, but yea, most police drive Crown Vics.
Eat antimatter, Posleen-boy!
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Old 09-13-2003, 12:17 PM   #29 (permalink)
Location: Outside Providence
The most common car is the crown vic, or the impala, but I've seen state police camaros and mustangs.
"Lick my frozen metal ass!"
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Old 09-17-2003, 02:52 PM   #30 (permalink)
amazing headline, but for some reason the driving drunk sounds like a pissed off cop trying to pin more tickets on a guy with an exotic car... driving somewhat excessively. doing 182 drunk would get you killed around teh first bend on teh highway or first swirve around another car. I'll like to see what happened to this guy though
BeBogus is offline  
Old 09-21-2003, 01:00 PM   #31 (permalink)
Registered User
How the hell can you drive 182mph and be drunk that is crazy something tells me he wasnt drunk other wise they wouldnt have cought up with him when u stoped for gas they would have caught him when he hit a damn tree or something.
PoteMatic is offline  
Old 09-21-2003, 08:21 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Washington
I think because he got caught, I should get his car.
A car with more gears than cylinders is not a real car.
extracool64 is offline  
Old 09-21-2003, 10:19 PM   #33 (permalink)
Location: San Diego, CA.
Just because you are above .21 Blood Alcohol Content (i think thats the legal limit) doesn't necesarily mean you were really impared. Being legally drunk doesn't make you a staggering buffoon whos pukin and passing out. Many people could go along with there life and have nobody know they were drinkin and have a BAC higher than the legal limit. The law doesn't car if your impared, they care about the limit. That being said, i am all for this guy getting the harshest punishments available.

It mightnot have been a Crown Vic or Caprice Classic that caught him though. Im not sure about where he lives, but i know here, we have the standard cruiser, then we have some Interceptors. There are a few Camaro SS interceptors. they are white with a 1.5" tall clear LED lightbar. Makes watching your mirrors for cops a bitch. Anyway, if one of those caught him or got radio'ed to the chase, with its 160mph top speed (drag limited) it certainly makes sense that they could still follow him, and/or catch him if he was cruising slower, with a peak speed of 180. If nothing else, they may ahve used a copter
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
Peryn is offline  
Old 09-22-2003, 12:40 AM   #34 (permalink)
bundy's Avatar
Location: Tokyo
0.21... wow, thats incredibly high BAC for a legal limit.

ours is 0.05, with a 0.02 for provisional drivers.

well, you are right in that there are occasions when you can drink more without feeling really drunk. but still, being too impared to drive doesn´t mean that you are passing out and vomiting everywhere.
at 0.05, you still have had your reflexes slowed, no matter who you are and no matter how big a drinker you are.
at 0.21, there is a significant difference.
there is no excuse for drink driving.
this guy should be punished.
bundy is offline  
Old 09-22-2003, 09:06 AM   #35 (permalink)
Location: San Diego, CA.
wait....i think its .08, dont know where that other number came from.

Either way, reflexes slowed or not, there is NO excuse for drinking and then getting behind the wheel in any situation.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
Peryn is offline  
Old 09-23-2003, 07:04 AM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Lakeland Florida
Thats just nuts going 182 in AMERICA Your supposed to do that in Germany
bassesmass is offline  

182mph, court, date, driver, set

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