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Old 04-19-2007, 09:13 PM   #81 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Location: Arizona
Originally Posted by catback
Well there you go, you have prior background but for beginners that are new to bikes most don't realize that you can get seriously hurt just learning in the parking lot, especially if it's a powerful or heavy bike. I've seen beginners have some pretty painful mess ups and I'm sure most of the people there didn't think what they saw would be seen there or could happen to them while learning there. Actually from my experience most beginners i've seen go into learning to ride with the assumption that they could drop the bike and at worse it could fall on them until they get on the street where they could have a collision with a car, none seem to expect that they roll a wheelie or a stoppie or that they crash into a wall 50' away. That's all I'm saying, beginners never really know the possible bad things that could happen while learning.
I find that hard to believe but maybe it's just becaus I don't remember ever being in that position.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.
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Old 04-20-2007, 07:47 PM   #82 (permalink)
Location: North America
Originally Posted by cadre
I find that hard to believe but maybe it's just becaus I don't remember ever being in that position.
You've been around bikes for too long, just today I was talking with a teen who doesn't have a drivers license and rode a bike just once before wants to buy a hayabusa for a first bike, little did he expect that I'd suggest against it....Those that don't know motorcycles just don't get it, they really don't know how wrong their "it's easy like a bicycle" preconception is.
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Old 04-21-2007, 12:28 AM   #83 (permalink)
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Location: Sydney, Australia
It began life as a 1990 FXR. Changed a little since then.
I've put a different exhaust system and seat on (an original seat - much better on my nearly middle age arse) since the photo was taken.
I've been thinking about selling it and buying a new softail. I don't know. Maybe.
It's a good bike, doesn't give me any problems (mechanical or police). I just
like cruising around, up and down, nothing outrageous, but sometimes I wish
I could pull a Ducati out of my garage and blast away like a possessed boy racer.

ominous adj.
Menacing; threatening. Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.
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Old 04-21-2007, 03:07 PM   #84 (permalink)
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Location: Oklahoma
A few years back I was hanging out at the local bike shop on a Saturday afternoon when a young man fresh out of dental college came in and paid cash for a used Katana 600 they had for sale.

After the paperwork was done he started asking questions like "Is there any way to get a trailer to get it home for me, I've never ridden before...". I was not busy that day so I asked him where he lived. About an hour away. I told him I would ride it home for him if he would bring me back to the shop, the deal was made.

Traffic was pretty heavy for the most part so we just trundled along at 65-70 MPH with the flow of traffic on the Interstate. About two miles from his exit there came a lull in the traffic with zero cars within a mile and a half of me and no cops in sight so I decided to show him a little of what his bike was capable of. He was in his SUV behind me.

I rolled on throttle in 6th gear and took it up to about 135 MPH, rolled off throttle and got off at the exit directly behind the car that just a bit ago had been a mile and a half ahead.

I pulled into the gas station around the corner from the ramp (600cc sport bikes pass just about everything on the road except a gas station - LOL). They buyer pulled up next to me and swiped his card in the pump and said that thing moves out pretty good, how fast did you get - about 90? His eyes got big as saucers when I told him 135.

I used the hour long ride back to the shop trying to convince him that living on a gravel road and with no previous cycle experience other than a little dirbiking in his youth that he should not attempt to ride the Katana at all until after he had completed a MSF BRC. He said he would do that and thanked me for the information.

It wasn't till I got back to the shop that I learned the shop had bought it in an insurance company auction, repaired the damages, and sold it. I also found out then that the previous owner was killed on that machine. I can see how it would be easy to get in over one's head on that bike without a lot of experience.

I liked the young man, a couple of months later made arrangements to meet him for breakfast about mid-way between us. He walked in the cafe and said sheepishly "I should have taken your advice, but I couldn't wait. I took it out on the gravel road and dumped it. I was not hurt but my pride and a lot of plastic sure were."

I've lost contact with him, have stopped by his house a few times but never caught him at home. I often wonder how his riding has evolved.
Me and my 1985 Goldwing. 293,000 miles and counting!

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Old 04-27-2007, 06:49 PM   #85 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
Originally Posted by catback
You bought a bike for it's clock, what's the world coming too...hope you (or anyone else) don't start buying helmets because of their reflection of you or gear based on how well it fits in a suitcase.
Hah, not really, no. The clock was just icing the cake I bought the bike because it's an awesome bike. It's my third, I'm not a noob at riding.

And about the helmet ... I actually didn't buy one at all. Though, I got a really nice Arai for free from my work...apparently, they value my head
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Old 04-27-2007, 08:22 PM   #86 (permalink)
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Location: Oklahoma
Originally Posted by nightshade000
Hah, not really, no. The clock was just icing the cake I bought the bike because it's an awesome bike. It's my third, I'm not a noob at riding.

And about the helmet ... I actually didn't buy one at all. Though, I got a really nice Arai for free from my work...apparently, they value my head
Nice perk!
Me and my 1985 Goldwing. 293,000 miles and counting!

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Old 04-27-2007, 10:11 PM   #87 (permalink)
Location: Oregon
Originally Posted by wisj2
Nice perk!
I thought so.
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Old 04-28-2007, 10:44 PM   #88 (permalink)
Location: Washington State
I've had a few bikes in the days, but none currently...

I learned on a 1991(?) Seca II - great beginner bike! Easy to work on, comfy to ride, and had enough go to be fun but not enough to scare a newbie...

I "graduated" to a 2004 FZ1 that was sooo damn scary fast that I had to sell it to make sure I kept my license (and my life). That bike taught me I loved to ride way too fast and my right hand trumped my brain too often.

I went on to a VTX1800, and while it was a great bike, I am not a cruiser guy...

I sold it and decided to hang up the helmets... One day I'll try my hand at a big dual sport as a compromise... A big BMW could be fun!

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
-- Emo Philips
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Old 04-29-2007, 07:16 PM   #89 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Location: Arizona
Originally Posted by Twizted
That bike taught me I loved to ride way too fast and my right hand trumped my brain too often.
Haha, I know the problem.

Anyone here track their bike on a regular basis?

I'm going to be moving back near a track so I am thinking about moving up to a bigger bike and making it into a track only bike. Thoughts?
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.

Last edited by cadre; 04-30-2007 at 11:43 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 04-30-2007, 04:24 PM   #90 (permalink)
Originally Posted by cadre
Haha, I know the problem.

Anyone here track their bike on a regular basis?

I'm going to be moving back near a track so I am thinking about moving up to a bigger bike and making it into a track only bike. Thoughts?
As long as you're confident that the buell wont destroy itself, I'd probably track it a couple of times.

racing a slower bike teaches you to carry corner speed.

but if you decide to get another bike, go for something like an older 600, or a 650.

but all I've done so far is reading, my first track day is at the end of may.
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Old 04-30-2007, 08:21 PM   #91 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Location: Arizona
Originally Posted by waltert
As long as you're confident that the buell wont destroy itself, I'd probably track it a couple of times.

racing a slower bike teaches you to carry corner speed.

but if you decide to get another bike, go for something like an older 600, or a 650.

but all I've done so far is reading, my first track day is at the end of may.
Yeah, I'm thinking that I'll wait till the end of the summer and do a track day with the Buell and see from there. I wasn't sure if I should or not since I'm going to be trying to sell it right after and if I dump it on the track it will be quite damaged. There's basically no way for me to put frame sliders on it.

I may just do a track day on a rental bike though because the company that sponsors track days out here rents out a good amount of middleweight sport bikes. Particularly the ones I'd consider buying.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.
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Old 04-30-2007, 08:39 PM   #92 (permalink)
Location: Washington State
Originally Posted by cadre
Haha, I know the problem.

Anyone here track their bike on a regular basis?

I'm going to be moving back near a track so I am thinking about moving up to a bigger bike and making it into a track only bike. Thoughts?
I know they say riding on the track is safer then the street, but it seems everyone I know that tracks has gone down hard enough to bust up legs and such. I guess it's safer from a fatality standpoint, but I think since you're pushing the bike harder then the street, your more likely to go down.

I have thought about getting a bike that's been downed a few times and taking it to the track - but keep struggling with the whole risk of it all...

Maybe after the kids are out of the house...
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
-- Emo Philips
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Old 05-01-2007, 02:51 PM   #93 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Location: Arizona
Originally Posted by Twizted
I know they say riding on the track is safer then the street, but it seems everyone I know that tracks has gone down hard enough to bust up legs and such. I guess it's safer from a fatality standpoint, but I think since you're pushing the bike harder then the street, your more likely to go down.

I have thought about getting a bike that's been downed a few times and taking it to the track - but keep struggling with the whole risk of it all...

Maybe after the kids are out of the house...
Safety is not one of my issues with this. Besides busted legs is much better than being run over in my opinion.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:00 PM   #94 (permalink)
Location: Washington State
Originally Posted by cadre
Safety is not one of my issues with this. Besides busted legs is much better than being run over in my opinion.
Very very true! Far less chance of being run over by a 2 ton SUV with someone talking on the cell, eating their bran muffin while setting up the kids DVD player in the back! I used to ride to work daily and I saw it all. I stayed far away from people whenever I could...

(Speaking of cell phones) On a funny note, one nice summer day I was riding home from work, stuck in stop and go traffic doing 3 mph when my cell phone rang. I was on the bike, but my phone had speaker phone, so while coasting/walking the bike, I answer the phone with my right hand while I steered the bike with the left. I have no idea what I was thinking... it rang, I answered...

The flaw in my plan there was... the front brake is controlled by my right hand.... the same one that had the flippin cell phone in it.... So when the car in front of me stopped his 3mph crawl... I couldn't. I couldn't use the rear brake (foot) as I was walking the bike. I couldn't use the front brake as I had my phone in it. So like an idiot, I could only steer around the car in between stopped traffic while fumbling my phone into a pocket to stop while everyone around me was like WTF is this idiot doing???.

Lets just say... not one of my finer moments... and the last time I even thought about my cell while riding.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
-- Emo Philips
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Old 05-02-2007, 05:02 PM   #95 (permalink)
The Worst Influence
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Location: Arizona
Originally Posted by Twizted
Very very true! Far less chance of being run over by a 2 ton SUV with someone talking on the cell, eating their bran muffin while setting up the kids DVD player in the back! I used to ride to work daily and I saw it all. I stayed far away from people whenever I could...

(Speaking of cell phones) On a funny note, one nice summer day I was riding home from work, stuck in stop and go traffic doing 3 mph when my cell phone rang. I was on the bike, but my phone had speaker phone, so while coasting/walking the bike, I answer the phone with my right hand while I steered the bike with the left. I have no idea what I was thinking... it rang, I answered...

The flaw in my plan there was... the front brake is controlled by my right hand.... the same one that had the flippin cell phone in it.... So when the car in front of me stopped his 3mph crawl... I couldn't. I couldn't use the rear brake (foot) as I was walking the bike. I couldn't use the front brake as I had my phone in it. So like an idiot, I could only steer around the car in between stopped traffic while fumbling my phone into a pocket to stop while everyone around me was like WTF is this idiot doing???.

Lets just say... not one of my finer moments... and the last time I even thought about my cell while riding.
Haha, I did a similar thing once. Live and learn.
My life is one of those 'you had to be there' jokes.
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