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Old 11-28-2005, 11:55 AM   #1 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Writing Challenge # 46

Here we go!


Write using any style of your choosing, and include this line :

There was far too much going on for her to deal with his petty issues.
somewhere in your writing.

I hope everyone has a good week - to the new writers who have recently graced Tilted Lit with their presence - feel free to join in! These are for everyone ... take out of them what you wish.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna

Last edited by amonkie; 11-29-2005 at 08:53 PM.. Reason: cause people are nitpicky ;)
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Old 11-28-2005, 08:35 PM   #2 (permalink)
My English teacher was always being so very pedantic about grammar and spelling. I mean it's my style right? I should be able to write whatever and however I feel. Especially if I'm trying to capture a certain mood. Take this sentence for instance:

"There was far to much going on, for her to deal with his petty issues."

My English teacher says that it's a run on sentence and that it has a misspelled word. She asked me to correct it but the problem is I don't know what's wrong with it. I spent an entire night trying to figure it out.

The next day I went to class early and I noticed that my English teacher looked like she had been up all night crying. I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she had been up late arguing with her boyfriend. He didn't want to commit. He didn't feel like there was enough of a relationship there to commit. It was alway him, him, him. He didn't care that her mother was ill. He didn't care that her position was tenuous at the school. He didn't care that she was up for review.

You know what I told my English teacher? I told her that there was far too much going on for her to deal with his petty issues.

vanblah is offline  
Old 11-28-2005, 10:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: buckle of the snow belt
how did you get your quote in that quote box thingy? sorry for using such techno-geek language, but you know, when in rome, eat spaghetti...

...and shouldn't it be, "There was far too much going on >omit comma< for her to deal with his petty issues."


Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... is that the point of the challenge?

"I think sex is better than logic, but I can't prove it." ~ anonymous
10th sig ~> "How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms?" -- Aristotle

Last edited by zz0011; 11-28-2005 at 10:55 PM..
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Old 11-29-2005, 07:29 AM   #4 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
The phrase stands as it is .. the words just need to be in your challenge - the choice of context is yours and phrasing is yours, and that is what often creates some nice works

As for the quote box : if you type : [QUOTE] YOUR TEXT GOES HERE [/ QUOTE] , but without the space between the / and the Q, you will get the quote box.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
amonkie is offline  
Old 11-29-2005, 08:29 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: buckle of the snow belt

Now if I change the spelling of the words in the challenge, am I really using the words which were issued as part of the challenge?

If I change any part of the syntax, am I really using the phrase offered up in the challenge?

And THANKS for the point about the quote box.
10th sig ~> "How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms?" -- Aristotle
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Old 11-29-2005, 08:52 PM   #6 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
Alright alright! (tecoyah .. this is all your fault ))

Spelling and grammar in the phrase have been corrected ... continue
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
amonkie is offline  
Old 11-30-2005, 12:23 AM   #7 (permalink)
Location: buckle of the snow belt
Originally Posted by amonkie
Spelling and grammar in the phrase have been corrected ... continue
"Kicked wide of the goal with such precision." ~ Anon E. Mouse
10th sig ~> "How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms?" -- Aristotle
zz0011 is offline  
Old 11-30-2005, 12:35 AM   #8 (permalink)
Location: buckle of the snow belt
When you think about it, how can we be expected to engage in the game if you go smashing all to hell the rules of grammar like so many burned out will-o'-the-wisps on November first?
Ahem..."A Snippet Of Time"
"Honey, I'm running a bit behind this morning. Could you fix me a hot breakfast?" Ron called from the bathroom.

Apparently Ron was oblivious. It's not like Suzie was actually doing anything, right?

Not with the baby attached to her hip, crying with yet one more upset tummy, while she was doing her best to juggle him and a laundry basket, carrying these across the kitchen to the bedroom when -- Lo and behold! -- she just missed stepping in a lovely pile of dog vomit.

Again! The dog just can't stay out of the garbage, can she? Stupid mutt.

There was far too much going on for her to deal with his petty issues. So in her sweetest falsetto, she calmly replied with an off-handed laissez-faire flair, "A hot breakfast? You'd like a hot breakfast? Sure. How `bout I light your cornflakes on fire...?"
10th sig ~> "How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms?" -- Aristotle

Last edited by zz0011; 11-30-2005 at 12:37 AM..
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Old 11-30-2005, 08:21 AM   #9 (permalink)
Originally Posted by amonkie
Alright alright! (tecoyah .. this is all your fault ))

Spelling and grammar in the phrase have been corrected ... continue
But that totally negates my contribution.

vanblah is offline  
Old 11-30-2005, 09:24 AM   #10 (permalink)
amonkie's Avatar
Location: Windy City
but you actually posted first ... so you're special
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna
amonkie is offline  
Old 11-30-2005, 10:00 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: buckle of the snow belt
Originally Posted by vanblah
But that totally negates my contribution.

I was going to say good point and apologize, but now I see YOU'VE been coronated as SPECIAL so fergitit!
10th sig ~> "How many a dispute could have been deflated into a single paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms?" -- Aristotle
zz0011 is offline  
Old 01-17-2006, 07:40 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: Denver
"And then there's a sharp pain in my left leg, but when i look down .. there's a flower growing out of it." muttered James. "Can you remember what kind of flower james?". "No, just that it has thorns and lots of leaves .. no color to it at all." Just as she had thought, a suppressed emotional scar from an early childhood event. While she would love to jump right in and wrench this man's brain, she would have to follow the process. <bzzzzzzt> "Mrs. Sather, your 5 o'clock is here" hummed the lilting voice of the receptionist. "I'm sorry Mr. Treece, we'll have to continue another day." and they ended the session for the afternoon.

Her '5 O'clock was here', just what she needed, another distraction .. another delay.. but she'd get through and leave as soon as she could. She had planned this evening for over 3 months due to the difficuly in arranging all the details. She could only hope that all went as planned. Would the strippers be on time? Did the Limo driver know the fastest way out of town?
Blood pellets and blanks had to be loaded and they needed public witnesses.

In walked the infamous 'Mr. Riddles', and his timing couldnt have been worse. He sat down and arranged the magazines into a tidy littel pile with the dates of each publication showing just above the cover of the next, all the bindings aligned, staples forming a row of perfection. He remembered himself and placed his fingers on his knees to stop them from fidgeting. "I hope I am on time" said Mr. Riddles. "Plenty early. as usual" she said "How has your week gone?". he droned on his knees with frantic fingers that flitted almost in time with his hectic eye movements. "Good, very good, only 10 incidents this week."

What did she care, after tonight it would be pina coladas and white beaches. No more listening to these whiny little clients and thier stupid little quirks. With the 28 million she would abscond with tonight, she would have no worries. The officials were now "family", the police in thier pockets. The housing, well concealed and remote. All the little things were taken care of. All that was left was the facade this evening...

"... and when he moved the spoon to place the bowl, I couldn't help it, i moved it back .. but a little too forcefully, the soup ended up all over his apron and pants, and those shoes.. those pretty shiny shoes.. i messed them up, I had to run from the restaraunt, I couldn'd handle..."

Good gods, there was far too much going on for her to deal with his petty issues. She reached behind her desk and pulled out the syringe that the used to medicate patients before hypnotherapy...

"What is that for... we dont have a session for that today, i'd hate to mess if that clean needle. If i had known I would have worn a short sleevel shirt. I can unbutton the sleeve, but you must wait while i roll up the sleeves.. must be 4 folds, very tight you know, no wrinkles"

She reaches into the drawer and pulled out the small vial of zaleplon and stuck the needle into it. As a physician and psychiatrist she was well used to administering these treatments. she glanced at the dosage recommendations.. <height .. 5'8".. weight ... 230 lb... recommended dosage 2 ml>... she then drew in 25 ml of the clear liquid and flicked it out of habit to remove the air bubbles.

"Lie back Mr. Rubenistien.. " he interrupted "Mr. Riddles"... "Of course, Mr. Riddles" she said as she slowly inserted the needle into his arm and pressed the plunger. He visibly relaxed and his eyes were beginning to get drowsy. She grinned to herself <Who would know, besies... tomorrow i'll be dead to the world and out of this place on to bigger and better things>

As she opened the door she heard Mr. Rubenstien's last breath exhale as he slipped into oblivion "Rosie, keep an eye on Mr. Riddles he's relaxing before we continue the session" and with that she left the office with a grin on her face and her mind on the tasks at hand....

silvertiger is offline  
Old 01-25-2006, 04:24 PM   #13 (permalink)
just laying out on the raft
laying on my back on this lake
looking up at the night sky
with the sun shining at noon
light snow beginning to fall
in the middle of july

when i was home
i tried to point this out to you
but you just gave me that look
"theres just too much going on for her to deal with his petty issues"
the kind of unbelieving look
that just says
your girlfriends will hear about this soon
what you have to deal with
living with me

can't help smiling right now
snow landing on my teeth
somethings gone completely wrong
with the planet
i'm looking at the evidence of it
the evidence is landing on me
and you just wanted me out of the way
to vacuum i guess
or some other home project

thought animals
get the sense first
that something has gone
really wrong
with the environment

but i see the fish are still here
coming up to the top of the lake
chomping at snowflakes
probably think they are bugs
would make sense in july

roll softly off my raft
to see whats going on underwater

all the fish are there
just looking at me
kind of stunned
wondering what is going on
looking for a reason to flee

i'll just trust in them i guess
that that reason hasn't arrived yet
and there is no reason for panic

climb back on the raft
snow is sticking to me

can practically hear the radio shows
about this
people demanding a government committee
"look into this!"
"save us!"
"what the fuck is happening?"
"why should i need my mink coat in the middle of summer?"
"this is preposterous!"
"my own self importance says i'm too important for this to ever happen!"

kind of funny
makes me want to float home
and hear the drivel of the day

hope you're done with your home projects soon
guess i'll give you another hour with me out of the way

just hang out with the fish in the meantime
and enjoy the weather
msh58 is offline  

challenge, writing

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