04-21-2004, 07:08 PM | #2 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
I’m on the verge Of not caring anymore Put me through so much shit That’s all that’s gonna come back Is this some sick twisted test That I’m supposed to know the answer to Or some sad sadistic game You insist upon playing with my head That’s fine Don’t talk to me Give me the cold shoulder, The brush off, a big fat “up yours” I don’t care anymore Watch me Watch me not care I’m trying not to care But it doesn’t work If you hate me, Fine, tell me Don’t leave me hanging In the limbo of your silence Tell me to fuck off, To go away I suck at these games The cat and mouse ones you play with my head Y’know what? Fuckit Watch me Watch me not care
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:09 PM | #3 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
Inside the broken hovel You lie, smiling. The sticky sweetness Still clings to the air. You savor every indrawn Breath. Glittering drops Of rain pour down Through the cracks, Washing away, clearing Out the dirt and the grime. And you lie, smiling Inside your broken hovel.
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:09 PM | #4 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
I could eulogize The beauty and sweetness That nature has bestowed In its great graces I could sing songs, Write ballads, Compose epics About the loveliness All of these I am capable of, yes. But I know not the words that could express The feeling that wells up in my chest When I look upon her smiling face.
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:10 PM | #5 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
You could be The warm wind of summer And lift me up from my place With the lightest of touches Chorus I’ll still hold you close Despite the changing Of the seasons And we’ll stay…near You could be The light breeze of autumn And trace my body With a whisper of grace Chorus You could be A light winter snow Dusting my forehead With your soft powder’s glow Chorus You could be A light spring shower Rinsing my thoughts With a refreshing chill Chorus
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:10 PM | #6 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
Quality Time
A lot of people question Whether there is an afterlife. I don’t understand The point of their debate; It doesn’t matter whether There is one at all. Say there is one; You’ll want to have Lived the best life you could have So that when you stand Before the throne of whatever Higher power you believe in (or not) You have the weight of deeds on your side. From the other perspective, That of one who believes in nothing But this world. You still want To have lived the best life possible, Because the only lasting impression You will ever make upon this earth Is the weight of your deeds, And how they are remembered. So, whatever you believe, Do your best, Or you might come back as a cockroach, Be cast into a burning pit, Or just fade into oblivion (That just might be the worst of the three).
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:11 PM | #7 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
Remote thoughts rise unbidden From the recesses of my mind. Thoughts once hidden In the confines of fruitless aggravation Bellow and stamp to be heard By the unwilling brain. There is neither rhyme nor reason To the constant surfacing Yet there is a sort of pattern, Not discernable to the naked and untrained eye. Primarily though, the thoughts harbor but one subject. She is there, always, bidden or unbidden.
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:11 PM | #8 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
The multicolored sands Of time shift in the Darkness, illuminated Only by the wavering And inconsistent light Of a single candle. A single candle Is held by an old man; His beard is long, His clothes, tatters. Despite his age He is not decrepit; He is surprisingly agile. He turns to you And asks in all sincerity “Where is the meaning?” But you have no answer, For that is the very thing you are searching for. Meaning is what led you Down into the dank hole, Among the multicolored sands. You have searched long, The old man now your constant companion. He never reveals his name, Referring only to himself As the Bearer. You have grown used to his presence, His wavering, inconsistent light Is your cocoon of comfort among the dark. The old man grows excited “We’re very near the meaning” The wavering, inconsistent light Of his candle suddenly illumines A towering monolith. The wavering inconsistency Of the candle’s light is absorbed By the immensity of the monolith, And all is lost. Bearer, Candle. All for meaning.
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-21-2004, 07:12 PM | #9 (permalink) |
Location: Athens, GA
That Subtle Connection
Sometimes I lack That subtle connection; The one that runs from my brain to my mouth And keeps me from harm. It’s not that its not there, Just that sometimes It doesn’t function correctly. That’s when I find my foot squarely Inside my gaping mouth. Sometimes the things I say Can seem hurtful or untrue. It’s not that I mean them, It’s just that I cannot control My rowdy subconscious. It seems my brain Is a constant battleground, With impulse and reason slugging it out. Reason seldom wins.
Xothan AIM - icarlson75 |
04-25-2004, 04:47 PM | #12 (permalink) |
Oh dear God he breeded
Location: Arizona
I understand just where you are comeing from with "Confusion". Very well done. You make the point, and make it well, and that is the hall mark of a good poem. I enjoyed your work. Keep posting.
Bad spellers of the world untie!!! I am the one you warned me of I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant. |