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Old 02-05-2004, 12:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
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Location: Between the darkness and the light.
The Future Sees the Storm

As A hobby, I've been writing a science fiction series. It consists of nine books, broken up into three trilogies.

"The Future Sees the Storm," is the seventh book and the opening book of the final trilogy. The first two trilogies set everything up and the final one pulls it all together.

So here is the Prologue of, "The Future Sees the Storm."

There it is. It is distant, but it is there. The storm, the disturbance in space-time. It sits on the horizon, watching, waiting, for it knows that the time draws near. We can see it now, the eternity of ticks and tocks is at an end. They know that the last tick has ticked, that the wait is over. Now for the tock, the tock of the maelstrom, the tock of the charge. They are there and they know that it is time. Soon the hour will come to pass, the hour when we will know if our investment in the future has paid off. For the past draws near, the past created the maelstrom and is now riding the maelstrom, charging toward the future. The end of our age draws near.

“You summoned me, sir?”


Tertim walked into the dark room. The door closed behind him and he became shrouded in darkness. A moment later he was illuminated by a purplish glow, the glow of the only other being in the room.

“Can you feel it?” it asked.

Tertim paused before replying. He took a moment to run through his senses before answering. As he ran through, there was nothing out of the ordinary that he could detect with his sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch. He then looked inward and accessed the magetech in his body. It was returning an odd feedback, something he had been told about before, but never actually felt; until now. He spoke, “I myself cannot, but my sixth sense can. The implants you have placed in my body tell me that the moment of truth draws near.”

The purplish figure standing before him pulled its lips into a slight smile. “Good, where is Revolver”

Tertim once again accessed his magetech; he networked with the facility's computer system and searched for Marc Revolver’s life signature. It was not a long search as Revolver was the only true human in the facility. “He is at the shipyard overseeing the production of the fleet.”

“The maelstrom is moving. The timing is as we expected. However they have concealed much from us, much that we need to know. Therefore, we have devised a plan, a mission. For both you and Revolver.”

But he’s not a mage, Tertim thought. It is not customary to send a mage out with a nonmage. Tertim arranged his thoughts into an appropriate question. “But Veshek, Revolver is not a mage, would it not be better for me to be pared with another mage?"

“No! We can’t risk it.” Frustration built up in the Poloni’s voice. “They know of the mages, they can sense mages; they can sense the technology that courses through your body. But we know that one of you can slip through their scans, two cannot.”

“I see.” Tertim said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. After taking a moment to recompose himself; Tertim spoke again. “Please, tell me of this mission.”

“We wish to have more information about the past,” Veshek said keeping his eyes locked on Tertims’. “As you know, we have not had any contact with them since the abomination was eliminated from existence.”

“Yes, of course.” Tertim said as he recalled the history files from his magememory, a chuckle slipped out of his mouth as he quickly reviewed them. “The Cyb’s didn’t stand a chance with the two of you beating up on them.”

“This is no time for humor Tertim.” Then after a brief pause, Veshek continued. “Afterwards, they moved back to their homeworld on the far end of the galaxy, and it is there where they maintain their stronghold.”

“This better not be going in the direction I think it’s going. If you’re asking me to walk on their homeworld-.”

“Do not be foolish Tertim. That would be suicide. But the past has infested other parts of the galaxy. We want you to go there and get all the information you can. But minimize the usage of your magetech, for they can identify it easier when it is used. Go and tell Revolver, and tell him to bring Human technology, weapons, scanning devices, such primitive devices are not likely to be detected by them.”

Tertim quickly turned on a heel and walked out of the room. He networked his magetech with the facility’s computer system to verify that Marc Revolver hadn’t moved in the past few minutes. He hadn’t. Tertim smiled inwardly as he quickly made his way to the shipyard observation room.

Tertim slowed his pace as he drew near and used the magetech within him to project a light distortion field around himself. Within a second he had disappeared from sight. He quietly stepped into the room.

Marc Revolver was alone, standing at the window watching a massive starship being assembled. Tertim amplified his voice using the magetech as he spoke. “MARC ISSIAC REVOLVER.”

Marc didn’t even flinch, but just closed his eyes and replied, “That’s Ambassador Marc Issiac Revolver, Tertim. And that ‘voice of god’ trick is getting old.”

Tertim dropped the light distortion field and switched off the voice amplification. Marc was unphased as he watched Tertim’s reflection appear in the window. After a brief pause, Marc spoke again, “And I doubt God has a British accent.”

“Why not?” Tertim replied, “He is after all, God. I’m sure he can have any accent he chooses. I would think that creating an accent is somewhat easier than creating the universe.”

Marc turned to face Tertim, “Point taken.”

“Enough chit-chat.” Tertim said while applying a serious tone to his voice. “The Poloni want me to go on a reconnaissance mission, and they want you to come along. But I warn you, it will take us to some of the less civilized places of the galaxy.”

“I have been stuck here for the last two years, I would welcome the chance to go out and explore again.”

“Very well, we leave in the morning. And take some of your own technology with you. It may prove useful to have less advanced devices at our disposal. I will also have more information then.”

With a blinding flash of light, Tertim disappeared from the room.
Aside from my great plans to become the future dictator of the moon, I have little interest in political discussions.

Last edited by mirevolver; 02-05-2004 at 07:41 AM..
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Old 02-05-2004, 12:33 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Steel Town, Ontario
I like your use of humour, it's not as in your face as Douglas Adams but it is there.
I'd like a chance at the first two trilogies before I make any solid decisions but this prologue would get my attention.
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After all is said and done,
more is said than done.
icy_ca is offline  
Old 02-05-2004, 04:26 PM   #3 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
I love it, of course! The humor's great. It's got suspense. You read it and immediately want to know more. I especially love that first paragraph!

Originally posted by icy_ca
I'd like a chance at the first two trilogies before I make any solid decisions but this prologue would get my attention.
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Bits and pieces of the other ones are posted here in the tilted literature section. Just do a search for the threads mirevolver has started in tilted literature since the beginning and you'll find them. Perhaps he'll post a link to them.
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
ForgottenKnight is offline  
Old 02-05-2004, 04:46 PM   #4 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
mirevolver's Avatar
Location: Between the darkness and the light.
Here are bits and peices from other books:

First Trilogy:
The Birth of the Future Book #1
The Future Reaches Out Book #2

Second Trilogy:
The Future's War Book #6
Aside from my great plans to become the future dictator of the moon, I have little interest in political discussions.
mirevolver is offline  
Old 02-13-2004, 05:43 PM   #5 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
mirevolver's Avatar
Location: Between the darkness and the light.
Here is some more of "The Future Sees the Storm"


“Captain, you have an incoming message from Solforce command.”

Kaytlin Valentinovna Andreva stood in a tall, well-defined manner. Her dark black hair was beginning to pick up some silver at its roots. Her face, albeit firm, was beginning to show her age. But that didn’t bother her, she stood proud in her red Solforce central forces jacket. The black pants with gold trim that made up the rest of her uniform were neatly pressed. And the one object on her uniform that truly made her proud sat on her right shoulder, her rank insignia. A star sat on the top to symbolize Sol, a planet on the bottom to symbolize earth, two bars connected them and spanning between the two bars were five solid bars to indicate her rank: Fleet Captain. The rank insignia was made of solid gold and sat on a black vertical stripe on the front of the uniform. Andreva admired the strong Russian woman that stood in the mirror in front of her.

Kaytlin knew with absolute certainty, today was going to be a wonderful day.

“Fleet Captain Andreva, you have an incoming transmission from Solforce command.”

Kaytlin diverted her attention from the mirror and turned to the comm. panel on her desk. She gracefully walked toward her desk and placed her finger on the “talk” button. With her Russian accent she said, “I’ll take it here.”

“Yes sir.”

Again, with grace, she walked around the desk and sat down. Once she was comfortable, she turned to face the computer screen on her desk. The screen displayed a prescreen which had the seal of the United Worlds and below that were the words, “PRIORITY TRANSMISSION: SOLFORCE COMMAND.” At the bottom of the screen was a time and date stamp. Kaytlin read the time and then the time on the chronometer at the side of her desk. There was a fifteen second delay. Even transmitting through a micro-wormhole could not eradicate the time delay of interstellar communications.

The prescreen disappeared and was replaced by the face of a woman who appeared to be about sixty. Instantly, Kaytlin recognized the woman and extended a greeting towards her. “Fleet Admiral Harding.”

For the next thirty seconds, Kaytlin sat in silence as she waited for the signal to travel to Luna and then back to the U.W.S. Independence. Then the image of the admiral spoke, “Fleet Captain Andreva, due to the time delay it would be best if we dispensed with the pleasantries. I have new orders for you, you are to leave the rest of the third fleet with the Solforce Science survey ships and take the Independence to sector eighty-four subsection ten by ten by ten.”

“The border of Poloni space?”

A thirty-second pause.

“Yes. There you will wait for a Poloni diplomatic envoy. When the envoy arrives, you will take on some passengers and rendezvous with the rest of the third fleet in the Centauri system.”

“But Admiral, surely there is another ship that is closer and can carry out the mission with more efficiency.”

Another thirty second wait.

“There are other ships, but the Poloni specifically asked for you, Fleet Captain.”


Thirty seconds of silence.

“Yes, they mentioned you by name.”

“Very well Admiral, I’ll have a course laid in immediately. Andreva out.” With that, Kaytlin tapped a button on her console and the screen went blank. Kaytlin leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes and let out a groan. Muttering to herself, she said, “Why did the most annoying species in the galaxy have to request me by name?”

After taking a few seconds sulk about the damper that had just been put on her day she opened her eyes and tapped her wrist comm. “Andreva to bridge.”

“Bridge here, Hunter speaking.”

“Captain Hunter, contact the rest of the fleet and tell them to remain with the Solforce Science vessels until they complete their survey of the Shaw star. Once that is complete, tell them to travel to the Centauri system where we will rendezvous with them. After you have done that, lay in a course for sector eighty-four, subsector ten by ten by ten and open a wormhole.”

“Yes sir.”

“I’ll be on the bridge in a few minutes. Fleet Captain Andreva out.”

Andreva got up from her chair and walked to the door leading out of her quarters and as the door slid open, she let out a half sigh, half groan. She knew with absolute certainty that today was going to be a lousy day, and then stepped into the hallway.

On her way to the multilift, Kaytlin searched through her mind as to why the Poloni would have requested her by name. Slowly, she began recalling all of her recent encounters with the Poloni. As she stepped into the multilift, the answer dawned on her. It wasn’t the Poloni who asked for her, but it was her friend and former captain, Marc Revolver. She remembered how the Poloni often visited him while he was in command of the U.W.S. Independence. But not only that, she also remembered the conversation she had with him the last time she saw him.

“We’ve reached the border of Poloni Space, Marc.” Kaytlin had said into the comm. on her office desk.

Marc’s reply sounded through the speaker a moment later. “Hold position here. They have told me that they will come out to us.”

“Are you sure about this, Marc?” Kaytlin questioned. “The Poloni have not exactly been forthcoming about themselves. And since they prohibit outsider ships in their space, if anything were to happen, we would not be able to go in and get you.”

“The Poloni have never given me a reason to be concerned about my well being while I’m in their presence.”

Katilyn paused, surprised at his response. She formulated a question from her surprise and asked it. “Are you saying you trust the Poloni?”

“The Poloni conceal too much about themselves for me to trust them, but at the same time, I don’t distrust them. And Besides, they specifically asked for me as the United Worlds ambassador to the Poloni.”

“That’s what worries me.” Kaytlin replied, her voice betraying the loathing she felt.

“You’re a pessimist, Kaytlin.”

Kaytlin recoiled back in her seat. “I am not! I’m just Russian, that’s all.”

“I understand your concern for me, Kaytlin. You are among the last of my true friends. And I thank you for being concerned about me. But please, don’t worry too much, I can still look out for myself.

“You’re the first commanding officer that ever put up with me. If I hadn’t have been placed under your command, I would have probably quit Solforce as a Lieutenant, and now I’m the captain of the U.W.S. Independence and the commander of Solforce’s third fleet. I owe that to you and now you’re going to a place where I won’t be able to reach you. So perhaps I am just afraid of myself, but directing my fear toward you. I’m afraid I’ll never see you again.”

“Then I will promise you this. When I return from Poloni space, I will ask for you by name. I will see to it that Solforce sends you to pick me up.”

How long has it been since then? Kaytlin thought to herself. Her mind followed up by giving her the answer. Ten Years.

The multilift doors slid open and Kaytlin stepped onto the bridge of the ship.

“Captain on the bridge!” Someone yelled out, and everybody immediately stood at attention.

Kaytln casually made her way to her chair. “As you were.” She said as she sat down, everyone else followed her example and returned to their seats, resuming their work.
Aside from my great plans to become the future dictator of the moon, I have little interest in political discussions.

Last edited by mirevolver; 02-13-2004 at 06:06 PM..
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Old 02-13-2004, 06:52 PM   #6 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
Very Cool! And well written, as always!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
ForgottenKnight is offline  
Old 10-30-2004, 09:52 PM   #7 (permalink)
Inspired by the mind's eye.
mirevolver's Avatar
Location: Between the darkness and the light.
Been doing some work on this book. Another excript.


“Mr. President.”

“Don’t refer to me as, ‘Mr. President’ anymore. My term has ended.” Deltain replied.

Just two hours ago, he had handed the reigns of the Elaten presidency over to his successor. It was the first peaceful transition of power for the Elatens since before their first war with the Humans, but not only that, it was the first democratically elected transition for the Elatens in over two centuries. Now that it had been accomplished, Deltain was relieved and was looking forward to his retirement.

“I’m sorry sir. Old habit.” The government aide said. He looked familiar to Deltain, but his name seemed just beyond reach for Deltain’s memory.

After an extended pause, Deltain spoke, “Well, is there something you came to tell me? Or are you just going to stand in my doorway with that look on your face?”

The aide’s mind snapped back into gear, “Sorry sir.”

“Stop apologizing and get on with it.”

The aide was caught off guard and took a moment to respond. “I came here because a Poloni heavy cruiser has appeared in our solar system and taken orbit around Eltair.”

“Why are you coming to me with this? I told you I’m not the president anymore.”

“We realize that, and we have told that to the Poloni, but they are being very insistent.”

“Insistent on what?” Deltain questioned, hoping the answer wasn’t what he had already suspected.

“They want you to come up to their ship.”

Damn, Deltain thought. For such an advanced race, they are annoyingly predictable. “Have they said anything more?” He asked.


“Well, tell the Poloni that if they want to see me, then they will have to come to me personally. I am a private citizen now.”

“Yes sir,” the aide said just before spinning around on one heel and leaving Deltain’s doorstep.

Deltain closed the door and went to his kitchen to make himself some lunch. Just as he paused to decide what he was going to eat, he had a sudden tingling sensation throughout his body and the room faded to white. When the white faded, and the tingling sensation stopped, he found himself standing in a red-orange room which seemed to illuminate itself. The room was bare and had no door. The walls of the room had a very peculiar look to them, almost as if the walls were made of skin. Just as Deltain realized where he was, a flap of the skin lined walls parted open and in walked two Poloni.

“Hello, Deltain,” the first one said.

“Return me to my house immediately. Kidnapping is a felony in the Elaten Federation.”

“Do not worry, Deltain,” the other Poloni said, “we only want to talk to you. Offer you a choice. If you choose not to go with us, we will return you to your home.”

“How do I know you haven’t already left orbit?” Deltain accused.

“We have not.” The first Poloni replied.

“I have only your word for that.”

“When have you had reason not to trust the Poloni?” The second Poloni asked.

Deltain spoke with a dry tone. “Do you want me to list them off?”

“Yes.” The first Poloni replied, not catching Deltain’s tone of voice.

Deltain opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. After a moment of letting the frustration build up in him, he shook his head and then pointed a finger at the Poloni. “You kidnapped me!” He sneered.

“We only brought you aboard to give you a choice.” The first Poloni replied, maintaining the same calm, contented tone the Poloni always use.

“What choice is that?” Deltain shot back, still sneering.

“The choice to go with us, or to stay here.” The second Poloni answered.

Deltain calmed down some before he spoke again. “I need to sit down.”

As if his rhetorical comment were a command to the ship, the floor behind him rose up and molded itself into a chair. The first Poloni gestured to the chair, “You may sit.”

The former Elaten president whirled around and saw the chair. He sat down in it, unsurprised by its sudden appearance as this was not his first time on a Poloni ship. Even though he sat down willingly, he loathed sitting in it. He knew from his past experience on a Poloni vessel that the chair was part of the ship, and the ship was a living entity specifically bred to conform to the will of its passengers. In his mind, it was akin to slavery, though the Poloni would argue otherwise.

But despite his loathing for the chair, it was the most comfortable chair he had ever sat in. It had conformed itself to perfectly fit his body and he could feel the ship’s pulse go through the chair which worked to massage his body.

After relaxing in the chair for a while, he realized that there were still two Poloni standing in front of him and the only way he could get rid of them would be to address the reason they brought him here. “You have already told me that you will return me to my home if I choose to stay here. So now I want to know what is in store for me if I select my other option. What will happen if I go with you?”

“You will help an adversary who became your friend.” The lead Poloni spoke.

“You are going to have to be more specific than that.” Deltain replied, “I know several people who would meet that criterion.”

“Marc Revolver.” The second Poloni said.

Deltain would have stood up had the chair he was in not been so damned comfortable. “The last time I heard anything about Marc Revolver, he had become the United Worlds Ambassador to the Poloni. So he should be with you, which begs the question, why are you coming to me about him?”

“He is with us.” The first Poloni answered.

“But he is leaving us.” The second Poloni continued.

“Leaving you?” Deltain asked, stunned. “What do you mean he’s leaving you? He isn’t dying, is he?”

“No.” Both Poloni answered.

“He is going on a quest,” The first Poloni continued, “to learn of an ancient threat that once plagued the galaxy.”

“It is a quest that will be made easier with your assistance.” The second Poloni added.

Deltain leaned his head back into the chair, closed his eyes and let out a sigh. Presently, he leveled his eyes back on the two Poloni. “If you had mentioned any other name, I would have told you to return me to my home. But Ambassador Revolver is solely responsible for allowing the Elatens a chance to reestablish themselves as an honorable civilization in the galaxy.”

“Then you are going?” The second Poloni asked.

“I will need to get my affairs in order first. But yes, I will go with you.”

“We will give you one Elaten day.”

Deltain suddenly felt the tingling sensation in the pit of his stomach and the room around him faded to white. When the white faded away, he was back in his kitchen and still in the sitting position from the chair on the Poloni ship. Without a chair to support him, he instantly fell to the floor.

“They could have at least given me a warning before doing that.” Deltain muttered to himself as he got up.
Aside from my great plans to become the future dictator of the moon, I have little interest in political discussions.
mirevolver is offline  
Old 11-02-2004, 12:42 AM   #8 (permalink)
Jesus Freak
Location: Following the light...
GREAT! Keep up the good work!
"People say I'm strange, does that make me a stranger?"
ForgottenKnight is offline  

future, sees, storm

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