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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Over there.
Thor's Hammer
A short introduction by the author:
Umm, I have this character that I write about quite often and I draw him. His name is Kojiro. He's half demon, half angel. His mother was Japanese (And and angel. There are some angels that live on Earth, but that goes too far into the story. Just roll with it for now) and his father was a demon who'd been posing as an English businessman. He is called many names, one of which is the King of Hearts... which is why he is referred to that often in the story. The King of Hearts is sort of like a guy who does all the dirty work for the supernatural powers of the world. Okay, I'm done. Here we go. Kapow: Thor's Hammer by Samuel Cain ... "Run Run Run" he told himself, so he ran. The King of Hearts grabbed the support beam that rested in the middle of the room and swung around it by one arm, slingshotting himself around, veering off to the right as his shoes pounded on the cement floor, the sound resonating off the stoney walls around him. "GET BACK HERE LITTLE WORM!" Shouted the beast following him. A large man, mostly muscle,swung its weapon: a sixty-ton steel hammer he called Mjollnir; it struck the pole Kojiro had just swung around, reducing the steel beam to splinters of sharp metal. Kojiro felt the wind from the blow pull at his long, coal-black hair as it just narrowly missed him. The King of Hearts' opponent is called Thor. Not the God of Thunder. Far from it. This particular being is similar to the Norse god in name and shape alone; This Thor is a demon of the Seventh Isle of the Damned who escaped Hell. Kojiro, being the King of Hearts, was dispatched to return him before he caused any more... damage. Six bodies found. All mutilated as though hit by something very large that was going very fast. The injuries sustained were not far removed from those caused by a person getting hit by a semi on the highway or even a locomotive, but none of the murders took place anywhere near a highway or a train track: All of the bodies were found splattered against walls, up in trees, and one in the middle of a daycare playground. Whatever hit the bodies hit them hard enough to throw them awfully far... "Run Run Run" Kojiro thought, and then... "Stop." Had the situation been less serious, he would have smiled when the thought Hammertime popped into his head as he crouched low, spreading his long legs and arms out to support himself like a large spider. Thor was a large, hulking being and momentum was not on his side as it was with the nimble and thin King of Hearts, and thus he stumbled, trying to stop his weight combined with that of his massive hammer. He tripped over Kojiro's left foot with an impact that would have broken any other man's leg, but Kojiro's foot merely slipped out from under him and he fell onto his behind with a short cry of surprise. Thor's hands fell in front of him to cushion the fall as his hammer left his grasp, slamming into the ground, causing the entire warehouse and its foundations to shake. The plan, so far, was going perfectly. The first part was to find Thor before he did more damage and lead him to an isolated area where he could be dealt with: Either capture and return him to Hell, or destroy him completely. Kojiro's intent was to perform the former. Kojiro rounded back, pulling his feet in close and getting them under him. He sprang to his feet and drew his pistols as Thor did a clumsy somersalt, still tumbling. The sight was, in a way, amusing - as well as terrifying: A man weighing nearly nine hundred pounds, around the height of 12 feet flipping, his red hair flapping in the wind and catching under a massive arm. Thor cried out and grabbed his hammer with his free hand and swung it blindly at Kojiro. While the swing did not hit what Thor intended, Kojiro felt a thunderous pain in his hands and forearms as the hammer connected, tearing his pistols from his grasp and hurling them well far away. Kojiro watched their arcing path through the air; what he did not watch was the hammer stopping about three feet away from him, reversing motion, and slamming him in the side. He heard his arm snap under the impact and felt his feet leave the ground. He was now airborne. He closed his eyes "NO!" his mind screamed. "You have to see, Kojiro!" His eyes snapped open and even as he was flying through the air, he formed a plan. His broken arm's fingertips pulled the hand into the pocket. There he found a ring of beads that were woven with his lover's hair. He squeezed the beads in his long fingers and already he felt the bones in his arm alligning themselves and mending. His other arm shot out and grabbed another support beam as he rocketted past it. He couldn't hold his grip, but he was swung slightly to the left: far enough to crash, chest first, into another support beam. The impact was so great, the top of the beam was torn from the ceiling and the wind was knocked out of him. He gasped for air as he continued, slower now, though, and crashed into yet another support beam, this one colliding with the middle of his spine and collapsing on top of him, as well as a good portion of the roof over his head, opening up into the second floor of the isolated industrial warehouse... Thor stood and bellowed with laughter, "Thou should have known better, King of Hearts! Thy strength is legendary, but the man does not live up to the myth!!" Another laugh. He slung his hammer over his titanic shoulder and turned, heading for the large double doors that he'd chased Kojiro through earlier. Kojiro's breath caught in his throat for a moment, then he let out a slow, calming exhale. He could hear Thor's footsteps as he departed and a plan hatched in his mind... He felt his arm go numb for a moment, then feel better... nothing broken. He was bleeding from somewhere on his head, but didn't think it was serious.. Thor had gone far enough for the plan to work. He pushed a concrete block off of him and stood, stuffing his healing beads back into his coat pocket. "Turn around, coward!" Kojiro shouted. Thor stopped and turned around, still grinning. When he saw Kojiro standing there among the rubble with a determined scowl, Thor's grin faded. "I was sent to send you back to the pits of Hell... and I intend to do just that!" Kojiro leapt away from the rubble and began running. Thor saw his opportunity and gripped his hammer with both hands and swung it back. This was going to be the last of the King of Hearts, he thought. Kojiro continued charging. He'd be upon the mammoth of a man in three seconds... two seconds... one! Mjollnir cut through the air, crashing through the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom that shattered the high windows of the warehouse, glass flying everywhere as if it were raining diamands. The King of Hearts lifted one arm and stared Thor in the eye. Thor stared back. The hammer continued its arc, headed straight for the King of Hearts' head, and surely - when it connected - the head would be seperated from the body. As if in slow motion, the hammer moved, and Thor notiiced it grow heavier in his arms and he felt as though he had to try harder to move it... the Hammer struck the King of Hearts in his raised arm... and stopped. Thor's large green eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. The King of Hearts stood there, defiant and proud. Nobody in the history of time had stopped Thor's hammer... And then the hammer cracked... Thor gaped at the sight. He made a noise that was somewhere between a growl and an astonished yelp. The cracks spread like vines growing up the side of an old house and pieces began chipping off. "My.. My beautiful... MY BEAUTIFUL MJOLLNIR!!" He roared, bringing the hammer back, up and then sent it wailing down towards the top of the King of Hearts' head. Kojiro jumped back, landing on his back on the ground. The hammer sent a shockwave through the ground that threw Kojiro in the air a couple of feet. He landed on his back again. Thor lifted and swung again, his rage building and his strength following close behind. Kojiro rolled onto his stomach, narrowly dodging the second blow. As he rolled, he snatched one of his pistols off the floor. Thor had been standing right next to them when Kojiro had stopped him. Kojiro felt the cold black metal in his hands and knew that the battle was his. He laid on his back, anticipating the third strike. Thor was seeing red. The puny man he'd chased into the warehouse was winning the fight. He lifted his hammer again, "TO HELL WITH YOU!" He roared in a voice so loud, Kojiro thought it might have shaken the heavens. The hammer ripped through the air and Kojiro pulled his legs up and pushed his feet against the hammer. He braced himself against the floor and threw his free hand up on the hammer as well. He pushed. The concrete underneath was crumbling and cracking. And still he pushed. Thor was roaring and pressing the hammer, trying to slowly crush him. Kojiro pushed. The hammer began to rise. Kojiro brought his legs and arm back and kicked out as hard as he could with both legs. The hammer was torn from Thor's grasp and spun through the air, high overhead. Thor craned his neck to watch. As he did so, he heard the pistol click. His eyes turned to his opponent. "The King of Hearts has passed judgment on you." Kojiro said, his eyes turning cold. His gun seemed to radiate a horrible force, almost like a warmth. The gun seemed to be pulling in any light around it, causing a black haze to form all around it. "Thor of the Seventh Isle... I return you to Hell." Kojiro pulled the trigger and Thor closed his eyes, a bright, unnatural light erupted out of the end of the pistol and engulfed him. It burned and he screamed as unimaginable agony washed over him... Mjollnir hit the ground, causing the concrete floor to crack and shake even more. More of the concrete celing fell and a couple large steel rafters crashed down from over head, far far from where Kojiro was laying, his gun still pointed at where Thor had stood. All that stood there now was a cloud of smoke and a large black mark on the floor. Kojiro stared for a moment longer and then his grip on the pistol faltered. He dropped it to his side and it clattered to the ground. His arm fell limply to his side and he breathed deep and let out a weary sigh. "What a day..." he muttered... "What a day..." |
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#2 (permalink) |
With a mustache, the cool factor would be too much
Location: left side of my couch, East Texas
Wow! Gripping from the very beginning.
That was a very enjoyable, well written story, UglySamuel. ![]() I read an interview with Western author Louis L'Amour once, where he said he liked to start his stories off with some kind of conflict, and have the protaganists jump right into the action, then you usually have your audiences' attention for the duration of the journey. In this case, he was spot on. I would like to read more about Kojiro, if possible. Thank you for sharing, UglySamuel. ![]()
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#3 (permalink) |
Naughty Just Right
Location: Euphoria
I am in envy of those who can write stories. It has never been something I can do. A poem, yes, I can do that. A story, I haven't the ability.
This is a great story. Your intro intrigued me. If I knew you personally and lived near you, I would be begging you to let me read all that you have written about these characters. Thank you for sharing. ![]() ~Angel~
![]() In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus |
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#4 (permalink) |
Location: St. Paul, MN
good stuff. More location, description of surroundings would help. seeing the action is easy...but i don't know where it is happening.
when thor's hammer is stopped...there's nothing to say why...the story makes a rule-that thor's hammer is lethal, then breaks it-the protagionist stops it, and there's no explanation. picky things i guess, but it's a cool story, and i think you could really take it somewhere. thanks for sharing it with us! |
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#6 (permalink) |
Thats MR. Muffin Face now
Location: Everywhere work sends me
Great stuff, great stuff. Thanks.. love the action (The stop-start is done perfectly.. Its like reading John Woo action.. Especially with the falling glass)
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?" -- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death |
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hammer, thor |