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Old 08-19-2003, 02:19 PM   #1 (permalink)
Another Wrestling Match

There are two ending because the winner hasn't been decided yet. The commentary needs work to.

EDIT: The Fall From Grave is DVD. The Punchline is a Flying Moonsault Fist Drop

Big LDM vs. Joe "Da Killa" King

Lawrence Talbot: The next match is ready to start. As you all remember Big LDM and Da Killa had a confrontation at last week show. With Da Killa get the raw end of the deal.

Buzzy: Buzzy don’t like it raw.

Lawrence Talbot: Dare I asked what you don’t like raw?


Both men are in the ring. Big LDM walks up to Da Killa. Big LDM shoves him. Da Killa goes with the shove hitting the ropes and bouncing off. Da Killa comes off the ropes with a flying cross body block. Big LDM catches Da Killa in the air. Big LDM with back breaker on Da Killa. Big LDM doesn’t let go of Da Killa, Big LDM with another back breaker and another. Big LDM finally drops Da Killa. Da Killa grab his side in pain. Big LDM with a boot to Da Killa head. Big LDM moves to Da Killa feet. Big LDM angles Da Killa up with the turnbuckle. Big LDM with a slingshot catapult. Da Killa fly up and hit the turnbuckle, Da Killa holds on to the turnbuckle. Big LDM runs at Da Killa. Da Killa side steps out of the way. Da Killa with a drop toe hold. Big LDM goes smashing into the turnbuckle. Da Killa with a reverse neck breaker drop. Da Killa goes for the quick win. Not even a one count. Big LDM is up. Da Killa is up.

Lawrence Talbot: Da Killa try for a early win here. Unfortunately for Da Killa it will take a lot more than that to keep him down.

Buzzy: Super Glue would keep him down.

Big LDM and Da Killa eye each other ,they go in. Da Killa with a fireman carry. Da Killa applies a arm bar to Big LDM. Da Killa lets go. Da Killa moves in position for a head scissors roll over. Da Killa excutes it. Big LDM body flips over and lands near a turnbuckle. Da Killa picks Big LDM up sets him in the turnbuckle. Da Killa deliver a knife-edge chop to Big LDM chest. Da Killa with another one. Da Killa grabs Big LDM arm. Da Killa tries to whip Big LDM into the opposite turnbuckle. Big LDM reverse it. Da Killa crashes into the turnbuckle. Da Killa is momentarily stun. Big LDM comes flying in with a drop kick to Da Killa. The drop kick hit Da Killa square in the chest. Da Killa slumps down up against the turnbuckle. Big LDM begins to lay in stomps on Da Killa. Big LDM picks up Da Killa. Big LDM sets Da Killa on the top turnbuckle. Big LDM climbs up as well. Big LDM lifts up Da Killa to a standing position. Big LDM with a head butt to Da Killa. Big LDM grabs Da Killa. Big LDM with a under hook suplex off the top turnbuckle. They go crashing hard into the mat. Big LDM with a pin. 1..2.. Kickout.

Lawrence Talbot: Big LDM with a power move there. Wasn’t enough. Da Killa is showing resilient.

Buzzy: He could be arrested for showing his resilient.

Big LDM gets up first, he picks up Da Killa. Big LDM lifts up Da Killa for a suplex. Da Killa manage to flip his legs over the shoulder of Big LDM. Da Killa and Big LDM are standing back to back. Da Killa with a reverse neckbrecker. Big LDM goes down. Da Killa quickly with crossface chicken wing. Da Killa pulls back putting pressure on Big LDM neck. Big LDM trying to reach the ropes. Da Killa yanks harder with the crossface chicken wing. Hugh goes down to check on Big LDM. Big LDM shakes his head no. Big LDM using all his strength belly crawls closer to the ropes. Big LDM reaches the ropes. Hugh tells Da Killa to let go. Da Killa let goes of the crossface chickenwing. Big LDM is still on the ground. Da Killa quickly steps between Big LDM legs. Da Killa reaches down and wraps his arms around Big LDM waist for a waistlock. Da Killa lifts Big LDM up. Da Killa with a wheelbarrow powerbomb! Big LDM face and chest are driven into the mat. Da Killa flips him over. Da Killa climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Lawrence Talbot: Da Killa could be going for the Punchline here. Looking to end right here and right now.
Buzzy: What was the joke?
Lawrence Talbot: What Joke?

Buzzy: The joke with the Punchline.

Lawrence Talbot: That is Da Killa finishing move The Punchline.

Buzzy: I’m telling Da Killa you call him a joke.

Da Killa with a senton bomb. Da Killa picks up Big LDM. Da Killa throw Big LDM into the ropes. Big LDM bounces off. Da Killa steps back, he is setting up for a superkick. Da Killa goes to hit Big LDM with the superkick. Big LDM catches Da Killa leg and turns it into a dragon screw. Da Killa body falls to the mat. Big LDM moves in, he pick up Da Killa head and slams it into the mat. Big LDM grabs Da Killa body pick him up, Da Killa back facing Big LDM. Big LDM with a atomic drop on Da Killa. Da Killa felt the shock traveling up his spine. Big LDM grabs Da Killa and turns him around. Big LDM with a eye rake. Big LDM with a foot to the stomach. Da Killa bends over in reflex. Big LDM grabs Da Killa. Big LDM shoves Da Killa head between his legs. Big LDM goes for a powerbomb. Da Killa blocks it. Big LDM tries again, block again. Da Killa grab Big LDM legs and lift them up. Da Killa with a back flip. Da Killa kept a hold on Big LDM legs. Da Killa turns the back flip into a pancake. Big LDM hits the mat. Da Killa rolls away. Da Killa is recuperating from the punishment. Big LDM is recovering from the surprise move.

Lawrence Talbot: Both men are resting.

Buzzy: They should be fired for resting on the job.

Da Killa crawls over to a turnbuckle and sit against it. Big LDM gets up. Big LDM sees Da Killa resting. Big LDM charges at Da Killa. Da Killa grabs on to the middle rope. Da Killa using the rope as leverage lifts his body up, feet still in a sitting position. Da Killa thrust his feet out just as Big LDM come running into the turnbuckle. Da Killa feet strikes Big LDM square in the face. Big LDM goes sprawling backward head over heels. Da Killa move out of the turnbuckle. Da Killa grabs Big LDM. Da Killa with a german suplex. Da Kill pick up Big LDM once again. Da Killa move Big LDM in postion for a powerbomb. Da Killa lifts Big LDM up. Da Killa slide Big LDM body down onto Da Killa’s back. Da Killa holds onto Big LDM neck and arm. Da Killa spins around doing two 360 degrees cirlce. Da Killa falls backward driving Big LDM back and head into the mat. Da Killa goes for a pin. 1…2…2 ¾…. Kickout! Somehow Big LDM manages to kickout. Da Killa slaps the mat in frustration.

Lawrence Talbot: Da Killa is getting mad. Rookie mistake, he can’t lose his head.

Buzzy: There can be only one!

Da Killa picks up Big LDM. Da Killa throw Big LDM into the ropes. Big LDM comes off the ropes. Big LDM tries for a clothesline. Da Killa makes a diving roll pass Big LDM. Big LDM turns around. Da Killa with a dropkick. Big LDM goes down. Da Killa picks up Big LDM.

Da Killa win

Da Killa throw Big LDM into the ropes. Da Killa bends down. Big LDM with a hard knee to the face of Da Killa. Big LDM pick up Da Killa. Big LDM with a scoop slam. Big LDM backs off. Big LDM waits for Da Killa to get. Da Killa stand up. Big LDM moves toward Da Killa. Da Killa with a superkick. Big LDM goes down. Da Killa goes to pick up Big LDM. Da Killa and Big LDM are face to face. Da Killa wraps his arms around the head of Big LDM. Da Killa locks his arms, Da Killa then jumps forward driving Big LDM back and head into the mat. Da Killa lines up Big LDM body. Da Killa climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Da Killa set up for the Punchline. Da Killa lands it! Big LDM body bounced up from the canvass from the impact. Da Killa hook the leg for the pin. 1…2…3.! Da Killa wins with the Punchline.

Big LDM win

Da Killa throw Big LDM into the ropes. Da Killa bends down. Big LDM with a hard knee to the face of Da Killa. Big LDM pick up Da Killa. Big LDM with a scoop slam. Big LDM backs off. Big LDM waits for Da Killa to get. Da Killa stand up. Big LDM nails Da Killa with a spear. Big LDM still on top of Da Killa. Big LDM hammering way with his fist on Da Killa head. Big LDM gets up. Big LDM grabs Da Killa. Big LDM wraps his hands around Da Killa throat Big LDM lifts up Da Killa. Big LDM with a chokebomb. Once more Big LDM picks up. Big LDM with a swinging neckbreaker. Da Killa is shaken up. Big LDM picks up Da Killa. Big LDM going for the Fall From Grace. Big LDM pulls off the Fall From Grace! Da Killa is down. Da Killa body twitches involuntarily. Big LDM for the pin. 1…2…3! Big LDM wins the match.

Last edited by Psivage; 08-19-2003 at 02:25 PM..
Psivage is offline  
Old 08-21-2003, 07:46 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Utah
Great work, as always
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart
J.R.V.A. is offline  
Old 08-22-2003, 07:44 AM   #3 (permalink)
Thank you
Psivage is offline  

match, wrestling

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