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J.R.V.A. 10-22-2004 05:51 AM

A leaf falls and my tables small,
As autum turns to rose
The wind blows while my shutters fall,
my windows made of stone
I built a strong and steadfast wall,
all around my garden
The winters chill now won't harm,
the children that live there
It's summer time the year around,
as frolicking we do
We dance and sing and whistle tunes,
as sunshine fills the sky
The asphalt jungle seems a memory,
as we will seize the day
Please come today where we are at,
spend some time and play

J.R.V.A. 10-25-2004 05:20 AM

I expect your aspect to be a bit blemished
Drinking from the well of you,
Has left me somewhat famished

Consumed in dubiousness's left me a blur
Finding flights left me a stir

Constant nagging won't help my cause
As I look for all the flaws

Deriving realms of inquiry,
as summer leaves,
with me a chill

Systematicly springing from your stance,
I smile a bit, for the last dance

We cross the I's And dot the T's
Last night has brought me to my knees

I sing a tune of muffled roar
We sit and spin a liars lore

Remembering things that may be real,
Or are they what we really feel

J.R.V.A. 10-28-2004 03:30 AM

......................................Losing the race..........................................
..........................My mind...................................
.....................Falling through...................................................
Fingers bloodied
...........................................Thinking am I really thinking
.....................................................................................Or am I..........

superiorrain 10-28-2004 04:54 AM

About Pie or is it

Pie oh pie sitting there,
waiting to cool,
i feel such a fool,
Why oh why must you tease so,
i want the bite you, you make me drool,
everything in me says no,
i bite into you,
golly gosh now i feel full.

J.R.V.A. 12-10-2004 07:07 AM

Written for a friend
A ghost of past or demon still,
that lives cause we give life
A ghost of future instilled in,
The long cold winter nights
We wear the color of our skin,
that we choose to wear now
A ghost of past or angel still,
we will bring back to life
Our lifes are what we choose to live,
and if we are determined
They will be as we will them to,
no matter what the outcome
If I am sold on one red car,
The blue one I don't see
I choose to look the other way,
I'm thankful I am me
The beauty and the sunshine you,
are holding in your heart
Are waiting to be shared by one,
of which you are a part
I know not of gods plan for you,
or the part you have in it
I only know that happiness,
is waiting for you to get it
It's time to open the closed door,
and let the one who's waiting
Step inside the summer place
with you together in it
It may be just a day or two,
or longer if it's his will
But don't forget it's there for you,
and I know you will get it

ARTelevision 12-10-2004 09:00 AM

...excellent piece, J.R.V.A.

vonstalhein 12-11-2004 05:22 AM

Spot on as per usual. Recent favourite='We cross the I's And dot the T's
Last night has brought me to my knees'

J.R.V.A. 12-11-2004 10:06 AM

Thanks Art, praise from you does'nt come cheap, and it it means a lot.

Von,As one that writes as you, praise is well appreciated also.

Thanks guys

ARTelevision 12-13-2004 11:42 AM

bigtime, J.R.V.A. - this one does it all for me - nice to read it again and again...

cybersharp 12-17-2004 09:24 PM

I looked,
I thought I saw,
Truth of all,
I looked,
But could not find,
The truth of time,
Yet still I looked,
For I would not,
Stand to be blind.

... ;) I seldom write poems.....I "used" to be pretty good I think though.
I just wrote the one above from scratch infact....*shrugs* :hmm:

J.R.V.A. 01-10-2005 07:13 AM

My fingertips are deadend, feels like a winter chill
My heart is like a frozen wall, getting harder still
Iv'e lost desire for the day, the night I have to fear,
I'm sighing with a whimpered wail, looking for a tear
I lay here and my sleep won't come, I think of you and cry,
I wonder to myself what of, although I know just why
As light is dark, and dark is light, I look to see the sky,
My love is hate as hate is love, believing it's a lie

J.R.V.A. 01-12-2005 06:54 AM

I looked in your eyes it's where I saw hope,
I swallowed your smile,it's what helped me to cope
I inhaled your fairness and it gave me a lift
I gazed at your sight as I felt a new gift
I wondered aloud where have you been hiding
In some other pasture you must have been riding
The sight of you there took my last breath away,
The beauty of you made me smile today

J.R.V.A. 01-13-2005 06:11 AM

What has happened to our love?
It was as one, from up above
The beauty of our warm embrace
The smile that was upon your face
Holding you was as a gift
Seeing you gave me a lift
Us humans know not what we do
We threw away our precious few
We had it all within our hands
Heavens present, in our plans
For now I know what I once had
For now I know, it makes me sad
The love you gave is in my heart
I know that it will never part
I'll live my life and think of you
I'll smile and try to not be blue
We think somehow, we don't deserve,
Happiness throws us a curve
A part of me feels lost and wrong,
Somehow I hope, I can move on
The future waits, for us to go
I hope tomorrow we will grow
A smile I'll send to you today
I'll love you always, I will say

J.R.V.A. 01-15-2005 06:56 AM

If I could write a poem,
to help you ease your pain,
filled with love and joy for you,
a soft and warm spring rain.
The words I used would soothe your heart,
and fill you full of glee,
You'd feel the love I sent to you,
Oh happy you would be
If I could find the words,
To make the hurting stop,
You'd dance and sing and twirl around,
You'd learn to do the bop
If I could hold you in my arms,
and give you my sunshine,
Your heart would feel a summer place,
and you'd know you were fine
If I could pen the things that would,
Spread hope and understanding,
my fingers would be sore today,
cause you know I'd be writing
If I could give a tenth of me,
and of the love inside me,
This world would be a better place,
and smiling you would be

J.R.V.A. 01-17-2005 01:28 PM

Thinking I am out, thinking myself again
Words I hear are hailstones, mixing with the rain
A cat cut to my jugular, juggling my pain,
Sunshine mixed with stormy times,
I think I'm insane
I am here to hear you out,
I'll back you till your back,
I'm creaking with the sound of hope,
I think I may crack
My vices spiced with dreary woes,
caught within your vice
As I do unto my self,
This is how it goes
Prone to pick a bone or two,
can't I just sit still
Picking up where I left off,
somehow it's my will
Will you may or may you nigh,
Which one is the right,
I think I am sweet and calm,
I just like to fight
Fighting for the last cookie,
As the cookie crumbles
feeling empty as they say,
My fat stomach rumbles
Wishing I could stop my mind,
and get off and rest,
Seeing things a different way,
Truly is the test

amonkie 01-17-2005 07:02 PM

JRVA - whenever I need a little awe, I just have to read some of your works. Your poems make me want to be in love again.

J.R.V.A. 01-22-2005 09:05 PM

Thanks a lot...it means alot to me when I recieve comments :)

J.R.V.A. 01-22-2005 09:05 PM

I found an electric blanket one day last winter and took it home. Now this blanket I found was in a thrift store, and it was supposed to be used, but it looked new to me, and it looked very nice. I went over by the power strip and tried it. It seemed to feel warm to the touch after only holding it for a moment. I was a bit leary, as I had'nt had a lot of luck with electric blankets before, and I thought I was just about done with them.Then I remembered the cold winter nights when my blankets had kept me warm.I decided I must have it and pursue it I did.

I took this new blanket home and lied down with it and WOW!! This blanket was like none I had ever had before. I felt free, warm and safe with my new blanket. I felt feelings I had never had before. I would hold my blanket tight and it seemed like it was only us together in the world, and nothing would ever change that. I loved my blanket, and I was sure it loved me. All my feelings of trying to keep up the walls around my heart were melting. I felt like I could do anything, and I felt somehow worthwile. It was a beautiful feeling I thought was going to last forever.

One very cold night I went to sleep with my blanket and all was well in the world. I had a smile on my face that I thought would never leave. I started dreaming about being on a warm island, laying out in the sun, and how the wind cooled me a bit. Then, in my dream, the wind stopped. The sun continued to beat down on me, and I could'nt get out of my chair. It started to get hotter, and everything was turning red. I looked around and started realizing I was in hell. I started to shout, and no voice would come. I lie there baking....

All of a sudden I woke up. My blanket had malfunctioned, and I was burned badly. I yanked the blanket off me and jumped out of my bed, as tears started to flow. I realized that this blanket was far worse than any I had had. It seemed like I wanted to destroy it, but I started to remember the cold nights when it had kept me warm, and I thought maybe i could keep it and not plug it in, but every time I looked at it All I could see was the time it had kept me warm, looking through the firey ash. I could'nt keep it, I knew, and I also decided i would never get another electric blanket. I knew that they were nice for keeping you warm and safe on a cold summer night, but as soon as you had them with you for a while, and grew to love them, it would be time to get burned. I couldn't stand another fire...................

J.R.V.A. 01-25-2005 07:38 AM

And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart

J.R.V.A. 02-05-2005 07:19 AM

Dazed...Lost in time
A lifetime passed as one quick wink
Where does forever end and daytime start
Many lives have passed to one
As far as time tommorows gone
Slowly moving tick by tick
Gone so fast as I breathe out
A day unlike another day
I reach and find where I come from
Floating through another realm
I find this moment then it's mine

ARTelevision 02-06-2005 08:18 AM

Liking this one:
And as she plays,
her sweet song of laughter
floats through the air
and warms my heart
Quite a lot, J.R.V.A.

J.R.V.A. 02-10-2005 07:32 AM

Thanks Art, I wrote that for my six year old daughter. I am thinking of getting a picture of her, and putting that on it. What do you think?

J.R.V.A. 02-10-2005 03:23 PM

We have a way of seeing,
what we choose to be true
We have a way of hearing,
what sounds to us as new
We look at things as though we know,
which is as much as you

We sing and dance and laugh and play
as far as we can tell
Sometimes when my day is done,
I think I'm in hell
I wish is as a folly log
floating in the trees
Reality of my sad life,
has brought me to my knees

Today I stumble as I stand,
a broken twisted man,
because the day has not,
gone as to my plan

I hold the hand of destiny,
outstreched unto my time,
I pull myself up rung by rung,
to heaven I will climb

J.R.V.A. 02-15-2005 03:53 PM

On the edge
Like some old tnt
Ready to blow
Thinking one thing may set me off
Don't know where it's from
Out of control
Where does it end
Is this the way it's supposed to be?
Was that a Tsunami ?
Or did I make it in my head
Wanting to be sane
I don't know anymore
When am I going

ARTelevision 02-17-2005 01:31 PM

I do always enjoy putting text to images, yes, J.R.V.A.

J.R.V.A. 02-22-2005 06:03 AM

Life....if thats how you describe this....
That's it....
It's what you make it...
Like a box of chocolates....
Looking out my window,the glass is streaky
Looking in the mirror, seeing something freaky
The hat I wear in need of changing
The keys are old where they are hanging
We skip the meat and dive right in
The dress you wear is mighty thin
Cold and hard or wet and gooey
The stuff you feed me's mighty chewy
Life or death...
Where are we now
Do we know

J.R.V.A. 02-23-2005 10:37 PM

We take a stroll to wherewe go
from whence we once had come
We look toward the sky to tell
the story or the plan
We know not where the road will lead,
or we will be later
We think as though we want to go,
unto another place
As far as now or later goes,
I'm stuck for the time being
Trapped in this revolving door,
that I want to be staying
I think we think the same as day,
or different as the night
together we will break the way,
to figureout whats right

J.R.V.A. 03-03-2005 06:28 AM

Wet, to the touch
you make me feel
Hot, as a torch
your sweet spot feels
My tounge is a wanting,
the you to be tasting
My lips are a yearing,
to be on your ear
Your soft breath on my belly,
makes my knees like jelly
Your tounge I am tasting,
this hardness not wasting
I lick your sweet skin,
I want to be in
Together, we are
As one in the night
Coming and going
It sure does feel right

J.R.V.A. 03-05-2005 07:20 AM

In want of something out of reach,
I step upon the time
Knowing twixt the common lies,
I think of you and cry
Tommorow as I enter on,
A strange and new expanse
I'll twist the dagger deep inside,
It's what I have become

J.R.V.A. 03-05-2005 09:38 PM

A lie?
But who's telling?
Better yet, who's believing?
Am I living or dying?
Depends on the question
Am I twisted around, or twisting around?
One things for sure, can't take it no more
The truth?
Is it?
Where do I go or what do I do?
Common sense was spent long ago,
Penniless as far as reasoning goes
A gray area?
Is it black or white?
Can you see the clear sky from outside looking in?
Can you tell me to stop before I'm gone
Is it real if your in it or do you react?
A lie is the truth if you tell yourself
The truth is a lie if you cannot believe
Spinning and swaying I step off the shelf
Somehow I'm lost in spite of myself

J.R.V.A. 03-16-2005 03:57 PM

In as much as your words paint
a picture of you
Your deeds tell who you
really are

J.R.V.A. 03-25-2005 07:03 AM

She dreams of a smile she's heard from her friends
She wishes she could find a way
She smiles but inside her worlds made of stone
She wonders how will be her day

She floats in the clouds as time passes by
She sings through a lonely hearts veil
She bekons the light
She runs from it's sight
She crie's as her tears turn to wails

She thinks of a time when her life was sunshine
She wonders what ever became
She sighs as she lies to herself one more time
Saying it all is alright

As day turns to night she turns on the light
She hides from the darkness inside
Tonight is the night, she fights off the knight
That comes to releive her of life

Tommorow she says, will be a new day
She hopes for a whispering tale
She knows that it might, just be the right time
To turn and decide what is right

As morning has come she has an new smile,
Today is the day of her life
She opens the door, and walks off the floor
Into the love and sunshine

She holds out her heart, she takes one more chance
She smiles from down deep in her soul
The light is just right, to put back the knife,
Thats cut apart all of her sails

As she walks toward, the new guy in town
He stands and says how do you do?
She grabs hold his hand, she's found a new plan
As they grasp a newly found love

As she lays down the night, just seems so right
Her call has been answered again
She glows at her fright, realizing the fight
Has won her the right just to smile

HAL3000 04-01-2005 02:35 PM

WOW. Really great stuff in here. Thanks for sharing, heartfelt words, captured beautifully.

J.R.V.A. 04-18-2005 02:36 PM

Thanks Hal :)

J.R.V.A. 04-27-2005 05:50 AM

We smile from inside when we are'nt aware we are doing it

J.R.V.A. 04-27-2005 05:50 AM

We cannot go through this life without needing,
and being needed, by other people
That is why god put more than one
of us on this planet

J.R.V.A. 04-27-2005 05:51 AM

As we become older, it becomes our job
to love children, and let them know how
important they are.
I, for one, love my job

J.R.V.A. 04-27-2005 05:51 AM

The older my shoes get, the wiser I am
The newer my shoes are, the faster I run
When I am barefoot I am free to be
as a child plays by a tree

ARTelevision 04-28-2005 05:31 AM

I appreciate your latest reflective pieces here, J.R.V.A.

There's a certain "innerness" that's revealed in them that speaks with a new-found voice, perhaps...

J.R.V.A. 04-28-2005 01:05 PM

Thanks Art, always a compliment to recieve praise from you :)
You have such insight

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