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J.R.V.A. 05-01-2004 05:18 AM

Thanks Quasi

J.R.V.A. 05-01-2004 05:20 AM

Drink me like the morning dew,
that gathers on a rose
Look at me with loving eyes,
like sunshine to the dawn
Hold me like you would a child,
your fingers through my hair
Give me love and let me know,
how much you really care

J.R.V.A. 05-26-2004 09:47 AM

Look into my eyes and what do you see
Do you see me looking away or looking through
Inside I hide a lonely man trying to break free
Looking for a place to hide
Conflicting feelings help me up,
then drop me on the ground
I try to ressurecte a happy boy that I once knew
But something tells me that he's gone,
In this life he is through
Something else tells me he's here,
Be happy for the day
I search and search for answers to these questions I have found
Believing is what keeps me here,
and also keeps me bound
Look into my jaded eyes and tell me what you see
Hold my hand and tell me I am who I try to be

b_angelo 06-05-2004 01:59 PM

Eyes tearing as I watch my small child,
Enjoying the day no cares to be found.

I have a very close bond with my daughters.
This one really touched me....
thank you

J.R.V.A. 06-12-2004 08:51 AM

Thanks :)
I have 2 daughters also

J.R.V.A. 06-12-2004 08:52 AM

I remember summer time,
L azy days gone by
O h how we could waste the day
V anished with the past
E very time I look at you,
Y esterdays my last
O nce I held you in my arms
U nder a full moon
A s the day whispers away
L onging for your touch
W ishing for another taste,
A nswering my crutch
Y es I know todays the day I should say to you
S o long thanks for everything, I love you so much

tecoyah 06-12-2004 10:34 AM

Damn you....I just spent an hour and a half reading your stuff.......but it was worth it.

You amaze.....please continue to do so.

J.R.V.A. 06-12-2004 10:53 AM

Fuckin a....Thank you so much It amazes me that anyone reads my stuff anymore :)

vonstalhein 06-12-2004 01:01 PM

Haha, don't be so amazed. I like whateverthey're called poems that, you know, have a message from the first letter...normally they're not pulled off very well, but that last one could have easily been a quality normal poem. So bravo!

ForgottenKnight 06-12-2004 05:11 PM


Originally posted by J.R.V.A.
Fuckin a....Thank you so much It amazes me that anyone reads my stuff anymore :)
There are still a few of us that hang around the literature board, and although I haven't been as active in writing and reading, I have been checking in on your work from time to time. It's amazing!

J.R.V.A. 06-15-2004 05:45 AM

Thanks much... your such a nice guy :)

J.R.V.A. 06-15-2004 05:46 AM

I think about the morning dew
that glistens in your eyes
Of how the way you look at me
a lonely sad surprise
Once we had a lovely way
to know what each was thinking
now we wish we were away
our happiness is fleeting
Our love was lost a long a long,
and twisting cobbled road
The searching somehow for it now
a far to heavy load
The tears you shed should be
the tears of joy and hapiness
Not the tears of loneliness,
sorrow and regress
Someday we will look back on,
our love and have a smile,
Remembering the times we had,
always were worthwile

J.R.V.A. 06-16-2004 01:17 PM

The long and icy fingers waft
out through my speaker grill
Grasping hold of my hard heart,
it wails a lonley shrill
The channel changer seems to
put me to the same old song
Every tune reminds me that,
today your really gone
The day I die I wish sometimes,
to come to me today,
Thinking of the things I did,
and always did'nt say
Sing a song of happiness
of joy and hope and love
Sing it in another room,
Right now mine is all gone

ForgottenKnight 06-16-2004 02:34 PM

:(So sad. :thumbsup:Good job!

J.R.V.A. 07-05-2004 06:02 AM

Thanks :)

J.R.V.A. 07-05-2004 06:02 AM

I sway with the numbness my mind is a blur
All of the while I seem to be blue
A droplet of blood falls I feel just a prick
Winding up dead might just do the trick
Below's where I'm hiding I follow the sound
Loving this pain a new wave I've found
Letting go now might just be to easy
I've grown quite accustomed to feeling this sleazy
Blaming myself for all of the woes
Depression is great when thats how it goes
If snapping is nice then let me be me
Holding on tight might just be the key
The grasp of it's grip has got me wound tight
A look at myself may give me a fright
The sponge soaks me in as I run for some more
My foot is stuck tight as I won't close the door
A web of deciet spun tighter than one
Whatever I've left I sure feel it none
Hope is a place I lost when I ran
From to a small boy that slammed into a man
A spark from a flame burnt me through to the core
Feeling alright has been gone I am sure
I look to the lake to remind me of you
A taste's all I get of insanity's stew
Up from my bowels I emit quite a stench
I stand and I quiver atop this brick fence
I wonder today if I want a tommorow
Enjoying this ride while I bask in my sorrow
A slap from a kid brings me up to a place
Wanting release from another cold face
I swing when I walk as my axis is twisted
I look at my hands as they seem to be fisted
I want to feel bad cause inside it feels right
I realize I'm scared as I don't like this height
The bloods dried and craked as I want to bleed often
The dull pain inside somehow won't seem to soften

tecoyah 07-09-2004 03:41 AM


Hope is a place I lost when I ran
From to a small boy that slammed into a man
Awesome line......as expected.
Thanx, as always.

J.R.V.A. 07-09-2004 05:19 AM

Thanks Tecoyah, That means a lot to me :)

J.R.V.A. 07-09-2004 05:19 AM

Knit one pearl two my needles go click clack
as I thank my god above the devil wants you back
I weave a nice new sweater to put on because I'm cold,
Covering up my heart and soul, so I can still be bold
I must sew it hard and fast to build a thick and solid veil,
Closing up and shutting down as I release a wail
If I craft a solid shield I won't feel a thing
I can't even hear the birds when they begin to sing
Wrapping it up nice and tight will keep away the flame
Cause if it broke just one more time, it would be a shame
Don't you ask me one more time to borrrow my new sweater
Somone asked me long ago, and I agreed to let her
When I got it back it was ripped and tatter torn,
Giving it back in that way, has left me full of scorn
So I'll hold my hand out to, you if you care to ask
I'll put on a smile and say, do you like my mask

J.R.V.A. 08-06-2004 05:36 AM

Extremly cold and wet is how the song lead me to here
Crippled and upset is where my numbness turned the page
Broken and dejected as the mirror hides the view
Looking sad and lonley as the road don't seem so new
A bird can't fly with twisted wings that have been tied and clipped
A train will lie in rubbage when suddenly there are no tracks
Jumping off or jumping on it depends on where you land
Grasping for the fingers of a space that has no hands
Lying in the road may get you where you want to be
Singing in the shower is the way to go while living in a tree
Recalling all the memories I've stored in this old house
Trudging through the times of sad as I dance round and round
My eyes are blue with somewhat of a dull and crimson hue
I fondly think of yesterday as I so often do

J.R.V.A. 08-13-2004 12:52 PM

All I knew I threw for you
I grew and grew without a clue
You left me all alone and blue
Now today it seems so new
My days seem to be just a few
I see you and I wonder who
With you the world seems like a zoo
I'm seeing somewhat of a different view
I must remember what is true
Today I drink a different brew
And wonder what really equals two

J.R.V.A. 08-14-2004 08:19 AM

Words we speak when eyes wont meet
will fall upon deaf ears
Eyes that meet will speak a thousand
words we see although we never hear
In the dark I hear your touch as quickly
as you say
Pull away from me today your gone as
though somehow I see you near
A blind man looked at me one day
and said I see your pain
You look as though you live in rain
where sunshine never lies
I fell upon a prickly pear and started
to feel hurt
I picked myself up off the ground and
silently brushed off the dirt
I look into the eyes of hate and love and
I look into the mirrors eyes as I see where
I'm standing
A word or two can change the world,
or brighten someones day
A word from you with open eyes,
is when you start to try

ForgottenKnight 08-14-2004 11:49 AM

Very good!:thumbsup: I like how they flow!:)

J.R.V.A. 08-21-2004 09:27 AM

Thank you Knight....:)

J.R.V.A. 08-21-2004 09:27 AM

A message sent from far away delivered in a dream
Awakened with the smell of fear listening to your scream
You held my soul within your physce refusing to let go
I held my life up to hold on, not wanting to say no
A nightmare lived while in a daze went on and on for days
Don't tell me of your small small world when I have seen your ways
I walk along a steep footpath climbing to the top
I slip and fall as landing here tells me how it is to stop
You look as though you've seen a ghost as you spot me in the clear
I see you look away again and wipe away a tear
A lifetime lived in a moment as I've lived lots of them
I think and smile and wonder when my life begins again

J.R.V.A. 08-28-2004 07:24 AM

As simple as a mountain climb,
that turned into the fall
As hard as rain turned into stone,
that fell upon my car
As lovely as a gentle flame,
that burns me when I touch
As frightful as a butterfly,
that has'nt lost it's cloth
As beautiful as the sunshine is,
as I stare at it's lightness
As easy as the world is high,
when looking down upon it
As I hold out my crooked hand,
and ask you if you'll soothe it
I pull away as quickly as,
you place your hand upon mine
A conundrum was instilled in me,
it was my childhood gift
As presents come and presents go,
I find why mine was given
As quickly as we sang a song,
that lingers in our mind
I look upon a broken wand,
and hoist it to the sky

J.R.V.A. 09-04-2004 06:26 AM

Are I the one I think I are
or I the one you see ?
You and he and everyone
see other sides of me
To you I may be saddened
by the long cold winter woes
To him I am a playful lad,
dressed in strangers clothes
To others I am angry lonely,
hungry and retired
To me I am an honest man,
kind and full of plans
Who am I I sometiomes ask,
will I ever grow?
If finding means I've lost myself,
I don't want to know

raven12 09-04-2004 06:32 PM

Great poetry! I wish i could write good poetry but i can never get what is in my mind onto a piece of paper.

J.R.V.A. 09-13-2004 03:27 PM

It's easy if you try. Thanks for responding to my stuff, it's nice to know there are still some people reading it.

amonkie 09-13-2004 03:49 PM

Anyone who can sit and read my stuff is very worthy of being read :)

Your ability to write about just about anything is AMAZING :) I'm still working on that- thanks for the inspiration to keep trying!

inharmony 09-13-2004 04:20 PM

Beautifully done!

J.R.V.A. 09-16-2004 05:58 AM

Thanks guys

J.R.V.A. 09-16-2004 06:16 AM

Sitting on a daisy I smiled as though I knew
Walking through the park one day reminded me of you
Skipping to the beat of love I love the way I feel
Pictures in my mind of times are helping me to heal
You and I are one and all as far as I can see
Me and you are different as a hornet and a bee
In your heart is where I am when you hold out your hand
You are my lovely woman, and I am your sweet man
When we met I knew right then that I had found my girl
In my life I'd searched for you, of that I am sure
Talking to you brings me joy, when looking in your eyes
Holding you as you hold me, feeling my hearts sighs
With you I would love to spend, the time we have together
With you I hope that we are, always and forever

J.R.V.A. 09-16-2004 06:19 AM

Numbness- A sullied sultry saxaphone sitting in the sewer
Coldness- A badly beaten broken boy before being beloved by breed
Hardness- A dirty dingy dastardly decieving dog on duty
Stillness- A forgotten former friendly face flying faraway
Jealousness- A rotten rancid redefined reminder running round
Then the end of all you know is transformed into a lovely lie
You smell the coffee that tastes like tea and puts your nitecap on
You wish for things that wishes can, although you know a few
You think of grins and eyes of blue, as though you turned around
We hold within our souls of one a lie that has been true
We let it go another day, as when we start anew
A happy one once said a line that somehow I forgot
A sad one sings a song for me, and dances on my lot
Wholesomeness- A word we want within oneself, while wandering wonton
Happiness- A smile served soley so someone's shared soul seeks surprise
Enlightened as the summer moon, lights the winter skies

J.R.V.A. 09-21-2004 05:09 AM

I feel it for a fleeting moment
I look over my shoulder and then it's gone
Am I psychic or are you here?
Yesterday I thought of you
Passed away before your time
Should I listen for a tale?
Or am I just a crazy man
I gazed upon my pic of you
You seemed have a knowing smile

J.R.V.A. 09-21-2004 10:55 AM

Silly little thoughts of yours
Don't you know there not worthwile?
Listen to the right of way
We will tell you what to think
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Walk this way and you'll be fine
You can choose and here's your choice
You can sing, and here'e your voice
Join with us our simple plan
Bring your women, and your man

J.R.V.A. 09-22-2004 05:50 AM

Exhuming irradiance extoles virtue
A frog looks at a toad below
We walk as though we want a slew
You seem as though you are askew
I want to try to ask of you
Where is the place that is new
We jump upon a train and go
The rails roll left, then down below
The river bends then finds its flow
The raft we take is somewhat slow
I ask you as your eyes say no
The prickly flower does'nt grow
When does the music call to dance
I can't remember where I left my pants
The big gray dog growls at his stance
The blind man on the corner rants
As all the others as they wants
I seem to catch a light sunrise
As I mutter time sure flies
A broken chain gives me surprise
I listen to a pack of lies
Grieving as the other dies
We sing a soft sweet melody
The humming sounds come back to me

J.R.V.A. 10-11-2004 02:35 PM

I am surrounded by deaths wings as I smile
I laugh in the face of the reaper, as I appear to be unbeknownst
Although I am simple, I know it as much a part of life as the air
I hear a voice calling, just to say hi
Angels are calling as we ignore them they push harder
Pay attention I heard as we enjoyed the moment
The dawn is awakened as the wind sings my song
A soft sullen breeze lifts the hair on my neck
I look a bit harder to see you right there
I wonder out loud that it's about time
Time answers back it had nothing to do
Enblazoned in red I see light shining through
Tommorow is here as I lean through the port
Whence once was one I was stronger than you
Hence now I'm gone as this tower is new

vonstalhein 10-17-2004 02:29 AM

Like ForgottenKnight says, i'm finding it harder and harder to find time to review the ol' board. When i do though, speaking of finding, things such as

'Who am I I sometiomes ask,
will I ever grow?
If finding means I've lost myself,
I don't want to know'

in particular entertain me very much. Still bangin' out the profundity i see J.R.V.A (Or can i call you J?)

J.R.V.A. 10-18-2004 02:51 PM

You can call me J, Or you can call me R, you you can call me S, but like my grandpa said, just don't call me late for dinner..... Thanks for responding to my writings :)

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