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Old 11-23-2005, 11:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
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Grown Women Craving The 14 Year Olds...WTF???

Based on this story, in newspapers lately...


The link doesn't work and I don't know how to make it so, but it talks about a 25 year old teacher on the receiving end of some 14 year old boy sausage

Can I get a "WHAT THE FUDGE???" Since when do hot, blonde, grown women, teachers no less, crave 14 year old boys???? What is with this disturbing, yet somewhat arrousing (please don't kill me for saying that) trend?

I realize that these kinds of stories are rarities, not everyday occurances... but can someone, preferably female, preferably from the teaching profession (Gilda, Shesus, looking at you here) shed some light on this???

** Edit ** Mods - if this better fits in T.Sexuality, please put it there.
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Last edited by Daoust; 11-23-2005 at 11:59 AM..
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:00 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Im still trying to understand the story we have going on where I live...the 37 year old woman who is 6 months preggie (preggie for the 2nd time, 1st was a miscarriage) by a 15 year old boy
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:02 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Everyone wants to be Demi Moore.
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:08 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Not that I have any interest in teenage boys... but..

Is it really much different why older men tend to like girls half their age? No challenge to them, and they are very uncomplicated... Plus they carry a lot less baggage... (not that being illegal isn't baggage in itself)

I'd be willing to bet that these women are maybe lonely - or feeling neglected and teenage boys can well - -be horndawgs... and good for the ego?
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:09 PM   #5 (permalink)
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I think if you do some research you'll find that it happens more often than you think and that it has gone on for a long time. The difference is that most of the time the male child see's it as a badge of honor, whereas the female see's it as a blemish. Female sex offenders are numerous (not as many as the male but not that far behind).

I'm glad this has been getting attention so that the sheep of the public can finally see that it works both ways and it's not just men who are horn dogs that don't care.
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by guccilvr
Female sex offenders are numerous (not as many as the male but not that far behind).
the big difference between male sex offenders and female sex offenders is how society would see their victim...
The girl victim would be given counseling and a tissue and her dirty old man abuser woudl be locked away
the boy victim would be high fived by his buddies for nailing the MILF.
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:17 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by maleficent
the big difference between male sex offenders and female sex offenders is how society would see their victim...
The girl victim would be given counseling and a tissue and her dirty old man abuser woudl be locked away
the boy victim would be high fived by his buddies for nailing the MILF.

Exactly. It's a shame that there is such a double standard as it teaches the guys to be sluts but girls can't be. I <3 sluts.. that's for a different thread though.

I just think that if every male who was seduced by an older woman came forward, people would be completely shocked by the sheer numbers.
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Old 11-23-2005, 12:57 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I am far less surprised by the behavior than I am the reaction from our legal system. I am so disgusted by her sentence I want to scream. Did you know her attorney actually argued in court that she was "too pretty to go to jail"?!?!?!? If I had been the judge, she would have received 75 years: 15 yrs x 5 offenses - ESPECIALLY after what her attorney said. If ever there was a case that epitomizes the inequality of punishments regarding child sexual predators - this is it. Mal hit it on the head as to "why." Frankly, I don't care why they do it. Any adult that has sex with a child should go to jail.
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Old 11-23-2005, 01:14 PM   #9 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Daoust
Can I get a "WHAT THE FUDGE???" Since when do hot, blonde, grown women, teachers no less, crave 14 year old boys????
Since the beginning of time most likely. It's not a new thing at all. Just a sudden exposure because of a few "news" stories.

Originally Posted by Daoust
What is with this disturbing, yet somewhat arrousing (please don't kill me for saying that) trend?
I don't think it's really a trend. Obviously, the media has attached to it and turned a local problem into national news.

Originally Posted by Daoust
I realize that these kinds of stories are rarities, not everyday occurances... but can someone, preferably female, preferably from the teaching profession (Gilda, Shesus, looking at you here) shed some light on this???
It's no different than an adult male having sex with a child. We'd like to think that it's different but it's not. The people who do this usually have some kind of emotional problem. Debbie LaFave has been treated for depression among other (undisclosed) psychological problems. It doesn't excuse the behavior but it does explain it -- at least partially.

As far as being a teacher ... I'd be willing to bet that it had to do with the power as well as just simply being in close proximity to the kid. He probably called her hot or something at some point and she felt "good." Maybe she was rejected a lot in junior high and just wanted to feel accepted. Most likely, we'll never know.

The media is almost finished with this story and Debbie LaFave will fade into obscurity just like the rest of them. Remember Joey Buttafuoco? John Bobbit? The woman who drowned her kids and blamed a black guy? The names of the other women who had sex with minors (don't Google -- chances are you don't remember). Neither do I on a daily basis.

They'll do a special on the Lifetime channel in 3 years when her house arrest is up. Then we'll see if I was right.
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Old 11-23-2005, 01:30 PM   #10 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
I am far less surprised by the behavior than I am the reaction from our legal system. I am so disgusted by her sentence I want to scream. Did you know her attorney actually argued in court that she was "too pretty to go to jail"?!?!?!? If I had been the judge, she would have received 75 years: 15 yrs x 5 offenses - ESPECIALLY after what her attorney said. If ever there was a case that epitomizes the inequality of punishments regarding child sexual predators - this is it. Mal hit it on the head as to "why." Frankly, I don't care why they do it. Any adult that has sex with a child should go to jail.
THANK YOU!! I totally agree. It is no more illegal for a man to be guilty of stagitory rape than a woman, and shame on a judicial system that plays favorites to a given gender. This woman is guilty of her crime and should be punished appropriatally. I would have heald that lawyer in contempt for saying something that stupid.
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Old 11-23-2005, 01:32 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by maleficent
Not that I have any interest in teenage boys... but..

Is it really much different why older men tend to like girls half their age? No challenge to them, and they are very uncomplicated... Plus they carry a lot less baggage... (not that being illegal isn't baggage in itself)

I'd be willing to bet that these women are maybe lonely - or feeling neglected and teenage boys can well - -be horndawgs... and good for the ego?

Older men like girls half their age because they're more likely to sire healthy offspring, at the base of things. Society has inlaid in hour minds (quite rightly) how far this type of thinking is allowed to go, but some don't quite get the message, and problems arise. This is in relation to girls who have hit puberty, the predation on girls below that age is some serious problems with your brain.

On a similar vane, violence is an inherent part of human nature, but it still ain't 'right'.

I'd imagine, like you said, the appeal of going after younger boys is an ego boost, a bit of a power trip, and 'naughty' so the appeal is increased. Most kids would go along with it as well, which doesn't help.
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Last edited by stevie667; 11-23-2005 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 11-23-2005, 01:39 PM   #12 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by stevie667
Older men like girls half their age because they're more likely to sire healthy offspring, at the base of things.
Similarly, older women are attracted to younger men because younger men have more stamina and are able to mate more often (men supposedly have a younger sexual prime than women). At a young age the best traits (physical, mental) in the male that could be passed onto the offspring are more evident.
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Old 11-23-2005, 01:56 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by willravel
Similarly, older women are attracted to younger men because younger men have more stamina and are able to mate more often (men supposedly have a younger sexual prime than women). .
No no no no no-- younger fellas might recycle quicker - but older fellas definitely go the distance... Quality over quantity says this old broad

you youngin's are sure cute to look at though
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Old 11-23-2005, 02:18 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by willravel
Similarly, older women are attracted to younger men because younger men have more stamina and are able to mate more often (men supposedly have a younger sexual prime than women). At a young age the best traits (physical, mental) in the male that could be passed onto the offspring are more evident.
I would put this age above the age for girls though. Your average male starts his potential to be a good father around 18+ (i've had this explained to me before, that a larger proportion of the female population will be looking for a good father and mate than those primarily looking for good DNA), and lets face it, a 14 yr old ain't gona do that
Mating ability doesn't decrease with males for a very long time (and most guys will still be more than happy to push the envelope no matter their age), and the sperm are generally good for most of that time.
Women have a very limited effect breeding range (based on numbers of children and their ability to look after them), so it's pretty much grab and go from as soon as possible.

Would the ladies around here prefer a younger, but inexperienced, sire for their offspring, or one with a bit more worldly experience?

Of course, thats purely an instinctive analysis of the human psyche, and since we don't have any cavemen handy to ask, still very theorised. I'm also generalising to below 18 or so here as well.
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Old 11-23-2005, 02:24 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Older women are attracted to younger men? This is news to me. Experience dictates that this is wrong.

Older men are more attractive than younger men because they've had time to accumulate power, money, experience and some fame.

Physical traits aren't the only thins we look for in mates, especially considering we're social animals


That said, I would've been stoked to have sex with a hot teacher at 15. Wouldn't be too stoked for her to have my kid though.
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Old 11-23-2005, 05:05 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by maleficent
No no no no no-- younger fellas might recycle quicker - but older fellas definitely go the distance... Quality over quantity says this old broad

you youngin's are sure cute to look at though
Well, and they're so much less intimidating! A 14-year old boy can be manipulated so much more easily than a grown man.

Which isn't to say it's all that hard to manipulate a grown man either...
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Old 11-23-2005, 05:40 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CandleInTheDark
Older men are more attractive than younger men because they've had time to accumulate power, money, experience and some fame.
The way a lot of families are run these days is that 14 year olds have more expendable income than their parents and a high degree of power and fame at least locally. God knows my family didn't work like this...but many do.
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Old 11-23-2005, 06:36 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere in East Texas
My 2 Cents

I couldn't find any links to the story (that worked) in this thread, so I googled it and these are what I found.. I will quote the shorter of the two;

Here's the first link, quoted below:

Posted on Wed, Nov. 23, 2005


Teacher pleads guilty

TAMPA-- (AP) -- A female teacher pleaded guilty Tuesday to having sex with a 14-year-old student, avoiding prison as part of a plea agreement.

Debra Lafave, 25, whose sensational case made tabloid headlines, will serve three years of house arrest and seven years' probation. She pleaded guilty to two counts of lewd and lascivious battery.

The former Greco Middle School reading teacher apologized during the hearing, saying ``I accept full responsibility for my actions.''

The boy told investigators the two had sex in a classroom at the school in Temple Terrace near Tampa, in her Riverview town house and once in a vehicle while his 15-year-old cousin drove them around Marion County.

The boy told investigators Lafave told him her marriage was in trouble and that she was aroused by the fact that having sex with him was not allowed. He said he and Lafave, a newlywed at the time, got to know each other on their way back from a class trip to Orlando in May 2004.
And, here is the other link: http://www.tampatrib.com/MGBL1FT6DGE.html

I think the sentence was BS. Were she actually a man and had been convicted of doing the same thing with a 14 yr old girl, she'd be going to prison, period. Yet, with her guilty plea she got probation. Complete BS IMPO. In the second article it details her punishment, and it still seems light to me.

One other small detail that I have not seen addressed is that she was still a newlywed at the time she started fooling around with the 14 yr old boy. WTF?? She said her marriage was in trouble and she was aroused by the fact that having sex with the boy was not allowed. That's pretty sad... I feel bad for her husband.

I just thought I would throw in a couple links for those who have not read about this, and of course to throw in my 2 cents.
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Last edited by texxasco; 11-23-2005 at 06:50 PM.. Reason: typo
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Old 11-23-2005, 06:43 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Men reach their sexual peak, biologically speaking, around 18; women, around 28. the attraction of older women to younger men is understandable, evolutionarily speaking. Socially, morally, ethically NOT!!
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Old 11-23-2005, 06:49 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere in East Texas
Originally Posted by guccilvr
Exactly. It's a shame that there is such a double standard as it teaches the guys to be sluts but girls can't be. I <3 sluts.. that's for a different thread though.

I just think that if every male who was seduced by an older woman came forward, people would be completely shocked by the sheer numbers.

You sure are right...U2 maleficent. I can remember when I was the boys age.... I would have been on an ego trip, and all my buddies would have been jealous that it wasn't them doing what I was doing. I can remember dating a 30 yr old woman when I was a young 18yr old soldier, and it wasn't a lot different then either, except that I was of legal age.

Women like her need to leave the little boys alone. At 41, I may not be as virile as I was at 20+ years ago, but in those years I've learned a few things that the little boys haven't figured out yet. She should have called me.
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Old 11-23-2005, 09:04 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Rainy Washington
Originally Posted by Daoust
The link doesn't work and I don't know how to make it so, but it talks about a 25 year old teacher on the receiving end of some 14 year old boy sausage

Can I get a "WHAT THE FUDGE???" Since when do hot, blonde, grown women, teachers no less, crave 14 year old boys????
Ok. The thing that gets me on this (perverse as it may seem) is that this woman is hot - really HOT. If you, as a 14 year-old score this, where do you go from here? This, to me, is what would really fuck w/ your mind...
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Old 11-23-2005, 09:08 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Rainy Washington
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Well, and they're so much less intimidating! A 14-year old boy can be manipulated so much more easily than a grown man.
You might be surprised to find that in many, many cases, this isn't true.
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Old 11-23-2005, 10:11 PM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere in East Texas
Originally Posted by tec-9-7
Ok. The thing that gets me on this (perverse as it may seem) is that this woman is hot - really HOT. If you, as a 14 year-old score this, where do you go from here? This, to me, is what would really fuck w/ your mind...

Yes...she is HOT! and she is married.... This woman definitely has some issues. Considering her looks, the fact that she is married, and a newlywed at that (how new I dunno), it just boggles the mind that she would do what she did. On the outside it looks like she had everything going for her. It just makes me believe all the more that she definitely is a sick, sick woman. Her sentence doesn't make sense either....

**She could have knocked on my door anytime and saved herself a lot of trouble - Sick or not I wouldn't run her off**

-Seriously though - I say her sentence was too light mainly because of the fact that a man doing the same thing with a 14 yr old girl would have drawn a much harsher penalty. The woman needs help... I think with some counseling the boy will be able to get past it, if his buddy's will stop patting him on the back and let it go too.
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Old 11-24-2005, 02:34 AM   #24 (permalink)
AngelicVampire's Avatar
Should all cases be tried gender neutrally? Basically have the Jury/Judge presented purely with the evidence but in a way which hides the sex of the perpetrator? I was thinking basically that a M/F doing a 14 year old M/F is pretty similar no matter which way you cut it so the punishments should be the same irresepctive of back slapping...
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Old 11-24-2005, 05:36 AM   #25 (permalink)
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I know this is wrong, wrong, wrong, totally wrong, absolutely wrong on every level, but...

Where the hell was she when I was 14???
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Old 11-24-2005, 06:01 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ratbastid
Where the hell was she when I was 14???
I'm sure you aren't alone in that thinking... and that's exactly my point.. Most boys, unless the woman looked like me, wouldn't see anything wrong with an older woman coming on to them and having her way with them. Sex is sex and they'd be getting some...
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Old 11-24-2005, 07:09 PM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Somewhere in East Texas
Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Should all cases be tried gender neutrally? Basically have the Jury/Judge presented purely with the evidence but in a way which hides the sex of the perpetrator? I was thinking basically that a M/F doing a 14 year old M/F is pretty similar no matter which way you cut it so the punishments should be the same irresepctive of back slapping...
You know, that itsn't such a bad idea really. It sounds fair to me to handle cases like that in a gender neutral manner. But, I don't think it would ever fly.
...A Bad Day of Fishing is Better Than a Great Day at Work!
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Old 11-24-2005, 08:57 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AngelicVampire
Should all cases be tried gender neutrally? Basically have the Jury/Judge presented purely with the evidence but in a way which hides the sex of the perpetrator? I was thinking basically that a M/F doing a 14 year old M/F is pretty similar no matter which way you cut it so the punishments should be the same irresepctive of back slapping...
OHH!!! I like this idea Angelic I like this a lot. Hold on to this you might have something that will bring the judicial system to a hole new level of fairness. WOW this would be so cool, judging someone purely by there crimes, hell this will also take out the possibility of ethnic profiling. All the judge/jury gets is the facts and then goes to trial. Very cool.

Originally Posted by ratbastid
Where the hell was she when I was 14???
Thank you ratbastid, I was hopeing and praying that I wasn't the only one thinking this. I saw here pict and was like SCORE 1 for the kid. (I'm sooo sorry that's so wrong.)
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Old 11-24-2005, 10:54 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by maleficent
I'm sure you aren't alone in that thinking... and that's exactly my point.. Most boys, unless the woman looked like me, wouldn't see anything wrong with an older woman coming on to them and having her way with them. Sex is sex and they'd be getting some...
A.) You are absolutely correct in one aspect of your assesment. I'd venture that 99.8% of adult males are thinking the same thing. Our buddy, ratbastid, just has the stones to come out and say it. And with that, I'll stand up and admit it. Yeah, I wish I could've had me some of that, when I was 14. (Hell, I wish I could have me some of that now)

B.) You are horribly wrong in your other assesment. You know what I'm talking about, and I believe we've had this discussion before?

In any event, I personally feel that her sentence is nothing less than a joke. So what if the kid enjoyed it? What message does this send? If you're hot, and you prefer your meat "fresh", it's not ok, but we'll kind of condone it because really...what harm was done? *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*
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Last edited by Bill O'Rights; 11-24-2005 at 10:58 PM..
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Old 11-24-2005, 11:13 PM   #30 (permalink)
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A teacher should realize their role. They are given a certain amount of respect with their position. Wrong to take advantage, even if the "victim" doesn't see themselves as one. It's a 14 year old kid, let them enjoy what's left of their childhood.
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Old 11-25-2005, 04:02 AM   #31 (permalink)
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
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Originally Posted by genuinegirly
Wrong to take advantage, even if the "victim" doesn't see themselves as one. It's a 14 year old kid, let them enjoy what's left of their childhood.

Would anyone here agree that the 14 year old has some claim to the blame too, and that in part at least he knew what he was doing?And if he was equipped with the proper morals and common sense might know or think to steer clear of this situation as it reared its ugly head???

I know what most of you guys are thinking. YEAH RIGHT! As if a fourteen year old is going to turn down an opportunity like that?! Well, why not? Who says that 14 year olds are as horny and begging for it as those of us who are older? Who says a 14 year old doesn't have the capacity to see the inherent wrong with having sex with a grown, married woman?

I just think that yes the 25 year old woman deserves 95% of the blame. But don't cast the boy off as this innocent, naive angel who was taken advantage of and cruelly mistreated.
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But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys
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Old 11-25-2005, 04:46 AM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Rainy Washington
Originally Posted by Dragonknight
Thank you ratbastid, I was hopeing and praying that I wasn't the only one thinking this. I saw here pict and was like SCORE 1 for the kid. (I'm sooo sorry that's so wrong.)
I actually assumed that it sort-of went without saying that EVERY GUY HERE was thinking this.

Originally Posted by Daoust
Would anyone here agree that the 14 year old has some claim to the blame too, and that in part at least he knew what he was doing?
Of course he did; BUT the law says that 14-year olds, because of their mental and emotional development, are not capable of consenting to sex...

This actually just got me thinking tho - it is pretty fashionable for prosecutors to attempt to treat 12-17 year olds as adults when they are charged with crimes - this is a pretty serious double-standard and one that might be exploitable in a trial or appeal process.
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Old 11-25-2005, 09:19 AM   #33 (permalink)
AngelicVampire's Avatar
I think we realistically need to start setting proper fixed guidelines, if a 12 year old is capable of being judged as an adult then they should be responsible as an adult... ok having 12 year olds drinking and driving is possibly silly but we should not have double standards...
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Old 11-25-2005, 10:18 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Yeah, she's kinda cute. And where does a the 14 year old go from here? Like when the Angeles won the World Series, most of the team were rookies.
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Old 11-25-2005, 10:01 PM   #35 (permalink)
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If I were the boy she "sexually predated upon" I would be SO happy.
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Last edited by Suave; 11-25-2005 at 10:04 PM..
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Old 11-26-2005, 07:20 AM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Greenwood, Arkansas
And the hits just keep on coming: http://www.kfsm.com/Global/story.asp?S=4165615

But at least they went to church afterward:

FORT SMITH--A middle school student told police that his teacher took him to church after they had sex. Thirty-seven-year-old Deanna Bobo of Greenwood is charged with first degree sexual assault. 5NEWS has new details from the case police are building against Bobo.

The teen told police their first sexual encounter occurred sometime in early February at his home in Greenwood. In an e-mail to Bobo, the boy wrote asking if they could do the same thing they had done the week before. An email purportedly from Bobo, dated February 19th reads: "Wednesday is a definite yes...we'll make plans...sweet dreams, I can't quit having them." The email is signed ‘Deanna’.

The teen told police that they did have sex that Wednesday night and afterwards, she took him to church.

Fast forward to April 18th. Bobo allegedly replied to an e-mail from the teen in which he tells her he wishes they had participated in a certain sexual act. Bobo purportedly responded with "you'd still be smiling."

Nearly two months later, the teen wrote, asking Bobo if she had found a new lover. In another email police believe is from Bobo, the teacher purportedly wrote back saying, "a new lover? Whatever. No one could ever replace you. Are you guys ever coming back to visit? Maybe we could meet for some tutoring." By this time the family had moved out of the school district.

The victim told investigators Bobo seemed sad when she found out that he was leaving. The teen's mother described her as upset to the point of being hysterical. Of course, at that point the parents did not know about the alleged abuse.

In his interview with police, the teen said when he would ask for help on his homework during their tutoring sessions, Bobo would rub her shoulder and chest against him. The victim said the only person he told about the sexual encounters was his best friend because it was embarrassing. He describes the sex as unexpected and says he was freaking out.

The victim described his former teacher as a friend, saying their relationship was pretty close.

The father of the 14-year-old student reported the alleged abuse in early November. A little more than a week later police recorded a phone conversation between the teen and his former teacher. The boy told Bobo that the police had questioned him. She replied:

"Well then, you better tell them the truth that there is nothing going on between us and never has been. I was your friend, and I helped you out a lot. My job, my marriage, my whole life is in jeopardy right now.”

Later in the conversation Bobo told the teen, "supposedly you told them that we slept together. And you know that is not true."

Half-way into the brief phone conversation Bobo asked: "Are they listening, are you right there with the police, I mean nothing happened."

According to a police report, detectives read Bobo two e-mails between her and the student. The report states that she became visibly upset, cried, and asked for an attorney.

We also know from investigation papers that Bobo requested a voice stress test. We do not know the results, however she was arrested a short time later.

A Voice Of Reason, not necessarily the ONLY one.
AVoiceOfReason is offline  
Old 11-27-2005, 09:14 AM   #37 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
From the Lafave article:

At first the teen said a teacher drove him to Ocala, where she wanted to buy a present for her husband, the teen's mother said Tuesday. She said she was outraged that a teacher would drive a student to Ocala without parental permission.

"All I could think about was the breach of trust," she said.

When questioned further, the teen revealed the true story of their three-week relationship.

With the help of the Temple Terrace Police Department, the student made several tape-recorded calls to Lafave. On June 21, 2004, when the teen asked her to come to his house, she was arrested.

The teen's mother said she thanked God that the relationship did not last longer and that her son did not become more emotionally attached.

Her son, she said, now is excelling at sports while remaining an honor student. That is not unusual, she said. He always was a popular and well-grounded student.

The plea agreement also will help her son move on with his life. She said she did not want him to feel as though he helped put a woman in prison; if Lafave violates probation, prison will be her fault.
WTF? She probably set up the call with the police and she DOESN'T want her son to feel responsible for sending a woman to jail? "Gee, son, we really should do something about this woman whose company you're most likely enjoying. So, why don't we get some officers over here so you can call her and lure her into a trap. Oh shit! We should probably make a deal with her, though, my sweet angel can't be responsible for sending a probably mentally unbalanced, yet very hot woman to jail!"


Hell, I would've loved to see pics of that kid. These days, 14-year olds (male or female) can look 21 with all the shit put in food. Girls get D-cups at 14; guys are 6 feet tall at the same age. I know the law says that this situation was illegal (and rightly so), but seriously, do you really think the kid had a problem with it? How many 14-year old girls out there are willingly having intimate relations with good-looking male teachers right now? One of the reasons statutory rape doesn't get reported is because BOTH participants are willing. /tangent

Regardless, I still feel that Lafave should've gotten some jail time. Did anyone look at her arrest pic? http://www3.fdle.state.fl.us/sexual_...asp?keys=54053 Doesn't she look just a little to happy to be there? Creepy...
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  
Old 11-27-2005, 01:26 PM   #38 (permalink)
Location: Greenwood, Arkansas
Having seen her on tape a couple of times, I can't help but think she's going to have a feature "spread" in a men's magazine of some type. I don't know that Playboy would handle it, but it's low enough class for Penthouse or Hustler (if either of those are still in business--shows how much I know or care).

A Voice Of Reason, not necessarily the ONLY one.
AVoiceOfReason is offline  
Old 11-27-2005, 03:02 PM   #39 (permalink)
Anybody notice that in both of the pictures in the link she's really quite smiley? You'd think she'd be depressed but I guess being confined to home isn't as bad as becoming somebody's bitch.

Although.... she might make a fine jailhouse... whatever they are. :P
ajpresto is offline  
Old 11-28-2005, 06:11 AM   #40 (permalink)
Non-smokers die everyday
Location: Montreal
Originally Posted by AVoiceOfReason
Having seen her on tape a couple of times, I can't help but think she's going to have a feature "spread" in a men's magazine of some type. I don't know that Playboy would handle it, but it's low enough class for Penthouse or Hustler (if either of those are still in business--shows how much I know or care).
Actually, one of the clauses in her sentencing stipulates that she: "cannot receive compensation, including book or movie deals, as a result of this case or through celebrity status."

Thank god.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.
Bob Biter is offline  

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