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The_Dude 01-27-2004 08:58 AM

Help me stay awake in class
There is this class that i really really love and the instructor is really really great, but i cant help going to sleep in the class.

the class is at 9:30, so that might be one reason for it.

anyway, what do you do to stay awake in class?

shakran 01-27-2004 09:03 AM

go to bed earlier?

bring a cup of coffee.

SuperMidget 01-27-2004 09:22 AM

Mountain Dew is your friend.

djtestudo 01-27-2004 09:26 AM

Go to sleep a little earlier.

If you just get up right before class, speed-shower get dressed and go, you might want to try getting up a little earlier and maybe having something to eat before you go to get your body in an activity.

absorbentishe 01-27-2004 09:27 AM

Sit in the front row, have lots o' caffeine, and if you can put a dip in before class?

The_Dude 01-27-2004 09:41 AM

actually, i do take a good shower before class and eat breakfast.

tehblaed 01-27-2004 10:03 AM

Hijack warning.

Sorry to burst your bubble, The_Dude, but that quote is from George Bush Senior, not Dubya.

Cynthetiq 01-27-2004 10:21 AM

stop polishing the morning wood.

Rodney 01-27-2004 10:23 AM

Go to bed earlier -- that's the best way. Other than that, coffee.

Also, you one of those people who gets drowsy after they eat? If so, try a lighter breakfast -- oatmeal, fruit -- and have a bigger lunch.

krwlz 01-27-2004 10:28 AM

FUck that, sit in the back corner and catch up n your z's!

In all seriousness... Caffiene... and lots of it. Id say wake up with a cup of coffee, then a fresh MD or Coke for class.

numist 01-27-2004 10:31 AM

heres an idea, get a laptop and sit on #tfp like I do in class...

/me slaps The_Dude a bit with a large trout

That oughta keep ya...

The_Dude 01-27-2004 10:56 AM


Originally posted by tehblaed
Hijack warning.

Sorry to burst your bubble, The_Dude, but that quote is from George Bush Senior, not Dubya.

yeah, i know!! i was going to put "George Bush", but i dunno how the W slipped in

irseg 01-27-2004 11:03 AM


Good ol' ephedrine. It's always come in handy for me when I've had to work for 20 hours straight. It'll certainly keep you awake through a class or two.. or 10. :)

jay-g 01-27-2004 11:11 AM

Besides pills and caffeine, you should chew gum. Chewing the gum keeps you up and its pretty hard to fall asleep. Unless, you stop chewing it of course.

InTeGrA77 01-27-2004 12:23 PM


Originally posted by SuperMidget
Mountain Dew is your friend.
But Red Bull is your BEST friend!;)

Just get some more sleep at night too, that should help. And try to ask questions in class and get involved in the conversations that you're having. That should keep you interested enough help you stay awake!:thumbsup:

StormBerlin 01-27-2004 01:37 PM

The trick is though, only drink the Mountain Dew on the day you have those classes, other than that, don't touch it or you will become immune. That was my problem for a while, I got used to the caffiene. Then I had to stop for a few weeks and that was hell. Now I drink it only when I was to be awake for class. Works like a charm.

diddagirl 01-27-2004 01:39 PM


santafe5000 01-27-2004 02:19 PM

Give a sharp knife to the person sitting behind you and ask them to poke you if you seem to be nodding off. Just the thought of getting pricked by the knife should keep you awake.

MSD 01-27-2004 02:46 PM

Cover your desk with thumbtacks and keep your notebooks on your lap. You won't fall asleep more than once.

denim 01-27-2004 02:55 PM

If going to bed earlier isn't in the cards, how about sitting on some tacks? Make sure they're clean, first, and make sure you're up to date on your tetinus shots. :D

Rodney 01-27-2004 04:21 PM

Worst comes to worst, dig your thumnail into tip of your forefinger. Works wonders to banish drowsiness, but only as long as you keep up the pain. Wouldn't recommend it for a whole class.

01-27-2004 04:35 PM

get more sleep. Have an energy bar. Avoid coffee in the AM, when it comes to things you must pay attention to. Chai or Green Tea would work well. Caffeined Teas are actually best at the longevity of it- you won't come crashing down from a caffeine high.

Mr.Deflok 01-27-2004 06:14 PM


Originally posted by SuperMidget
Mountain Dew is your friend.

Originally posted by SuperMidget
Mountain Dew is your friend.

Originally posted by SuperMidget
Mountain Dew is your friend.

Jonah Hex 01-27-2004 06:54 PM

goto lecture

start £35 voice recorder

goto sleep

01-27-2004 10:50 PM


Originally posted by Jonah Hex
goto lecture

start £35 voice recorder

goto sleep

Or that............

Prince 01-27-2004 11:38 PM

What's ephedrine, btw? Is it legal? How does it differ from caffeine?

SecretMethod70 01-28-2004 01:17 AM


Originally posted by InTeGrA77
But Red Bull is your BEST friend!;)

Beat me to it.

Jephree 01-28-2004 05:22 PM


mulletJeb 01-28-2004 05:36 PM

if you love the class then i don't see why you would fall asleep. Is the teacher really boring? Is it his voice? You have to be active, not just a passive listener; ask questions and always take notes, do some homework if there's downtime.

Unga 01-28-2004 06:47 PM

I know what you mean.
Even when I sleep early, get coffee, and when it's a class i actually do enjoy, i still doze off.
I'm not too sure why.
I've been doing this for a couple of years though

majik_6 01-28-2004 10:22 PM

I tend to have the same problem (if I even get up for class). My broadcasting class (a lecture class) is at 8am, two days a week. The times that I'm actually there, I have quite a bit of trouble staying awake...of course I can't stay awake in my art studio classes in the middle of the day, either.

I would second the recommendation for ephedra, but it's recently been outlawed.

Therefore I recommend a nice, cold can of Whoop Ass....honest to God. It's an energy drink from Jones Soda, and while it's tastiness is only slightly better than Redbull, it will wake you up like no other.

Or, do what I do: sleep, but try not to make it obvious. If I'm sitting next to someone I know, I ask them to slap me if I fall asleep...usually works.

Panzer_IV 01-28-2004 11:32 PM

I think I should just mention that Ephedrine is banned by the FDA in the US and is linked to many chronic heart problems. It can also be addictive, so if you do choose to use it, use it sparingly.

sillygirl 01-29-2004 12:27 AM

Rub your earlobes. Seriously. Dont' know why, but when I rub my earlobes a bunch, or my ears, I tend to wake up a bit.

Ratman 01-29-2004 05:42 AM

Whatever you are doing that makes you unable to be fully awake at 9:00 AM on a regular basis is obviously more important than this class. If you want to be awake, reset your priorities, or be honest with yourself and realize that it just doesn't matter.

MSD 01-29-2004 09:03 AM


Originally posted by Prince
What's ephedrine, btw? Is it legal? How does it differ from caffeine?
Ephedra supplements (which contain ephedrine) are now illegal in the US because people couldn't figure out how to use them responsibly, and several died after using them.

Once ingested, ephedrine is metabolized into adrenaline, boosting the power of the matabolism, and also increasing heart rate and blood pressure. Taking ephedra supplements before exercising can lead to dehdyration and dangerous blood pressure levels. So, if you take it, then work out, or go running, or go to football practice in 95°+ weather, you're going to get overheated, dehydrated, and possibly have a heart attack. When used properly and responsibly, you should be fine, but it's too late to try that now.

almostaugust 01-29-2004 09:43 AM

Water and Apples! You got that. Other than that, id suggest you hire a dwarf to stand angrily besides you, and screams horrible obscenities if you doze.

amonkie 01-29-2004 09:32 PM

RockStar energy drink- I had ONE sip of that stuff and was wired for about 4 hours. Someone I know will down the whole thing after no sleep in like 2 days. Taste is debateable though. If the room is warm, that tends to make me sleepy. getting yourself cold somehow might help.

skier 01-29-2004 10:55 PM


Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct

Once ingested, ephedrine is metabolized into adrenaline

sorry jsut a quick of mine- it's no longer called adrenaline, but now called epinephrine

To stay awake in class, eat a green apple! Studies have shown that an apple in the morning will wake you up more than a cuppajo. Something about the sugar in the apple and chewing make you more alert.

bundy 01-30-2004 02:25 AM

Dude, its time now that you're in college and all, that you commence your experimentation with illegal drugs.

might i suggest a good line of cocaine before class.
sooner or later, you'll be able to not only stay awake during the class, but you'll be able to stay (relatively) still, and not feel the need to dance the robot in front of the entire lecture theatre. but you may have to forget about concentrating seriously on the lecture topic.

i'm joking.

try a coffee before class. or a shower where you turn it cold at the end.

i'm liking this green apple idea. i'm going to try it this semester.

sprocket 01-30-2004 02:56 AM

1 word:


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