08-25-2003, 01:58 PM
#1 (permalink)
Anyone heard of this stuff? I was searching on the net to buy some protein bars and I found one that has CLA in it, and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it.
Here's a little blurb I found off some random site:
CLA also known as Conjugated Linoleic Acid has recently gained popularity due to it's fat burning and muscle building properties. CLA also has been shown to be an antioxidant, cholesterol reducer, energy enhancer, and a metabolism booster. Study after study has shown that CLA may significantly reduce body fat and increase lean body mass, including a recent study done by the University of Wisconsin.
"Study after study has shown that CLA may significantly reduce body fat and increase lean body mass....."
CLA is actually a form of fat; that’s right, fat. It’s one of the so-called “good” fats and it’s found naturally in dairy products, lamb, and red meat. The problem, of course, is that these foods not only contain the “good” and beneficial CLA, they also often contain large amounts of “bad” or saturated fats. However, the amount you can receive through these sources is negligible. That's why it's so important to supplement with CLA on a regular basis. You simply cannot get all that you need through food sources alone.
Consuming CLA on a regular basis can greatly influence you body composition. In a lot of the university studies conducted on CLA, body weight tending to remain constant. What did change was the ratio of lean muscle to body fat. In almost all of the subjects, their body fat was reduced, and lean muscle was gained. Although it’s still not fully understood, CLA likely works by helping to regulate protein and fat metabolism in the body. This in turn can result in a reduction of overall body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. Sounds good to me!
"CLA has also been shown to protect against many different types of common cancers and to help prevent heart disease."
In animal studies, CLA has also been shown to protect against many different types of common cancers and to help prevent heart disease. CLA may also play a role in supporting immune function. I know in my own case I seem to get far fewer colds when supplementing.
For best results, 2.5 - 5 grams should be consumed daily. 2.5 - 5 grams is much more than you can get through regular food alone. Supplementing with CLA can only do good for you. You're going to lose body fat, gain lean body mass, and make your body a whole lot healthier all at the same time.