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World's King 02-09-2010 11:28 AM

"I do love a man in uniform."
Can someone please explain to me the obsession with men in uniform?

I’ve had friends, know people, met people, and have been around people that only date people that have to wear a uniform. And I’m not talking about the trash man or clowns. The main ones seem to be firemen, police men and any type of military. Although I have yet to meet or hear of a woman that has a thing for men in the Coast Guard. (I’m a BOAT!!)

The more I think about it as I write this, the more I can relate. I like a woman that looks a certain way. I have a type. It makes sense to me. But that doesn’t mean I won’t stray from my “form” when tempted. So, I don’t understand how someone can focus their sexual attraction on such a niche group of people. Especially women that only date men in the military. What is the attraction their? Yes, they tend to more physically fit, and more “alpha male.” But there are plenty of men that fit that description that don’t wear a uniform and get shot at.

Most jobs that require a uniform have some level of danger to them. So, is it the excitement? The thrill of not knowing if you loved one will come home at the end of the day? Fuck, I’m a chef; I could cut myself and bleed to death. I’m more likely to get run over crossing the street then a cop is getting shot on an average day.

So, what is it? The shiny buttons? The medals? The silly hats most people in uniform have to wear? And are there men that only date women in uniform? Cause I really wanna fuck a meter maid.

Lady Bear Cub 02-09-2010 11:42 AM

I'm not sure. I grew up in a military town and still have no infatuation men with uniforms.

CandleInTheDark 02-09-2010 11:56 AM

A uniform implies at the very least association with an organization, an organization usually with some standards; as well, it also usually indicates some form of authority or responsibility.

So we have the first which indicates peer approval, something women find desirable in a mate, and the second which indicates power, another desirable trait.

Xerxys 02-09-2010 12:24 PM

^^ Lotsa froth ...

Firemen and police officers have the perception of being rugged. I can bet they don't date fat firemen or fat police ... hehehe

LoganSnake 02-09-2010 01:09 PM

"A man in a uniform" is usually referring to firemen, police officers and military. All are required to be in shape, all save lives in one way or another and all exude a subconscious alpha male pheromone due to doing something courageous or being in a position of authority.

Pearl Trade 02-09-2010 01:19 PM

Because uniforms are beautiful.

On men and women.

Whenever I see a chick in a uniform (especially military), her hot level automatically go's WAY up. She could be the biggest fuggo in the world; the uniform makes her look good.

World's King 02-09-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Pearl Trade (Post 2756863)
Because uniforms are beautiful.

On men and women.

Whenever I see a chick in a uniform (especially military), her hot level automatically go's WAY up. She could be the biggest fuggo in the world; the uniform makes her look good.

But why? What is it about the uniform for you?

Pearl Trade 02-09-2010 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by World's King (Post 2756869)
But why? What is it about the uniform for you?

A uniform signifies strength and courage, also the fact they had to work hard to be able to wear it. All the shiny medals and colored ribbons are visually attractive. It's a very clean, sleak look that radiates awesomeness.

I'm not gay, just so you know. I just grow a big rubbery one for uniforms.

World's King 02-09-2010 01:36 PM

I guess the part of this that I don't get is the "power" thing you all have mentioned.

These people chose this as a job. Why does that mean they have more power then anyone else? Cause they carry a gun or save lives? They're providing a service. Same as the person behind the counter at Taco Bell or the lawyer or the server/bartender. I don't see cops, firemen, or military personnel as special. It's a job.

CinnamonGirl 02-09-2010 01:37 PM

Hmmm...I'm not sure what it is. It's not JUST what the uniform represents, because I'm not a fan of Marine dress uniforms. Or the Navy dress whites.

I suppose it has something to do with the fact that men in uniform just look more... put together. I hate to go all "subconscious and biological" here, but I suppose you could argue that someone in uniform (especially a military uniform) knows how to take care of himself, and therefore, you, and any offspring that might happen to come along.

I guess. I just think most uniforms are flattering to the male body...so, hell yeah, they look good.

spindles 02-09-2010 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by World's King (Post 2756813)
Cause I really wanna fuck a meter maid.


With a uniform like this, who doesn't?

Pearl Trade 02-09-2010 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by World's King (Post 2756879)
I guess the part of this that I don't get is the "power" thing you all have mentioned.

These people chose this as a job. Why does that mean they have more power then anyone else? Cause they carry a gun or save lives? They're providing a service. Same as the person behind the counter at Taco Bell or the lawyer or the server/bartender. I don't see cops, firemen, or military personnel as special. It's a job.

Whether they actually have more power is irrelevant, the uniform makes them look higher class, therefore more power. Most people just think they have more power. In all reality they don't, we just think they do. Also, when I see someone in uniform I sometimes think "This guy can really fuck me up! He looks so badass!"

I see military members and police and firefighters as special people, but that's for another thread a few weeks ago.

Plan9 02-09-2010 02:23 PM

Actually, it is all about the silly hat, useless medals, and shiny boots. Those aren't usually combined with a gun, though.


Maybe it's because we take time to do silly things... like work on our putting skill... in the middle of hostile areas:


World's King 02-09-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2756912)
Actually, it is all about the silly hat, useless medals, and shiny boots. Those aren't usually combined with a gun, though.

I was hoping you would give some actual input on this.

Plan9 02-09-2010 02:46 PM

C'mon, King... you're killing me here. I can't have any fun with what was the most interesting part of my life so far? You're a real dick-stepper, ya know?

Heh, and you want the truth? Men in uniform have a stable paycheck. Aside from all the patriotic hero bullshit above (authority, being physically fit, guns, yelling a lot), getting into a relationship with Joe is a goldmine for a lot of trailer trash girls... the kind you find living around military bases. Getting married to Joe is a huge upgrade in lifestyle if you work at Walmart. You get free housing (on post housing is really nice at a lot of places), healthcare (TriCare for you and your bratlings), access to the commissary (grocery store), PX (kinda like WalMart), and you know Joe is getting paid every two weeks like clockwork. If Joe dies overseas? Wife gets $400,000. The marriage rate among lower enlisted guys, especially prior to a deployment, is way outta control from what I've seen. Relationships move at an accelerated pace for no good reason. Maybe the guy wants something to come home to and the girl likes the idea of stability for herself and whatever kids she might have leftover from the last Joe she shacked up with on post. It's all Jerry Springer'd.

Between deployments I had a lot of women interested in me because I was an attractive walking benefits package.

snowy 02-09-2010 02:51 PM

The cut of most uniform pants is what really does it for me. They fit really nicely where it counts.

Navy officer dress whites are my favorite. Sooooo hot.

Ohhh yeah.

Plan9 02-09-2010 02:55 PM

C'mon, Snowy... the dumpy homeless look doesn't do it for you?


Shauk 02-09-2010 03:10 PM

Men in uniform is a quick and easy way of saying "clean shaven, makes more than minimum wage, stays in shape"

it's a cop out

Plan9 02-09-2010 03:15 PM

As opposed to being scruffy, broke, and dumpy?

Lemme guess... it's just another dumb clique.

Shauk 02-09-2010 03:41 PM

heh.... heh.......


good one.

I'm just not a fan of the doublespeak. Plenty of women know what they want, they just cop out and go with the "men in uniform" bit so they don't come across as too blatant in their superficial checklist.

I don't blame them, I'm not attracted to hairy out of shape handout recipients either.

People already deal with enough fucked up individuals in their dating life, they don't need to add "women/men in uniform" with PTSD to that equation either, but they don't really know what they're asking for I guess.

Yes, it's a broad stroke I use to paint a grim picture but that's just the pessimist in me speaking.

Baraka_Guru 02-09-2010 03:41 PM

Sometimes looks can be deceiving. And it can all end in tears....

Colonel Russ Williams's biography - The Globe and Mail

Charlatan 02-09-2010 03:53 PM

Why do many men love a woman in stockings and garters?

It's a fetish.

snowy 02-09-2010 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2756925)
C'mon, Snowy... the dumpy homeless look doesn't do it for you?


In that picture, it's all about the glasses.

World's King 02-09-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2756920)
C'mon, King... you're killing me here. I can't have any fun with what was the most interesting part of my life so far? You're a real dick-stepper, ya know?

Heh, and you want the truth? Men in uniform have a stable paycheck. Aside from all the patriotic hero bullshit above (authority, being physically fit, guns, yelling a lot), getting into a relationship with Joe is a goldmine for a lot of trailer trash girls... the kind you find living around military bases. Getting married to Joe is a huge upgrade in lifestyle if you work at Walmart. You get free housing (on post housing is really nice at a lot of places), healthcare (TriCare for you and your bratlings), access to the commissary (grocery store), PX (kinda like WalMart), and you know Joe is getting paid every two weeks like clockwork. If Joe dies overseas? Wife gets $400,000. The marriage rate among lower enlisted guys, especially prior to a deployment, is way outta control from what I've seen. Relationships move at an accelerated pace for no good reason. Maybe the guy wants something to come home to and the girl likes the idea of stability for herself and whatever kids she might have leftover from the last Joe she shacked up with on post. It's all Jerry Spring'd.

Between deployments I had a lot of women interested in me because I was an attractive walking benefits package.

This is the only truthful answer.

Plan9 02-09-2010 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Shauk (Post 2756935)
People already deal with enough fucked up individuals in their dating life, they don't need to add "women/men in uniform" with PTSD to that equation either, but they don't really know what they're asking for I guess.

I know, right?! Military service totally equals PTSD. Sheeeit, they hand it out post-deployment at the SRC just to make sure you (the servicemember) live up to the expectations of a callus yet completely yellow-bellied society of video game veterans. Remember, kids... GI Joe is a broken man. Pity him.


Originally Posted by World's King (Post 2756949)
This is the only truthful answer.

Well, it's only my perspective as a former servicemember. The perspective of those that find uniforms attractive is the purpose of this thread, no? My perspective is moot... I don't give a shit about uniforms. Most of them are too showy and impractical (dress), or poorly designed and constructed (field).


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2756936)
Sometimes looks can be deceiving. And it can all end in tears....

Well, duh... that's only the shittiest salute ever. And aside from PTSD, you have to remember a lot of Joes kill babies and abuse prisoners.

Pearl Trade 02-09-2010 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2756925)

This guy even looks badass to me. He's got the camo, the boots, black coat, hand on the gun (with a 'nade launcher no less). Only thing that could make it better would be some cooler shades and gloves.

Once again, I grow a monster sized woody for uniforms.

Punk.of.Ages 02-09-2010 06:40 PM

Cromp gives me a woody too...

LordEden 02-09-2010 07:19 PM

Punk getting a woody from cromp gives me a woody.

Jinn 02-09-2010 08:13 PM

Same reason a guy in a suit and tie looks better than a guy in jeans and a t-shirt. It means money, which subconsciously means a whole lot of things. Trustworthy being one the biggest; you don't inherently distrust someone in a uniform without a whole lot of personal experience to back it up. Even children respect someone in a uniform, and distrust the scruffy guy in flip flops.

little_tippler 02-10-2010 01:42 AM

I don't have any particular attraction to men in uniforms, but sometimes they look hot. Like any other man can at times. I'd say for women who have an obsession with this, Plan9's response is the answer.

For women who casually like this sort of thing, I suspect it's just because they look good and put together. It may also be a fun fantasy for some girls...like another user said, a bit of a fetish.

SSJTWIZTA 02-10-2010 08:12 AM

when i told my girl that i was thinking about joining the military years back, she threatened to beat me with a baseball bat.

when i told her i was thinking about becoming a game warden, she threatened to end the relationship.

why did i get the oddball?

CandleInTheDark 02-10-2010 10:13 AM

Because once you're in a relationship, with established parameters and a routine, service in LE, Military, etc. is a huge burden she did not sign up for. I don't think very many relationships make the civ > uniform translation.

Lady Bear Cub 02-10-2010 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA (Post 2757130)
when i told my girl that i was thinking about joining the military years back, she threatened to beat me with a baseball bat.

when i told her i was thinking about becoming a game warden, she threatened to end the relationship.

why did i get the oddball?

Well, I won't date military men because I hate the idea of my significant other being deployed and missing out on things that happen in life. I want to be with someone who is there with me, who I can rely on. And then there is the going to war, possibly dying or possibly ending up with PTSD. It's just something I don't want for myself.

Plan9 02-10-2010 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA (Post 2757130)
when i told my girl that i was thinking about joining the military years back, she threatened to beat me with a baseball bat. when i told her i was thinking about becoming a game warden, she threatened to end the relationship. why did i get the oddball?

Wow, and you're happy with her?

Lady Bear Cub 02-10-2010 11:00 AM

I asked this question on a women only board and I got a few different responses that I thought I would share.


Quoting :

We use to call them "barracks" bunnies.

Quoting :

I have dated a lot of military men...but I have never been a barracks bunny or a military mattress...there is a difference between wildebeests that hang out in the barracks and respectable women who date military men.

I for one have NEVER been to the barracks...

Quoting :

I have never heard military mattress! That is freakin hilarious!! Lol. But, you are right. There is a BIG difference between the respectable woman that dates one man in the military and a woman that sleeps with the whole platoon.

Quote: Girls who ONLY date men in uniforms are more then likely gold diggers.LOL.

Quote: If I was a gold digger I would go after a banker or a doctor. Both of which have hit on me...both of which I turned down.

Quote: Oh I agree...i would too lol

Quote: But I've known plenty of women who thought military men were rolling in money and said they would love to marry one because of if. I was like seriously? lol

Quote: I think it's more that they know they'll get child support if they have a kid together and they split up. And some wives blow all the combat pay and stuff while their husbands are gone...

bagatelle 02-10-2010 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2756924)
The cut of most uniform pants is what really does it for me. They fit really nicely where it counts.

Navy officer dress whites are my favorite. Sooooo hot.

Ohhh yeah.

Noo, this is too fancy for my taste. Or maybe it's the white color... how do I like the doctor's in their white jackets... :surprised: I have no hots for them.

I admire well-shaped male, whose uniform fits tightly and he has good physical bearing. It's not the rank for me. My husband is a car mechanic and seeing him in his black neat working overall, made my heart beat faster.

settie 02-10-2010 11:35 AM

I don't find uniforms more attractive than other outfits. But I'd say women are drawn toward someone wearing a clean cut uniform because it means he has a stable, well paying job, a career, and can support her, her shoe fetish, and her brats. Same applies for men wearing suits.
I admit, my eye will wander over to the man in the suit longer and faster than the Hawaiian-print, flip-flop dude with bad hair.

CinnamonGirl 02-10-2010 12:03 PM

Air Force dress blues are HOT. But...I don't wanna marry a military guy. And I'm likely to be just as attracted to the guy over in the corner with the jeans & the long hair playing guitar. *shrug*

SSJTWIZTA 02-10-2010 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Bear Cub (Post 2757175)
Well, I won't date military men because I hate the idea of my significant other being deployed and missing out on things that happen in life. I want to be with someone who is there with me, who I can rely on. And then there is the going to war, possibly dying or possibly ending up with PTSD. It's just something I don't want for myself.

yeah, she said something along those lines. also said something about being "the mans" bitch.


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2757176)
Wow, and you're happy with her?

very. she would do anything for me, and she's proved that time and time again.

Punk.of.Ages 02-10-2010 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2757222)
And I'm likely to be just as attracted to the guy over in the corner with the jeans & the long hair playing guitar. *shrug*

Hey, there... ;)

LordEden 02-10-2010 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2757397)
Hey, there... ;)

Back up off my kool-aid bitch!

World's King 02-11-2010 12:45 PM

As attractive as your Kool-Aid is... No one is gonna try to steal it from you.

CinnamonGirl 02-11-2010 01:11 PM

I'm not sure how I feel about being referred to as flavored sugar water. :p

Back to the original post...Army dress uniforms are blue now? Odd.


Baraka_Guru 02-11-2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by LordEden (Post 2757406)
Back up off my kool-aid bitch!

You know, without a comma, this sentence pretty much means you refer to Cinna as your "kool-aid bitch."

If you meant to call WK a bitch, you should have included a comma after "kool-aid."

Just sayin'.

Punk.of.Ages 02-11-2010 06:58 PM

Actually, I believe I'm the bitch in question...

I also like Kool-Aid.

Y'know, for the record...

LordEden 02-11-2010 07:28 PM

Cinn knows I joke about her being my kool-aid. Cynthetiq is all the time trying to steal my kool-aid ;-).

I also no one here is going to steal cinn away from me, I only kid.

Tho POA was looking at her funny, she has a weakness for long haired guitar types.

POA: You are always my bitch :).


Punk.of.Ages 02-11-2010 10:31 PM

Dude, I could rule the world with my guitar...

Cinn's just an added bonus along the way. =)

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