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Old 10-23-2007, 01:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
College Students going Trick or Treating?

I'm curious, how many of you guys think it's ridiculous for college students to go tricking and treating on Halloween? I would love to go again, I miss it! So lets have some input from folks who have seen adults come up to the door decked out in their Halloweens best and beg for some candy. I honestly want to go again, it's a blast! Does it piss you off to see older kids like upper teens in crappy costumes come to your door, or do you expect at least a fabulous costume to counter their age?
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:10 PM   #2 (permalink)
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It pissed me off when i had a front door to see older teenagers come to the door with a crappy costume (hobo was the costume of choice) just to get free candy. I think if you are going to be immature enough to go door to door to get some free candy, you should counter it with an outstanding costume. Adults get to go to costume parties on Halloween; kids have to stay home.
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:16 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Am I a pervert for saying if adult women come to my door trick or treating they need to show me their breasts?
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:17 PM   #4 (permalink)
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The only thing that pissed me off about the teenagers was when they came to the door with NO COSTUME and just a bag for candy.

I felt obligated to give it for fear my house would be egged or TP'd if I didn't!
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:19 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ustwo
Am I a pervert for saying if adult women come to my door trick or treating they need to show me their breasts?
It'd be rude not to.

I won't give candy to late teens or adults. They presumably have jobs and con provide their own candy.
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:41 PM   #6 (permalink)
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I miss it, but I've never gone, for the above reasons. But I've always gone to costume parties and eaten lots of candy there, from age 17 up. In fact, this year is the first year I don't have a sure-fire party to attend, and I'm a little bummed about that. Maybe ktspktsp and I will have a 2-man show...
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:46 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I usually just throw a Halloween party.

GG, you'll get to go trick-or-treating again if/when you have children/someone you know has children. Just be patient, and find a party to go to.
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Old 10-23-2007, 01:56 PM   #8 (permalink)
Originally Posted by willravel
It'd be rude not to.

I won't give candy to late teens or adults. They presumably have jobs and con provide their own candy.
Yea but that's the thing, the exciting part is digging through your bag to see what you have and it's all this different stuff. I do understand where you guys are coming from though.
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Old 10-23-2007, 02:24 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1
Yea but that's the thing, the exciting part is digging through your bag to see what you have and it's all this different stuff. I do understand where you guys are coming from though.
I suspect a full evening of fending off looks ranging from mild disappointment to downright suspicion will sour any joy you get from sifting through candy. By the end of the night you'll probably feel like a panhandler.

That's how I remember my final trick or treat in Jr. High anyways.

Try handing out candy at your door instead. You can dress up and interact with the visiting kids all night and have a ball.
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Old 10-23-2007, 02:29 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I wouldn't give you candy if you came to my door. Nothing against you personally, but the whole trick or treat thing is for kids. Personally, I'd be a little creeped out to see adults going door to door asking for candy.
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Old 10-23-2007, 02:54 PM   #11 (permalink)
If you're a college student I'd suggest instead of actually going trick or treating, just find some Halloween parties to go to, as they tend to be abundant on college campuses. You still get dressed up and go to people's houses, but instead of candy you get free alcohol. Plus these parties not only go on during Halloween night, but usually also the weekend before and sometimes the weekend after. Plenty of time to get full use out of your costume/wear multiple costumes if you can't decide on just one.
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Old 10-23-2007, 03:39 PM   #12 (permalink)
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depending on what you're looking for, you might escort some kids around on halloween...if you know any. you get to make sure they're safe...and you earn your candy. people will give it up if they think you're possibly going to give it to one of the kids later.

it wouldn't piss me off if i lived in a college town...really, probably wouldn't piss me off period. i usually have a lot of leftover candy, and i don't have a sweettooth myself.
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Old 10-23-2007, 03:43 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blueroses
You still get dressed up and go to people's houses, but instead of candy you get free alcohol.
Hey, if someone would rather have sweets instead of booze, let'm have it.
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Old 10-23-2007, 04:16 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Yeah, a college student showing up at my house needs to get off my lawn before I turn the hose on them.

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Old 10-23-2007, 04:21 PM   #15 (permalink)
Location: NC
We used to just go to huge parties, but some of our dorms did offer trick or treating, which usually meant everyone stood around in the hall in their cotumes.... and then went to a party.
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Old 10-23-2007, 05:02 PM   #16 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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But... but college kids are too busy dropping ass and getting wasted to want candy from strangers.

The only sweets they want have nipples on top.
Whatever you can carry.

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Old 10-23-2007, 05:25 PM   #17 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Crompsin
But... but college kids are too busy dropping ass and getting wasted to want candy from strangers.
what is dropping ass?

and man....I hear about people partying in college, and I wonder when they have the time! its always homework this, study that, exam tomorrow.... I havent seen any of my non class friends in the last month.

to the OP, if you dont have any young kids to take out, I'd suggest going to a party if you can find one.
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Old 10-23-2007, 09:40 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: San Francisco
You can do it to other college students (try frat houses for a laugh)

Last edited by n0nsensical; 10-23-2007 at 10:08 PM..
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Old 10-24-2007, 05:52 AM   #19 (permalink)
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My friends and I went until our senior year in H.S. but we always had great costumes... That year we were the Scooby Doo Crew... And we went to school that day all dressed up... I was Velma, friend Jess was Daphney, her bf was Shaggy and looked dead on with his long hair that he grew out just for this particular occasion, and his best friend was Fred. It was amazing.. we also had one of those huge stuffed Scooby's from an amusement park... it was almost as tall as me!!
We only went around to houses of people we knew though... like friends parents or family... etc etc... just to show off our amazing costumes that we made and took awhile to try and perfect. During that time Jess and I both worked at Bob Evans... and we decided to eat there after going out for some candy.. A few families were in there, kids not dressed up... guess they didn't celebrate... anywho... This little girl comes running up and is looking at us with the biggest star struck kind of look on her face and says " Velma!! Daphney!!! You're here!!" hahahah It was hilarious. Best part of the night by far.

In college... it was all about the booze that night at some party. Complete of course with endless bowls of candy.
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Old 10-24-2007, 11:10 AM   #20 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
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I'm rarely home on Halloween to offer anyone candy, but if college aged kids came to my door decked out in kick ass costumes I might offer a Pabst or a shot of whiskey.

My adult life of "trick-or-treating" has consisted of walking from one party to another, usually being called in off the street because of my costume to have a glass of wine, or a shot at some random party. My adult form of digging through your bag for the different candies you got is trying to remember what all different drinks were consumed the night before and retracing my steps to find out what parts of my costume I threw in the bushes or removed on my drunken stumble home.

Now that I have a child I imagine Halloween's will be toned down quite a bit, but I'm certainly going to make sure he has a kick ass costume every year (gotta stick with controversial topics before he has any say what he wears for Halloween).

For me, the fun was rarely in the candy, it was in getting dressed up and being someone else for a night.
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Old 10-24-2007, 01:37 PM   #21 (permalink)
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I don't go trick or treating but I love dressing up. Plus, I live in Wisconsin and we have a kickass party on State street.
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Old 10-24-2007, 05:52 PM   #22 (permalink)
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I would be annoyed if a college or high school student came to my door trick-or-treating.

Originally Posted by kurty[B]
Now that I have a child I imagine Halloween's will be toned down quite a bit, but I'm certainly going to make sure he has a kick ass costume every year (gotta stick with controversial topics before he has any say what he wears for Halloween).
What kind of controversial topics did you have in mind? When I was a kid, boys sometimes went trick-or-treating as hobos (which nowadays is probably offensive). I told my wife that I wanted my infant daughter to going door to door as a bag-baby (instead of a bag-lady). I imagined her in a onesie with plastic grocery bags stapled to it. My wife thought it was too dangerous. She's such a killjoy.
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Old 10-25-2007, 04:46 AM   #23 (permalink)
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If a female college student showed up at my door trick or treating, they had better be dressed in as little clothes as possible...

Then you get all the candy!
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex.

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Old 10-25-2007, 06:55 AM   #24 (permalink)
Sauce Puppet
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Originally Posted by sapiens
What kind of controversial topics did you have in mind? When I was a kid, boys sometimes went trick-or-treating as hobos (which nowadays is probably offensive). I told my wife that I wanted my infant daughter to going door to door as a bag-baby (instead of a bag-lady). I imagined her in a onesie with plastic grocery bags stapled to it. My wife thought it was too dangerous. She's such a killjoy.
Considering my past history of costumes, from Jesus Christ, to Christopher Reeves, and the least offensive Pete Sampras with tiny white tennis shorts and no undies (balls were everywhere that night). I pitched dressing up the newborn as an abortion, mama didn't think that was funny at all.
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Old 10-25-2007, 10:45 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Halloween is for little kids. If you're a teenager or older, don't expect anything if you come to my door.
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