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Old 04-06-2006, 10:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
McFrosticles's Avatar
Crazy Pull-over

I work at a nice restaurant as a dish-washer. It is solid money and works well with my college hours. After work tonight, my co-worker asked for a ride home. It was near where I was heading, so I agreed.

He asked if we could stop by 7-Eleven so I agreed once again, since it was still on the way. After he came back, we headed toward his house. On the way, a black car was following us, right on our butt.

"Seems like a cop is behind us" I say.

"naa, I dont see any lights" my co-worker replies.

Low and behold, as I turn on his street, blue lights come on and 2 other police cars suddenly appear. I figure it must be something silly, and was not nervous.

The officer comes over and asks for licensce and registration, as usual. I comply and he asks if I am ok. I say I am fine, just a little jittery since I have been pulled over (this is only my 2nd time). He asks me to step out of the car so he can search me. I comply, even though I'm not sure why.

He searches me, asks if I have any weapons or drugs in the car. Of course I don't, but then I realize my CO-WORKER might have something on him, which frightened me. This was probably the reason he pulled us over. He saw my co-worker exit 7 - Eleven and he followed us all the way. I don't know much about the background of my co-worker, but he is a nice guy and I never have had problems with him. So, I hop in the front seat of the officers car and he starts questioning me (what school do you go to? Where do you live? What is your major?). Every now and then, he would ask the question "is there any marijuana in that car?". I answered each question confidently and told him he had nothing to worry about from me. Meanwhile, several officers were searching my car while another was talking to my co-worker.

"what about your partner over there?"

I explained he was a co-worker and I was simply giving him a ride home (I pointed to his house ahead). He asked if he had any drugs on him, and I said truthfully, "I have no idea".

Turns out he had remains of Marijuana in some lint, but thats about it. The officers thanked me for my cooperation, lectured my co-worker, and they left.

So, we got back in the car, and I breathed a sigh of relief. My co-worker wasn't even nervous at all. He simply said "glad thats over". I was too, but I did ask him about the marijuana. He told me truthfully he smokes every now and then.

I asked him to please try to keep that at home if he wants a ride home from me. He understood, and I took him home.

Needless to say, It was the craziest pull-over in my life.
Good Grief
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Old 04-07-2006, 05:19 AM   #2 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Too bad you didn't actually ask why you were pulled over and searched. Unless they had an attitude, they would have said why, after checking your ID's.
I had been pulled over many years ago, not speeding or doing anything odd and was driving alone. I asked, 'may I ask why I was stopped?' and after checking out my ID's, the officer said that there was a report of a stolen black VW. Mine was green.
Always ask if they don't tell you why.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 04-07-2006, 05:59 AM   #3 (permalink)
Extreme moderation
Toaster126's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, yo.
I've had three DWBs... they were surreal, every single one of them.

I usually respond with the "No, you can't search anything" (even though I never have\do anything they can get me for) so then we sit around for a while before either they get bored or a K-9 unit does a walk around of my car.

The best "reason" I've gotten was "Your car fits the description of one we are looking for."
"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand)
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck)
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Old 04-07-2006, 06:21 AM   #4 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
Originally Posted by Toaster126
I've had three DWBs... they were surreal, every single one of them.

I usually respond with the "No, you can't search anything" (even though I never have\do anything they can get me for) so then we sit around for a while before either they get bored or a K-9 unit does a walk around of my car.

The best "reason" I've gotten was "Your car fits the description of one we are looking for."
A friend of mine drives a very modded PT Cruiser. He has been a soldier and works for the US government. He lives in VA. He continuously gets pulled over for DWB's and whatever officer will usually end up citing him for, get this: Improper sized tires, illegal tail lights, etc. To have to go to court to explain why his tires are perfectly legal is a complete waste of his good time and taxpayers' money.
Myself having a mildly modded PT, I have been pulled over on really dumb excuses, have the car checked out for illegalities then sent on my way. (I mean, come on, 3 cars use a shoulder to get off the highway, but I'm the only one in the line pulled over for it while Ms. Minivan goes on her merry way? Or, going through a yellow, then being told I ran a light, but 'Ok. I'm going to just check your car for illegal add-ons. Do you have regulation headlights?) WTF?
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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Old 04-07-2006, 11:40 AM   #5 (permalink)
Tamerlain's Avatar
Location: Victoria
I was sitting at a stoplight once with my brother - we were heading to the mall to pick up a videogame. I was in the right-hand lane and a cop pulled up beside me in the left-hand lane. I looked over at him, he looked over at me and then we both turned away. The light changed green and I went through the intersection. The cop pulled in behind me and turned his lights on.

I pulled over a little ways past the lights so I wouldn't back up the intersection and turned off the car. The cop walked up and I rolled the window down.

"Good afternoon, how are you?" said the cop.
"Good thanks, how are you?" I said.
"May I see your license and registration, please?" he asked.
"Sure. May I ask why I was pulled over?"
"Well, this is a nice car and you look at little young to be driving it... it's just routine, have to make sure it's not stolen," he told me.

At the time, I was driving a white '97 Pontiac Grand Prix SE, 4 door. It was the year 2000. I was 17. I wasn't sure what to say, I was kind of dumbfounded. I asked my brother to hand me the registration from the glovebox and I got my wallet out of my pocket. "This will only take a minute."

I looked over at my brother and he looked at me, and we both shrugged. I really was speechless. I look a little young to be driving this car? It's a Pontiac, they're common. What was even more funny was that the car had an ignition-inhibitor. You have to swipe a little card against a box under the dashboard before you can start the car. I couldn't have stolen it if I wanted to!

The cop came back a few minutes later. "Everything checks out. Have a nice afternoon." Still dumbfounded, I took my license and registration back and went on my way.

I never let school interfere with my education.
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Old 04-07-2006, 02:05 PM   #6 (permalink)
Kick Ass Kunoichi
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Location: Oregon
My best guy friend S. got pulled over this summer for suspicion of a DUI (he signalled 10 feet before the intersection, woo). The cop thought he had been smoking marijuana. Those of us who know S. well could have told him that he should check for pigs flying and signs of hell freezing over if S. was even thinking about smoking. Anyways, because of a "strange green coating" on his tongue, dilated pupils, and wobbly legs when he took the sobriety field tests, the cop arrested him.

Anyways, it took them 2 months to finally decide not to pursue the charges--for one, the state lab had come back with a negative urinanalysis and for two, the arresting officer had not really done anything regarding the case.

Feel fortunate--my friend had to pay some serious bucks to have the arrest stricken from his record.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 04-07-2006, 03:17 PM   #7 (permalink)
JStrider's Avatar
Location: The Woodlands, TX
I got pulled over on the way back from spring break... cop was in oncoming traffic, after he passed me he flipped around and pulled me over.... said he pulled me over for speeding and that I had a brake light out in the back.

he collected everyones ids and then asked me to come back to his car with my insurance. so i do and he is asking me about everyones id while he's waiting for the station to finishe the checks on them. and he keeps asking me if I have drugs in the car and keeps trying to trip me up on what school each person goes to and what their names are. Then he asks me if he searched the car if he would find anything, I told him no, which was the truth. and then he said he wanted to search the car and I told him I wouldnt allow it without probable cause. He gave me a squinty look. Then all the ids came back clear and he wrote me out a warning that said the violations were "speeding and a faulty brake light" i took the warning, gave it to my passenger and then told my passenger to push the brake pedal while i looked. All the brake lights lit up just fine... i looked back at the officer and smirked and got in...

i think he just saw a carful of college students moving slightly faster then traffic and decided to see if he could get a bust

~Clatto Verata Nicto
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Old 04-08-2006, 03:11 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Many years ago, I was practicing driving with my dad on a parking lot in an industrial area. It was the weekend, so it was nice and empty, and we were driving around practicing starting and stopping. Then another car turns into the lot, the driver steps out with his dog and goes into a small wooded area next to the lot. He leaves his car door wide open. Okay, that's pretty weird, but we continue driving round and round. Some ten minutes later a police car doing the rounds in the area goes by, spots the sloppily parked car with wide open door and goes to investigate. The policemen poke around in it for a while, and all the while I drive round and round on the parking lot, with a "student driver" sign clearly posted on the car. Then they signal for me to pull over, which I do. I turn the window down, we say hi, and the policeman asks my dad: "Is that your car?"

I just don't see how that could be possible. Did he think I - an obvious newbie student driver - had driven our car all the way there alone or what? He could've asked if we knew anything about that other car or something... Anyways, we told him what we had seen, and I expect the dog guy got a severe scolding when he came back. We didn't stay long enough to find out. However, I had the distinction of being the first in my highschool year to be pulled over!
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crazy, pullover

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