Drider_it |
06-16-2005 07:59 AM |
Originally Posted by biznatch
I am proud to announce that I have not understood a single word of what you said...lol I feel excluded from the WoW croud. :hmm:
k rogues in the game toss down some flash power and go into stealth mode this makes them "invisible" and negates agro built up on them by the enviroment. hunter have feign death making them look dead for all accounts. priests have fade, this makes them semi invisible and cuts down on the agro built up by the environement. DI is divine intervention.. although i dont play a pally.. they suck donkey nutz, they have this ability that removes a chosed player from the "world" for a limited ammount of time.
as a mage yeah as long as your not in combat you can teleport or open a portal to one of the three major faction cities. this portal will stay up for a bit and anyone in your party can right click it to go through. ive done this in pvp before heh its evil but you have to be on the ball to get it off.
downside is when they all do this the hate/agro falls back on the MT=main tanks in the party. basically when something like this happens everyone backs off and tells the player to die.. we will rez you . this works as long as not one other person in the party gets a combat tag. the event resets to a point and you can continue on.
in a ubrs we had this happen only to have a fool that joined at the last minuite come flying through and brought ever single dragon welp and guardians to us when we had the general beat down to about 45%.. wanna talk about ticked.. but hey i got a nice ring before the wipe so i was happy.