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Old 06-02-2005, 03:46 PM   #1 (permalink)
Just here for the beer.
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Location: Ft. Lauderdale, Floriduh
GTA San Andreas for PC

Probably old news but GTA: SA looks like it's gonna ship 6-6-5.

I like stuff.
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Old 06-02-2005, 03:51 PM   #2 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
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Location: Seattle.
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang

hearts, by d.a.
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Old 06-02-2005, 06:26 PM   #3 (permalink)
Metal and Rock 4 Life
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Location: Phoenix
Sweet news indeed!

Love these games.
You bore me.... next.
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Old 06-02-2005, 06:48 PM   #4 (permalink)
And we'll all float on ok...
Jeff's Avatar
Location: Iowa City
Seems like it's been years since I beat that game. Awesome game though, one of the best I've ever played.
For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.
--Charles Bukowski
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Old 06-03-2005, 03:35 AM   #5 (permalink)
Master of No Domains
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Location: WEEhawken, New Joisey
I'm such a loser, I've prepaid my copy and taken the day off from work.
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Old 06-03-2005, 06:24 PM   #6 (permalink)
Wingless's Avatar
Location: Metro Detroit, Mich, USA
Meh, I think I'll wait til it's in the bargain bin with Vice City before I pick it up for PC. But hey, if you're into those games, go for it!
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You are, smaller getting smaller, but I still see... you.

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Old 06-03-2005, 06:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
Bratwurst's Avatar
Location: La la land
Its funny, I got VC way back when it first came out on PC, played it for a couple hours, and didn't play it again until about a month ago. Then i couldn't stop playing it until I beat it. Now I can't wait for San Andreas to come out. I won't probably get it the day it comes out but it will probably be some time that week.
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Old 06-03-2005, 08:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
MexicanOnABike's Avatar
Location: up north
i already paid for it for the ps2.. so is it legal to download it? hehehe... i'll wait for the price to drop and for my pc to be upgraded... VC barely ran on this old machine.
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:57 AM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Gaming Thread, and the UK
Anyone seen the Ltd Ed for PC of San Andreas?
Comes with a Novella whatever that is. Got a feeling it might mean novel.

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Old 06-05-2005, 12:13 AM   #10 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
I hated it on the PS2, the damn thing hurt my eyes 'cause it looked so bad. Getting it for the PC because I know it's a good game and it'll look a damn sight lot better on my rig.

p.s. i wuv my ps2, just has crappy graphics sometimes
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Old 06-05-2005, 01:21 AM   #11 (permalink)
Master of No Domains
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Location: WEEhawken, New Joisey
Is the save game system the same as VC? Not being able to save during a mission made for some very annoying replays.
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Old 06-05-2005, 05:25 PM   #12 (permalink)
I'm actually going to check out Best Buy tomorrow and see if they have it. The strange thing is the Best Buy Sunday circular shows the store will have it for the PC Thursday, but online at bestbuy.com they show a release date of 06/06/2005. I didn't think I'd like GTA Vice City at first. I started playing and I had to complete it 100%.
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Old 06-05-2005, 08:40 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: MI
VC was great on the PC....if I end up getting SA that means I'll play WoW less....hmmm maybe I won't pick up SA just yet
Q. What is the difference between erotic and kinky?

A. Erotic is using a feather... kinky is using the whole
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Old 06-07-2005, 03:03 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Australia, Perth
Looks like a release on the 10th for Australia:

Given this is released tomorrow, i would've thought this thread would be populated with xbox/pc users ?
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Old 06-07-2005, 01:37 PM   #15 (permalink)
Picked up the PC version today, Tuesday. From what I've read it will only be available in DVD format. I've installed it on one computer so far, and the controls are funky. I've been reading a forum for GTA games and it seems there is a quirky form of aiming in the PC version that was not in the PS2 version. From what I read, you have to click a button to start aiming. I haven't really gotten to play it much beyond starting it up and riding the bicycle around. The X-Box version was also available at my local EB Games. Oh yea, the full install with audio on my system shows 4.68 gigabytes.

Last edited by Cobalt_60; 06-07-2005 at 01:41 PM..
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Old 06-07-2005, 02:05 PM   #16 (permalink)
kutulu's Avatar
Originally Posted by portwineboy
Is the save game system the same as VC? Not being able to save during a mission made for some very annoying replays.
It's the same and honestly I think that is a good think. If you enable an autosave/quickload system it effectively eliminates any element of challenge in a game.
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Old 06-07-2005, 02:23 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Location: 13th century Europe
Originally Posted by kutulu
It's the same and honestly I think that is a good think. If you enable an autosave/quickload system it effectively eliminates any element of challenge in a game.
Challenge? Perhaps. Tedium and repetition? Certainly.
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Old 06-07-2005, 02:35 PM   #18 (permalink)
kutulu's Avatar
why not just use a constant god mode then...
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Old 06-07-2005, 02:50 PM   #19 (permalink)
Getting Medieval on your ass
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Location: 13th century Europe
God mode = saves? huh?

If you cannot see the difference, well, there's not much point in discussing it.
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Old 06-07-2005, 03:59 PM   #20 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
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Location: Seattle.
Man, I'm conflicted. I wanna get it for XBox, but I already have it for PS2. I mean, it's the same game, but it looks better on Xbox.

Anyone else buy it for both(or all three) platforms?
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang

hearts, by d.a.
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Old 06-07-2005, 07:39 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Australia, Perth
Originally Posted by Coppertop
God mode = saves? huh?

If you cannot see the difference, well, there's not much point in discussing it.
I always thought a good compromise may be a limit on the number of saves you have per level - that way you can't just go hog wild. Hitman and Soldier of Fortune 2 had this kind of save system (i imagine others do as well) and it helps keep the game a little more challenging without the apparent "cheapness" of saving every 5 seconds. Anyway, i always found the saves in GTA to be ok - it was back in the old school days of Goldeneye when a save or 2 during a level would've been a big help!
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Old 06-08-2005, 03:33 AM   #22 (permalink)
Master of No Domains
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Location: WEEhawken, New Joisey
I wouldn't mind seeing a Hitman style save system. Some of the missions were just crazy hard in VC which I don't find fun. The Hillary race in particular.
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Old 06-08-2005, 11:29 AM   #23 (permalink)
kutulu's Avatar
I could see a checkpoint system where when you reach milestones within a mission and there is a small break in action you can 'save' or just restart there during the current session but I don't see how it would be practical to save during a car race.
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Old 06-08-2005, 12:36 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Gaming Thread, and the UK
Gamespot reviews now up.

Looks like there is no definitive version of the game. I will probably go for the PC version for the graphics. There will probably be a patch for the sound issues.
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Old 06-08-2005, 08:38 PM   #25 (permalink)
Well I have installed it on two compuers. Both are about the same setup, but one has 1 gig of ram and the other has 512 megs of ram. Both have Geforce 4 ti's and 2.4 gig Intel processors. So far no glitches that I can see, audio or video. It took a bit to get used to looking around with the mouse while driving, but it does help. Like when you come up to an intersection, you can look left and right before going through. I haven't started any missions yet. Just maxed my bicycle skills while collecting weapons. Bout to start working on my driving skills and max it before starting up the first mission. I did find one tiny glitch. There is a sawed off shotgun in a rail car on the far southeast part of the map. I can't get into the rail car. Each time I jump trying to get into the rail car CJ grabs the roof of the rail car and I can't get in. The only way I've been able to get in the rail car and get the shotgun is by bunny hopping into the rail car with a bicycle. This weekend I should have CJ big pimpin.
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Old 06-09-2005, 09:57 PM   #26 (permalink)
A Real American
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I installed the sex mod for it. From here:

A few months ago, Barton Waterduck discovered a few sections of unused code in the PS2 version of San An for the girlfriend "missions". With a bit of memory hacking and such, he discovered these removed portions of mission scripting were to not only put the camera inside the girlfriends' house when you stop in for "coffee", but also to make a little mini-game of it. Now, with the magic of user-editable files on the PC, PatrickW was able to unlock the uncensored "coffee" segments for all to play with. Here's a few screens, but be warned, they might be a bit on the NSFW side...

Just another reason why PC GTA > PS2 GTA always.
I happen to like the words "fuck", "cock", "pussy", "tits", "cunt", "twat", "shit" and even "bitch". As long as I am not using them to describe you, don't go telling me whether or not I can/should use them...that is, if you want me to continue refraining from using them to describe you. ~Prince
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:32 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Location: Prince George, British Columbia
I got the game it is so kick ass!!! I have the Saitek P880 and it kicks add for this game! For me at least! They have done such a good job with the story as they have in the past. Kick ass Rockstar... kick ass!!

Don't you know about the bird?
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Old 06-10-2005, 11:37 PM   #28 (permalink)
C'mon, just blow it.
hulk's Avatar
Location: Perth, Australia
Originally Posted by Holo
I installed the sex mod for it. From here:

A few months ago, Barton Waterduck discovered a few sections of unused code in the PS2 version of San An for the girlfriend "missions". With a bit of memory hacking and such, he discovered these removed portions of mission scripting were to not only put the camera inside the girlfriends' house when you stop in for "coffee", but also to make a little mini-game of it. Now, with the magic of user-editable files on the PC, PatrickW was able to unlock the uncensored "coffee" segments for all to play with. Here's a few screens, but be warned, they might be a bit on the NSFW side...

Just another reason why PC GTA > PS2 GTA always.
A spot on GameSpot.
"'There's a tendency among the press to attribute the creation of a game to a single person,' says Warren Spector, creator of Thief and Deus Ex."
-- From an IGN game review.
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Old 06-12-2005, 07:49 AM   #29 (permalink)
Location: UMBC, MD
I'm just gettin this game so I can use some of the mods that are guaranteed to come out for it. Which there already seems to be some.
we've been running from day one
never even thought to ask why or what from
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Old 06-12-2005, 03:35 PM   #30 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
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Location: Seattle.

More on the "Hot Coffee", not bogus at all.
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang

hearts, by d.a.
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Old 06-13-2005, 04:26 PM   #31 (permalink)
I got it the day after it came out on PC, and this is defintely my favorite GTA thus far. Currently I'm about 19% done with the game, and most of it has been pretty enjoyable. At first I had some problems with it crashing, then I reinstalled, and reformatted my computer, and now it works fine with no problems.
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Old 06-14-2005, 12:42 PM   #32 (permalink)
Getting Medieval on your ass
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Location: 13th century Europe
I much prefer the PC version to the PS2 version. Much prettier, and having crosshairs to help shoot with is an absolute bonus.

I'm afraid I'll never be able to play a console version of GTA again and be satisified. At least I am happy now.
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Old 06-14-2005, 08:06 PM   #33 (permalink)
Scipio's Avatar
Location: College
The pc version is fun. I prefer the more interactive story type pc games (deus ex), but there is a console appeal to the frustration some of the missions produce. The setting is not as instantly appealing as the 80s/mafia themes of VC, but it's still a fun game. The engine seems to have grown to accomodate the evolving game.
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Old 06-16-2005, 09:03 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Irishsean's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
Anyone help me beat the Cesar Vilipando low rider mission? I'm stuck on it right now, have tried everything including lowering all my graphics settings and I just can't get past it.

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Old 06-16-2005, 09:31 PM   #35 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
There's not really much to it. One thing that'll help is if you head over to your beach house and wander around till you see a lowrider 50's pickup truck lookin' thing (the game calls it a slamvan). It's got hydraulics on it already and it's fast as holy hell.

Then just learn the route and drive it.
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Old 06-16-2005, 10:18 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Irishsean's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
It's not the race, I haven't even gotten to that yet. Its the stupid dance thing... I'm barely into the game and can't get much further because I can't finish it succesfully.
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Old 06-17-2005, 04:58 AM   #37 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
oh. That's just a timing thing. Watch the arrows on the bottom of your screen. When they enter the circle, hit the direction key that corresponds to the direction of the arrows.
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Old 06-17-2005, 03:42 PM   #38 (permalink)
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Irishsean's Avatar
Location: Austin, TX
Yes, I know. I have done it now around 20+ times. I can never beat the opponent. Even when I get it right on it says stuff like bad...
There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances.
Leon Trotsky
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Old 06-17-2005, 08:54 PM   #39 (permalink)
lonely rolling star
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Location: Seattle.
Just ignore what it says, just press the buttons.
And try to get into it, like start boppin with the music.
I mean, it's Cool and the Gang, man.

As for "High Stakes, Low Rider", find that slamvan, take it into the mod shop, and put some nitro on it. Just remember the course, though.
"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.
The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
-Lin Yutang

hearts, by d.a.
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Old 06-17-2005, 10:49 PM   #40 (permalink)
Bratwurst's Avatar
Location: La la land
I just installed yesterday, and everytime I try to save, it gets corrupted. I can't load any of the files. Its a legit copy too, not a warez. Its really pissing me off.

Other than that, looks great, but I wish I could get my dual analog controller to work the same way that the one did in VC and still be able to use the mouse for looking around. I can't seem to get it to setup properly. Very annoying.
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