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#1 (permalink) |
Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
D & D 3.5E Questions
Ok, basically, my group and I don't have all the rules actually down as well as we probably should(the guy that taught us how to play really only knew 2nd Ed, so he kinda fudged a lot of things, though, our group has learned a lot), we play, and have a good time, but usually, rule issues come up, and we just go off what makes sense, so I figured I would take it upon myself to figure out these few questions I have.
1 First, when rolling treasure, for monsters how do you go about rolling, say you fight three gnolls, do you roll once for each gnoll, or for the entire encounter? 2 How rare are magic items in your campaign? 3 How hard is it to get magical enchantments done, for instance, if someone has the money to get a plus 5 flaming holy longsword, how hard would that be to get done? 4 Do you abide by the GP limit in towns? 5 At higher levels, do spell casters get to cast two spells, as a fighter gets to attacks? (when a wizard/sorc has a +6/+1) 6 If you have full plate on, but your dex is say, 16, giving you a plus 3 bonus, do you get a reflex save bonus of plus 3 for the stat, or plus just plus 1 from the Full plate? 7 If a Dwarven Defender, had Dwarven Full Plate(DR 3/-), would his class damage reduction stack with his armor? 8 does there exist a better chart for the encounter levels setup than the one in the DMG, the whole thing confuses me, perhaps if someone could explain it in more simplistic terms? That would be great.. ![]() Any other common DM mistakes in 3.5e, do tell. Thanks! |
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#2 (permalink) |
I'm a pepper bitch..
1. I never roll for treasure, but you could do it any way you want
2. Items are rare enough to be considered valuable 3. Magical enchantments cannot be worked in my campaign, they must be earned. 4. If the town is poor they obviouslly won't have enough money 5. 1 spell, usually thats all they need. (I hate how D&D handles magic but thats another rant) 6. There is a max dex thing on plate you need to check, you just use the bonus. 7. Yes 8 I have no clue. |
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#3 (permalink) |
Location: Dartmouth,NS,Canada
1. you would roll each one seprate
2. very rare, my players have to fight for everything they get or quest for it 3. very hard, depending on if you play in a magic rich world with lots of Epic level mages and clerics or a magic weak world with very few Epic level spellcasters 4. not really, it should be the DM's prorogitive(sorry about the spelling) 5. no that is for melee attacks only 6. just for the armour 7. yes they stack 8. not sure. I made my own one up, it works alot better than the one in the DMG Hope this helps you out. Just post if you have any more questions.
"Oderint dum metuant"-"Let them hate, so long as they fear" |
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#4 (permalink) |
Location: antioch IL
try here for all your D&D questions and needs
http://www.systemreferencedocuments....enh/index.html it will save your D&D career. also join up here: http://boards1.wizards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=8 i'm reese on that forum
there are three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and my way, which is the wrong way faster. |
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#5 (permalink) |
Location: Camazotz
1 First, when rolling treasure, for monsters how do you go about rolling, say you fight three gnolls, do you roll once for each gnoll, or for the entire encounter?
My DM rolls it as one; you figure out the total challenge rating of the fight and roll from that, but special enemies (plot point enemies or what have you) would be determined separately(and ahead of time, frankly). 2 How rare are magic items in your campaign? Well, it depends. We're all sixth right now and everyone has a magic weapon(except the fighters, who have two) and most of us have some sort of minor magical item like a cloak of resistance or gauntlets of ogre power, but anything beyond a +1 bonus is more rare. Magic items should be, as styrathys and neverborn said, rare enough to be meaningful for the players. 3 How hard is it to get magical enchantments done, for instance, if someone has the money to get a plus 5 flaming holy longsword, how hard would that be to get done? It takes forEVER to enchant something. It's not just a question of money. To enchant something takes a day per 1000 gold, so a +2 weapon takes four days. Your +5 flaming holy longsword is a bonus of +7, so that's 49 days of enchantment. So even if you've got the money you can't have it right away. 4 Do you abide by the GP limit in towns? More or less. A small town will not have crazy expensive items or high-level spellcasters. 5 At higher levels, do spell casters get to cast two spells, as a fighter gets to attacks? (when a wizard/sorc has a +6/+1) No. There are metamagic feats that let you, for example, cast a spell as a free action, but it's just one spell and you have to memorize it as two levels higher (so a first level spell takes a third level spell slot) and so it really isn't very good. 6 If you have full plate on, but your dex is say, 16, giving you a plus 3 bonus, do you get a reflex save bonus of plus 3 for the stat, or plus just plus 1 from the Full plate? You only get the +1 that full plate allows. It's harder to move out of the way of a fireball just as it is an attack with an axe. 7 If a Dwarven Defender, had Dwarven Full Plate(DR 3/-), would his class damage reduction stack with his armor? Stack it up, but where the hell did he get adamantine armor? 8 does there exist a better chart for the encounter levels setup than the one in the DMG, the whole thing confuses me, perhaps if someone could explain it in more simplistic terms? That would be great.. ![]() Oh my god, that thing sucks. You can work out your own encounter table, but what makes more sense is to figure out half a dozen decent fights for your party (i.e., challenge rating appropriate) and use those for random encounters. You really should read your DMG cover to cover, as nerdy as it is. The stuff we have the most trouble with is movement in combat, charging and threatened squares and all that, because it's hard to do without a map, but we've got it down now, so if you've questions about that, ask away.
it's quiet in here |
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35e, questions |