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Crack 11-22-2004 11:56 PM

The World of Warcraft Thread
Wow is right! I'm in and playing retail! Is there going to be another guild (RedJake, Lasereth?)

Which server is everybody playing on?

What are your Retail character names?

I'm so elated, I have not blinked in about 12 mins...


Lasereth 11-23-2004 04:39 AM

We'll announce our server name as soon as we pick up our copies. There's definitely gonna be a guild. Sorry for getting back so late but our schedules are jam packed today. We'll let ya know around 3:30 PM EST!


Redjake 11-23-2004 05:53 AM


We are playing on the East PVP Server: BLEEDING HOLLOW

look for Punchinelli (me)

Lasereth 11-23-2004 05:56 AM

Yeah, Bleeding Hollow it is.

Lasereth - Night Elf Priest
Razerwind - Night Elf Warrior


bltzkriegmcanon 11-23-2004 07:16 AM

Ok, don't know how you guys got that info ahead of me, but Bleeding Hollow it is!
Hierofaris/Pioussmith - Human Paladin

htwhite 11-23-2004 07:25 AM

im on eastcoast stormhammer...........not pvp

Viros 11-23-2004 09:53 AM

I'll be in later tonight going to pick my copy up today.

Redjake 11-23-2004 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by htwhite
im on eastcoast stormhammer...........not pvp

come on man, change to Bleeding Hollow! PvP isn't that much different!

the more the merrier :thumbsup:

Destrox 11-23-2004 10:30 AM

So, here's a post for you WoW junkies.

I, destr0x, have never played a mmorpg but am maybe thinking about doing so. I truely love rpg's of all flavors including fps style (morrowind, vampire masqueredes, etc) 2d Fallout style and ones like Neverwinter Nights.

So lets take WoW for instance, what would it be most similar to, and would it be hard to just jump right in? Anything that is good to know as a beginner, do's and dont's.

Sell me a winning pitch. ;)

Redjake 11-23-2004 10:37 AM

easy to get into, hard to master. you'll love it. buy it!

dabossy2k 11-23-2004 11:06 AM

Man I wish you guys wherent on the east coast need a west coast guild damn.

Seething 11-23-2004 11:30 AM

Just got it, woot! Finally, the wait is over!

Rebellion - Undead Rogue on Bleeding Hollow

I look forward to killing you alliance scum!

00111000 11-23-2004 11:50 AM


WoW is one of the most "noob" friendly mmorpgs I've played. Your hand is pretty much held through the first few levels where you learn the ins and outs. Here are a few tips.

1. READ YOUR QUEST LOG!! I cannot stress this enough. You will find all the information you need to know for all your quests here. Sure you may have to wander around looking for a specific spot but the info provided there is more than enough to start off.

2. Guards in towns will show you the way. If you click on a guard you will get a dialog box. You can then ask him about any type of npcs in the town. Say you ask where the Hunter trainer is, they will tell you and then a dot will appear on your map.

3. Take as many quests as you can(you can have up to 20). Most of these quests will involve killing things you'll be killing anyway or collecting things that they drop. Trust me, the quests are worth the XP....and sometimes the reward.

4. Dont be afraid to group. Groups are a good way to get a quest that is a bit high for you completed. Some people will just invite you without asking, if you're adverse to this just decline and whisper to them you do not want a group. I don't really care if they ask or not, once in the group I find out what is going on, if they're working on the same quest why not help each other out...it is a mmorpg after all.

5. Try to keep out of the general chat dumbassery( I just made that one up) You'll see what I mean after 5 mins of being in game.

6. Go PvP. Kill Alliance scumbags.

7. Get Cosmos UI . It blows away the default UI. You may want to wait few on this though, until you're ok with the game.

Drider_it 11-23-2004 12:19 PM

The two servers for World of Warcraft:

Eastern Server Lothar Normal Alliance

Eastern Server Warsong PvP Horde

Lasereth 11-23-2004 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by dabossy2k
Man I wish you guys wherent on the east coast need a west coast guild damn.

I hear that choosing an East Coast server if you live on the West Coast or vice versa doesn't affect gameplay at all. The only thing that would be off was the hours of tech support. You'd have to call 3 hours ahead of time for any questions!


cait987 11-23-2004 12:31 PM

hey everyone, havn't play a MMORPG in probaly 2 years (stopped playing EQ during POP)

Hoping to try out WOW but I hadn't even tried to get into the beta and havn't played a game like this in forever, think I could join for a little while in your guild even if i'll probaly be clueless lol?

All my old eq friends want me to join some uber guild but I really don't think I will have the time to commit these days with school and so on.

Crack 11-23-2004 02:36 PM

This sucks, I was already on MalGanis... now I have to start a new guy.

Crack 11-23-2004 06:00 PM

Lucius lvl 7 human mage on Bleeding Hollow on now, look me up!

I logged out for some strange reason, then had to wait in a que for 40 mins, then my game crashed, and now I am in another 40 min que just to get back in and play the game that I just spent 50 dollars on! :mad:

ninety09 11-23-2004 06:52 PM

Hidesix - Human Warlock (Bleeding Hollow)

Currently waiting in queue...

reiii 11-23-2004 11:50 PM

Elwind - NE druid

Skullcrusher (pvp east)

Drider_it 11-24-2004 12:32 AM

dont listen to blizz they will increass the server limites as the weeks go by.. keep your chars on the server you want ..

our guild so far for those that signed up
pve east lothar
human pally x2
gnome mage
human mage(me)
ne hunterx2
ne druid

on pvp east warsong
undead mage(me)
undead priest
undead rogue
tauren shaman
tauren druid
orc hunter
orc shaman
troll hunter
andother tauren druid

htwhite 11-24-2004 05:13 AM

Stormrage was overcrowded like hell, i dropped it like a bad habit and went too bloodhoof...........

Locobot 11-24-2004 07:20 AM

I went to the west coast server garganosh or something like that because there was no wait. I got to level 6 with my tauren warrior "Circe" and then the lag set in. So far I have a good impression of the game, provided they fix lag issues. The graphics are excellent despite so much fanboy-wanker whinning. The map seems nearly useless, it doesn't tell me which ways are passable through the mountains or not. I gave up on one quest because I couldn't find the jerkbait whose head I was supposed to gather. I was in a party for a few minutes but then a kodo killed us both :] Looking forward to an extended weekend of play. I hope the quests become more imaginative once I level up.

MahlerIsGod 11-24-2004 04:30 PM

A few questions:
1)Can I have more than one character per server?
2)If my normal server is busy can I move my character to another server with less traffic?
3)How characters are you allowed to have?


Lasereth 11-24-2004 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by MahlerIsGod
A few questions:
1)Can I have more than one character per server?
2)If my normal server is busy can I move my character to another server with less traffic?
3)How characters are you allowed to have?


1. Yes, either 8 or 10.
2. You can move to another server but your characters do not move with you (so far...they may change this later on, Sony did with EQ).
3. I believe the limit is 50.


Crack 11-24-2004 06:50 PM

The freaking World Server has been down for the past hour or so!
Danm this World of Warcrack!

Lasereth 11-24-2004 07:59 PM

Our server has been down for 10 hours. :( This launch is craptacular! I hope it gets better when the servers come back up within the hour.


Crack 11-24-2004 08:16 PM

This vexes me, I am vexed.

Munku 11-24-2004 08:17 PM

Keep yourself entertained..


Crack 11-24-2004 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Munku

That's great Munku, Does it eventually get to zero, then you get in and play for a few mins, then the game crashes, and you have to wait in the que again? That would be perfect!

The Magic 11-24-2004 11:38 PM

Frostwolf, west coast PVP server.

Playing with a bunch of friends. We're probably going to start our own guild or some of us might try to join Flowers of Happiness (www.notacult.com).

I'm under the name Zangief, as a Tauren Warrior.

bltzkriegmcanon 11-25-2004 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Munku

LMAO. Oh geez. That's terrible.

glytch 11-25-2004 09:57 AM

If there happen to be any Horde players on East Coast server Argent Dawn, give me a yell. My name's Ghalean in game. We have a decent sized group that we quest with, and are going to be starting a guild soon.

fugue_life 11-25-2004 03:17 PM

my name is Mittens- on the Uther server if anyone wants to say hi :)

Apokx 11-25-2004 07:40 PM

What cha waitin',what cha waitin for???

Tick tock,tick tock.

Seething 11-25-2004 08:47 PM

Had my first taste of PvP today!

I was heading to Orgrimmar after getting off the Zepplinn, and I soon as I get down the tower, there's a group of 4 NEs killing boars in the area. I immediately Stealth up, walk up right behind the lowest level person in the group, and Garrote his ass! I do my usual stuff and he goes down before the rest of them know I'm there. Once they all turn on me, I'm done for, but I still got the one of them. I love being a rogue!

Crack 11-26-2004 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Seething
Had my first taste of PvP today!

I was heading to Orgrimmar after getting off the Zepplinn, and I soon as I get down the tower, there's a group of 4 NEs killing boars in the area. I immediately Stealth up, walk up right behind the lowest level person in the group, and Garrote his ass! I do my usual stuff and he goes down before the rest of them know I'm there. Once they all turn on me, I'm done for, but I still got the one of them. I love being a rogue!

Told ya!

BTW, 1 Gold is going for $19.95 on e-bay right now, how much do you guys have?
I can make this a career! :lol:

Seething 11-26-2004 07:19 AM

I usually have around 1g 50s, but level 16 left me with a lot less. I hit a wall with UC quests (all elite or level 20+) so I moved to the barrens to level. We'll see how much money I can rake up from skinning mobs in the barrens.

MahlerIsGod 11-26-2004 02:01 PM

I have been having a problem with my WoW. Everytime I start WoW for the first time every day I get an error from teh program and crashes. It states that I need to check my AGP temperature! I checked the internal temp of my rig and its OK. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a fix? Thanks

Reese 11-26-2004 04:01 PM

I just got signed in and I'm about 100 in queue for bleeding Hallow. I'll be in game in a while and I'll edit this post with my character names.

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