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-Ever- 11-10-2004 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by crackprogram
What is your nick in the game -Ever-? I'll be there in a bit!

It's just "Ever". Best of luck finalizing your install and all.

Nonsensical- I know a few people downloaded the OB client before it was actually released to beat the lines. A few websites were hosting it...

BuddyHawks 11-10-2004 10:41 AM

I'm not sure how i feel about the quest system (im not sure if im doing it right)
But it seems kind of dumb that party members dont share quests.
We both have to actvate the quest, we both have to run to the moon well.
If its a gathering quest, we have to gather twice as much if there are two people in the party.
I suppose it makes since, but I was just use to the Diablo system.

I about pissed myself when i first saw Daranassus. Gave me the first glimpse of the game's full potential. :cool:

YaWhateva 11-10-2004 11:11 AM

you can share quests. i dont remember how though, and since servers are down to maintenance i cant check

00111000 11-10-2004 11:18 AM

There is an option in the quest log to share quests. If you click on that the party memebers will get a dialog box to click accept or decline. If it is a secondary quest you will not be able to share it until they do the previous steps.

Seething 11-10-2004 11:27 AM

I finally finished downloading it, but as soon as I finished installing it, I find that servers are down. Something doesn't want me playing this game. :(

As soon as servers are back up, I'll make my character. I've decided to make a Night Elf Druid, since you blokes are going Alliance. I'll post my name in the other thread as soon as I make it, so you guys can get in touch.

BuddyHawks 11-10-2004 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by 00111000
There is an option in the quest log to share quests. If you click on that the party memebers will get a dialog box to click accept or decline. If it is a secondary quest you will not be able to share it until they do the previous steps.

I think that just gives the quest to the party member who does not have the quest. Each member will still have to do the quest for themselves.
If the quest is to collect 7 silk venom sacks and there are two members in the party, 14 sacks will have to be collected for everyone to be able to continue.

But like i said, it sort of makes sense so people cant get rushed and stuff like that.

00111000 11-10-2004 12:00 PM

I see your point but the thing with that is you are now most likely killing things at a faster pace and getting whatever quest item you need faster. Case in point - I've had a quest to collect 60 Quillboar tusks and I've been doing it off and on as I pass through the camps to stonetalon mts. Last night I hooked up with a shaman who was doing the same quest. I had about 14 when we started...about 15 mins later I had my 60 as did he.

mwscircle 11-10-2004 01:49 PM

umm It took me 22 hours but .. im satisfied any one going online have any suggestions on whats the best character and whats the best classes. Last thing Im currently on 56k because I switch cable company .. so is it possible to play WOW with 56k ? or its not

Thank you

BuddyHawks 11-10-2004 08:57 PM

i quit early tonight because of too much lag...was unbearable. My friends wern't having any problems so it wasnt the server's fault. Ill try again tomorrow.

Irishsean 11-10-2004 09:13 PM

Heinous lag tonite, unplayable atm. Hope they get it fixed before release, would hate to see a game with potential to go the way of Shadowbane.

Shizukana 11-11-2004 01:25 AM

How funny - they release open beta on the same day EQ2 ships.

Looks like Sony wins round 1 though - the EQ2 release was very very smooth, surprisingly enough.

n0nsensical 11-11-2004 01:29 AM

Finally finished and installed pretty painlessly. Can't play a whole lot until the weekend though.
Eastern 16:
Marsellus - Human Mage
Fiction - Night Elf Warrior
Pacific 14:
Pulp - Tauren Shaman
A little over 100 ms ping difference

YaWhateva 11-11-2004 09:44 AM

Well, I hope that they put out more servers once the game finally comes out.

BTW, I can feel my GPA dropping every second I play this game. Soooo many Lab Reports to do, so many monsters to kill.

Fate 11-11-2004 09:58 AM

If you guys are looking for a WoW guild, fo PvP, come check my gaming guild out: www.houseforsaken.com

ATM, we are horde, on East Server 4.

Cader 11-11-2004 11:20 AM

The lag issues has been a bit of a rollercoaster. It mainly rears it's head during primetime and in some weird fashions. Had to expect this as really this open beta is serving as the ultimate stress test. Overall it is still one of the most polished games before release I've yet to see.

BuddyHawks 11-13-2004 03:19 PM

GWAAHA!, Server has been down all day! My Saturday has been wasted!
And do we hear anything from Blizzard? .. no.

Seething 11-13-2004 06:43 PM

Fuck me...

I went to bed early last night after a particularly bad lag spike booted me from the game. I thought, "If I go to bed early, I can wake up early and get some play time in." Nope... So I went to work thinking I could unwind afterwards by killing some shit with my axe. Nope... I just got home and the servers are down. I must say Blizzard is taking the saying "Leave them wanting more" a bit too far.

Irishsean 11-13-2004 06:57 PM

Very Dissapointing when your talking about release in ten days. The game doesn't seem ready to release to me. They really need to figure out their network code and fix the issues first.

Lasereth 11-14-2004 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Irishsean
Very Dissapointing when your talking about release in ten days. The game doesn't seem ready to release to me. They really need to figure out their network code and fix the issues first.

Well, since Blizzard has stated "We're not fixing the lag for observation purposes" and that "the lag will be competely gone for retail," I don't think we have anything to worry about. If you've played the game without the horrendous lag during OB then you know how fun it can be. I admit the lag is enough to make players quit, but Blizzard has stated that they know of the problem and aren't going to fix it during OB because they <I>want</I> the game to be laggy. If it's laggy all the way up until release then they'll know <I>exactly</I> what they need to do to have efficient servers. OB is a testing ground, not a free trial. Blizzard is having their way with the OB testers, whoring them out as candy apples that exist only to make the retail game more enjoyable. They're doing a very good job at it!


Seething 11-14-2004 02:38 PM

I beta tested City of Heroes, so as soon as the lag occured in WoW, I knew it was here to stay. I don't see why so many of the people who got into OB feel the need to shout out how bad the lag is, or ask when it'll be fixed. These people need to be beaten. Blizzard is doing it on purpose, to test the servers so it won't happen in retail, when people are actually paying to play the game. "I'm not going to get the game because the lag is so bad" just screams "idiocy" at you.

TheFu 11-16-2004 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by BuddyHawks
If the quest is to collect 7 silk venom sacks and there are two members in the party, 14 sacks will have to be collected for everyone to be able to continue.

But like i said, it sort of makes sense so people cant get rushed and stuff like that.

My experience has been each party member can loot the same item off a the mob. There was a group of 4 of us trying to get a named and we kept blowing it because we were ungrouped. No one got the kill so we all grouped killed it once and all of us looted the head. 4 head on one dude. Pretty sick.

MahlerIsGod 11-17-2004 01:49 AM

Can you only have one character per server? In light of the server problems tonight I thought I would try a different server but my character wouldn't show up. Is that the case? Just wondering. Thanks

cyclone 11-17-2004 03:40 AM

I love it!!

Redjake 11-17-2004 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by TheFu
My experience has been each party member can loot the same item off a the mob. There was a group of 4 of us trying to get a named and we kept blowing it because we were ungrouped. No one got the kill so we all grouped killed it once and all of us looted the head. 4 head on one dude. Pretty sick.

The person above you is right. Each person has to get 7 items if the quest calls for 7 items. BUT, if you are doing a quest that only has one item, such as someone's head, hand, or foot, then everyone gets the item. Like "Kill Chok'sul the Ogre and bring me his head." Everyone in the party gets the head of Chok'sul. But if it's "bring me 7 pieces of boar meat," everyone in the party has to get 7 seperate pieces of boar meat.

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