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Old 05-25-2004, 09:57 AM   #41 (permalink)
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saut's Avatar
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Originally posted by Phaenx
Shining Force is better than a lot of the newer RPGs. I'm playing through it again right now on the GBA.
I actually played through it a month or two ago on my Sega out of boredom. Still fun after all these years (although much easier).
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Old 05-25-2004, 12:00 PM   #42 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Gjefflin
There......there was a Golden Axe 2!?!?!??!! I didn't even know that!!!! For the Sega Genesis???
There was a Golden Axe 3 too!
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Old 05-25-2004, 05:35 PM   #43 (permalink)
hilbert25's Avatar
Location: nOvA
Shadowrun and Gunstar Hero's all the way.
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Old 05-25-2004, 05:57 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Location: New York, CA
Streets of Rage 2 for some reason.
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Old 05-25-2004, 06:38 PM   #45 (permalink)
Sonic 2! I still play it today, because It's that damn awesome.
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Old 05-25-2004, 08:51 PM   #46 (permalink)
Location: New York
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
There was a Golden Axe 3 too!
WHAT!?!?!?!? WHAT!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? A GOLDEN AXE 3!?!?!? WTF!?
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Old 05-25-2004, 10:38 PM   #47 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Gjefflin
WHAT!?!?!?!? WHAT!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? A GOLDEN AXE 3!?!?!? WTF!?
And that wasn't the last in the series either...
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Old 05-25-2004, 10:39 PM   #48 (permalink)
Location: Iowa...sometimes
Toejam and Earl .... the frist one, not the stupid second one
Watch More TV
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Old 05-26-2004, 12:10 AM   #49 (permalink)
Super Baseball 2020
Mutant League Hockey, was so good I even watched a few episodes of the cartoon
NHL series, especially 97
Triple Play series
"When I played pool I was like a good psychiatrist.
I cured them of all their daydreams and delusions."
-- Minnesota Fats
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Old 05-26-2004, 10:18 AM   #50 (permalink)
Location: New York
Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
And that wasn't the last in the series either...
I must ask. What platform were the other Golden Axes on as I've never seen them. Where they all on the original Sega Genesis or another console?
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Old 05-26-2004, 02:57 PM   #51 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Gjefflin
I must ask. What platform were the other Golden Axes on as I've never seen them. Where they all on the original Sega Genesis or another console?
Only list I could find, didn't look hard though..
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Old 05-26-2004, 04:12 PM   #52 (permalink)
emmdubbs's Avatar
Location: the western part of new york
ecco the dolphin, i believe it's called chamelion kid, and there was this football game where you could be like zombies, or robots, or monsters or somethin....it was awesome.
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:15 PM   #53 (permalink)
Location: New York
Wasn't echo the dolphin supposed to be a breakthrough in graphics?
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:35 PM   #54 (permalink)
shadowrun was my favorite by far, i still have my genesis and shadowrun because i love it sooooo much
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Old 05-26-2004, 05:39 PM   #55 (permalink)
Location: New York
DArn......I really miss my Genesis. I know I can buy it on Ebay or something....but I don't have time to play with my PS2 now so....would be a waste.
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Old 05-26-2004, 08:16 PM   #56 (permalink)
Originally posted by Gjefflin
Wasn't echo the dolphin supposed to be a breakthrough in graphics?
As far as I remember, Ecco did not have breakthrough graphics...just really colorful graphics considering it was on the 64 color genesis.
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Old 05-27-2004, 06:39 AM   #57 (permalink)
I loved Earthworm Jim (both of them) and Vectorman. Eternal Champions got us through the Blizzrd of '93. However, the game I could still go back and keep playing was Target:Earth.
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Old 05-27-2004, 07:45 AM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally posted by crow_daw
Echo the Dolphin


I apologize for nothing. Not even Echo.
Oh lord, I used to get so confused playing that game. I ended up finally gettin' the hang of it and started liking it though. Good game.

Originally posted by erion
I loved Earthworm Jim (both of them) and Vectorman. Eternal Champions got us through the Blizzrd of '93. However, the game I could still go back and keep playing was Target:Earth.
Shit, I forgot Earthworm Jim and Eternal Champions, too! I'm becoming ashamed of myself more and more as this thread grows. Those two were AWESOME.
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Old 05-27-2004, 08:00 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Location: Central Republic of Where-in-the-Hell
How did I forget Earthworm Jim? Definitely a fun game.
"...for though she was ordinary, she possessed health, wit, courage, charm, and cheerfulness. But because she was not beautiful, no one ever seemed to notice these other qualities, which is so often the way of the world."

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
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Old 05-27-2004, 01:51 PM   #60 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
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Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by CinnamonGirl
How did I forget Earthworm Jim? Definitely a fun game.
Argh! I forgot too! Hell, someone should just list the netire Genesis/Mega Drive catalogue!
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Old 05-27-2004, 05:02 PM   #61 (permalink)
Location: New York
What was the whole point of Ecco by the way? Was it an adventure game? Were their enemies that you had to fight?
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Old 05-27-2004, 07:18 PM   #62 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Location: Manhattan, NY
Desert Strike
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 05-27-2004, 08:36 PM   #63 (permalink)
Location: New York
Desert Strike....DAMN good game!
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Old 05-27-2004, 10:20 PM   #64 (permalink)
phantasy star 4

the best genesis game, and still by far one of the best rpgs out there.
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Old 05-28-2004, 08:20 AM   #65 (permalink)
Location: New York
Hmm...i'm trying to remember Phantasy Star 4. Don't think I played it. I think the last one I played was the 3rd one where you got to play through different Generations of the characters. It was cool as hell!!!

What was 4 about?
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Old 05-29-2004, 06:49 AM   #66 (permalink)
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
I always loved the game faery tale.
There's a whole world all around us and we don't even realize it!
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Old 05-29-2004, 06:55 AM   #67 (permalink)
The Death Card
Ace_O_Spades's Avatar
Location: EH!?!?

best sega genesis game by far

plus you could plug it into the top of Sonic & Knuckles and play the bonus level
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Old 05-29-2004, 09:55 AM   #68 (permalink)
Location: New York
What's "Skitchin"? Also...don't remember "Faery Tale". Was that an RPG?
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Old 05-29-2004, 01:04 PM   #69 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Originally posted by Ace_O_Spades
plus you could plug it into the top of Sonic & Knuckles and play the bonus level
You're shitting me?! Trying it right bloody now!!!!!!

EDIT: LIAR! I get the "No Way!" message
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Old 05-29-2004, 01:26 PM   #70 (permalink)
Location: New York
Hey hey hey!!!! What's Skitchin!?!?!?
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Old 06-01-2004, 01:46 AM   #71 (permalink)
CyCo PL's Avatar
Location: Tulsa, OK
Skitchin is kind of like road rash, except you race on rollerblades and you can grab onto the back of cars (skate+hitch=skitch) to gain extra speed. And you can pick up weapons like whips, chains, boards, cattle prods, etc. to knock out your opponents.

The soundtrack was awesome for a genesis game and it was pretty much like road rash, except I liked it a lot more than road rash.
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Old 06-01-2004, 11:35 AM   #72 (permalink)
Shining force hands down for me.
maximum carnage is a close second
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Old 06-01-2004, 03:29 PM   #73 (permalink)
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Gjefflin...Yes, Faery tale was a RPG. You were one of three brothers and you wandered around a land and battled skeletons wraiths and such
There's a whole world all around us and we don't even realize it!
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Old 06-01-2004, 04:36 PM   #74 (permalink)
Location: New York
Originally posted by CyCo PL
Skitchin is kind of like road rash, except you race on rollerblades and you can grab onto the back of cars (skate+hitch=skitch) to gain extra speed. And you can pick up weapons like whips, chains, boards, cattle prods, etc. to knock out your opponents.

The soundtrack was awesome for a genesis game and it was pretty much like road rash, except I liked it a lot more than road rash.
OH! hehehe...okay thanks!
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Old 06-01-2004, 06:45 PM   #75 (permalink)
The Death Card
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Location: EH!?!?
EDIT: LIAR! I get the "No Way!" message

if you wait long enough you need to do some key combination... maybe select + some other buttons... or select

just wait, maybe it will tell you

but trust me, you can... any game that has that little yellow thumb grip you can use to play a secret level in S&K

trust me

Last edited by Ace_O_Spades; 06-01-2004 at 06:49 PM..
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Old 06-01-2004, 10:08 PM   #76 (permalink)
Blood + Fire
Mr.Deflok's Avatar
Location: New Zealand
Hmmm, the yellow tab Carts were all EA Releases... I don't get why EA and SEGA would do such a thing... I'll look into it though, tis very interesting
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Old 06-02-2004, 09:26 PM   #77 (permalink)
"What was 4 about?"

heh, it's been a while... but...

it's called "the end of the millenium"

it's sort of the final chapter in the ps series (at least in this time/galaxy)

Dark Force is back, and you face a new, greater evil. Takes place on algo, with the main character Chaz being a "hunter" in training. You travel to many different planets in search of answers. Some old favs are back and there are lots of hints at the previous games, including a big statue of Alis in one of the towns. Esper Lutz makes a surprising comeback

GREAT soundtrack, phenomenal.

GREAT graphics, with comic book style cut scenes.

Very entertaining plot, and characters you really cared about. It's also pretty long, id say longer than FF6 or CT. Lots of good extra missions and sidequests.

Beats the pants of the previous 3, especially PS3 which was made by a different company. GET IT GET IT GET IT!
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Old 06-02-2004, 09:48 PM   #78 (permalink)
Location: New York
Ah.....oh Dark Force. Amazing. VERY good game.
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Old 06-03-2004, 05:48 AM   #79 (permalink)
Location: Initech, Iowa
Flashback the quest for Identity was the coolest game of all time when it came out.

Phantasy Star II was great except I never got to see the end of the game. I was 1 room away from winning and the stupid game save had a glitch and wouldn't let me finish.

Lunar: The Silver Star was the best Sega CD game out. I've been trying to buy it on Ebay for years without luck. They want too much for it.

Last but not least: EA Sports games. EA became a powerhouse due to Sega and the Madden Football series was the best.l
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Old 06-03-2004, 05:35 PM   #80 (permalink)
Location: New York
Phantasy star II had a glitch? That's weird. I finished it and really loved it. Perhaps it was just a cartridge problem.
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favorite, game, genesis, sega

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