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iccky 03-03-2004 12:32 PM

Are there any good text based MUDs out there anymore?

I played Ultima Online for awhile but never quite had the same fun as when I was 10 playing a mud over a dial-up with a 28.8 modem. Plus it was expensive.

the_marq 03-03-2004 02:55 PM

Re: MUDs

Originally posted by iccky
I played Ultima Online for awhile but never quite had the same fun as when I was 10 playing a mud over a dial-up with a 28.8 modem...
Funny how lots of things are not nearly as much fun as they were when you were 10yrs old. :lol:

*edited to correct punctuation

Mephex 03-03-2004 03:05 PM

If you really are looking to get back into a mud, go check out :


But it seems you may feel the same way about muds as I did about the Police Quest series, it was just so much fun, and games these days just didn't stack up.

But in actuality, it was my lower expectations that made the game so great, when revisiting it, it lost it's appeal.

But, maybe you will enjoy them once again. Have fun !

nukeu666 03-03-2004 03:34 PM

mud's get fun once u r a bit higher level and have a regular group to go on quests togather with

any1 know ne muds that work on port80?

iccky 03-03-2004 05:17 PM

Yeah I'm probablly just trying to relive my childhood a bit. I predict I'll play for about 2 days and then get bored.

Mephex 03-03-2004 05:31 PM

I tried playing muds, I really really did.

I even went so far as to grab a codebase, then run it on my own server.

But I'll be damned if I didn't get lost every time.

Soooo, I started thinking.

And I came to the realization, that I'd have to have it hooked into a database, with your location, so I can conveniently whip up a webpage/map with one of those nifty YOU ARE HERE thingys.

Then muds would rule. Definately ;)

Or, maybe, we could add graphics, and charge 9.99 and then ... oh yeah, right, that's been done :P

spived2 03-08-2004 10:50 PM

They actually have MUD clients that have mapping options in them, to help you visualize where you are. I couldn't find one I liked very much myself, but there are some you can customize yourself to describe each room and how to get there and all. It takes a lot of time to do, but if you're willing to do it, go for it.

hulk 06-21-2004 11:25 PM

Thread resurrection!

I've just gotten into MUDding, and I'm having a blast. I've done a bit of tabletop pen and paper RPGing, so I kinda knew what to expect. For all you other MUDders out there (there has to be some!), if you're a fan of Star Wars or futuristic MUDs in general, give Galactic Rising a try, at galacticrising.wolfpaw.net:1600.

ToiletDuck 06-22-2004 12:11 PM

MajorMud was always a favorite for me, To get a better experiance check out MegaMud . Awsome GUI, with a boatload of interaction.

Tusko 06-22-2004 02:38 PM

i used to play pretty regularly on a mud called Act of War. It went through several changes and i kept coming back, its gone through some major major changes, and i was playing when it was still a beta. fun, but i couldnt put up with the constant overhauling/recreating characters/crashing, so i havent gone back to AOW yet.

SSJwrestler 06-22-2004 05:12 PM

ethereal mists is a great one from GMUD

timalkin 06-22-2004 06:30 PM

I tried playing one years ago, but don't you have to be somewhat computer savvy to get the hang of it? I remember always being confused as to what was happening.

oblar 06-22-2004 09:55 PM

MUDs are an addiction!! :) don't waste your time. I kind of wish I had started this last time on everwar. Good mud with many unique aspects to it.

the first mud i played was Rites of Passage, then Fate 1, then RoP 2 (briefly), Fate 2, and the last one was Methods of Destruction. Had high level characters on both Fate versions and MoD. Heck, I even have my own codebase running, but it is mainly to get some C practice. I may get it running somewhat publicly at some point.. Who knows.

as far as getting lost, the only mud i played fairly regularly that I never really memorized the map was MoD; the rest I memorized to the point i could outrun most automated scripts.

subz 06-25-2004 09:10 PM


Originally posted by ToiletDuck
MajorMud was always a favorite for me, To get a better experiance check out MegaMud . Awsome GUI, with a boatload of interaction.
I used to play that all the time too! It seems as though the game is dead as well as the BBS software. Still have copies of it on my computer though :)

rakshasa 06-25-2004 11:07 PM

Depends on what you're looking for. My personal favorite is Aldebaran. It's long on quests and short on stat-mongering.

The home page is:

The actual MUD is:

sabotage 06-30-2004 06:22 AM

I used to play exclusively on The Final Challenge MUD. Beware though, this IS a PK MUD, which is what made it so great ;)


As mentioned earlier its a PK MUD based loosely on Diku/MERC. They have great areas and as far as I can remember a good player base.

Chupes 06-30-2004 07:33 PM

I used to play a LOT... but stuff came up and I couldn't really get back into it. I had found one I liked a lot called The Mind's Eye. www.mudrealms.net www.mudrealms.net:3333

xepherys 07-07-2004 07:26 PM

Abandoned Reality
Check out AR at abandoned.org:4444

I used to IMM for it (Xepherys/Xepherus), build and code, long... long... long ago.

But it's pretty good, if I do say so myself! ^_^

Philangicality 05-06-2006 09:08 PM

I agree with ToiletDuck. One of the best games out there today is major mud. Deffinetly check it out. It is one of those games where it gets better every time you play it.

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