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Old 04-19-2003, 09:44 AM   #1 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Chess and Scrabble!!!

Chess and Scrabble are my two favorite games. Does anybody out there pry themselves away from their computer long enough to enjoy some good old fashioned Milton Bradley?
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Old 04-19-2003, 12:00 PM   #2 (permalink)
I used to compete in chess tournaments when I was in high school and college, but I haven't touched a chessboard in so long...but I played a mean Queen's Indian and Sicilian Defense back in the day...
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Old 04-19-2003, 03:18 PM   #3 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Originally posted by Rinndalir
I used to compete in chess tournaments when I was in high school and college, but I haven't touched a chessboard in so long...but I played a mean Queen's Indian and Sicilian Defense back in the day...
If you'd ever like to play. PM me and we can go to Yahoo chess. I play an alright Queen's Gambit, but I'm not so hot. My highest rating in USCF was 1253 I think.
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Old 04-19-2003, 04:28 PM   #4 (permalink)
I play chess a lot as well. On Yahoo I am rated like 2200, but that really means nothing. I much like the above poster played in tournaments throughout high school and college. E-mail me at Chief_Wiggum725@Yahoo.com to play on yahoo sometime..
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Old 04-19-2003, 06:55 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Jupiter 2
Scrabble is My Favorite Game.
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Old 04-19-2003, 06:58 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
I tried to play chess once, but I couldn't figure out how to plug the board into my TV.
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- Voltaire
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Old 04-19-2003, 07:55 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: A fuzzy cloud.
Nearly every day I play Scrabble.. not away from the computer, but online.
the dangerous type
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Old 04-19-2003, 08:20 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: here
Somewhat on topic: Monopoly is the best game ever if you have the time.
What 'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
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Old 04-19-2003, 08:39 PM   #9 (permalink)
Chilled to Perfection
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Location: Dallas, TX
Chess is my all time favorite game. Not to crazy about scrabble
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One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society.
The other is for housing prisoners.
~~David Letterman
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Old 04-20-2003, 12:05 AM   #10 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
I've been playing Chess and Scrabble recently. I'm not very good at scrabble. I average about 200-250 points in a 2 player game.

I'm Decent at chess but I haven't had any teaching so my tactics suck
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Old 04-20-2003, 05:01 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Pa, USA
Originally posted by isolder
Nearly every day I play Scrabble.. not away from the computer, but online.
Sounds fun, where do you play?
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Old 04-20-2003, 06:53 AM   #12 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
The best place to play chess(or, where I play anyway):

The only place to play the real scrabble(and great for monopoly):
www.playsite.com ***edit*** <---not anymore (now I go to literati and it's just not the same)
I hold with those that favor fire.

Last edited by eyeronic; 09-03-2003 at 08:33 PM..
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Old 04-20-2003, 07:44 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
I'm not a hardcore player of either game but if I'm bored enough I'll play them
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Old 04-20-2003, 04:06 PM   #14 (permalink)
Originally posted by eyeronic
If you'd ever like to play. PM me and we can go to Yahoo chess.
Not before I get back into practice...otherwise I'll just embarass myself...

To anyone looking to learn or improve, I'd suggest the "Winning Chess" series by grandmaster Yassir Sierawan (sp?), it's 6 different books IIRC and goes all the way from the basics to in depth thoughts about the game. Thanks to this thread I'm going to dig out my copies and reread them, beginning to end
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Old 04-20-2003, 04:20 PM   #15 (permalink)
Love both.
I always strive to get better.
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Old 04-20-2003, 08:18 PM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Dayton
I used to play chess, but it takes too much thought to play seriously.
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Old 04-20-2003, 09:00 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: Canada's capital, eh

www.games.com has a decent scrabble game.

I'll play anyone, good or bad. Let's hear some average scores.

I'm usually around 350, 300 on a bad game. Any play with less than 10-15 points is pathetic.
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Old 04-21-2003, 12:05 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Location: Nor Cal

Allows you to play chess at your own pace, which works great for me since I play at work and cant get a dedicated 1/2 hour chunk to hash out a game. Free membership allows you 25 moves per day. nick is Silverbrain if anyone needs a game, im ok )
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Old 04-22-2003, 03:41 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: A fuzzy cloud.
Sorry for the long time to respond, I play at www.playsite.com.
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Old 04-22-2003, 06:37 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: Jersey City
Casual chess when I can find someone to play against. I go online for a game every now and then, but prefer to play in person because subtle headfucks don't translate well through a computer.
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Old 04-22-2003, 07:54 PM   #21 (permalink)
The Cheshire Grin...
Location: An Aussie Outback
Chess.. hrmm.. played it a few times.. but then there was the good ol' battle chess.. damn I wish they'd make a new game of that
Can you see me grin grin grrriiiiinnnning?!
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Old 04-23-2003, 10:22 AM   #22 (permalink)
Location: shit hole
for people interested in chess and want an even challenging game to master, try the game go, it requires more strategy in general but still has very simple elements to the game

rules can be found at
sensei's library
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Old 04-23-2003, 02:50 PM   #23 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Originally posted by cheapdog
for people interested in chess and want an even challenging game to master, try the game go, it requires more strategy in general but still has very simple elements to the game

rules can be found at
sensei's library
I've played Go many times and love it, but you expose ignorance when you state that it requires more strategy and is more challenging. Both are equaling beyond the grasp of human mastery. Tic-Tac-Toe is masterable in that once you've mastered it you will never lose again. In either chess or Go the best players in the world lose now and again!
I hold with those that favor fire.
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Old 04-27-2003, 02:49 AM   #24 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
A great chess curiosities site.
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Old 05-15-2003, 10:42 PM   #25 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Do people prefer literati to the actual scrabble online?
I hold with those that favor fire.
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Old 05-19-2003, 11:27 AM   #26 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Found a great turned based chess site/forum. I am eyeronic on it as well.
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Old 05-19-2003, 03:37 PM   #27 (permalink)
Hiding Out
I play Literati (Yahoo's answer to Scrabble) often with KWSN and other persons. KWSN usually ends up owning me by a good 50 points or so, but the third member of our Literati group is usually well below my score.
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Old 05-28-2003, 06:00 PM   #28 (permalink)
I'm a Literati addict...I enjoy it more than Scrabble, but I can't really tell you why.
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Old 06-01-2003, 05:56 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Location: Tucson, AZ
Scrabble is fun, but I don't get to play it much. I've played chess since grade school but never quite grasped the "think 4 moves into the future" thing. I always thought "how can you do that when you don't know what the other guy is going to do?". About 2 years ago I got a book from the library about chess strategies, but it didn't seem to sink in. Still couldn't beat the easy level in Chessmaster for the SNES. My cousin, Tom, kicked that game's ass on the hardest level though. I guess the chess gene skipped me. But I still like playing. It's one of the few games that's fun even though I lose (I'm usually a rotten loser).
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Old 06-02-2003, 02:23 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Location: Up yonder
I love Scrabble! Wish I had someone to play with on a regular basis, as I miss it a lot.
My kid kicks my ass in chess so I don't play much anymore....too discouraging!
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Old 06-04-2003, 07:47 AM   #31 (permalink)
Location: PacNW
I love chess, but I'm missing the same gene as vermin. It's a lot of fun. I've played on Yahoo before (both chess and checkers), but there seem to be a lot of butt-heads on there.

I like going down to the local coffee shop and play with a friend over a latte. A wonderful way to waste the afternoon!
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Old 06-05-2003, 01:56 AM   #32 (permalink)
Location: London, CorBlimeyLand
Chess is an absolute Godsend, I love it to death. I just love those rooks; they're the best pieces on the board.

I also rate scrabble verrry highly too-I've always been good with words, and scrabble allows me to be that.

Anyone remember a game called Past The Post? One of my faves.

What about Ludo? Another one of my faves.

You just can't beat boardgames, they beat videogames hands down sometimes, as long as you've got 1. good competition and 2. more than enogh people. And some music. And some snacks...
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Old 09-03-2003, 08:31 PM   #33 (permalink)
I run E.
Location: New York
Online scrabble at playsite has been taken down. I am outraged. Screw them. I propose a boycot of their money-grubbing site.
I hold with those that favor fire.
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Old 09-03-2003, 08:47 PM   #34 (permalink)
Robot Lovin'
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Location: Boston
i enjoy a good match of literati every once and awhile
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Old 09-03-2003, 08:53 PM   #35 (permalink)
I love playing scrabble at games.com I haven't played it in a few months though, cause my java has been screwy. I can't wait to get back to playing it again though.
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Old 09-03-2003, 08:55 PM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Greater Vancouver
Chess and Chinese Chess are my favourite games because of the strategy and intense mind work they involve. I can't play these on a computer because I require concentration to play them, and I am easily distracted by numerous IM programs, TFP, etc etc I just wish more of my friends enjoyed these games as much as I did, so I could have a chance to work on my skills.
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Old 09-03-2003, 08:58 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Location: right here of course
this (http://www.atlanticgames.net/) is an excellent place for online chess games, played against friends from another forum there a few times lately.
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chess, scrabble

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