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He plays as razerwind ingame.
You guys gonna enjoy the free double IP? |
Just got my 2nd ever quadra-kill!!!!!!!
We saw the enemy team going towards Nashor. Well we followed them there and they knew we were coming from minion sight. So we get there and our ashe accidently walks into the brush right outside of Nashor, that one little clump. All 5 enemies in the brush!!! Then our Malphite ults right on top of them, hits all 5 with it. I go in as Nunu and exhaust/ignite their Ashe, and start casting my ult. Well 1 guy was dead before my ult went off, but the other 4 died to it. Man now that is one satisfying ult. Also I have 13,000 IP saved up. It's enough to buy the rest of the champs I don't have (Nidalee/Udyr/Poppy/Pantheon/Gragas) but it would use all of it. I don't know if I should save it for runes or what. Decisions decisions. |
Well what sort of runes do you currently have and what sort of champs do you like to play? Nid is quite fun. The rest are meh.
Right now I have an entire page of attack speed tier 3 which gives me 40% attack speed if I want. I also have a ton of mana regen, armor penetration, and magic resist.
I guess I could buy some magic pen runes. |
If you like casters mpen is quite nice (better than AP for offense so long as you're not going past their mresist). Aim for all marks (IIRC, or whatever the one that is most efficient...) and 1 quint to get 10 mpen. With boots you'd have 30. Bare min without wasting any. They're also fairly cheap, only 405 ip each, so getting 10 pen is only like 4 or 5k ip (maybe less). Means you'd still have a lot left over for either AP, or more champs.
I just spent like 10k IP on runes, so that's my vote. So long as you have HP quints, nothing else is absolutely required. MPen is nice for casters on marks though.
lmao I got like 3-4k IP in a day haha.
i play with regen/18 quints and yellows, crit dmg reds and cooldown reduction blues. My masteries are also split to focus on crit dmg and cd reduction (8-0-21).
I doubt i'll build more runes pages. I need to buy more champs, since i only own 5 or 6 cheapies at the moment. |
Well keep in mind you can always unlock 20 at a pop! xD
Been playing Rammus here recently. I've did really good with him so far. He takes some getting used to since some of his abilities make the others not usable. I know this is mega noob, but stacking Heart of Gold on him is really, really working for me. Early game, if you have 2 or 3 of those, by mid game you have enough gold to buy anything you need, and any fights you get in before then, you do fine because of the armor and HP. One game I had 5 of them and boots ha ha ha ha ha. We won and I had like 5,000 gold that I hadn't spent yet.
Played 2 matches with my friend last night and got triple kills in both as Rammus. In one of them I aced the enemy team (got all 5 kills) but it was only a triple kill and then 2 kills 10 seconds apart after that. He's funner than Alistar IMO. |
Played as Rammus with Joz a few nights ago for the first time. Did ok, but he's not my type of hero. My fav tank will always be Arnold Vosloo. |
Rammus is king (bowser). Very fun Champ, I hope they do some tweaks on him to boost his power level a tiny bit (he needs it, just not on taunt lawl).
Tbh, and you already know this, HoG stacking is the 'newb' strategy on him. The cool part is it synergizes so well that it's really not a half-bad strategy, as you both have pointed out. HoG stacking is generally only cost effective in super long games (50-70 minutes+), which don't happen so much in the current meta. Aegis, GA, FH, and some others are all better on him IMO, but I haven't really ever played him competitively, so I'm just monkeying others. I just bought Amumu yesterday. For context, he was my main back in tryhard rS days. It feels sooo goood to play him again. Went 3-1 with him since then, with the 1 being a 4v5 that we almost won T_T. Jungle amumu is so leet :3. |
Yeah you own super hard with him jungling. FYI me and Joz got put on the same team last night when I solo queued and we dominated. ROFL at the enemy team saying "Jungling Amumu? seriously??" and then dying ha ha ha ha ha
They also made fun of DPS Janna.
Both 'trash' builds are actually considered optimal (for that Champion) for competitive play atm. Council is pressuring Riot to buff Janna's support/AP utility so you aren't forced to DPS her to do well. There is hella QQ about the queue dodge penalties :\. |
Jungle Amumu sounds awesome. Any tips on that? Just throw on despair and spam tantrum? how early can you jungle with him? I've always like him I'm just not good with him.
after a week ok lolling goodness, I just had a very frustrating experience. Teamed with a level 8,12 and 16 (who admitted to being premade, but playing on their actual accounts), we were matched against five level 30's, who were also premade. Worst of all, the best one of them had 500 wins under the belt. He was playing a very pro Gangplank, with crit dmg runes and masteries galore. Sure, my ELO is a bit inflated (cuz of you Joz) and I can get being matched with a full premade, , but the skill difference between my noob teamies and the opposition was vast. I was the most experienced on my team, and I've only played 270 games. I had less wins than every member of the opposition.
Needless to say, we were drawn, quartered, and raped up the ass. |
That's a really rough situation to be in. The premade had to be out of newb island (as only one of them was even still in it; even one person out of newb island drags the entire premade out). The other team probbbably had most of the rest of the premade at pretty low Elo. Keep in mind that ridiculous amounts of wins can still mean low Elo, if he also has tons of losses. I'm not sure on the MM #s on this one, but there's some explanations.
TL;DR sorry for the bad game :(. If you feel that the difference were so vast it should be considered a MM error, submit it to Zileas and maybe he can find something in there to tweak (weight the higher player more heavily...but then that means his 4 friends will feed, etc. I'm not sure). |
Yeah, i took it on the chin. Hasn't happened often enough to complain about. I've just never been matced against a team with more than 1000 win between them. Even when playing with you, which is prolly the highest ELO games I play in.
A plus though, is that I'm finally starting to get the hang of Kayle. After 20-ish games. D: I went 3-3-6 in that noobfest, which was kind-of a victory for me, since we lost 30-something -12. So I was there for most of the kills. |
Hey Joz, I see Riot is hiring. I thought you were a shoe-in?
So, after my recent attempts at Kayle have proven more succesful, I thought I'd post the build and ask for tips. Constructive criticism welcome. I like this hero, and am not yet near the skill level with her I'd like to be.
League of Legends Strategy Builds :: LoL Strategy Building Tool by MOBAFire |
I have a job if I can move to LA, which I can't afford atm lol. I'm still unfortunately a dependent atm.
Posted some comments in your guide :D |
I've played a few games as Mordekaiser and man he's really fun. I got a triple kill in my first match I played as him which is always a morale booster.
I also had my longest LoL match ever last night. It was over 70 minutes. We lost!!!! We dominated the early to mid game, but had only Jax as a carry, and with the enemy team having 3 carries, it wasn't enough. We pushed all 3 inhibitors down, then got Nashor buff, and then pushed and got aced in 1 really bad team fight. Then after that the match lasted literally 40 more minutes because we couldn't fight them 5v5, and they couldn't leave their inhibs unprotected, so it was a huge stalemate. One of the last team fights we had, I absolutely dominated the enemy (they had Nashor buff) as Mord. I got 3 of them down to 10% HP and died, but Zilean put his ult on me and I came back and killed the 3. Then the 4th one ran away and I chased down the 5th and killed him too. Mord has some pretty amazing survivability in team fights when you start spamming his Q and E to build his shield up. Very, very cool champion. I'm really proud of Riot creativity with him. |
lasereth what's your IGN?
First post on this page, vault.
I agree Mord is really awesome. He's getting tweaked to tone down his early and buff up his late. |
Wow, I just played my first game of Bloodline Champions (BLC), a similar game to LoL. Mind is blown, even if it won't stop me from playing LoL xD. Looks AWESOME, now I just need to learn the bloodlines and get my visual search patterns adjusted.
Wow that game looks awesome.
Yar. I also had my first tastes of it colored because I joined AFTER the normal server uptime. They've only been putting them up for four hours at a time, and this time they were like "Meh, we'll leave it up til they crash horribly". They were already starting to show some symptoms by the time I first logged on haha. I'm eager to see what it's like playing at less than 300 latency (can you imagine 300 latency in an fps? *shudder* lmao).
How did you get to play it? I want a key. :( I watched the videos on their website and it looks really really cool. Like WoW Arena except without the gear limitations.
Bloodlines looks cool. Just signed up for their beta.
@Lasereth: If a FPS, DotA, Warlocks (a wc3 map) and WoW Arena all had an unholy foursome, BLC would be the result. It's pretty cool.
I got in cuz Larias had a spare key to give out: beta keys are really rare at this stage, and the game is pretty rough. As it cleans up over the next few months, and they start focusing on their infrastructure to ramp up beta, they'll send out more waves. With LoL the process between early beta and mid beta took like 3-4 months, I'd expect it to be about the same here. If I happen upon a cache of keys I'll totally let you guys know; if I find myself unable to play the beta during its (very) limited uptimes I'll share my account details with TFP so any of you guys can hop on and try it. |
yes please!
Well, as soon as I can get the pw changed I'ma make my acct TFP-public. Right now I can't change it and I'm a bad, bad person and re-use some passwords, so gotta wait til then :p
Mordekaiser is pretty darn fun. Kudos to riot for that. Although I'm surprised they made another mana-less hero, I thought that those 3 were meant to be abnormal?
I wonder if they'll make a rage mechanic champ? (one that can't use his abilities until he takes dmg/deals dmg but are very strong abilities once he can use them.) |
There's a lot of fun resource systems coming. Right now we have health, mana, cooldowns, and corki's ult uses ammo as well. Ammo and energy (much faster regen, much smaller pool) are also being developed for more widespread use.
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