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Lasereth 03-06-2010 08:59 PM

Just got my third quadra kill. I got it as Mordekaiser. I also got a triple kill that match also. Jesus H that was a rape match. They had 4 physical DPSers so I stacked armor. One fight was me and Warwick vs Ashe, Yi, Teemo, and Warwick. They immediately took Warwick out but then I triple killed all of them but Teemo and had Teemo running for his life ha ha ha ha ha. I sent the minion after him and it almost got him.

Mordekaiser FTW

Jozrael 03-07-2010 08:15 PM

Mord scares the crap out of me, tbh. I'm very cautious of him when he's on the other team.

Jozrael 03-08-2010 08:18 AM

:( poor vault. We had two inhibs down and were holding off on finishing the game cuz we hoped you would reconnect. They surrendered instantly at 25 :(. Sorry bro.

Lasereth 03-09-2010 07:28 AM

Uber Mordekaiser build from Lasereth®:

3x Heart of Gold
Spirit Visage
Force of Nature
Mercury's Treads

Sell HoG for Sunfire Cape, if you don't have enough gold, then buy Thornmail or Warden's Mail instead.

I've tried every Mord build under the sun including the top rated guides and even the Riot intern guide and none are as good as my build.

Attack damage seems like a good idea on him but it's really not.

BTW this build is the best even if you have a pure tank on your team already.

Jozrael 03-10-2010 08:48 AM

Imo he just doesn't pose enough of a threat lategame to tank him out. Just kill everyone besides him, then focus him down.

Lasereth 03-10-2010 09:09 AM

End game is where he shines for me. He's decent early to mid game but once you start building some decent items the fun starts. I know this is the opposite of what everyone on the forums says but that's my experience after around 15-20 games as him.

Jozrael 03-13-2010 10:57 AM


PM me to get the details!

Please do not share with people outside of TFP.

There is a new installer out today, the game is ONLY up on mondays and thursdays (I think?) right now for limited hours.

Zeraph 03-13-2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jozrael (Post 2767067)

Sign in to bloodline champions with the e-mail address:

Please do not share with people outside of TFP.

There is a new installer out today, the game is ONLY up on mondays and thursdays (I think?) right now for limited hours.

Thanks! You should take that down though, and PM people who ask for it. This is a public part of TFP and comes up on google.

Jozrael 03-13-2010 08:43 PM

They've said it might take til sometime tomorrow for the new pw to propagate to the game server. If it's not up by the time servers are up, I will get it changed again, effective immediately. You will need this torrent for the client.

Zeraph 03-15-2010 04:50 PM

I got in, thanks. But couldn't play any games. I take it it must be down? I didn't see anything that said so, nor on their website. Is there a way to know when I can play?

Jozrael 03-17-2010 06:10 AM

18:00-22:00 GMT+1, Sunday and Monday.

So noon to 4 eastern time, 9am to 1pm pacific. They sometimes keep the servers are for many hours past the specified closing time. I'm not sure if this upcoming week is a stresstest (i.e. they leave the servers up til they crash, but performance degrades after like 8 hours up).

Zeraph 03-22-2010 04:12 PM

lol sigh, so I finally get in to play a bloodline game and of course the first game I enter someone recognizes your name. They're like "Why do you suck?! You were pro at LoL." I just said I hadn't played bloodlines much, gimme a break. Rather than telling them I wasn't you. I figured it was better they think you stink than to let them know about the account shenanigans. Am I right? Or would you like me to tell them the truth?

Jozrael 03-22-2010 07:14 PM

Just say you're my brother playing ;o.

Vaultboy 03-23-2010 07:47 AM

been playing less LoL lately, and i must say that it definitely has increased my concentration, and made me savour the wins more.

Jozrael 03-23-2010 06:22 PM

Nice vault!

I haven't been on LoL lately since my laptop is out of commission, has been for a few days, it should be up and running within the week. I'll come back to dabble (and share time with BLC and SoE @_@) asap!

Vaultboy 03-23-2010 10:50 PM

Oh. My. Word. Last night we got RAPED by Soraka and Taric (buffing Blitz, Shaco and Ezrael). Too much friggin heal and mana spamming.

Jozrael 03-24-2010 04:38 AM


But yea, Taric is considered the 2nd most OP champ atm by Phreak, right after Alistar. Heals are godly atm :s.

Jozrael 03-27-2010 08:00 PM


It's nice to be back.

Vaultboy 03-29-2010 03:14 AM

Well, the MM still needs work - being Level 8 (i.e. out of Noob Island) is not enough. Yesterday I had a Level 18 Shaco on my team that went 0-14-0!!!

I didn't think it was possible to go 0-14 with Shaco, but he was never even in the same game as us. Kept dying solo in jungle, pushing too far, or trying to 1v3.

Either MM does not appropriately bracket ELO, or his ELO is carried by the team, although I don't see many teams being able to win with a teamie who feeds to such an extent.

Lasereth 03-29-2010 04:14 AM

I've been playing LoL with a premade group lately. Usually 4-5 of us queue at once and I find that it's waaay funner that way. When we lose it doesn't bother me, and when we win it feels even better. Solo queuing is just unbearable now after playing on vent with a premade for 15 or 20 games in a row. Hell even queuing with 1 friend and 3 pubs still sucks.

BTW when Twisted Treeline goes into MM it's gonna turn this game on its head. I can't wait. :)

Vaultboy 03-29-2010 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by Lasereth (Post 2772854)
I've been playing LoL with a premade group lately. Usually 4-5 of us queue at once and I find that it's waaay funner that way. When we lose it doesn't bother me, and when we win it feels even better. Solo queuing is just unbearable now after playing on vent with a premade for 15 or 20 games in a row. Hell even queuing with 1 friend and 3 pubs still sucks.

BTW when Twisted Treeline goes into MM it's gonna turn this game on its head. I can't wait. :)

Yup I agree - I normally premade as well, but all my peeps have been away for a while, so I solo queued (or premade with 1 or 2 others). My W/L streak for the last ten games was 9-1 before I started to solo queue, now its 2-8 :(

And Sky hates to use vent for "pubs". I think teamspeak just makes such a massive difference for any online multiplayer, i don't understand the hate towards using it - even for pub games.

Jozrael 03-29-2010 11:02 AM

@Vault: a level 8 is not out of newb island normally; you were detected as a smurf if you're out of it at that point without a premade. Sorry you had a feeder, he was probably premade with much better people to even out his group's Elo.

@Lasereth: Fantastic news! I can't wait for TT as well :3.

@Vault: Tbh it's not that I don't like vent (with or without pubs), it's that it's often a bad idea based on what's going on IRL around me. However that's ameliorated itself heavily as of late, so I'm much more likely to vent now ^_^ (and have been doing so :D)

Lasereth 03-29-2010 12:41 PM

Joz what do you think about stacking Doran's on TT? People make fun of me when I do it but having 2000 HP at level 10 is great. The games are so short that you don't usually have time to build stage 3 items so the Doran's are great IMO. They give you gigantic stat boosts early game for cheap.

Teemo is so fun on TT. 3x Doran's Shields + 3x Doran's Blades = whatjusthappened in the team fights. Then once you get to 6 it becomes a mushroom forest of doom.

I also think Nunu has a chance of being top tier on TT. My friend Groove has 120ish wins as Nunu and when he plays him on TT it's freaking sick.

---------- Post added at 04:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

On a completely different note, I feel totally ineffective unless I play a carry. If I play the tank, nobody brings the damage. If I play a mage, then I feel like I need soulstealer, and half the time I buy that, I don't get stacks. If I play a healer then there's no DPS.

I hate being cornered into a DPSer!!!!

Jozrael 03-29-2010 03:02 PM

Doran's are amazingly cost effective; if you find the game is ending BEFORE you have 6 doran's items and a bit of cash to spare, you've definitely made the right choice. However, they only sell for 50%, so after that point your effectiveness will diminish. I generally go for 1-2 Doran's items and some mid tier stuff (stuff in the 1-2.5k range).

Nunu has always been staggeringly awesome on TT: the best champion type on their is hybrid. Because of lesser Champions to fill roles in the team, you need to cover more of them. Everyones gotta be able to take a bit of damage, everyones gotta be able to deal it, and ideally everyones gotta have a bit of CC to bring to the table.

Of course movement abilities are much more important on it as well, for running or chasing.

Vaultboy 03-29-2010 09:42 PM

I haven't played TT in a looong while - think it was with you Joz. But I've seen a Mundo pwn on Summoner's rift with 5 Doran's blades and a pair of boots. Was weird, and a little bit scary. So I can dig that Doran's would itemise well on TT.

Zeraph 04-08-2010 06:18 PM

Can anyone comment directly on Kennen? I've been waiting for a DPS energy based guy, as well as a new caster. So I have high hopes. But he's 6300ip ><

I'm mostly curious about how he plays, item builds, etc. The forums are strewn with conflicting info and I trust you guys more (especially if Joz could comment, but I'd love to hear everyone's opinion.)

It sounds a lot like ezrael. Except more AP oriented and you have to go in close to do your damage rather than ezrael's kiting strategy. Seems kind of bad design for a caster. So I'm wondering how that works.

So far I've played with a few, but they've ranged from doing OK, to doing horribly. So I'm really not sure what to make of it.

Jozrael 04-09-2010 03:44 PM

This is obv the caster ninja, dps one comes next (Galren or w.e name was I forget). Tbh I don't have much experience on him right now, I've been busy IRL and playing other games, especially since the patch with the item crash bug. I'm not touching LoL until that's fixed.

I think he's built decently tank/ap, kinda like annie as a stun generator.

Zeraph 04-09-2010 03:51 PM

Is the next one, the DPS ninja, going to be melee or ranged?

Zeraph 04-11-2010 10:07 PM

I bit the bullet and spent 6300 ip for kennen. He is quite fun. Slightly underpowered though. He needs slightly better AP ratios on 2 of his skills (ult and W I think it was.) I sure hope I continue to enjoy him...so much ip...lol, couldn't wait though.

YaWhateva 04-11-2010 10:59 PM

I bought him with the left over RP I had, I kinda regret it. I should have boughten Shen instead. Maybe I just need to play him more.

Zeraph 04-12-2010 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by YaWhateva (Post 2776801)
I bought him with the left over RP I had, I kinda regret it. I should have boughten Shen instead. Maybe I just need to play him more.

Ya, I think its basically because he's a caster without true burst. He does have decent stunning ability though. Problem is you usually have to put yourself in quite a bit of danger though to do it. Power wise there's no way he's worth his price. But he might be fun enough for it to be worth it. If anyone is on the fence, wait till he's free.

---------- Post added at 11:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------

LOL holy shit the server is down AGAIN! How many times is that? Its been down more than its been up lately. I've never seen such bad performance in any online game.

Jozrael 04-12-2010 10:49 AM

Yea, the server is terribad right now. Riot is eating a lot of flak over its maintenance atm, I can't really give any soothing platitudes. Sorry ;(

And keep in mind: price != power. Shen is not supposed to be a powerhouse because hes 6k, although I do agree he is a tad UP. I think his stuns are the best part of him. He's a stun MACHINE in mid-lategame teamfights.

Zeraph 04-21-2010 04:04 PM

Hey Joz (or anyone) do you know anything about long Q times for TT specifically? Its very strange, first time its happened to me. It takes me like 20-40 minutes to get a TT game queued (and then some jack ass Q dodges) but SR queues as normal within a minute or so.

I've talked to several other people, and a few have a similar problem. No word on the official forums though.

Lasereth 04-21-2010 04:20 PM

It does that to me too. I have to start a TT queue, then cancel after 30 seconds or so, then queue again, and it usually goes in within 10 seconds. Weird.

Zeraph 04-21-2010 08:06 PM

Its working fine now. But it was broken for me for 3 or 4 days straight. And even if I cancel, then rejoin that didn't help. I meant it literally took me ~12-40 minutes to get a game.

Vaultboy 04-21-2010 11:20 PM

My ISP is upgrading its network atm, so I've been plagued with terrible latency and spikes in the last few weeks.

So I decided to make a smurf account. MatchMaker is definately screwed: Me and my cousin (also playing on a smurf), were premade yesterday (Levels 4 &5 respectively), and we got teamed with a Level 15, 21, and 22, and played against a team of Levels 30,30, 28, 25, 21!!!

How the fuck can that be fair? I "owned" their solo mid, mind you, ending up with stats of 3-4-2, but we lost 6-33. The lack of masteries and runes do not compensate for being a level 4 & 5 premade. against level 30.

Lasereth 04-22-2010 04:03 AM

The other team were probably a 5-man premade with low ELOs. On my smurf account I get put with level 30s fairly frequently at level 10. I think MM is pretty good at detecting smurf accounts honestly.

Vaultboy 04-22-2010 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lasereth (Post 2780104)
The other team were probably a 5-man premade with low ELOs. On my smurf account I get put with level 30s fairly frequently at level 10. I think MM is pretty good at detecting smurf accounts honestly.

I disagree. My smurf account win ratio was at 0.2 when I got this match.

My normal account hovers at 1.0.

Lasereth 04-22-2010 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Vaultboy (Post 2780148)
I disagree. My smurf account win ratio was at 0.2 when I got this match.

My normal account hovers at 1.0.

The premade may have been THAT BAD though. :lol:

---------- Post added at 11:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------

I agree though, the level difference is enough to make masteries and runes alone be the determining factor, especially early game.

Lasereth 04-22-2010 12:54 PM

Tryndamere buffs next patch. I can't wait. He's one of the funnest champs in the game but he sucks right now.

If you went balls to the wall with runes you could get to your lane at level 1 with 33% crit chance as Trynd. FB much??????

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